Package org.drools.core

Examples of org.drools.core.StatefulSession

        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase    = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

//        session    = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(session);
        session.setGlobal( "list",
                           this.list );
        return session;
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        SessionConfiguration conf = new SessionConfiguration();
        conf.setKeepReference( true ); // this is just for documentation purposes, since the default value is "true"
        try {
            for ( i = 0; i < 300000; i++ ) {
                final StatefulSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( conf,
                                                                             null );
        } catch ( Throwable e ) {
   "Error at: " + i );
            fail( "Should not raise any error or exception." );
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        // Get the bytes of the serialized object
        final byte[] b1 = bos.toByteArray();

        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( b1 );
        StatefulSession session2 = ruleBase.newStatefulSession( bais );

        // Reserialize and check that byte arrays are the same
        bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        out = new ObjectOutputStream( bos );
        out.writeObject( session2 );

        final byte[] b2 = bos.toByteArray();

        // bytes should be the same.
        if ( !areByteArraysEqual( b1,
                                  b2 ) ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "byte streams for serialisation test are not equal" );

        session2.setGlobalResolver( session.getGlobalResolver() );

        if ( dispose ) {
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        List l;
        final Person p = new Person( "person" );
        p.setAge( 2 );
        FactHandle h = workingMemory.insert( p );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );        
        assertEquals( 2,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        l = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( CheeseEqual.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      l.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ((CheeseEqual) l.get( 0 )).getPrice() );

        h = getFactHandle( h, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.retract( h );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );       
        assertEquals( 0,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms =  ((NamedEntryPoint)workingMemory.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint( EntryPointId.DEFAULT.getEntryPointId() ) ).getTruthMaintenanceSystem();

        final java.lang.reflect.Field field = tms.getClass().getDeclaredField( "equalityKeyMap" );
        field.setAccessible( true );
        final ObjectHashMap m = (ObjectHashMap) field.get( tms );
        field.setAccessible( false );
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        //        final WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger( workingMemory );
        //        logger.setFileName( "logical" );

        final List events = new ArrayList();

        workingMemory.setGlobal( "events",
                                 events );

        final Sensor sensor = new Sensor( 80,
                                          80 );
        FactHandle handle = workingMemory.insert( sensor );

        // everything should be normal
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );       

        final List list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() );

        assertEquals( "Only sensor is there",
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( "Only one event",
                      events.size() );

        // problems should be detected
        sensor.setPressure( 200 );
        sensor.setTemperature( 200 );
        handle = getFactHandle( handle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( handle,
                              sensor );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );

        //        logger.writeToDisk();

        assertEquals( "Only sensor is there",
                      list.size() );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms =  ((NamedEntryPoint)workingMemory.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint(EntryPointId.DEFAULT.getEntryPointId()) ).getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        List list;

        final Person a = new Person( "a" );
        final Cheese cheese = new Cheese( "brie",
                                          1 );
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "cheese",
                                 cheese );

        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );       
        list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() );
        assertEquals( "i was not asserted by not a => i.",
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( "i was not asserted by not a => i.",
                      list.get( 0 ) );

        FactHandle h = workingMemory.insert( a );

        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        // no need to fire rules, assertion alone removes justification for i,
        // so it should be retracted.
        // workingMemory.fireAllRules();
        list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() );

        assertEquals( "a was not asserted or i not retracted.",
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( "a was asserted.",
                      list.get( 0 ) );
        assertFalse( "i was not rectracted.",
                     list.contains( cheese ) );

        // no rules should fire, but nevertheless...
        // workingMemory.fireAllRules();
        assertEquals( "agenda should be empty.",
                      workingMemory.getAgenda().agendaSize() );

        h = getFactHandle( h, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.retract( h );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() );
        assertEquals( "i was not asserted by not a => i.",
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( "i was not asserted by not a => i.",
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        List l;
        final Person p = new Person( "person" );
        p.setAge( 2 );
        FactHandle h = workingMemory.insert( p );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );
        l = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( CheeseEqual.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      l.size() );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      ((CheeseEqual) l.get( 0 )).getPrice() );

