Package org.drools.core.audit

Examples of org.drools.core.audit.WorkingMemoryFileLogger

        KieSessionConfiguration ksconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        ksconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) );

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = createKnowledgeSession(kbase, ksconf);
        WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( ksession );
        File testTmpDir = new File( "target/test-tmp/" );
        logger.setFileName( "target/test-tmp/testCollectWithWindows-audit" );

        List<Number> timeResults = new ArrayList<Number>();
        List<Number> lengthResults = new ArrayList<Number>();

        ksession.setGlobal( "timeResults",
                            timeResults );
        ksession.setGlobal( "lengthResults",
                            lengthResults );

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();

        try {
            // First interaction
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                             "customer A",
                                             70 ) );


            assertEquals( 1,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          timeResults.get( 0 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          lengthResults.get( 0 ).intValue() );

            // Second interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                             "customer A",
                                             60 ) );

            assertEquals( 2,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          timeResults.get( 1 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          lengthResults.get( 1 ).intValue() );

            // Third interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                             "customer A",
                                             50 ) );

            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.get( 2 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 2 ).intValue() );

            // Fourth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                             "customer A",
                                             25 ) );

            // first event should have expired now
            assertEquals( 4,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.get( 3 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 4,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 3 ).intValue() );

            // Fifth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                             "customer A",
                                             70 ) );

            assertEquals( 5,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 4,
                          timeResults.get( 4 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 5,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 4 ).intValue() );
        } finally {

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        KieSessionConfiguration sconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        sconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) );
        StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl wm = (StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl)createKnowledgeSession( kbase, sconf );

        WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( (WorkingMemory) wm );
        File testTmpDir = new File( "target/test-tmp/" );
        logger.setFileName( "target/test-tmp/testIdleTimeAndTimeToNextJob-audit" );

        try {
            List results = new ArrayList();

            wm.setGlobal( "results",
                          results );

            // how to initialize the clock?
            // how to configure the clock?
            SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds

            // there is no next job, so returns -1
            assertEquals( -1,
                          wm.getTimeToNextJob() );
            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                       "customer A",
                                       70 ) );
            assertEquals( 0,
                          wm.getIdleTime() );
            // now, there is a next job in 30 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 30000,
                          wm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            assertEquals( 1,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 70,
                          ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // next job is in 20 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 20000,
                          wm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                       "customer A",
                                       60 ) );

            assertEquals( 2,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 65,
                          ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // next job is in 10 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 10000,
                          wm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                       "customer A",
                                       50 ) );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 60,
                          ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // advancing clock time will cause events to expire
            assertEquals( 0,
                          wm.getIdleTime() );
            // next job is in 10 seconds: expire another event
            //assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob());

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                       "customer A",
                                       25 ) );

            // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                       "customer A",
                                       70 ) );
            assertEquals( 0,
                          wm.getIdleTime() );

            //        wm  = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm);

            // still under the threshold, so no fire
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );
        } finally {
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        KieSessionConfiguration sconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        sconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) );
        StatefulKnowledgeSession wm = createKnowledgeSession( kbase, sconf );

        WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( wm );
        File testTmpDir = new File( "target/test-tmp/" );
        logger.setFileName( "target/test-tmp/testIdleTimeAndTimeToNextJob-audit" );

        try {
            List results = new ArrayList();

            wm.setGlobal( "results",
                          results );
            InternalWorkingMemory iwm = (InternalWorkingMemory) ((StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl)wm).session;

            // how to initialize the clock?
            // how to configure the clock?
            SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds

            // there is no next job, so returns -1
            assertEquals( -1,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );
            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                       "customer A",
                                       70 ) );
            assertEquals( 0,
                          iwm.getIdleTime() );
            // now, there is a next job in 30 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 30000,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            assertEquals( 1,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 70,
                          ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // next job is in 20 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 20000,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                       "customer A",
                                       60 ) );

            assertEquals( 2,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 65,
                          ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // next job is in 10 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 10000,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                       "customer A",
                                       50 ) );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 60,
                          ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // advancing clock time will cause events to expire
            assertEquals( 0,
                          iwm.getIdleTime() );
            // next job is in 10 seconds: expire another event
            //assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob());

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                       "customer A",
                                       25 ) );

            // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                       "customer A",
                                       70 ) );
            assertEquals( 0,
                          iwm.getIdleTime() );

            //        wm  = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm);

            // still under the threshold, so no fire
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );
        } finally {
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        KieSessionConfiguration ksconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        ksconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) );

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = createKnowledgeSession(kbase, ksconf);
        WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( ksession );
        File testTmpDir = new File( "target/test-tmp/" );
        logger.setFileName( "target/test-tmp/testCollectWithWindows-audit" );

        List<Number> timeResults = new ArrayList<Number>();
        List<Number> lengthResults = new ArrayList<Number>();

        ksession.setGlobal( "timeResults",
                            timeResults );
        ksession.setGlobal( "lengthResults",
                            lengthResults );

