Package org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl

Examples of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.RuleModel

                      fp0Clone.isNegated() );

    public void testFactPattern_CEPWindow() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );
        fp0.setNegated( true );
        CEPWindow cepWindow0 = new CEPWindow();
        cepWindow0.setOperator( SuggestionCompletionEngine.getCEPWindowOperators().get( 0 ) );
        cepWindow0.setParameter( "cepWindow0P0",
                                 "cepWindow0P0Value" );
        cepWindow0.setParameter( "cepWindow0P1",
                                 "cepWindow0P1Value" );
        fp0.setWindow( cepWindow0 );
        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      cepWindow0Clone.getParameter( "cepWindow0P1" ) );

    public void testFactPattern_SingleFieldConstraints() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        sfc0.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        sfc0.setFieldBinding( "$sfc0" );
        sfc0.setFieldName( "sfc0" );
        sfc0.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        sfc0.setOperator( "==" );
        sfc0.setParameter( "sfc0p0",
                           "sfc0p0Value" );
        sfc0.setValue( "sfc0Value" );
        fp0.addConstraint( sfc0 );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc1 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        sfc1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        sfc1.setFieldBinding( "$sfc1" );
        sfc1.setFieldName( "sfc1" );
        sfc1.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        sfc1.setOperator( "==" );
        sfc1.setParameter( "sfc1p0",
                           "sfc1p0Value" );
        sfc1.setValue( "sfc1Value" );
        fp0.addConstraint( sfc1 );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      sfc1Clone.getValue() );

    public void testFactPattern_ConnectiveConstraints() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        sfc0.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        sfc0.setFieldBinding( "$sfc0" );
        sfc0.setFieldName( "sfc0" );
        sfc0.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        sfc0.setOperator( "==" );
        sfc0.setParameter( "sfc0p0",
                           "sfc0p0Value" );
        sfc0.setValue( "sfc0Value" );
        fp0.addConstraint( sfc0 );

        ConnectiveConstraint sfc0cc0 = sfc0.connectives[0];
        sfc0cc0.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        sfc0cc0.setFieldName( "sfc0" );
        sfc0cc0.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        sfc0cc0.setOperator( "|| ==" );
        sfc0cc0.setParameter( "sfc0cc0p0",
                              "sfc0cc0p0Value" );
        sfc0cc0.setValue( "sfc0cc0Value" );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      sfc0cc0Clone.getValue() );

    public void testFactPattern_CompositeFieldConstraints() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );

        CompositeFieldConstraint cfc0 = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        cfc0.compositeJunctionType = CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR;

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        sfc0.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        sfc0.setFieldBinding( "$sfc0" );
        sfc0.setFieldName( "sfc0" );
        sfc0.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        sfc0.setOperator( "==" );
        sfc0.setParameter( "sfc0p0",
                           "sfc0p0Value" );
        sfc0.setValue( "sfc0Value" );
        cfc0.addConstraint( sfc0 );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc1 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        sfc1.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        sfc1.setFieldBinding( "$sfc1" );
        sfc1.setFieldName( "sfc1" );
        sfc1.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        sfc1.setOperator( "==" );
        sfc1.setParameter( "sfc1p0",
                           "sfc1p0Value" );
        sfc1.setValue( "sfc1Value" );
        cfc0.addConstraint( sfc1 );

        fp0.addConstraint( cfc0 );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      sfc1Clone.getValue() );

    public void testFactPattern_ExpressionFormLine() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        ExpressionFormLine efl0 = new ExpressionFormLine();
        efl0.setBinding( "$efl0" );
        ExpressionText efl0p0 = new ExpressionText( "efl0p0" );
        efl0.appendPart( efl0p0 );
        sfc0.setExpressionValue( efl0 );
        fp0.addConstraint( sfc0 );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      efl0Clone.getCurrentName() );

    public void testFactPattern_SingleFieldConstraintEBLeftSide() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );

        SingleFieldConstraintEBLeftSide sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraintEBLeftSide();

        ExpressionFormLine eflhs0 = new ExpressionFormLine();
        eflhs0.setBinding( "$eflhs0" );
        ExpressionText eflhs0p0 = new ExpressionText( "eflhs0p0" );
        eflhs0.appendPart( eflhs0p0 );
        sfc0.setExpressionLeftSide( eflhs0 );

