Package org.apache.solr.common.util

Examples of org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList

    Map<String, SpellCheckCollation> collations = new HashMap<String, SpellCheckCollation>();
    int totalNumberShardResponses = 0;
    for (ShardRequest sreq : rb.finished) {
      for (ShardResponse srsp : sreq.responses) {
        NamedList nl = (NamedList) srsp.getSolrResponse().getResponse().get("spellcheck"); + " " + nl);
        if (nl != null) {
          SpellCheckResponse spellCheckResp = new SpellCheckResponse(nl);
          for (SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion suggestion : spellCheckResp.getSuggestions()) {
            origVsSuggestion.put(suggestion.getToken(), suggestion);
            HashSet<String> suggested = origVsSuggested.get(suggestion.getToken());
            if (suggested == null) {
              suggested = new HashSet<String>();
              origVsSuggested.put(suggestion.getToken(), suggested);

            // sum up original frequency         
            int origFreq = 0;
            Integer o = origVsFreq.get(suggestion.getToken());
            if (o != nullorigFreq += o;
            origFreq += suggestion.getOriginalFrequency();
            origVsFreq.put(suggestion.getToken(), origFreq);
            //# shards reporting
            Integer origShards = origVsShards.get(suggestion.getToken());
            if(origShards==null) {
              origVsShards.put(suggestion.getToken(), 1);
            } else {
              origVsShards.put(suggestion.getToken(), ++origShards);

            // find best suggestions
            for (int i = 0; i < suggestion.getNumFound(); i++) {
              String alternative = suggestion.getAlternatives().get(i);
              SuggestWord sug = suggestedVsWord.get(alternative);
              if (sug == null)  {
                sug = new SuggestWord();
                suggestedVsWord.put(alternative, sug);
              sug.string = alternative;
              // alternative frequency is present only for extendedResults=true
              if (suggestion.getAlternativeFrequencies() != null && suggestion.getAlternativeFrequencies().size() > 0) {
                Integer freq = suggestion.getAlternativeFrequencies().get(i);
                if (freq != null) sug.freq += freq;
          NamedList suggestions = (NamedList) nl.get("suggestions");
          if(suggestions != null) {
            List<Object> collationList = suggestions.getAll("collation");
            List<Object> collationRankList = suggestions.getAll("collationInternalRank");
            int i=0;
            if(collationList != null) {
              for(Object o : collationList)
                if(o instanceof String)
                  SpellCheckCollation coll = new SpellCheckCollation();
                  coll.setCollationQuery((String) o);
                  if(collationRankList!= null && collationRankList.size()>0)
                    coll.setInternalRank((Integer) collationRankList.get(i));
                  SpellCheckCollation priorColl = collations.get(coll.getCollationQuery());
                  if(priorColl != null)
                  collations.put(coll.getCollationQuery(), coll);
                } else
                  NamedList expandedCollation = (NamedList) o;                 
                  SpellCheckCollation coll = new SpellCheckCollation();
                  coll.setCollationQuery((String) expandedCollation.get("collationQuery"));
                  coll.setHits((Integer) expandedCollation.get("hits"));
                    coll.setInternalRank((Integer) expandedCollation.get("collationInternalRank"));
                  coll.setMisspellingsAndCorrections((NamedList) expandedCollation.get("misspellingsAndCorrections"));
                  SpellCheckCollation priorColl = collations.get(coll.getCollationQuery());
                  if(priorColl != null)
                    coll.setHits(coll.getHits() + priorColl.getHits());
                  collations.put(coll.getCollationQuery(), coll);

    // all shard responses have been collected
    // create token and get top suggestions
    SpellingResult result = new SpellingResult(tokens); //todo: investigate, why does it need tokens beforehand?
    for (Map.Entry<String, HashSet<String>> entry : origVsSuggested.entrySet()) {
      String original = entry.getKey();
      //Only use this suggestion if all shards reported it as misspelled.
      Integer numShards = origVsShards.get(original);
      if(numShards<totalNumberShardResponses) {
      HashSet<String> suggested = entry.getValue();
      SuggestWordQueue sugQueue = new SuggestWordQueue(numSug);
      for (String suggestion : suggested) {
        SuggestWord sug = suggestedVsWord.get(suggestion);
        sug.score = sd.getDistance(original, sug.string);
        if (sug.score < min) continue;
        if (sugQueue.size() == numSug) {
          // if queue full, maintain the minScore score
          min =;

