Package org.apache.ode.bpel.common

Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.common.FaultException

        if (partnerEPR == null) {
            partnerEpr = _bpelProcess.getInitialPartnerRoleEPR(partnerLink.partnerLink);
            // In this case, the partner link has not been initialized.
            if (partnerEpr == null)
                throw new FaultException(partnerLink.partnerLink.getOwner().constants.qnUninitializedPartnerRole);
        } else {
            partnerEpr = _bpelProcess._engine._contexts.eprContext.resolveEndpointReference(partnerEPR);

        if (BpelProcess.__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
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          Element reference = (Element) fetchVariableData(brc, resolve(variable.declaration.extVar.related), false);
            try {
                Node ret = brc.readExtVar(variable.declaration.extVar.externalVariableId, reference );
                if (ret == null) {
                    throw new FaultException(oscope.getOwner().constants.qnUninitializedVariable,
                            "The external variable \"" + + "\" has not been initialized.");
                return ret;
            } catch (IncompleteKeyException ike) {
                // This indicates that the external variable needed to be written do, put has not been.
                __log.error("External variable could not be read due to incomplete key; the following key " +
                        "components were missing: " + ike.getMissing());
                throw new FaultException(oscope.getOwner().constants.qnUninitializedVariable,
                        "The extenral variable \"" + + "\" has not been properly initialized;" +
                                "the following key compoenents were missing:" + ike.getMissing());
            } catch (ExternalVariableModuleException e) {
                __log.error("Unexpected EVM error.", e);
                throw new BpelEngineException(e);

        } else /* not external */ {
            Node data = brc.readVariable(variable.scopeInstance,, forWriting);
            if (data == null) {
                throw new FaultException(oscope.getOwner().constants.qnUninitializedVariable,
                        "The variable " + + " isn't properly initialized.");

            return data;
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            Element varElmt;
            try {
                if (args.get(1) instanceof List) {
                    List elmts = (List)args.get(1);
                    if (elmts.size() != 1) throw new XPathFunctionException(
                            new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnXsltInvalidSource,
                                    "Second parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform function MUST point to a single " +
                                            "element node."));
                    varElmt = (Element) elmts.get(0);
                } else {
                    if (args.get(1) instanceof NodeWrapper)
                        varElmt = (Element) ((NodeWrapper)args.get(1)).getUnderlyingNode();
                    else varElmt = (Element) args.get(1);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new XPathFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnXsltInvalidSource,
                                "Second parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform function MUST point to a single " +
                                        "element node."));

            URI xslUri;
            try {
                xslUri = new URI((String) args.get(0));
            } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
                // Shouldn't happen, checked at compilation time
                throw new XPathFunctionException("First parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform isn't a valid URI!");
            OXslSheet xslSheet = _oxpath.xslSheets.get(xslUri);
            // Shouldn't happen, checked at compilation time
            if (xslSheet == null) throw new XPathFunctionException("Couldn't find the XSL sheet " + args.get(0)
                    + ", process compilation or deployment was probably incomplete!");

            if (!(varElmt instanceof Element)) {
                throw new XPathFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnXsltInvalidSource,
                                "Second parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform function MUST point to a single " +
                                        "element node."));

            HashMap<QName, Object> parametersMap = null;
            if (args.size() > 2) {
                parametersMap = new HashMap<QName, Object>();
                for (int idx = 2; idx < args.size(); idx+=2) {
                    QName keyQName = _oxpath.namespaceCtx.derefQName((String) args.get(idx));
                    Object paramElmt;
                    if (args.get(idx + 1) instanceof NodeWrapper) {
                        Element tmpElmt = (Element) ((NodeWrapper)args.get(idx + 1)).getUnderlyingNode();
                        Document paramDoc = DOMUtils.newDocument();
                        paramDoc.appendChild(paramDoc.importNode(tmpElmt, true));
                        paramElmt = paramDoc;
                        if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                            __log.debug("Passing parameter " + keyQName + " " + DOMUtils.domToString(paramDoc));
                    } else if (args.get(idx + 1) instanceof List) {
                        paramElmt = ((List) args.get(idx + 1)).get(0);
                    } else paramElmt = args.get(idx + 1);

                    parametersMap.put(keyQName, paramElmt);

            if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                __log.debug("Executing XSL sheet " + args.get(0) + " on element " + DOMUtils.domToString(varElmt));

            Document varDoc = DOMUtils.newDocument();
            varDoc.appendChild(varDoc.importNode(varElmt, true));

            DOMSource source = new DOMSource(varDoc);
            // Using a StreamResult as a DOMResult doesn't behaves properly when the result
            // of the transformation is just a string.
            StringWriter writerResult = new StringWriter();
            StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writerResult);
            XslRuntimeUriResolver resolver = new XslRuntimeUriResolver(_oxpath);
            XslTransformHandler.getInstance().cacheXSLSheet(xslUri, xslSheet.sheetBody, resolver);
            try {
                XslTransformHandler.getInstance().transform(xslUri, source, result, parametersMap, resolver);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new XPathFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnSubLanguageExecutionFault,

            String output = writerResult.toString();
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            try {
                Node firstParam = null;
                if (args.get(0) instanceof List) {
                    List elmts = (List)args.get(0);
                    if (elmts.size() != 1) throw new XPathFunctionException(
                            new FaultException(new QName(Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS, "splitInvalidSource"),
                                    "First parameter of the ode:splitToElements function MUST point to a single " +
                                            "element or text node."));
                    firstParam = (Node) elmts.get(0);
                } else  if (args.get(0) instanceof NodeWrapper) {
                    firstParam = (Node) ((NodeWrapper)args.get(0)).getUnderlyingNode();
                } else if (args.get(0) instanceof Node) {
                    firstParam = (Node) args.get(0);
                } else {
                    strToSplit = (String) args.get(0);

                if (strToSplit == null) {
                    if (Node.ELEMENT_NODE == firstParam.getNodeType()) {
                        strToSplit = firstParam.getTextContent().trim();
                    } else if (Node.TEXT_NODE == firstParam.getNodeType()) {
                        strToSplit = ((Text)firstParam).getWholeText().trim();
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new XPathFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(new QName(Namespaces.ODE_EXTENSION_NS, "splitInvalidSource"),
                                "First parameter of the ode:splitToElements function MUST point to a single " +
                                        "element node."));

            // Other parameters
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    public Node evaluateNode(OExpression cexp, EvaluationContext ctx) throws FaultException, EvaluationException {
        List retVal = evaluate(cexp, ctx);
        if (retVal.size() == 0)
            throw new FaultException(cexp.getOwner().constants.qnSelectionFailure, "No results for expression: " + cexp);
        if (retVal.size() > 1)
            throw new FaultException(cexp.getOwner().constants.qnSelectionFailure, "Multiple results for expression: "
                    + cexp);
        return (Node) retVal.get(0);
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        try {
            return ISO8601DateParser.parseCal(literal);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String errmsg = "Invalid date: " + literal;
            __log.error(errmsg, ex);
            throw new FaultException(cexp.getOwner().constants.qnInvalidExpressionValue, errmsg);
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            Duration duration = new org.apache.ode.utils.xsd.Duration(literal);
            return duration;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            String errmsg = "Invalid duration: " + literal;
            __log.error(errmsg, ex);
            throw new FaultException(cexp.getOwner().constants.qnInvalidExpressionValue, errmsg);
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            Element varElmt;
            try {
                if (args.get(1) instanceof List) {
                    List elmts = (List)args.get(1);
                    if (elmts.size() != 1) throw new WrappedFaultException.JaxenFunctionException(
                            new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnXsltInvalidSource,
                                    "Second parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform function MUST point to a single " +
                                            "element node."));
                    varElmt = (Element) elmts.get(0);
                } else {
                    varElmt = (Element) args.get(1);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new WrappedFaultException.JaxenFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnXsltInvalidSource,
                                "Second parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform function MUST point to a single " +
                                        "element node."));

            URI xslUri;
            try {
                xslUri = new URI((String) args.get(0));
            } catch (URISyntaxException use) {
                // Shouldn't happen, checked at compilation time
                throw new FunctionCallException("First parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform isn't a valid URI!", use);
            OXslSheet xslSheet = _oxpath.xslSheets.get(xslUri);
            // Shouldn't happen, checked at compilation time
            if (xslSheet == null) throw new FunctionCallException("Couldn't find the XSL sheet " + args.get(0)
                    + ", process compilation or deployment was probably incomplete!");

            if (!(varElmt instanceof Element)) {
                throw new WrappedFaultException.JaxenFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnXsltInvalidSource,
                                "Second parameter of the bpws:doXslTransform function MUST point to a single " +
                                        "element node."));

            HashMap<QName, Object> parametersMap = null;
            if (args.size() > 2) {
                parametersMap = new HashMap<QName, Object>();
                for (int idx = 2; idx < args.size(); idx+=2) {
                    QName keyQName = _oxpath.namespaceCtx.derefQName((String) args.get(idx));
                    parametersMap.put(keyQName, args.get(idx + 1));

            DOMSource source = new DOMSource(varElmt);
            // Using a StreamResult as a DOMResult doesn't behaves properly when the result
            // of the transformation is just a string.
            StringWriter writerResult = new StringWriter();
            StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writerResult);
            XslRuntimeUriResolver resolver = new XslRuntimeUriResolver(_oxpath);
            XslTransformHandler.getInstance().cacheXSLSheet(xslUri, xslSheet.sheetBody, resolver);
            try {
                XslTransformHandler.getInstance().transform(xslUri, source, result, parametersMap, resolver);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new WrappedFaultException.JaxenFunctionException(
                        new FaultException(_oxpath.getOwner().constants.qnSubLanguageExecutionFault,

            String output = writerResult.toString();
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                    evaluateAsNumber(condition, getEvaluationContext()).intValue();
        } catch (EvaluationException e) {
            String msg;
            msg = "ForEach counter value couldn't be evaluated as xs:unsignedInt.";
            __log.error(msg, e);
            throw new FaultException(_oforEach.getOwner().constants.qnForEachCounterError,msg);
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                    // Adding a route for opaque correlation. In this case correlation is done on "out-of-band" session id.
                    String sessionId = getBpelRuntimeContext().fetchMySessionId(pLinkInstance);
                    key = new CorrelationKey(-1, new String[] {sessionId});
                } else {
                    if (!getBpelRuntimeContext().isCorrelationInitialized(_scopeFrame.resolve(_oevent.matchCorrelation))) {
                        throw new FaultException(_oevent.getOwner().constants.qnCorrelationViolation,"Correlation not initialized.");
                    key = getBpelRuntimeContext().readCorrelation(_scopeFrame.resolve(_oevent.matchCorrelation));
                    assert key != null;
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Related Classes of org.apache.ode.bpel.common.FaultException

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