Package org.drools.lang.descr

Examples of org.drools.lang.descr.TypeDeclarationDescr


            //descriptor needs fields inherited from superclass
            if ( typeDescr instanceof TypeDeclarationDescr ) {
                TypeDeclarationDescr tDescr = (TypeDeclarationDescr) typeDescr;
                for ( QualifiedName qname : tDescr.getSuperTypes() ) {
                    //descriptor needs fields inherited from superclass
                    if ( mergeInheritedFields( tDescr ) ) {
                        //descriptor also needs metadata from superclass
                        for (AbstractClassTypeDeclarationDescr descr : sortedTypeDescriptors) {
                            // sortedTypeDescriptors are sorted by inheritance order, so we'll always find the superClass (if any) before the subclass
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        // extracts type, supertype and interfaces
        String fullName = typeDescr.getType().getFullName();

        if ( type.getKind().equals( TypeDeclaration.Kind.CLASS ) ) {
            TypeDeclarationDescr tdescr = (TypeDeclarationDescr) typeDescr;
            if ( tdescr.getSuperTypes().size() > 1 ) {
                this.results.add( new TypeDeclarationError( typeDescr, "Declared class " + fullName + "  - has more than one supertype;" ) );
            } else if (tdescr.getSuperTypes().isEmpty()) {
                tdescr.addSuperType( "java.lang.Object" );

        boolean traitable = typeDescr.getAnnotation( Traitable.class.getSimpleName() ) != null;
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                    if ( ! Thing.class.isAssignableFrom( resolvedType ) ) {
                        updateTraitDefinition( type,
                                               resolvedType );

                        String target = typeDescr.getTypeName() + TraitFactory.SUFFIX;
                        TypeDeclarationDescr tempDescr = new TypeDeclarationDescr();
                        tempDescr.setNamespace( typeDescr.getNamespace() );
                        tempDescr.setFields( typeDescr.getFields() );
                        tempDescr.setType( target,
                                           typeDescr.getNamespace() );
                        tempDescr.addSuperType( typeDescr.getType() );
                        TypeDeclaration tempDeclr = new TypeDeclaration( target );
                        tempDeclr.setKind( TypeDeclaration.Kind.TRAIT );
                        tempDeclr.setTypesafe( type.isTypesafe() );
                        tempDeclr.setNovel( true );
                        tempDeclr.setTypeClassName( tempDescr.getType().getFullName() );
                        tempDeclr.setResource( type.getResource() );

                        ClassDefinition tempDef = new ClassDefinition( target );
                        tempDef.setClassName( tempDescr.getType().getFullName() );
                        tempDef.setTraitable( false );
                        for (FieldDefinition fld : def.getFieldsDefinitions()) {
                            tempDef.addField( fld );
                        tempDef.setInterfaces( def.getInterfaces() );
                        tempDef.setSuperClass( def.getClassName() );
                        tempDef.setDefinedClass( resolvedType );
                        tempDef.setAbstrakt( true );
                        tempDeclr.setTypeClassDef( tempDef );

                        type.setKind( TypeDeclaration.Kind.CLASS );

                        generateDeclaredBean( tempDescr,
                                              tempDef );
                        try {
                            Class<?> clazz = pkgRegistry.getTypeResolver().resolveType( tempDescr.getType().getFullName() );
                            tempDeclr.setTypeClass( clazz );
                        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) {
                            this.results.add( new TypeDeclarationError( typeDescr,
                                                                        "Internal Trait extension Class '" + target +
                                                                        "' could not be generated correctly'" ) );
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    private List<TypeDeclarationDescr> getDeclaredTypeHierachy(TypeDeclarationDescr td,
                                                               List< ? > jars) {
        List<TypeDeclarationDescr> th = new ArrayList<TypeDeclarationDescr>();
        th.add( td );
        TypeDeclarationDescr std;
        while ( (std = getDeclaredSuperType( td )) != null ) {
            th.add( std );
            td = std;