      // create token
      SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion suggestion = origVsSuggestion.get(original);
      Token token = new Token(original, suggestion.getStartOffset(), suggestion.getEndOffset());

      // get top 'count' suggestions out of 'sugQueue.size()' candidates
      SuggestWord[] suggestions = new SuggestWord[Math.min(count, sugQueue.size())];
      // skip the first sugQueue.size() - count elements
      for (int k=0; k < sugQueue.size() - count; k++) sugQueue.pop();
      // now collect the top 'count' responses
      for (int k = Math.min(count, sugQueue.size()) - 1; k >= 0; k--)  {
        suggestions[k] = sugQueue.pop();

      if (extendedResults) {
        Integer o = origVsFreq.get(original);
        if (o != null) result.addFrequency(token, o);
        for (SuggestWord word : suggestions)
          result.add(token, word.string, word.freq);
      } else {
        List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(sugQueue.size());
        for (SuggestWord word : suggestions) words.add(word.string);
        result.add(token, words);
    NamedList response = new SimpleOrderedMap();
    NamedList suggestions = toNamedList(false, result, origQuery, extendedResults, collate);
    if (collate) {
      SpellCheckCollation[] sortedCollations = collations.values().toArray(new SpellCheckCollation[collations.size()]);
      int i = 0;
      while (i < maxCollations && i < sortedCollations.length) {
        SpellCheckCollation collation = sortedCollations[i];
        if (collationExtendedResults) {
          NamedList extendedResult = new NamedList();
          extendedResult.add("collationQuery", collation.getCollationQuery());
          extendedResult.add("hits", collation.getHits());
          extendedResult.add("misspellingsAndCorrections", collation
          suggestions.add("collation", extendedResult);
        } else {
          suggestions.add("collation", collation.getCollationQuery());
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  public SolrSpellChecker getSpellChecker(String name) {
    return spellCheckers.get(name);

  protected NamedList toNamedList(boolean shardRequest, SpellingResult spellingResult, String origQuery, boolean extendedResults, boolean collate) {
    NamedList result = new NamedList();
    Map<Token, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>> suggestions = spellingResult.getSuggestions();
    boolean hasFreqInfo = spellingResult.hasTokenFrequencyInfo();
    boolean isCorrectlySpelled = false;
    int numSuggestions = 0;
    for(LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> theSuggestion : suggestions.values())
    // will be flipped to false if any of the suggestions are not in the index and hasFreqInfo is true
    if(numSuggestions > 0) {
      isCorrectlySpelled = true;
    for (Map.Entry<Token, LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>> entry : suggestions.entrySet()) {
      Token inputToken = entry.getKey();
      Map<String, Integer> theSuggestions = entry.getValue();
      if (theSuggestions != null && (theSuggestions.size()>0 || shardRequest)) {
        SimpleOrderedMap suggestionList = new SimpleOrderedMap();
        suggestionList.add("numFound", theSuggestions.size());
        suggestionList.add("startOffset", inputToken.startOffset());
        suggestionList.add("endOffset", inputToken.endOffset());

        // Logical structure of normal (non-extended) results:
        // "suggestion":["alt1","alt2"]
        // Logical structure of the extended results:
        // "suggestion":[
        //     {"word":"alt1","freq":7},
        //     {"word":"alt2","freq":4}
        // ]
        if (extendedResults && hasFreqInfo) {
          suggestionList.add("origFreq", spellingResult.getTokenFrequency(inputToken));

