Package org.apache.maven.plugin

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution

    private void executeStandaloneGoal( String task, Stack forkEntryPoints, MavenSession session, MavenProject project )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException, BuildFailureException, PluginNotFoundException
        // guaranteed to come from the CLI and not be part of a phase
        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = getMojoDescriptor( task, session, project, task, true, false );
        executeGoals( Collections.singletonList( new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor, MojoExecution.CLI_EXECUTION_ID ) ),
                      forkEntryPoints, session, project );
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    private void executeGoals( List goals, Stack forkEntryPoints, MavenSession session, MavenProject project )
        throws LifecycleExecutionException, BuildFailureException, PluginNotFoundException
        for ( Iterator i = goals.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            MojoExecution mojoExecution = (MojoExecution);

            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
            PlexusConfiguration configuration = mojoDescriptor.getMojoConfiguration();
            boolean usesReactorProjects = mojoDescriptor.isAggregator() || usesSessionOrReactorProjects( configuration );
            if ( usesReactorProjects )
                calculateAllConcreteStates( session );
                calculateConcreteState( project, session, true );
            calculateConcreteConfiguration( mojoExecution, project, session );
            List reportExecutions = null;
            if ( mojoDescriptor.isRequiresReports() )
                reportExecutions = getReportExecutions( project, forkEntryPoints, mojoExecution, session );
            boolean hasFork = false;
            if ( mojoDescriptor.getExecutePhase() != null || mojoDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null )
                hasFork = true;
            else if ( reportExecutions != null )
                for ( Iterator it = reportExecutions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                    MojoExecution reportExecution = (MojoExecution);
                    MojoDescriptor reportDescriptor = reportExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
                    if ( reportDescriptor.getExecutePhase() != null || reportDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null )
                        hasFork = true;
            if ( hasFork )
                // NOTE: This must always happen, regardless of treatment of reactorProjects below, because
                // if we're in a forked execution right now, the current project will itself be an execution project of
                // something in the reactorProjects list, and won't have a next-stage executionProject created
                // for it otherwise, which leaves the project == null for the upcoming forked execution.
                createExecutionProject( project, session, true );
                if ( usesReactorProjects )
                    List reactorProjects = session.getSortedProjects();
                    for ( Iterator it = reactorProjects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                        MavenProject reactorProject = (MavenProject);
                        createExecutionProject( reactorProject, session, false );

            if ( mojoDescriptor.getExecutePhase() != null || mojoDescriptor.getExecuteGoal() != null )
                forkEntryPoints.push( mojoDescriptor );

                forkLifecycle( mojoDescriptor, forkEntryPoints, session, project, mojoExecution.getExecutionId() );

            if ( mojoDescriptor.isRequiresReports() )
                List reports = getReports( reportExecutions, project, mojoExecution, session );

                mojoExecution.setReports( reports );

                for ( Iterator j = mojoExecution.getForkedExecutions().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
                    MojoExecution forkedExecution = (MojoExecution);
                    MojoDescriptor descriptor = forkedExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

                    if ( descriptor.getExecutePhase() != null )
                        forkEntryPoints.push( descriptor );

                        forkLifecycle( descriptor, forkEntryPoints, session, project, forkedExecution.getExecutionId() );

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                    id = mojoExecution.getExecutionId();
                MojoExecution reportExecution;
                if ( id.startsWith( MojoExecution.DEFAULT_EXEC_ID_PREFIX ) )
                    reportExecution = new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor );
                    reportExecution = new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor, id );

                reports.add( reportExecution );
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        List reports = new ArrayList();
        for ( Iterator it = reportExecutions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            MojoExecution reportExecution = (MojoExecution);
            PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = reportExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getPluginDescriptor();
                MavenReport reportMojo = pluginManager.getReport( project, reportExecution, session );
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                                configuration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( new Xpp3Dom( (Xpp3Dom) phase.getConfiguration() ),
                                                                      configuration );

                            MojoDescriptor desc = getMojoDescriptor( lifecyclePluginDescriptor, lifecycleGoal );
                            MojoExecution mojoExecution;
                            if ( executionId.startsWith( MojoExecution.DEFAULT_EXEC_ID_PREFIX ) )
                                mojoExecution = new MojoExecution( desc, configuration );
                                mojoExecution = new MojoExecution( desc, configuration, executionId );
                            addToLifecycleMappings( lifecycleMappings, phase.getId(), mojoExecution,
                                                    session.getSettings() );

                    if ( phase.getConfiguration() != null )
                        // Merge in general configuration for a phase.
                        // TODO: this is all kind of backwards from the POMM. Let's align it all under 2.1.
                        //   We should create a new lifecycle executor for modelVersion >5.0.0
                        for ( Iterator j = lifecycleMappings.values().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
                            List tasks = (List);

                            for ( Iterator k = tasks.iterator(); k.hasNext(); )
                                MojoExecution exec = (MojoExecution);

                                Xpp3Dom configuration = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom(
                                    new Xpp3Dom( (Xpp3Dom) phase.getConfiguration() ), exec.getConfiguration() );

                                exec.setConfiguration( configuration );


            removeFromLifecycle( forkEntryPoints, lifecycleMappings );

        if ( targetPhase != null )
            Lifecycle lifecycle = getLifecycleForPhase( targetPhase );

            executeGoalWithLifecycle( targetPhase, forkEntryPoints, session, lifecycleMappings, project, lifecycle );
            String goal = mojoDescriptor.getExecuteGoal();
            MojoDescriptor desc = getMojoDescriptor( pluginDescriptor, goal );
            executeGoals( Collections.singletonList( new MojoExecution( desc, goal ) ), forkEntryPoints, session, project );
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            List tasks = (List);

            for ( Iterator taskIterator = tasks.iterator(); taskIterator.hasNext(); )
                MojoExecution execution = (MojoExecution);

                if ( lifecycleForkers.contains( execution.getMojoDescriptor() ) )
                    getLogger().warn( "Removing: " + execution.getMojoDescriptor().getGoal()
                                      + " from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation." );
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                        throw new LifecycleExecutionException( "Mojo: \'" + goal +
                            "\' requires direct invocation. It cannot be used as part of lifecycle: \'" +
                            project.getPackaging() + "\'." );

                    addToLifecycleMappings( lifecycleMappings, phase, new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor ),
                                            session.getSettings() );

            if ( phase.equals( selectedPhase ) )
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            // We have to check to see that the inheritance rules have been applied before binding this mojo.
            if ( execution.isInheritanceApplied() || mojoDescriptor.isInheritedByDefault() )
                MojoExecution mojoExecution = new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor, execution.getId() );

                String phase = execution.getPhase();

                if ( phase == null )
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            pd.setPluginArtifact( artifact );
            pd.setArtifacts( Collections.singletonList( artifact ) );

            config.put( "project", project );
            config.put( "session", new MavenSession( null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ) );
            config.put( "mojoExecution", new MojoExecution( md ) );

            ComponentRequirement cr = new ComponentRequirement();
            cr.setRole( PathTranslator.class.getName() );

            wrapper.addComponentRequirement( cr, pt );
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                throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not find goal '" + goal + "' in plugin "
                        + plugin.getGroupId() + ":"
                        + plugin.getArtifactId() + ":"
                        + plugin.getVersion());
            MojoExecution exec = mojoExecution(mojoDescriptor, executionId, configuration);
            env.getPluginManager().executeMojo(session, exec);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to execute mojo", e);
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution

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