Package org.dspace.sort

Examples of org.dspace.sort.SortOption

            // If we don't have a sort column
            if (sortBy == -1)
                // Get the default one
                SortOption so = bi.getSortOption();
                if (so != null)
                    sortBy = so.getNumber();

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            // If we don't have a sort column
            if (sortBy == -1)
                // Get the default one
                SortOption so = bi.getSortOption();
                if (so != null)                            
                    sortBy = so.getNumber();
            else if (bi.isItemIndex() && !bi.isInternalIndex())
                    // If a default sort option is specified by the index, but it isn't
                    // the same as sort option requested, attempt to find an index that
                    // is configured to use that sort by default
                    // This is so that we can then highlight the correct option in the navigation
                    SortOption bso = bi.getSortOption();
                    SortOption so = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy);
                    if ( bso != null && !bso.equals(so))
                        BrowseIndex newBi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(so);
                        if (newBi != null)
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                if (sortBy <= 0 && browseIndex.isMetadataIndex())
                    // Create a dummy sortOption for the metadata sort
                    String dataType = browseIndex.getDataType();
                    String type = ("date".equals(dataType) ? "date" : "text");
                    sortOption = new SortOption(0, browseIndex.getName(), browseIndex.getMetadata(0), type);
                    // If a sorting hasn't been specified
                    if (sortBy <= 0)
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        // we need to make sure that we select from the correct column.  If the sort option
        // is the 0th option then we use sort_value, but if it is one of the others we have
        // to select from that column instead.  Otherwise, we end up missing the focus value
        // to do comparisons in other columns.  The use of the focus value needs to be consistent
        // across the browse
        SortOption so = scope.getSortOption();
        if (so == null || so.getNumber() == 0)
            if (browseIndex.getSortOption() != null)
                so = browseIndex.getSortOption();

        String col = "sort_1";
        if (so.getNumber() > 0)
            col = "sort_" + Integer.toString(so.getNumber());

        // now get the DAO to do the query for us, returning the highest
        // string value in the given column in the given table for the
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        // we need to make sure that we select from the correct column.  If the sort option
        // is the 0th option then we use sort_value, but if it is one of the others we have
        // to select from that column instead.  Otherwise, we end up missing the focus value
        // to do comparisons in other columns.  The use of the focus value needs to be consistent
        // across the browse
        SortOption so = scope.getSortOption();
        if (so == null || so.getNumber() == 0)
            if (browseIndex.getSortOption() != null)
                so = browseIndex.getSortOption();

        String col = "sort_1";
        if (so.getNumber() > 0)
            col = "sort_" + Integer.toString(so.getNumber());

        // now get the DAO to do the query for us, returning the highest
        // string value in the given column in the given table for the
        // item (I think)
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        // As different indexes / sort options may require different columns to be displayed
        // try to obtain a custom configuration based for the browse that has been performed
        if (browseInfo != null)
            SortOption so = browseInfo.getSortOption();
            BrowseIndex bix = browseInfo.getBrowseIndex();

            // We have obtained the index that was used for this browse
            if (bix != null)
                // First, try to get a configuration for this browse and sort option combined
                if (so != null && browseListLine == null)
                    browseListLine  = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".sort." + so.getName() + ".columns");
                    browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".sort." + so.getName() + ".widths");

                // We haven't got a sort option defined, so get one for the index
                // - it may be required later
                if (so == null)
                    so = bix.getSortOption();

            // If no config found, attempt to get one for this sort option
            if (so != null && browseListLine == null)
                browseListLine  = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + so.getName() + ".columns");
                browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.sort." + so.getName() + ".widths");

            // If no config found, attempt to get one for this browse index
            if (bix != null && browseListLine == null)
                browseListLine  = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".columns");
                browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist.browse." + bix.getName() + ".widths");

            // If no config found, attempt to get a general one, using the sort name
            if (so != null && browseListLine == null)
                browseListLine  = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + so.getName() + ".columns");
                browseWidthLine = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("webui.itemlist." + so.getName() + ".widths");

            // If no config found, attempt to get a general one, using the index name
            if (bix != null && browseListLine == null)
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            // If we don't have a sort column
            if (bi != null && sortBy == -1)
                // Get the default one
                SortOption so = bi.getSortOption();
                if (so != null)
                    sortBy = so.getNumber();
            else if (bi != null && bi.isItemIndex() && !bi.isInternalIndex())
                // If a default sort option is specified by the index, but it isn't
                // the same as sort option requested, attempt to find an index that
                // is configured to use that sort by default
                // This is so that we can then highlight the correct option in the navigation
                SortOption bso = bi.getSortOption();
                SortOption so = SortOption.getSortOption(sortBy);
                if ( bso != null && bso.equals(so))
                    BrowseIndex newBi = BrowseIndex.getBrowseIndex(so);
                    if (newBi != null)
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            // If we don't have a sort column
            if (sortBy == -1)
                // Get the default one
                SortOption so = bi.getSortOption();
                if (so != null)
                    sortBy = so.getNumber();

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Related Classes of org.dspace.sort.SortOption

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