        //If the super-most class has been imported attempt to make a pseudo TypeDeclaration for the imported class
        if ( this.pkgDescr.getImports().size() > 0 ) {
            for ( ImportDescr imp : this.pkgDescr.getImports() ) {
                if ( imp.getTarget().endsWith( "." + td.getTypeName() ) ) {
                    TypeDeclarationDescr pseudoTypeDeclr = makePseudoTypeDeclarationDescrFromSuperClassType( imp.getTarget(),
                                                                                                             jars );
                    if ( pseudoTypeDeclr != null ) {
                        th.add( pseudoTypeDeclr );
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            Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
            Map<String, MethodSignature> methodSignatures = getMethodSignatures( className,
                                                                                 methods );

            TypeDeclarationDescr td = new TypeDeclarationDescr();
            td.setTypeName( className );

            for ( Map.Entry<String, MethodSignature> e : methodSignatures.entrySet() ) {
                if ( e.getValue().accessorAndMutator == FieldAccessorsAndMutators.BOTH ) {
                    String fieldShortName = getShortNameOfClass( e.getKey() );
                    TypeFieldDescr fieldDescr = new TypeFieldDescr( fieldShortName );
                    PatternDescr patternDescr = new PatternDescr( e.getValue().returnType.getName() );
                    fieldDescr.setPattern( patternDescr );
                    td.addField( fieldDescr );
            return td;

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                if ( mergeInheritedFields(typeDescr) ) {
                    //descriptor also needs metadata from superclass
                    Iterator<TypeDeclarationDescr> iter = sortedTypeDescriptors.iterator();
                    while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
                        // sortedTypeDescriptors are sorted by inheritance order, so we'll always find the superClass (if any) before the subclass
                        TypeDeclarationDescr descr =;
                        if ( (typeDescr.getSuperTypeName().equals( descr.getTypeName() ) &&
                              typeDescr.getSuperTypeNamespace().equals( descr.getNamespace() )) ) {
                            typeDescr.getAnnotations().putAll( descr.getAnnotations() );
                        } else if ( (typeDescr.getTypeName().equals( descr.getTypeName() ) &&
                                     typeDescr.getNamespace().equals( descr.getNamespace() )) ) {
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        final List<TypeDeclarationDescr> declarations = pkg.getTypeDeclarations();

        assertEquals( 2,
                      declarations.size() );

        TypeDeclarationDescr descr = declarations.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "CallEvent",
                      descr.getTypeName() );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      descr.getAnnotationNames().size() );
        assertEquals( "event",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "role" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "class" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "duration",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "duration" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "timestamp",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "timestamp" ).getValue() );
        assertNull( descr.getAnnotation( "FOO" ) );

        descr = declarations.get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "some.pkg.Type",
                      descr.getTypeName() );
        assertEquals( 5,
                      descr.getAnnotationNames().size() );
        assertNotNull( descr.getAnnotation( "name1" ) );
        assertEquals( "\"value\"",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "name2" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "10",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "name3" ).getValue( "k1" ) );
        assertEquals( "\"a\"",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name4" ).getValue( "k1" ) );
        assertEquals( "Math.max( 10 + 25, 22 ) % 2 + someVariable",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name4" ).getValue( "formula" ) );
        assertEquals( "{ a, b, c }",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name4" ).getValue( "array" ) );
        assertEquals( "backward compatible value",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name5" ).getValue() );
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        List<TypeDeclarationDescr> td = pkg.getTypeDeclarations();
        assertEquals( 3,
                      td.size() );

        TypeDeclarationDescr d = td.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "SomeFact",
                          d.getTypeName() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                          d.getFields().size() );
        assertTrue( d.getFields().containsKey( "name" ) );
        assertTrue( d.getFields().containsKey( "age" ) );

        TypeFieldDescr f = d.getFields().get( "name" );
        assertEquals( "String",
                          f.getPattern().getObjectType() );

        f = d.getFields().get( "age" );
        assertEquals( "Integer",
                          f.getPattern().getObjectType() );

        d = td.get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "AnotherFact",
                          d.getTypeName() );