        ExpressionFormLine efl0 = new ExpressionFormLine();
        efl0.setBinding( "$efl0" );
        ExpressionText efl0p0 = new ExpressionText( "efl0p0" );
        efl0.appendPart( efl0p0 );
        sfc0.setExpressionValue( efl0 );

        fp0.addConstraint( sfc0 );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      efl0Clone.getCurrentName() );

    public void testCompositeFactPatterns() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        CompositeFactPattern cfp0 = new CompositeFactPattern();
        cfp0.type = CompositeFactPattern.COMPOSITE_TYPE_OR;

        FactPattern fp0 = new FactPattern();
        fp0.setBoundName( "$t0" );
        fp0.setFactType( "FT0" );
        fp0.setNegated( true );

        SingleFieldConstraint fp0sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        fp0sfc0.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        fp0sfc0.setFieldBinding( "$fp0sfc0" );
        fp0sfc0.setFieldName( "fp0sfc0" );
        fp0sfc0.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        fp0sfc0.setOperator( "==" );
        fp0sfc0.setParameter( "fp0sfc0p0",
                              "fp0sfc0p0Value" );
        fp0sfc0.setValue( "fp0sfc0Value" );
        fp0.addConstraint( fp0sfc0 );

        FactPattern fp1 = new FactPattern();
        fp1.setBoundName( "$t1" );
        fp1.setFactType( "FT1" );
        fp1.setNegated( true );

        SingleFieldConstraint fp1sfc0 = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        fp1sfc0.setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        fp1sfc0.setFieldBinding( "$fp1sfc0" );
        fp1sfc0.setFieldName( "fp1sfc0" );
        fp1sfc0.setFieldType( SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING );
        fp1sfc0.setOperator( "==" );
        fp1sfc0.setParameter( "fp1sfc0p0",
                              "fp1sfc0p0Value" );
        fp1sfc0.setValue( "fp1sfc0Value" );
        fp1.addConstraint( fp1sfc0 );

        cfp0.addFactPattern( fp0 );
        cfp0.addFactPattern( fp1 );

        model.lhs[0] = cfp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      fp1sfc0Clone.getValue() );

    public void testFreeFormLine() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FreeFormLine ffl0 = new FreeFormLine();
        ffl0.text = "ffl0";
        model.lhs[0] = ffl0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      ffl0Clone.text );

    public void testFromAccumulateCompositeFactPattern() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FromAccumulateCompositeFactPattern fp0 = new FromAccumulateCompositeFactPattern();
        fp0.setActionCode( "fp0.actionCode" );
        ExpressionFormLine efl0 = new ExpressionFormLine();
        efl0.setBinding( "$efl0" );
        ExpressionText efl0p0 = new ExpressionText( "efl0p0" );
        efl0.appendPart( efl0p0 );
        fp0.setExpression( efl0 );
        FactPattern fp0FactPattern = new FactPattern( "fp0FactPattern" );
        fp0.setFactPattern( fp0FactPattern );
        fp0.setFunction( "fp0.function" );
        fp0.setInitCode( "fp0.initCode" );
        fp0.setResultCode( "fp0.resultCode" );
        fp0.setReverseCode( "fp0.reverseCode" );
        FactPattern fp0SourcePattern = new FactPattern( "fp0SourcePattern" );
        fp0.setSourcePattern( fp0SourcePattern );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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                      fp0SourcePatternClone.getFactType() );

    public void testFromCollectCompositeFactPattern() {
        RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        FromCollectCompositeFactPattern fp0 = new FromCollectCompositeFactPattern();
        ExpressionFormLine efl0 = new ExpressionFormLine();
        efl0.setBinding( "$efl0" );
        ExpressionText efl0p0 = new ExpressionText( "efl0p0" );
        efl0.appendPart( efl0p0 );
        fp0.setExpression( efl0 );
        FactPattern fp0FactPattern = new FactPattern( "fp0FactPattern" );
        fp0.setFactPattern( fp0FactPattern );
        FactPattern fp0RightPattern = new FactPattern( "fp0RightPattern" );
        fp0.setRightPattern( fp0RightPattern );

        model.lhs[0] = fp0;

        RuleModelCloneVisitor cloneVisitor = new RuleModelCloneVisitor();
        RuleModel clone = cloneVisitor.visitRuleModel( model );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      clone.lhs.length );
        assertNotSame( model.lhs[0],
                       clone.lhs[0] );
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Related Classes of org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.RuleModel

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