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();

        try {
            // First interaction
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                             "customer A",
                                             70 ) );


            assertEquals( 1,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          timeResults.get( 0 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          lengthResults.get( 0 ).intValue() );

            // Second interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                             "customer A",
                                             60 ) );

            assertEquals( 2,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          timeResults.get( 1 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          lengthResults.get( 1 ).intValue() );

            // Third interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                             "customer A",
                                             50 ) );

            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.get( 2 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 2 ).intValue() );

            // Fourth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                             "customer A",
                                             25 ) );

            // first event should have expired now
            assertEquals( 4,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.get( 3 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 4,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 3 ).intValue() );

            // Fifth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                             "customer A",
                                             70 ) );

            assertEquals( 5,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 4,
                          timeResults.get( 4 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 5,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 4 ).intValue() );
        } finally {

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    session.addEventListener(new DebugAgendaEventListener());
    session.addEventListener(new DebugRuleRuntimeEventListener());

    final WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger();

    final Message message = new Message();
    message.setMessage("Hello World");



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        KieSessionConfiguration sconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        sconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) );
        StatefulKnowledgeSession wm = createKnowledgeSession( kbase, sconf );

        WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( wm );
        File testTmpDir = new File( "target/test-tmp/" );
        logger.setFileName( "target/test-tmp/testIdleTimeAndTimeToNextJob-audit" );

        try {
            List results = new ArrayList();

            wm.setGlobal( "results",
                          results );
            InternalWorkingMemory iwm = (InternalWorkingMemory) ((StatefulKnowledgeSessionImpl)wm).session;

            // how to initialize the clock?
            // how to configure the clock?
            SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) wm.getSessionClock();
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds

            // there is no next job, so returns -1
            assertEquals( -1,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );
            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                       "customer A",
                                       70 ) );
            assertEquals( 0,
                          iwm.getIdleTime() );
            // now, there is a next job in 30 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 30000,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            assertEquals( 1,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 70,
                          ((Number) results.get( 0 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // next job is in 20 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 20000,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                       "customer A",
                                       60 ) );

            assertEquals( 2,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 65,
                          ((Number) results.get( 1 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // next job is in 10 seconds: expire the event
            assertEquals( 10000,
                          iwm.getTimeToNextJob() );

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                       "customer A",
                                       50 ) );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );
            assertEquals( 60,
                          ((Number) results.get( 2 )).intValue() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            // advancing clock time will cause events to expire
            assertEquals( 0,
                          iwm.getIdleTime() );
            // next job is in 10 seconds: expire another event
            //assertEquals( 10000, iwm.getTimeToNextJob());

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                       "customer A",
                                       25 ) );

            // first event should have expired, making average under the rule threshold, so no additional rule fire
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );

            // advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds

            wm.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                       "customer A",
                                       70 ) );
            assertEquals( 0,
                          iwm.getIdleTime() );

            //        wm  = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(wm);

            // still under the threshold, so no fire
            assertEquals( 3,
                          results.size() );
        } finally {
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        KieSessionConfiguration ksconf = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeSessionConfiguration();
        ksconf.setOption( ClockTypeOption.get( ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK.getId() ) );

        StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = createKnowledgeSession(kbase, ksconf);
        WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( ksession );
        File testTmpDir = new File( "target/test-tmp/" );
        logger.setFileName( "target/test-tmp/testCollectWithWindows-audit" );

        List<Number> timeResults = new ArrayList<Number>();
        List<Number> lengthResults = new ArrayList<Number>();

        ksession.setGlobal( "timeResults",
                            timeResults );
        ksession.setGlobal( "lengthResults",
                            lengthResults );

        SessionPseudoClock clock = (SessionPseudoClock) ksession.<SessionClock>getSessionClock();

        try {
            // First interaction
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 5 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "1",
                                             "customer A",
                                             70 ) );


            assertEquals( 1,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          timeResults.get( 0 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 1,
                          lengthResults.get( 0 ).intValue() );

            // Second interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "2",
                                             "customer A",
                                             60 ) );

            assertEquals( 2,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          timeResults.get( 1 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 2,
                          lengthResults.get( 1 ).intValue() );

            // Third interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "3",
                                             "customer A",
                                             50 ) );

            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.get( 2 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 2 ).intValue() );

            // Fourth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 10,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "4",
                                             "customer A",
                                             25 ) );

            // first event should have expired now
            assertEquals( 4,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          timeResults.get( 3 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 4,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 3 ).intValue() );

            // Fifth interaction: advance clock and assert new data
            clock.advanceTime( 5,
                               TimeUnit.SECONDS ); // 10 seconds
            ksession.insert( new OrderEvent( "5",
                                             "customer A",
                                             70 ) );

            assertEquals( 5,
                          timeResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 4,
                          timeResults.get( 4 ).intValue() );
            assertEquals( 5,
                          lengthResults.size() );
            assertEquals( 3,
                          lengthResults.get( 4 ).intValue() );
        } finally {

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        RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            StatefulSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
            WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger(session);
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.audit.WorkingMemoryFileLogger

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