Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.ClassAccessor

    protected void generateCanonicalModelClass(MetadataClass metadataClass, Element element, PersistenceUnit persistenceUnit) throws IOException {
        Writer writer = null;
        try {
            ClassAccessor accessor = persistenceUnit.getClassAccessor(metadataClass);
            String qualifiedName = accessor.getAccessibleObjectName();
            String className = getName(qualifiedName);
            String classPackage = getPackage(qualifiedName);
            String qualifiedCanonicalName = persistenceUnit.getQualifiedCanonicalName(qualifiedName);
            String canonicalName = getName(qualifiedCanonicalName);
            String canonicalpackage = getPackage(qualifiedCanonicalName);
            JavaFileObject file = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile(qualifiedCanonicalName, element);
            writer = file.openWriter();
            // Print the package if we have one.
            if (! canonicalpackage.equals("")) {
                writer.append("package " + canonicalpackage + ";\n\n");
            // Go through the accessor list, ignoring any transient accessors
            // to build our attributes and import list.
            ArrayList<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
            HashMap<String, String> imports = new HashMap<String, String>();
            // Import the model class if the canonical class is generated elsewhere.
            if (! classPackage.equals(canonicalpackage)) {
                imports.put(className, qualifiedName);
            for (MappingAccessor mappingAccessor : accessor.getDescriptor().getMappingAccessors()) {
                if (! mappingAccessor.isTransient()) {
                    MetadataAnnotatedElement annotatedElement = mappingAccessor.getAnnotatedElement();
                    // Must go through the mapping accessor for the raw class
                    // since it may be a virtual mapping accessor with an
                    // attribute type.
                    MetadataClass rawClass = mappingAccessor.getRawClass();

