Package org.apache.phoenix.parse

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.parse.ParseNode

        Scan scan = context.getScan();
        int index = 0;
        List<Expression> projectedExpressions = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(aliasedNodes.size());
        List<byte[]> projectedFamilies = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(aliasedNodes.size());
        for (AliasedNode aliasedNode : aliasedNodes) {
            ParseNode node = aliasedNode.getNode();
            // TODO: visitor?
            if (node instanceof WildcardParseNode) {
                if (statement.isAggregate()) {
                isWildcard = true;
                if (tableRef.getTable().getType() == PTableType.INDEX && ((WildcardParseNode)node).isRewrite()) {
                  projectAllIndexColumns(context, tableRef, false, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
                } else {
                    projectAllTableColumns(context, tableRef, false, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
            } else if (node instanceof TableWildcardParseNode) {
                TableName tName = ((TableWildcardParseNode) node).getTableName();
                TableRef tRef = resolver.resolveTable(tName.getSchemaName(), tName.getTableName());
                if (tRef.equals(tableRef)) {
                    isWildcard = true;
                if (tRef.getTable().getType() == PTableType.INDEX && ((TableWildcardParseNode)node).isRewrite()) {
                    projectAllIndexColumns(context, tRef, true, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
                } else {
                    projectAllTableColumns(context, tRef, true, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns, targetColumns);
            } else if (node instanceof  FamilyWildcardParseNode){
                // Project everything for SELECT cf.*
                String cfName = ((FamilyWildcardParseNode) node).getName();
                // Delay projecting to scan, as when any other column in the column family gets
                // added to the scan, it overwrites that we want to project the entire column
                // family. Instead, we do the projection at the end.
                // TODO: consider having a ScanUtil.addColumn and ScanUtil.addFamily to work
                // around this, as this code depends on this function being the last place where
                // columns are projected (which is currently true, but could change).
                if (tableRef.getTable().getType() == PTableType.INDEX && ((FamilyWildcardParseNode)node).isRewrite()) {
                    projectIndexColumnFamily(context, cfName, tableRef, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns);
                } else {
                    projectTableColumnFamily(context, cfName, tableRef, projectedExpressions, projectedColumns);
            } else {
                Expression expression = node.accept(selectVisitor);
                expression = coerceIfNecessary(index, targetColumns, expression);
                if (node instanceof BindParseNode) {
                    context.getBindManager().addParamMetaData((BindParseNode)node, expression);
                if (!node.isStateless()) {
                    if (!selectVisitor.isAggregate() && statement.isAggregate()) {
                String columnAlias = aliasedNode.getAlias() != null ? aliasedNode.getAlias() : SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(aliasedNode.getNode().getAlias());
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     * @throws AmbiguousColumnException if an unaliased column name is ambiguous across multiple tables
    public static Expression compile(StatementContext context, FilterableStatement statement, ParseNode viewWhere) throws SQLException {
        Set<Expression> extractedNodes = Sets.<Expression>newHashSet();
        WhereExpressionCompiler whereCompiler = new WhereExpressionCompiler(context);
        ParseNode where = statement.getWhere();
        Expression expression = where == null ? LiteralExpression.newConstant(true,PDataType.BOOLEAN,true) : where.accept(whereCompiler);
        if (whereCompiler.isAggregate()) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.AGGREGATE_IN_WHERE).build().buildException();
        if (expression.getDataType() != PDataType.BOOLEAN) {
            throw TypeMismatchException.newException(PDataType.BOOLEAN, expression.getDataType(), expression.toString());
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        PTable parentToBe = null;
        ViewType viewTypeToBe = null;
        Scan scan = new Scan();
        final StatementContext context = new StatementContext(statement, resolver, scan);
        // TODO: support any statement for a VIEW instead of just a WHERE clause
        ParseNode whereNode = create.getWhereClause();
        String viewStatementToBe = null;
        byte[][] viewColumnConstantsToBe = null;
        BitSet isViewColumnReferencedToBe = null;
        if (type == PTableType.VIEW) {
            TableRef tableRef = resolver.getTables().get(0);
            int nColumns = tableRef.getTable().getColumns().size();
            isViewColumnReferencedToBe = new BitSet(nColumns);
            // Used to track column references in a view
            ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler = new ColumnTrackingExpressionCompiler(context, isViewColumnReferencedToBe);
            parentToBe = tableRef.getTable();
            viewTypeToBe = parentToBe.getViewType() == ViewType.MAPPED ? ViewType.MAPPED : ViewType.UPDATABLE;
            if (whereNode == null) {
                viewStatementToBe = parentToBe.getViewStatement();
            } else {
                whereNode = StatementNormalizer.normalize(whereNode, resolver);
                if (whereNode.isStateless()) {
                    throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.VIEW_WHERE_IS_CONSTANT)
                // If our parent has a VIEW statement, combine it with this one
                if (parentToBe.getViewStatement() != null) {
                    SelectStatement select = new SQLParser(parentToBe.getViewStatement()).parseQuery().combine(whereNode);
                    whereNode = select.getWhere();
                Expression where = whereNode.accept(expressionCompiler);
                if (where != null && !LiteralExpression.isTrue(where)) {
                    TableName baseTableName = create.getBaseTableName();
                    String schemaName = baseTableName.getSchemaName();
                    // Only form we currently support for VIEWs: SELECT * FROM t WHERE ...
                    viewStatementToBe = SELECT + " " + WildcardParseNode.NAME + " " + FROM + " " +
                            (schemaName == null ? "" : "\"" + schemaName + "\".") +
                            ("\"" + baseTableName.getTableName() + "\" ") +
                            (WHERE + " " + where.toString());
                if (viewTypeToBe != ViewType.MAPPED) {
                    Long scn = connection.getSCN();
                    connectionToBe = scn != null ? connection :
                        // If we haved no SCN on our connection, freeze the SCN at when
                        // the base table was resolved to prevent any race condition on
                        // the error checking we do for the base table. The only potential
                        // issue is if the base table lives on a different region server
                        // than the new table will, then we're relying here on the system
                        // clocks being in sync.
                        new PhoenixConnection(
                            // When the new table is created, we still want to cache it
                            // on our connection.
                            new DelegateConnectionQueryServices(connection.getQueryServices()) {
                                public PMetaData addTable(PTable table) throws SQLException {
                                    return connection.addTable(table);
                            connection, tableRef.getTimeStamp());
                    viewColumnConstantsToBe = new byte[nColumns][];
                    ViewWhereExpressionVisitor visitor = new ViewWhereExpressionVisitor(parentToBe, viewColumnConstantsToBe);
                    // If view is not updatable, viewColumnConstants should be empty. We will still
                    // inherit our parent viewConstants, but we have no additional ones.
                    viewTypeToBe = visitor.isUpdatable() ? ViewType.UPDATABLE : ViewType.READ_ONLY;
                    if (viewTypeToBe != ViewType.UPDATABLE) {
                        viewColumnConstantsToBe = null;
        final ViewType viewType = viewTypeToBe;
        final String viewStatement = viewStatementToBe;
        final byte[][] viewColumnConstants = viewColumnConstantsToBe;
        final BitSet isViewColumnReferenced = isViewColumnReferencedToBe;
        List<ParseNode> splitNodes = create.getSplitNodes();
        final byte[][] splits = new byte[splitNodes.size()][];
        ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
        ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler = new ExpressionCompiler(context);
        for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
            ParseNode node = splitNodes.get(i);
            if (node.isStateless()) {
                Expression expression = node.accept(expressionCompiler);
                if (expression.evaluate(null, ptr)) {;
                    splits[i] = ByteUtil.copyKeyBytesIfNecessary(ptr);
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    private static final PDatum LONG_DATUM = new LongDatum();
    private static final PDatum INTEGER_DATUM = new IntegerDatum();

