Package org.apache.pig.impl.plan.optimizer

Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.plan.optimizer.OptimizerException

      try {
            List<LogicalOperator> predecessors = mPlan.getPredecessors(limit);
            if (predecessors.size()!=1) {
              int errCode = 2008;
              String msg = "Limit cannot have more than one input. Found " + predecessors.size() + " inputs.";
                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
            LogicalOperator predecessor = predecessors.get(0);
            // Limit cannot be pushed up
            if (predecessor instanceof LOCogroup || predecessor instanceof LOFilter ||
                predecessor instanceof LOLoad || predecessor instanceof LOSplit ||
                predecessor instanceof LOSplitOutput || predecessor instanceof LODistinct || predecessor instanceof LOJoin)
            // Limit can be pushed in front of ForEach if it does not have a flatten
            else if (predecessor instanceof LOForEach)
              LOForEach loForEach = (LOForEach)predecessor;
              List<Boolean> mFlatten = loForEach.getFlatten();
              boolean hasFlatten = false;
              for (Boolean b:mFlatten)
                if (b.equals(true)) hasFlatten = true;
              // We can safely move LOLimit up
              if (!hasFlatten)
                // Get operator before LOFilter
                LogicalOperator prepredecessor = mPlan.getPredecessors(predecessor).get(0);
                if (prepredecessor!=null)
                    try {
                      insertBetween(prepredecessor, limit, predecessor, null);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        int errCode = 2009;
                        String msg = "Can not move LOLimit up";
                      throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
                    int errCode = 2010;
                    String msg = "LOForEach should have one input";
                  throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
                    // we can move LOLimit even further, recursively optimize LOLimit
            // Limit can be duplicated, and the new instance pushed in front of an operator for the following operators
            // (that is, if you have X->limit, you can transform that to limit->X->limit):
            else if (predecessor instanceof LOCross || predecessor instanceof LOUnion)
              LOLimit newLimit = null;
              List<LogicalOperator> nodesToProcess = new ArrayList<LogicalOperator>();
              for (LogicalOperator prepredecessor:mPlan.getPredecessors(predecessor))
              for (LogicalOperator prepredecessor:nodesToProcess)
                try {
                  newLimit = limit.duplicate();
                  insertBetween(prepredecessor, newLimit, predecessor, null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    int errCode = 2011;
                    String msg = "Can not insert LOLimit clone";
                  throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
                // we can move the new LOLimit even further, recursively optimize LOLimit
            // Limit can be merged into LOSort, result a "limited sort"
            else if (predecessor instanceof LOSort)
                if(mode == ExecType.LOCAL) {
                    //We don't need this optimisation to happen in the local mode.
                    //so we do nothing here.
                } else {
                    LOSort sort = (LOSort)predecessor;
                    if (sort.getLimit()==-1)
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        int errCode = 2012;
                        String msg = "Can not remove LOLimit after LOSort";
                        throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
            // Limit is merged into another LOLimit
            else if (predecessor instanceof LOLimit)
              LOLimit beforeLimit = (LOLimit)predecessor;
              try {
              } catch (Exception e) {
                  int errCode = 2012;
                  String msg = "Can not remove LOLimit after LOLimit";
                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
            else {
                int errCode = 2013;
                String msg = "Moving LOLimit in front of " + predecessor.getClass().getSimpleName() + " is not implemented";
              throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
      } catch (OptimizerException oe) {
          throw oe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2050;
            String msg = "Internal error. Unable to optimize limit operator.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
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        // Look to see if this is a non-split node with two outputs.  If so
        // it matches.
        if((nodes == null) || (nodes.size() <= 0)) {
            int errCode = 2052;
            String msg = "Internal error. Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        try {
            LogicalOperator op = nodes.get(0);
            List<LogicalOperator> succs = mPlan.getSuccessors(op);
            if (succs == null || succs.size() < 2) return false;
            if (op instanceof LOSplit) return false;
            if (op instanceof LOStore) return false;
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2048;
            String msg = "Error while performing checks to introduce split operators.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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    public void transform(List<LogicalOperator> nodes)
            throws OptimizerException {
        if((nodes == null) || (nodes.size() <= 0)) {
            int errCode = 2052;
            String msg = "Internal error. Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        try {
            // Insert a split and its corresponding SplitOutput nodes into the plan
            // between node 0 and 1 / 2.
            String scope = nodes.get(0).getOperatorKey().scope;
            NodeIdGenerator idGen = NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator();
            LOSplit splitOp = new LOSplit(mPlan, new OperatorKey(scope,
                    idGen.getNextNodeId(scope)), new ArrayList<LogicalOperator>());
            // Find all the successors and connect appropriately with split
            // and splitoutput operators.  Keep our own copy
            // of the list, as we're changing the graph by doing these calls
            // and that will change the list of predecessors.
            List<LogicalOperator> succs =
                new ArrayList<LogicalOperator>(mPlan.getSuccessors(nodes.get(0)));
            int index = -1;
            // For two successors of nodes.get(0) here is a pictorial
            // representation of the change required:
            // BEFORE:
            // Succ1  Succ2
            //  \       /
            //  nodes.get(0)
            //  SHOULD BECOME:
            // AFTER:
            // Succ1          Succ2
            //   |              |
            // SplitOutput SplitOutput
            //      \       /
            //        Split
            //          |
            //        nodes.get(0)
            // Here is how this will be accomplished.
            // First (the same) Split Operator will be "inserted between" nodes.get(0)
            // and all its successors. The "insertBetween" API is used which makes sure
            // the ordering of operators in the graph is preserved. So we get the following:
            // Succ1        Succ2
            //    |          |
            //   Split     Split
            //      \      / 
            //      nodes.get(0)
            // Then all but the first connection between nodes.get(0) and the Split
            // Operator are removed using "disconnect" - so we get the following:
            // Succ1          Succ2
            //      \       /
            //        Split
            //          |
            //        nodes.get(0)
            // Now a new SplitOutputOperator is "inserted between" the Split operator
            // and the successors. So we get:
            // Succ1          Succ2
            //   |              |
            // SplitOutput SplitOutput
            //      \       /
            //        Split
            //          |
            //        nodes.get(0)
            for (LogicalOperator succ : succs) {
                mPlan.insertBetween(nodes.get(0), splitOp, succ);
            for(int i = 1; i < succs.size(); i++) {
                mPlan.disconnect(nodes.get(0), splitOp);