        TypeDeclarationDescr type = td.get( 2 );
        assertEquals( "Person",
                       type.getTypeName() );

        assertEquals( "fact",
                      type.getAnnotation( "role" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "\"Models a person\"",
                      type.getAnnotation( "doc" ).getValue( "descr" ) );
        assertEquals( "\"Bob\"",
                      type.getAnnotation( "doc" ).getValue( "author" ) );
        assertEquals( "Calendar.getInstance().getDate()",
                      type.getAnnotation( "doc" ).getValue( "date" ) );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      type.getFields().size() );
        TypeFieldDescr field = type.getFields().get( "name" );
        assertEquals( "name",
                      field.getFieldName() );
        assertEquals( "String",
                      field.getPattern().getObjectType() );
        assertEquals( "\"John Doe\"",
                      field.getInitExpr() );
        assertEquals( "50",
                      field.getAnnotation( "length" ).getValue( "max" ) );
        assertNotNull( field.getAnnotation( "key" ) );

        field = type.getFields().get( "age" );
        assertEquals( "age",
                      field.getFieldName() );
        assertEquals( "int",
                      field.getPattern().getObjectType() );
        assertEquals( "-1",
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        List<TypeDeclarationDescr> td = pkg.getTypeDeclarations();
        assertEquals( 3,
                      td.size() );

        TypeDeclarationDescr d = td.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "SomeFact",
                          d.getTypeName() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                          d.getFields().size() );
        assertTrue( d.getFields().containsKey( "name" ) );
        assertTrue( d.getFields().containsKey( "age" ) );

        TypeFieldDescr f = d.getFields().get( "name" );
        assertEquals( "String",
                          f.getPattern().getObjectType() );

        f = d.getFields().get( "age" );
        assertEquals( "Integer",
                          f.getPattern().getObjectType() );

        d = td.get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "AnotherFact",
                          d.getTypeName() );

        TypeDeclarationDescr type = td.get( 2 );
        assertEquals( "Person",
                       type.getTypeName() );

        assertEquals( "fact",
                      type.getAnnotation( "role" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "\"Models a person\"",
                      type.getAnnotation( "doc" ).getValue( "descr" ) );
        assertEquals( "\"Bob\"",
                      type.getAnnotation( "doc" ).getValue( "author" ) );
        assertEquals( "Calendar.getInstance().getDate()",
                      type.getAnnotation( "doc" ).getValue( "date" ) );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      type.getFields().size() );
        TypeFieldDescr field = type.getFields().get( "name" );
        assertEquals( "name",
                      field.getFieldName() );
        assertEquals( "String",
                      field.getPattern().getObjectType() );
        assertEquals( "\"John Doe\"",
                      field.getInitExpr() );
        assertEquals( "50",
                      field.getAnnotation( "length" ).getValue( "max" ) );
        assertNotNull( field.getAnnotation( "key" ) );

        field = type.getFields().get( "age" );
        assertEquals( "age",
                      field.getFieldName() );
        assertEquals( "int",
                      field.getPattern().getObjectType() );
        assertEquals( "-1",
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        final List<TypeDeclarationDescr> declarations = pkg.getTypeDeclarations();

        assertEquals( 2,
                      declarations.size() );

        TypeDeclarationDescr descr = declarations.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "CallEvent",
                      descr.getTypeName() );
        assertEquals( 4,
                      descr.getAnnotationNames().size() );
        assertEquals( "event",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "role" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "class" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "duration",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "duration" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "timestamp",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "timestamp" ).getValue() );
        assertNull( descr.getAnnotation( "FOO" ) );

        descr = declarations.get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "some.pkg.Type",
                      descr.getTypeName() );
        assertEquals( 5,
                      descr.getAnnotationNames().size() );
        assertNotNull( descr.getAnnotation( "name1" ) );
        assertEquals( "\"value\"",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "name2" ).getValue() );
        assertEquals( "10",
                          descr.getAnnotation( "name3" ).getValue( "k1" ) );
        assertEquals( "\"a\"",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name4" ).getValue( "k1" ) );
        assertEquals( "Math.max( 10 + 25, 22 ) % 2 + someVariable",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name4" ).getValue( "formula" ) );
        assertEquals( "{ a, b, c }",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name4" ).getValue( "array" ) );
        assertEquals( "backward compatible value",
                      descr.getAnnotation( "name5" ).getValue() );
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Related Classes of org.drools.lang.descr.TypeDeclarationDescr

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