                    // NOTE: order of checking is important.
                    String attributeType;
                    String types = className;
                    if (mappingAccessor.isBasic()) {
                        types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(getBoxedType(annotatedElement, rawClass), imports);
                        attributeType =;
                        imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute");
                    } else {
                        if (rawClass.isList()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.ListAttribute");
                        } else if (rawClass.isSet()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.SetAttribute");
                        } else if (rawClass.isMap()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute");
                        } else if (rawClass.isCollection()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.CollectionAttribute");
                        } else {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute");
                        if (mappingAccessor.isMapAccessor()) {
                            if (mappingAccessor.isMappedKeyMapAccessor()) {
                                MetadataClass mapKeyClass = ((MappedKeyMapAccessor) mappingAccessor).getMapKeyClass();
                                types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mapKeyClass.getName(), imports) + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mappingAccessor.getReferenceClassName(), imports);
                            } else {
                                String mapKeyType;
                                if (annotatedElement.isGenericCollectionType()) {
                                    // Grab the map key class from the generic.
                                    mapKeyType = annotatedElement.getGenericType().get(1);
                                } else {
                                    if (mappingAccessor.getReferenceDescriptor().hasIdAccessor()) {
                                        // Grab the id type from the reference descriptor, now there's a handle!
                                        MappingAccessor idAccessor = mappingAccessor.getReferenceDescriptor().getIdAccessors().values().iterator().next();
                                        mapKeyType = idAccessor.getReferenceClassName();
                                    } else {
                                        // We don't know at this point so just use the catch all default.
                                        mapKeyType = TypeVisitor.GENERIC_TYPE;
                                types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mapKeyType, imports) + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mappingAccessor.getReferenceClassName(), imports);
                        } else {
                            types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mappingAccessor.getReferenceClassName(), imports);
                    // Add the mapping attribute to the list of attributes for this class.
                    attributes.add("    public static volatile " + attributeType + "<" + types + "> " + annotatedElement.getAttributeName() + ";\n");
            // Will import the parent as well if needed.
            String parent = writeImportStatements(imports, accessor, writer, persistenceUnit, canonicalpackage);
            // Write out the generation annotations.
            Date date = new Date();
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
            writer.append("@Generated(value=\"EclipseLink-" + Version.getVersion() + ".v" + Version.getBuildDate() + "-r" + Version.getBuildRevision() + "\", date=\"" +  sdf.format(date) + "\")\n");
            writer.append("@StaticMetamodel(" + className + ".class)\n");
            int modifier = accessor.getAccessibleObject().getModifiers();
            writer.append(java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString(modifier) + " class " + canonicalName);
            if (parent == null) {
                writer.append(" { \n\n");
            } else {
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Used to process primary keys and DerivedIds.
    protected MetadataClass getSimplePKType(){
        MetadataDescriptor referenceDescriptor = getReferenceDescriptor();
        ClassAccessor referenceAccessor = referenceDescriptor.getClassAccessor();
        if (referenceAccessor.hasDerivedId()) {
            // Referenced object has a derived ID and must be a simple pk type. 
            // Recurse through to get the simple type.
            return ((ObjectAccessor) referenceDescriptor.getMappingAccessor(referenceDescriptor.getIdAttributeName())).getSimplePKType();
        } else {
            // Validate on their basic mapping.
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the reference metadata descriptor for this accessor.
    public MetadataDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor() {
        ClassAccessor accessor = getProject().getAccessor(getReferenceClassName());
        if (accessor == null) {
            throw ValidationException.classNotListedInPersistenceUnit(getReferenceClassName());
        return accessor.getDescriptor();
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            if (referenceDescriptor.isInheritanceSubclass()) {
                referenceDescriptor = referenceDescriptor.getInheritanceRootDescriptor();
        } else {
            ClassAccessor accessor = getProject().getAccessor(getReferenceClassName());
            referenceDescriptor = (accessor != null) ? accessor.getDescriptor() : null;
            if (referenceDescriptor == null) {
                MetadataProcessor compositeProcessor = getProject().getCompositeProcessor();
                if (compositeProcessor != null) {
                    for (MetadataProject pearProject : compositeProcessor.getPearProjects(getProject())) {
                        accessor = pearProject.getAccessor(getReferenceClassName());
                        if (accessor != null) {
                            referenceDescriptor = accessor.getDescriptor();
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            // 3 - Loop through generated values and set sequences for each.
            for (MetadataClass entityClass : m_generatedValues.keySet()) {
                // Skip setting sequences if our accessor is null, must be a mapped superclass
                ClassAccessor accessor = m_allAccessors.get(entityClass.getName());
                if (accessor != null) {
                    m_generatedValues.get(entityClass).process(accessor.getDescriptor(), sequences, login);
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        // Process/validate the attribute name first if there is one.
        if (hasAttributeName()) {
            // If the mapping is an aggregate object mapping, validate the
            // attribute name existing on the embeddable and update the reference class.
            if (mapping.isAggregateObjectMapping()) {
                ClassAccessor embeddableAccessor = getProject().getEmbeddableAccessor(referenceClass);
                MappingAccessor mappingAccessor = embeddableAccessor.getDescriptor().getMappingAccessor(getAttributeName());
                if (mappingAccessor == null) {
                    throw ValidationException.embeddableAttributeNameForConvertNotFound(accessor.getJavaClassName(), mapping.getAttributeName(), embeddableAccessor.getJavaClassName(), getAttributeName());

