Package org.drools.core.reteoo

Examples of org.drools.core.reteoo.LeftTupleSink

            os = os.getParentObjectSource();
        ObjectTypeNode otn = (ObjectTypeNode) os;
        final ObjectTypeNodeMemory omem = (ObjectTypeNodeMemory) wm.getNodeMemory(otn);
        Iterator it = omem.getObjectHashSet().iterator();
        LeftTupleSink firstLiaSink = lian.getSinkPropagator().getFirstLeftTupleSink();

        for (ObjectEntry entry = (ObjectEntry); entry != null; entry = (ObjectEntry) {
            InternalFactHandle fh = (InternalFactHandle) entry.getValue();
            if (fh.getFirstLeftTuple() != null ) {
                for (LeftTuple childLt = fh.getFirstLeftTuple(); childLt != null; childLt = childLt.getLeftParentNext()) {
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            String name = a[0].trim();
            String leftInput = a[1].trim();

            LeftTupleSource leftTupleSource = (LeftTupleSource) context.get( leftInput );

            LeftTupleSink mockedSink = Mockito.mock( LeftTupleSink.class,
                                                     Mockito.withSettings().extraInterfaces( DSLMock.class ) );

            Mockito.when( mockedSink.createLeftTuple( (InternalFactHandle) anyObject(), (LeftTupleSink) anyObject(), anyBoolean() ) ).thenAnswer( new Answer() {

                public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                    Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();                  
                    return new LeftTupleImpl((InternalFactHandle)args[0], (LeftTupleSink)args[1], ((Boolean)args[2]).booleanValue()  );
            Mockito.when( mockedSink.createLeftTuple( (LeftTuple) anyObject(), (LeftTupleSink) anyObject()(PropagationContext) anyObject(), anyBoolean()) ).thenAnswer( new Answer() {

                public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                    Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();                  
                    return new LeftTupleImpl((LeftTuple)args[0], (LeftTupleSink)args[1], (PropagationContext) args[2] , ((Boolean)args[3]).booleanValue()  );
            Mockito.when( mockedSink.createLeftTuple( (LeftTuple) anyObject(), (RightTuple) anyObject(), (LeftTupleSink) anyObject()) ).thenAnswer( new Answer() {
                public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                    Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();                  
                    return new LeftTupleImpl((LeftTuple)args[0], (RightTuple)args[1], (LeftTupleSink) args[2] );
            Mockito.when( mockedSink.createLeftTuple( (LeftTuple) anyObject(), (RightTuple) anyObject()(LeftTuple) anyObject(), (LeftTuple) anyObject(), (LeftTupleSink) anyObject(), anyBoolean()) ).thenAnswer( new Answer() {
                public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                    Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();                  
                    return new LeftTupleImpl((LeftTuple)args[0], (RightTuple)args[1], (LeftTuple)args[2], (LeftTuple)args[3], (LeftTupleSink)args[4], ((Boolean)args[5]).booleanValue() );
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        if (entry.isResumeFromNextNode()) {
            SegmentMemory smem = smems[smemIndex];
            if (node != smem.getTipNode()) {
                // get next node and node memory in the segment
                LeftTupleSink nextSink = sink.getNextLeftTupleSinkNode();
                if (nextSink == null) {
                    node = sink;
                } else {
                    // there is a nested subnetwork, take out path
                    node = nextSink;
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            readFactHandles( context,
                             ( (NamedEntryPoint) wmep ).getObjectStore() );
        InternalFactHandle handle = context.wm.getInitialFactHandle();
        while ( == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
            LeftTupleSink sink = (LeftTupleSink) context.sinks.get( );
            LeftTuple leftTuple = sink.createLeftTuple( handle,
                                                        true );
            readLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                           context );
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            ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
            int nodeId = stream.readInt();
            LeftTupleSink sink = (LeftTupleSink) context.sinks.get( nodeId );
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            LeftTuple leftTuple = sink.createLeftTuple( context.handles.get( factHandleId ),
                                                        true );
            readLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                           context );
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            MarshallerReaderContext context ) throws IOException,
            ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        Map<Integer, BaseNode> sinks = context.sinks;