            for (LogicalOperator succ : succs) {
                LogicalPlan condPlan = new LogicalPlan();
                LOConst cnst = new LOConst(mPlan, new OperatorKey(scope,
                        idGen.getNextNodeId(scope)), new Boolean(true));
                LOSplitOutput splitOutput = new LOSplitOutput(mPlan,
                        new OperatorKey(scope, idGen.getNextNodeId(scope)), ++index, condPlan);
                mPlan.insertBetween(splitOp, splitOutput, succ);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2047;
            String msg = "Internal error. Unable to introduce split operators.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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        } catch (OptimizerException oe) {
            throw oe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2149;
            String msg = "Internal error while trying to check if filters can be pushed up.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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    private LogicalOperator getOperator(List<LogicalOperator> nodes)
            throws FrontendException {
        if ((nodes == null) || (nodes.size() <= 0)) {
            int errCode = 2052;
            String msg = "Internal error. Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);

        LogicalOperator lo = nodes.get(0);
        if (lo == null || !(lo instanceof LOFilter)) {
            // we should never be called with any other operator class name
            int errCode = 2005;
            String msg = "Expected " + LOFilter.class.getSimpleName()
                    + ", got "
                    + (lo == null ? lo : lo.getClass().getSimpleName());
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
        } else {
            return lo;

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            } else if (mPushBefore) {
                if (mPushBeforeInput == -1) {
                    // something is wrong!
                    int errCode = 2150;
                    String msg = "Internal error. The push before input is not set.";
                    throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
                mPlan.pushBefore(predecessor, filter, mPushBeforeInput);
        } catch (OptimizerException oe) {
            throw oe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2151;
            String msg = "Internal error while pushing filters up.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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        } catch(OptimizerException oe) {
            throw oe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2004;
            String msg = "Internal error while trying to check if type casts are needed";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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    private LogicalOperator getOperator(List<LogicalOperator> nodes) throws FrontendException {
        if((nodes == null) || (nodes.size() <= 0)) {
            int errCode = 2052;
            String msg = "Internal error. Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
        LogicalOperator lo = nodes.get(0);
        if(LOLoad.class.getName().equals(operatorClassName)) {
            if (lo == null || !(lo instanceof LOLoad)) {
                int errCode = 2005;
                String msg = "Expected " + LOLoad.class.getSimpleName()
                        + ", got "
                        + (lo == null ? lo : lo.getClass().getSimpleName());
                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
            return lo;
        } else if(LOStream.class.getName().equals(operatorClassName)){
            if (lo == null || !(lo instanceof LOStream)) {
                int errCode = 2005;
                String msg = "Expected " + LOStream.class.getSimpleName()
                        + ", got "
                        + (lo == null ? lo : lo.getClass().getSimpleName());
                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
            return lo;
        } else {
            // we should never be called with any other operator class name
            int errCode = 1034;
            String msg = "TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name:" + operatorClassName;
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
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                                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                                loadFuncSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                            } else {
                                int errCode = 2006;
                                String msg = "TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name: " + lo.getClass().getSimpleName();
                                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
                            typeChanges.put(fs.canonicalName, fs.type);
                            if(determinedSchema == null) {
                                // Reset the loads field schema to byte array so that it
                                // will reflect reality.
                                fs.type = DataType.BYTEARRAY;
                            } else {
                                // Reset the type to what determinedSchema says it is
                                fs.type = determinedSchema.getField(i).type;

            // Build a foreach to insert after the load, giving it a cast for each
            // position that has a type other than byte array.
            LOForEach foreach = new LOForEach(mPlan,
                OperatorKey.genOpKey(scope), genPlans, flattens);
            // Insert the foreach into the plan and patch up the plan.
            insertAfter(lo, foreach, null);


        } catch (OptimizerException oe) {
            throw oe;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            int errCode = 2007;
            String msg = "Unable to insert type casts into plan";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
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        mOptimizeLoad = false;
        mOptimizeStore = false;
        if((nodes == null) || (nodes.size() <= 0)) {
            int errCode = 2052;
            String msg = "Internal error. Cannot retrieve operator from null or empty list.";
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);

        LogicalOperator lo = nodes.get(0);
        if (lo == null || !(lo instanceof LOStream)) {
            int errCode = 2005;
            String msg = "Expected " + LOStream.class.getSimpleName()
                    + ", got "
                    + (lo == null ? lo : lo.getClass().getSimpleName());
            throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);           
        LOStream stream = (LOStream)lo;
        // check if either the predecessor of stream is load with
        // the same loader function as the serializer of stream
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.impl.plan.optimizer.OptimizerException

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