    public MutationPlan compile(final CreateSequenceStatement sequence) throws SQLException {
        ParseNode startsWithNode = sequence.getStartWith();
        ParseNode incrementByNode = sequence.getIncrementBy();
        if (!startsWithNode.isStateless()) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.STARTS_WITH_MUST_BE_CONSTANT)
        if (!incrementByNode.isStateless()) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.INCREMENT_BY_MUST_BE_CONSTANT)
        ParseNode cacheNode = sequence.getCacheSize();
        if (cacheNode != null && !cacheNode.isStateless()) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CACHE_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE_CONSTANT)
        final PhoenixConnection connection = statement.getConnection();
        final StatementContext context = new StatementContext(statement);
        if (startsWithNode instanceof BindParseNode) {
            context.getBindManager().addParamMetaData((BindParseNode)startsWithNode, LONG_DATUM);
        if (incrementByNode instanceof BindParseNode) {
            context.getBindManager().addParamMetaData((BindParseNode)incrementByNode, LONG_DATUM);
        if (cacheNode instanceof BindParseNode) {
            context.getBindManager().addParamMetaData((BindParseNode)cacheNode, INTEGER_DATUM);
        ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler = new ExpressionCompiler(context);
        Expression startsWithExpr = startsWithNode.accept(expressionCompiler);
        ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
        startsWithExpr.evaluate(null, ptr);
        if (ptr.getLength() == 0 || !startsWithExpr.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(PDataType.LONG)) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.STARTS_WITH_MUST_BE_CONSTANT)
        final long startsWith = (Long)PDataType.LONG.toObject(ptr, startsWithExpr.getDataType());