                referenceClass = mappingAccessor.getReferenceClass();
            } else {
                throw ValidationException.invalidMappingForConvertWithAttributeName(accessor.getJavaClassName(), mapping.getAttributeName());
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    protected void generateCanonicalModelClass(MetadataClass metadataClass, Element element, PersistenceUnit persistenceUnit) throws IOException {
        Writer writer = null;
        try {
            ClassAccessor accessor = persistenceUnit.getClassAccessor(metadataClass);
            String qualifiedName = accessor.getAccessibleObjectName();
            String className = getName(qualifiedName);
            String classPackage = getPackage(qualifiedName);
            String qualifiedCanonicalName = persistenceUnit.getQualifiedCanonicalName(qualifiedName);
            String canonicalName = getName(qualifiedCanonicalName);
            String canonicalpackage = getPackage(qualifiedCanonicalName);
            JavaFileObject file = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile(qualifiedCanonicalName, element);
            writer = file.openWriter();
            // Print the package if we have one.
            if (! canonicalpackage.equals("")) {
                writer.append("package " + canonicalpackage + ";\n\n");
            // Go through the accessor list, ignoring any transient accessors
            // to build our attributes and import list.
            ArrayList<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
            HashMap<String, String> imports = new HashMap<String, String>();
            // Import the model class if the canonical class is generated elsewhere.
            if (! classPackage.equals(canonicalpackage)) {
                imports.put(className, qualifiedName);
            for (MappingAccessor mappingAccessor : accessor.getDescriptor().getMappingAccessors()) {
                if (! mappingAccessor.isTransient()) {
                    MetadataAnnotatedElement annotatedElement = mappingAccessor.getAnnotatedElement();
                    // Must go through the mapping accessor for the raw class
                    // since it may be a virtual mapping accessor with an
                    // attribute type.
                    MetadataClass rawClass = mappingAccessor.getRawClass();

                    // NOTE: order of checking is important.
                    String attributeType;
                    String types = className;
                    if (mappingAccessor.isBasic()) {
                        types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(getBoxedType(annotatedElement, rawClass), imports);
                        attributeType =;
                        imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute");
                    } else {
                        if (rawClass.isList()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.ListAttribute");
                        } else if (rawClass.isSet()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.SetAttribute");
                        } else if (rawClass.isMap()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute");
                        } else if (rawClass.isCollection()) {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.CollectionAttribute");
                        } else {
                            attributeType =;
                            imports.put(attributeType, "javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute");
                        if (mappingAccessor.isMapAccessor()) {
                            if (mappingAccessor.isMappedKeyMapAccessor()) {
                                MetadataClass mapKeyClass = ((MappedKeyMapAccessor) mappingAccessor).getMapKeyClass();
                                types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mapKeyClass.getName(), imports) + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mappingAccessor.getReferenceClassName(), imports);
                            } else {
                                String mapKeyType;
                                if (annotatedElement.isGenericCollectionType()) {
                                    // Grab the map key class from the generic.
                                    mapKeyType = annotatedElement.getGenericType().get(1);
                                } else {
                                    if (mappingAccessor.getReferenceDescriptor().hasIdAccessor()) {
                                        // Grab the id type from the reference descriptor, now there's a handle!
                                        MappingAccessor idAccessor = mappingAccessor.getReferenceDescriptor().getIdAccessors().values().iterator().next();
                                        mapKeyType = idAccessor.getReferenceClassName();
                                    } else {
                                        // We don't know at this point so just use the catch all default.
                                        mapKeyType = TypeVisitor.GENERIC_TYPE;
                                types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mapKeyType, imports) + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mappingAccessor.getReferenceClassName(), imports);
                        } else {
                            types = types + ", " + getUnqualifiedType(mappingAccessor.getReferenceClassName(), imports);
                    // Add the mapping attribute to the list of attributes for this class.
                    attributes.add("    public static volatile " + attributeType + "<" + types + "> " + annotatedElement.getAttributeName() + ";\n");
            // Will import the parent as well if needed.
            String parent = writeImportStatements(imports, accessor, writer, persistenceUnit, canonicalpackage);
            // Write out the generation annotations.
            Date date = new Date();
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
            writer.append("@Generated(value=\"EclipseLink-" + Version.getVersion() + ".v" + Version.getBuildDate() + "-r" + Version.getBuildRevision() + "\", date=\"" +  sdf.format(date) + "\")\n");
            writer.append("@StaticMetamodel(" + className + ".class)\n");
            int modifier = accessor.getAccessibleObject().getModifiers();
            writer.append(java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString(modifier) + " class " + canonicalName);
            if (parent == null) {
                writer.append(" { \n\n");
            } else {
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.ClassAccessor

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