        h = getFactHandle( h, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.retract( h );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        List list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() );
        // CheeseEqual was updated, making it stated, so it wouldn't have been logically retracted
        assertEquals( 1,
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( new CheeseEqual("person", 3), list.get( 0 ));
        FactHandle fh = workingMemory.getFactHandle( list.get(0) );
        workingMemory.retract( fh );
        list = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      list.size() );       
        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms =  ((NamedEntryPoint)workingMemory.getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint( EntryPointId.DEFAULT.getEntryPointId() ) ).getTruthMaintenanceSystem();

        final java.lang.reflect.Field field = tms.getClass().getDeclaredField( "equalityKeyMap" );
        field.setAccessible( true );
        final ObjectHashMap m = (ObjectHashMap) field.get( tms );
        field.setAccessible( false );
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final Person p1 = new Person( "p1",
                                      20 );
        p1.setStatus( "europe" );
        FactHandle c1FactHandle = workingMemory.insert( p1 );
        final Person p2 = new Person( "p2",
                                      30 );
        p2.setStatus( "europe" );
        FactHandle c2FactHandle = workingMemory.insert( p2 );
        final Person p3 = new Person( "p3",
                                      40 );
        p3.setStatus( "europe" );
        FactHandle c3FactHandle = workingMemory.insert( p3 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );

        // all 3 in europe, so, 2 cheese
        List cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      cheeseList.size() );

        // europe=[ 1, 2 ], america=[ 3 ]
        p3.setStatus( "america" );
        c3FactHandle = getFactHandle( c3FactHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( c3FactHandle,
                              p3 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      cheeseList.size() );

        // europe=[ 1 ], america=[ 2, 3 ]
        p2.setStatus( "america" );
        c2FactHandle = getFactHandle( c2FactHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( c2FactHandle,
                              p2 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      cheeseList.size() );

        // europe=[ ], america=[ 1, 2, 3 ]
        p1.setStatus( "america" );
        c1FactHandle = getFactHandle( c1FactHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( c1FactHandle,
                              p1 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      cheeseList.size() );

        // europe=[ 2 ], america=[ 1, 3 ]
        p2.setStatus( "europe" );
        c2FactHandle = getFactHandle( c2FactHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( c2FactHandle,
                              p2 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      cheeseList.size() );

        // europe=[ 1, 2 ], america=[ 3 ]
        p1.setStatus( "europe" );
        c1FactHandle = getFactHandle( c1FactHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( c1FactHandle,
                              p1 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      cheeseList.size() );

        // europe=[ 1, 2, 3 ], america=[ ]
        p3.setStatus( "europe" );
        c3FactHandle = getFactHandle( c3FactHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( c3FactHandle,
                              p3 );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        cheeseList = IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects( new ClassObjectFilter( Cheese.class ) ) );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      cheeseList.size() );
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        final Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        RuleBase ruleBase = getRuleBase();
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject(ruleBase);
        StatefulSession workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

        final List list = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "events",
                                 list );

        // asserting the sensor object
        final Sensor sensor = new Sensor( 150,
                                          100 );
        FactHandle sensorHandle = workingMemory.insert( sensor );

        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        // alarm must sound
        assertEquals( 2,
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        // modifying sensor
        sensor.setTemperature( 125 );
        sensorHandle = getFactHandle( sensorHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( sensorHandle,
                              sensor );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );

        // alarm must continue to sound
        assertEquals( 3,
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );

        // modifying sensor
        sensor.setTemperature( 80 );
        sensorHandle = getFactHandle( sensorHandle, workingMemory );
        workingMemory.update( sensorHandle,
                              sensor );
        workingMemory = getSerialisedStatefulSession( workingMemory );

        // no alarms anymore
        assertEquals( 3,
                      list.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      IteratorToList.convert( workingMemory.iterateObjects() ).size() );
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         final RuleBaseConfiguration conf = new RuleBaseConfiguration();
         conf.setAssertBehaviour( RuleBaseConfiguration.AssertBehaviour.IDENTITY );
         RuleBase ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.newRuleBase(conf);

         ruleBase = SerializationHelper.serializeObject( ruleBase );
         final StatefulSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

         CheeseEqual cheese = new CheeseEqual( "stilton",
                                               10 );
         session.insert( cheese );
         FactHandle fh1 = session.getFactHandle( new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                             10 ) );
         assertNull( fh1 );
         FactHandle fh2 = session.getFactHandle( cheese );
         assertNotNull( fh2 );
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Related Classes of org.drools.core.StatefulSession

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