          ArrayList<SimpleOrderedMap> sugs = new ArrayList<SimpleOrderedMap>();
          suggestionList.add("suggestion", sugs);
          for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> suggEntry : theSuggestions.entrySet()) {
            SimpleOrderedMap sugEntry = new SimpleOrderedMap();
        } else {
          suggestionList.add("suggestion", theSuggestions.keySet());

        if (hasFreqInfo) {
          isCorrectlySpelled = isCorrectlySpelled && spellingResult.getTokenFrequency(inputToken) > 0;
        result.add(new String(inputToken.buffer(), 0, inputToken.length()), suggestionList);
    if (hasFreqInfo) {
      result.add("correctlySpelled", isCorrectlySpelled);
    } else if(extendedResults && suggestions.size() == 0) { // if the word is misspelled, its added to suggestions with freqinfo
      result.add("correctlySpelled", true);
    return result;
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    if (initParams != null) {"Initializing spell checkers");
      boolean hasDefault = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < initParams.size(); i++) {
        if (initParams.getName(i).equals("spellchecker")) {
          NamedList spellchecker = (NamedList) initParams.getVal(i);
          String className = (String) spellchecker.get("classname");
          if (className == null)
            className = IndexBasedSpellChecker.class.getName();
          SolrResourceLoader loader = core.getResourceLoader();
          SolrSpellChecker checker = (SolrSpellChecker) loader.newInstance(className);
          if (checker != null) {
            String dictionary = checker.init(spellchecker, core);
            if (dictionary != null) {
              boolean isDefault = dictionary.equals(SolrSpellChecker.DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_NAME);
              if (isDefault == true && hasDefault == false){
                hasDefault = true;
              } else if (isDefault == true && hasDefault == true){
                throw new RuntimeException("More than one dictionary is missing name.");
              spellCheckers.put(dictionary, checker);
            } else {
              if (hasDefault == false){
                spellCheckers.put(SolrSpellChecker.DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_NAME, checker);
                hasDefault = true;
              } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("More than one dictionary is missing name.");
            // Register event listeners for this SpellChecker
            core.registerFirstSearcherListener(new SpellCheckerListener(core, checker, false, false));
            boolean buildOnCommit = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) spellchecker.get("buildOnCommit"));
            boolean buildOnOptimize = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) spellchecker.get("buildOnOptimize"));
            if (buildOnCommit || buildOnOptimize)   {
    "Registering newSearcher listener for spellchecker: " + checker.getDictionaryName());
              core.registerNewSearcherListener(new SpellCheckerListener(core, checker, buildOnCommit, buildOnOptimize));
          } else {
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    return Integer.toString(ones) + '.' + tenths;

  public NamedList getStatistics() {
    NamedList lst = new SimpleOrderedMap();
    synchronized (map) {
      lst.add("lookups", lookups);
      lst.add("hits", hits);
      lst.add("hitratio", calcHitRatio(lookups,hits));
      lst.add("inserts", inserts);
      lst.add("evictions", evictions);
      lst.add("size", map.size());

    lst.add("warmupTime", warmupTime);

    long clookups = stats.lookups.get();
    long chits = stats.hits.get();
    lst.add("cumulative_lookups", clookups);
    lst.add("cumulative_hits", chits);
    lst.add("cumulative_hitratio", calcHitRatio(clookups,chits));
    lst.add("cumulative_inserts", stats.inserts.get());
    lst.add("cumulative_evictions", stats.evictions.get());

    return lst;
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        for (Object o : collationInfo) {
          if (o instanceof String) {
            collations.add(new Collation()
                .setCollationQueryString((String) o));
          } else if (o instanceof NamedList) {
            NamedList expandedCollation = (NamedList) o;
            String collationQuery = (String) expandedCollation
            int hits = (Integer) expandedCollation.get("hits");
            NamedList<String> misspellingsAndCorrections = (NamedList<String>) expandedCollation

            Collation collation = new Collation();
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    public URL[] getDocs() {
      return null;

    public NamedList getStatistics() {
        NamedList lst = new SimpleOrderedMap();
        return lst;
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    public NamedList buildResponse() {
      NamedList response = new SimpleOrderedMap();