        LeftTupleSink sink = parentLeftTuple.getLeftTupleSink();

        switch (sink.getType()) {
            case NodeTypeEnums.JoinNode: {
                BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                addToLeftMemory( parentLeftTuple,
                                 memory );

                while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE) {
                    int childSinkId = stream.readInt();
                    LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( childSinkId );
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           sink );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );
                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = childSink.createLeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                          true );
                    readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                   context );

            case NodeTypeEnums.EvalConditionNode: {
                while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
                    LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = childSink.createLeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                          parentLeftTuple.getPropagationContext(), true);
                    readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                   context );
            case NodeTypeEnums.NotNode:
            case NodeTypeEnums.ForallNotNode: {
                BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                int type = stream.readShort();
                if (type == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE_NOT_BLOCKED) {
                    addToLeftMemory( parentLeftTuple,
                                     memory );

                    while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
                        LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                        LeftTuple childLeftTuple = childSink.createLeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                              parentLeftTuple.getPropagationContext(), true);
                        readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                       context );

                } else {
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           sink );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );

                    parentLeftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                    rightTuple.addBlocked( parentLeftTuple );
            case NodeTypeEnums.ExistsNode: {
                BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                int type = stream.readShort();
                if (type == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE_NOT_BLOCKED) {
                    addToLeftMemory( parentLeftTuple,
                                     memory );
                } else {
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           sink );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );

                    parentLeftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                    rightTuple.addBlocked( parentLeftTuple );

                    while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
                        LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                        LeftTuple childLeftTuple = childSink.createLeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                              parentLeftTuple.getPropagationContext(), true);
                        readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                       context );
            case NodeTypeEnums.AccumulateNode: {
                // accumulate nodes generate new facts on-demand and need special procedures when de-serializing from persistent storage
                AccumulateMemory memory = (AccumulateMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                memory.betaMemory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );

                AccumulateContext accctx = new AccumulateContext();
                parentLeftTuple.setObject( accctx );

                // first we de-serialize the generated fact handle
                InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                accctx.result = new RightTuple( handle,
                                                (RightTupleSink) sink );

                // then we de-serialize the associated accumulation context
                accctx.context = (Serializable[]) stream.readObject();
                // then we de-serialize the boolean propagated flag
                accctx.propagated = stream.readBoolean();

                // then we de-serialize all the propagated tuples
                short head = -1;
                while (( head = stream.readShort() ) != PersisterEnums.END) {
                    switch (head) {
                        case PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE: {
                            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                            RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                                   sink );
                            RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );
                            // just wiring up the match record
                            sink.createLeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                  true );
                        case PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE: {
                            int sinkId = stream.readInt();
                            LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( sinkId );
                            LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTupleImpl( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                          true );
                            readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                           context );
                        default: {
                            throw new RuntimeDroolsException(
                                                              "Marshalling error. This is a bug. Please contact the development team." );
            case NodeTypeEnums.RightInputAdaterNode: {
                // RIANs generate new fact handles on-demand to wrap tuples and need special procedures when de-serializing from persistent storage
                ObjectHashMap memory = (ObjectHashMap) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) sink );
                // create fact handle
                int id = stream.readInt();
                long recency = stream.readLong();
                InternalFactHandle handle = new DefaultFactHandle(
                                                                   context.wm.getEntryPoints().get( EntryPoint.DEFAULT.getEntryPointId() ) );
                memory.put( parentLeftTuple,
                            handle );

                readRightTuples( handle,
                                 context );

                stream.readShort(); // Persistence.END
            case NodeTypeEnums.FromNode: {
                //              context.out.println( "FromNode" );
                // FNs generate new fact handles on-demand to wrap objects and need special procedures when serializing to persistent storage
                FromMemory memory = (FromMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (MemoryFactory) sink );

                memory.betaMemory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );
                Map<Object, RightTuple> matches = new LinkedHashMap<Object, RightTuple>();
                parentLeftTuple.setObject( matches );

                while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.FACT_HANDLE) {
                    // we de-serialize the generated fact handle ID
                    InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                    context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                         handle );
                    readRightTuples( handle,
                                     context );
                    matches.put( handle.getObject(),
                                 handle.getFirstRightTuple() );
                while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE) {
                    LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           null ); // created tuples in from node always use null sink
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );
                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTupleImpl( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                  true );
                    readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                   context );
                //                context.out.println( "FromNode   ---   END" );
            case NodeTypeEnums.UnificationNode: {
                boolean isOpen = context.readBoolean();