        Expression incrementByExpr = incrementByNode.accept(expressionCompiler);
        incrementByExpr.evaluate(null, ptr);
        if (ptr.getLength() == 0 || !incrementByExpr.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(PDataType.LONG)) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.INCREMENT_BY_MUST_BE_CONSTANT)
        final long incrementBy = (Long)PDataType.LONG.toObject(ptr, incrementByExpr.getDataType());
        long cacheSizeValue = connection.getQueryServices().getProps().getLong(QueryServices.SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB,QueryServicesOptions.DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE);
        if (cacheNode != null) {
            Expression cacheSizeExpr = cacheNode.accept(expressionCompiler);
            cacheSizeExpr.evaluate(null, ptr);
            if (ptr.getLength() != 0 && (!cacheSizeExpr.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(PDataType.LONG) || (cacheSizeValue = (Long)PDataType.LONG.toObject(ptr, cacheSizeExpr.getDataType())) < 0)) {
                throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CACHE_MUST_BE_NON_NEGATIVE_CONSTANT)
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        if (multiTable) {
            List<AliasedNode> selectNodes = statement.getSelect();
            List<AliasedNode> normSelectNodes = selectNodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < selectNodes.size(); i++) {
                AliasedNode aliasedNode = selectNodes.get(i);
                ParseNode selectNode = aliasedNode.getNode();
                if (selectNode == WildcardParseNode.INSTANCE) {
                    if (selectNodes == normSelectNodes) {
                        normSelectNodes = Lists.newArrayList(selectNodes.subList(0, i));
                    for (TableNode tNode : from) {
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    public Expression visitLeave(ComparisonParseNode node, List<Expression> children) throws SQLException {
        ParseNode lhsNode = node.getChildren().get(0);
        ParseNode rhsNode = node.getChildren().get(1);
        Expression lhsExpr = children.get(0);
        Expression rhsExpr = children.get(1);
        CompareOp op = node.getFilterOp();
        if (lhsNode instanceof RowValueConstructorParseNode && rhsNode instanceof RowValueConstructorParseNode) {
            int i = 0;
            for (; i < Math.min(lhsExpr.getChildren().size(),rhsExpr.getChildren().size()); i++) {
                addBindParamMetaData(lhsNode.getChildren().get(i), rhsNode.getChildren().get(i), lhsExpr.getChildren().get(i), rhsExpr.getChildren().get(i));
            for (; i < lhsExpr.getChildren().size(); i++) {
                addBindParamMetaData(lhsNode.getChildren().get(i), null, lhsExpr.getChildren().get(i), null);
            for (; i < rhsExpr.getChildren().size(); i++) {
                addBindParamMetaData(null, rhsNode.getChildren().get(i), null, rhsExpr.getChildren().get(i));
        } else if (lhsExpr instanceof RowValueConstructorExpression) {
            addBindParamMetaData(lhsNode.getChildren().get(0), rhsNode, lhsExpr.getChildren().get(0), rhsExpr);
            for (int i = 1; i < lhsExpr.getChildren().size(); i++) {
                addBindParamMetaData(lhsNode.getChildren().get(i), null, lhsExpr.getChildren().get(i), null);
        } else if (rhsExpr instanceof RowValueConstructorExpression) {
            addBindParamMetaData(lhsNode, rhsNode.getChildren().get(0), lhsExpr, rhsExpr.getChildren().get(0));
            for (int i = 1; i < rhsExpr.getChildren().size(); i++) {
                addBindParamMetaData(null, rhsNode.getChildren().get(i), null, rhsExpr.getChildren().get(i));
        } else {
            addBindParamMetaData(lhsNode, rhsNode, lhsExpr, rhsExpr);
        return wrapGroupByExpression(ComparisonExpression.create(op, children, context.getTempPtr()));
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    public Expression visitLeave(CaseParseNode node, List<Expression> l) throws SQLException {
        final CaseExpression caseExpression = new CaseExpression(l);
        for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildren().size(); i+=2) {
            ParseNode childNode = node.getChildren().get(i);
            if (childNode instanceof BindParseNode) {
                context.getBindManager().addParamMetaData((BindParseNode)childNode, new DelegateDatum(caseExpression));
        if (node.isStateless()) {
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        return true;

    public Expression visitLeave(LikeParseNode node, List<Expression> children) throws SQLException {
        ParseNode lhsNode = node.getChildren().get(0);
        ParseNode rhsNode = node.getChildren().get(1);
        Expression lhs = children.get(0);
        Expression rhs = children.get(1);
        if ( rhs.getDataType() != null && lhs.getDataType() != null &&
                !lhs.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(rhs.getDataType())  &&
                !rhs.getDataType().isCoercibleTo(lhs.getDataType())) {
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        return true;

    public Expression visitLeave(NotParseNode node, List<Expression> children) throws SQLException {
        ParseNode childNode = node.getChildren().get(0);
        Expression child = children.get(0);
        if (!PDataType.BOOLEAN.isCoercibleTo(child.getDataType())) {
            throw TypeMismatchException.newException(PDataType.BOOLEAN, child.getDataType(), node.toString());
        if (childNode instanceof BindParseNode) { // TODO: valid/possibe?
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        return true;

    public Expression visitLeave(CastParseNode node, List<Expression> children) throws SQLException {
        ParseNode childNode = node.getChildren().get(0);
        PDataType targetDataType = node.getDataType();
        Expression childExpr = children.get(0);
        PDataType fromDataType = childExpr.getDataType();
        if (childNode instanceof BindParseNode) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.phoenix.parse.ParseNode

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