      // determine if we are going index or count sort
      boolean sort = !TermsParams.TERMS_SORT_INDEX.equals(params.get(
          TermsParams.TERMS_SORT, TermsParams.TERMS_SORT_COUNT));

      // init minimum frequency
      long freqmin = 1;
      String s = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_MINCOUNT);
      if (s != nullfreqmin = Long.parseLong(s);

      // init maximum frequency, default to max int
      long freqmax = -1;
      s = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_MAXCOUNT);
      if (s != nullfreqmax = Long.parseLong(s);
      if (freqmax < 0) {
        freqmax = Long.MAX_VALUE;

      // init limit, default to max int
      long limit = 10;
      s = params.get(TermsParams.TERMS_LIMIT);
      if (s != nulllimit = Long.parseLong(s);
      if (limit < 0) {
        limit = Long.MAX_VALUE;

      // loop though each field we want terms from
      for (String key : fieldmap.keySet()) {
        NamedList fieldterms = new SimpleOrderedMap();
        TermsResponse.Term[] data = null;
        if (sort) {
          data = getCountSorted(fieldmap.get(key));
        } else {
          data = getLexSorted(fieldmap.get(key));

        // loop though each term until we hit limit
        int cnt = 0;
        for (TermsResponse.Term tc : data) {
          if (tc.getFrequency() >= freqmin && tc.getFrequency() <= freqmax) {
            fieldterms.add(tc.getTerm(), num(tc.getFrequency()));

          if (cnt >= limit) {
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    missing += (Long) stv.get("missing");

    updateMinMax((T) stv.get("min"), (T) stv.get("max"));

    NamedList f = (NamedList) stv.get(FACETS);
    if (f == null) {

    for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++) {
      String field = f.getName(i);
      NamedList vals = (NamedList) f.getVal(i);
      Map<String, StatsValues> addTo = facets.get(field);
      if (addTo == null) {
        addTo = new HashMap<String, StatsValues>();
        facets.put(field, addTo);
      for (int j = 0; j < vals.size(); j++) {
        String val = vals.getName(j);
        StatsValues vvals = addTo.get(val);
        if (vvals == null) {
          vvals = StatsValuesFactory.createStatsValues(fieldType);
          addTo.put(val, vvals);
        vvals.accumulate((NamedList) vals.getVal(j));
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   * @param os            the OutputStream to which the request is to be written
   * @throws IOException in case of an exception during marshalling or writing to the stream
  public void marshal(UpdateRequest updateRequest, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
    NamedList nl = new NamedList();
    NamedList params = solrParamsToNamedList(updateRequest.getParams());
    if (updateRequest.getCommitWithin() != -1) {
      params.add("commitWithin", updateRequest.getCommitWithin());
    Iterator<SolrInputDocument> docIter = null;

    if (updateRequest.getDocuments() != null) {
      docIter = updateRequest.getDocuments().iterator();
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      private boolean seenOuterMostDocIterator = false;
      public NamedList readNamedList(FastInputStream dis) throws IOException {
        int sz = readSize(dis);
        NamedList nl = new NamedList();
        if (namedList[0] == null) {
          namedList[0] = nl;
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
          String name = (String) readVal(dis);
          Object val = readVal(dis);
          nl.add(name, val);
        return nl;

      public List readIterator(FastInputStream fis) throws IOException {

        // default behavior for reading any regular Iterator in the stream
        if (seenOuterMostDocIterator) return super.readIterator(fis);

        // special treatment for first outermost Iterator
        // (the list of documents)
        seenOuterMostDocIterator = true;
        return readOuterMostDocIterator(fis);

      private List readOuterMostDocIterator(FastInputStream fis) throws IOException {
        NamedList params = (NamedList) namedList[0].getVal(0);
        updateRequest.setParams(new ModifiableSolrParams(SolrParams.toSolrParams(params)));
        if (handler == null) return super.readIterator(fis);
        while (true) {
          Object o = readVal(fis);
          if (o == END_OBJ) break;
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Related Classes of org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList

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