                if (isOpen) {
                    QueryElementNode node = (QueryElementNode) sink;
                    InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                    context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                         handle );
                    node.createDroolsQuery( parentLeftTuple,
                                            null, // @TODO this should probably pass correct arguments (mdp)
                                            context.wm );
                    readLeftTuples( context );
                } else {
                    while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
                        LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                        // we de-serialize the generated fact handle ID
                        InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                        context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                             handle );
                        RightTuple rightTuple = new RightTuple( handle );
                        // @TODO check if open query
                        LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTupleImpl( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                      true );
                        readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                       context );
            case NodeTypeEnums.RuleTerminalNode: {
                int pos = context.terminalTupleMap.size();
                context.terminalTupleMap.put( pos,
                                              parentLeftTuple );
            case NodeTypeEnums.QueryTerminalNode: {
                boolean unificationNode = context.readBoolean();
                if (unificationNode) {
                    // we de-serialize the generated fact handle ID
                    InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                    context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                         handle );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = new RightTuple( handle );
                    parentLeftTuple.setObject( rightTuple );

                    LeftTuple entry = parentLeftTuple;

                    // find the DroolsQuery object
                    while (entry.getParent() != null) {
                        entry = entry.getParent();
                    DroolsQuery query = (DroolsQuery) entry.getLastHandle().getObject();
                    LeftTuple leftTuple = ( (UnificationNodeViewChangedEventListener) query.getQueryResultCollector() ).getLeftTuple();

                    while (stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE) {
                        LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                        // @TODO check if open query!!!
                        LeftTuple childLeftTuple = childSink.createLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                                                                              childSink );
                        readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                       context );
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             if (NodeTypeEnums.LeftInputAdapterNode == splitStartNode.getType() && splitStartNode.getAssociations().size() == 1) {
                 // rule added with no sharing
                 deleteLiaFacts(splitStartNode, wm);

             LeftTupleSink sink;
             if ( splitStartNode.getAssociations().size() == 1 ) {
                 // there is no sharing, so get the node after the root of the only SegmentMemory
                 SegmentMemory sm =  removedPmem.getSegmentMemories()[s];
                 if ( sm == null ) {
                     continue; // this rule has not been initialized yet
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     private static void removeTuples(LeftTupleSource splitStartNode, PathMemory pmem, InternalWorkingMemory wm) {
         int smemIndex = getSegmentPos(splitStartNode, null); // index before the segments are merged
         SegmentMemory[] smems = pmem.getSegmentMemories();
         SegmentMemory sm;
         LeftTupleSink sink;
         Memory mem;
         if ( smems.length == 1 ) {
             // there is no sharing
             sm = smems[0];
             if ( sm == null ) {
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     private static void initNewSegment(LeftTupleSource splitStartLeftTupleSource, InternalWorkingMemory wm, SegmentMemory sm) {// Initialise new SegmentMemory
         LeftTupleSinkNode peerLts = splitStartLeftTupleSource.getSinkPropagator().getLastLeftTupleSink();

         if ( NodeTypeEnums.isBetaNode(peerLts) && ((BetaNode)peerLts).isRightInputIsRiaNode() ) {
             LeftTupleSink subNetworkLts = peerLts.getPreviousLeftTupleSinkNode();

             Memory memory = wm.getNodeMemory((MemoryFactory) subNetworkLts);
             SegmentMemory newSmem = SegmentUtilities.createChildSegment(wm, peerLts, memory);
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        RightTupleSinkAdapter liaAdapter = new RightTupleSinkAdapter(lian);
        lian.getObjectSource().updateSink(liaAdapter, pctx, wm);

    private static void insertFacts(LeftTupleSink startNode, InternalWorkingMemory wm) {
        LeftTupleSink lts =  startNode;
        while (!NodeTypeEnums.isTerminalNode(lts) && lts.getLeftTupleSource().getType() != NodeTypeEnums.RightInputAdaterNode ) {
            if (NodeTypeEnums.isBetaNode(lts)) {
                BetaNode bn = (BetaNode) lts;
                if (!bn.isRightInputIsRiaNode() ) {
                    final PropagationContext pctx = new PropagationContextImpl(wm.getNextPropagationIdCounter(),
                } else {
                    insertSubnetworkFacts(bn, wm);
            } else if ( lts.getType() == NodeTypeEnums.RightInputAdaterNode ) {
                // no need to delete anything, as this gets popagated during the rule evaluation
            lts = ((LeftTupleSource) lts).getSinkPropagator().getFirstLeftTupleSink();
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.reteoo.LeftTupleSink

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