Package org.apache.maven.model

Examples of org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository


    private static DeploymentRepository copyDistributionRepository( DeploymentRepository parentRepository )
        DeploymentRepository repository = new DeploymentRepository();

        repository.setId( parentRepository.getId() );

        repository.setName( parentRepository.getName() );

        repository.setUrl( parentRepository.getUrl() );

        repository.setLayout( parentRepository.getLayout() );

        repository.setUniqueVersion( parentRepository.isUniqueVersion() );

        return repository;
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        if ( src == null )
            return null;
        DeploymentRepository result = new DeploymentRepository();
        result.setUniqueVersion( src.isUniqueVersion() );
        cloneRepositoryBaseFields( src, result );
        return result;
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    protected void mergeDistributionManagement_Repository( DistributionManagement target,
                                                           DistributionManagement source, boolean sourceDominant,
                                                           Map<Object, Object> context )
        DeploymentRepository src = source.getRepository();
        if ( src != null )
            DeploymentRepository tgt = target.getRepository();
            if ( tgt == null )
                tgt = new DeploymentRepository();
                target.setRepository( tgt );
                mergeDeploymentRepository( tgt, src, sourceDominant, context );
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    protected void mergeDistributionManagement_SnapshotRepository( DistributionManagement target,
                                                                   DistributionManagement source,
                                                                   boolean sourceDominant, Map<Object, Object> context )
        DeploymentRepository src = source.getSnapshotRepository();
        if ( src != null )
            DeploymentRepository tgt = target.getSnapshotRepository();
            if ( tgt == null )
                tgt = new DeploymentRepository();
                target.setSnapshotRepository( tgt );
                mergeDeploymentRepository( tgt, src, sourceDominant, context );
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        DistributionManagement distributionManagement = new DistributionManagement();
        distributionManagement.setDownloadUrl( "downloadUrl" );
        distributionManagement.setRelocation( new Relocation() );
        distributionManagement.setStatus( "deployed" );

        DeploymentRepository repository = new DeploymentRepository();
        repository.setId( "apache.releases" );
        repository.setUrl( "scp://" );
        repository.setName( "name" );
        repository.setLayout( "legacy" );
        distributionManagement.setRepository( repository );

        DeploymentRepository snapshotRepository = new DeploymentRepository();
        snapshotRepository.setId( "apache.snapshots" );
        snapshotRepository.setUrl( "scp://" );
        snapshotRepository.setName( "name" );
        snapshotRepository.setLayout( "legacy" );
        snapshotRepository.setUniqueVersion( false );
        distributionManagement.setSnapshotRepository( snapshotRepository );

        Site site = new Site();
        site.setId( "" );
        site.setUrl( "scp://" );
        site.setName( "name3" );
        distributionManagement.setSite( site );

        parent.setDistributionManagement( distributionManagement );

        assembler.assembleModelInheritance( child, parent );

        DistributionManagement childDistMgmt = child.getDistributionManagement();
        assertNotNull( "Check distMgmt inherited", childDistMgmt );
        assertNull( "Check status NOT inherited", childDistMgmt.getStatus() );
        assertNull( "Check relocation NOT inherited", childDistMgmt.getRelocation() );
        assertEquals( "Check downloadUrl inherited", distributionManagement.getDownloadUrl(),
                      childDistMgmt.getDownloadUrl() );

        Site childSite = childDistMgmt.getSite();
        assertNotNull( "Check site inherited", childSite );
        assertEquals( "Check id matches", site.getId(), childSite.getId() );
        assertEquals( "Check name matches", site.getName(), childSite.getName() );
        assertEquals( "Check url matches with appended path", site.getUrl() + "child", childSite.getUrl() );

        assertRepositoryBase( childDistMgmt.getRepository(), repository );
        assertRepositoryBase( childDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository(), snapshotRepository );
        assertEquals( "Check uniqueVersion is inherited", snapshotRepository.isUniqueVersion(),
                      childDistMgmt.getSnapshotRepository().isUniqueVersion() );
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                finalName = model.getArtifactId() + "-" + model.getVersion() + "." + ext;

            DistributionManagement distMgmt = new DistributionManagement();

            DeploymentRepository deployRepo = new DeploymentRepository();

            deployRepo.setId( "integration-test.output" );

            File tmpDir = FileUtils.createTempFile( "integration-test-repo", "", null );
            String tmpUrl = tmpDir.toURL().toExternalForm();

            deployRepo.setUrl( tmpUrl );

            distMgmt.setRepository( deployRepo );
            distMgmt.setSnapshotRepository( deployRepo );

            Repository localAsRemote = new Repository();
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                finalName = model.getArtifactId() + "-" + model.getVersion() + "." + ext;

            DistributionManagement distMgmt = new DistributionManagement();

            DeploymentRepository deployRepo = new DeploymentRepository();

            deployRepo.setId( "integration-test.output" );

            File tmpDir = FileUtils.createTempFile( "integration-test-repo", "", null );
            String tmpUrl = tmpDir.toURL().toExternalForm();

            deployRepo.setUrl( tmpUrl );

            distMgmt.setRepository( deployRepo );
            distMgmt.setSnapshotRepository( deployRepo );

            Repository localAsRemote = new Repository();
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     * @param parser
    private DeploymentRepository parseDeploymentRepository(String tagName, XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, String encoding)
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        DeploymentRepository deploymentRepository = new DeploymentRepository();
        deploymentRepository.setModelEncoding( encoding );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( parser.getName().equals( "uniqueVersion" )  )
                if ( parsed.contains( "uniqueVersion" ) )
                    throw new XmlPullParserException( "Duplicated tag: '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null);
                parsed.add( "uniqueVersion" );
                deploymentRepository.setUniqueVersion( getBooleanValue( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText()), "uniqueVersion", parser ) );
            else if ( parser.getName().equals( "id" )  )
                if ( parsed.contains( "id" ) )
                    throw new XmlPullParserException( "Duplicated tag: '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null);
                parsed.add( "id" );
                deploymentRepository.setId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText()) );
            else if ( parser.getName().equals( "name" )  )
                if ( parsed.contains( "name" ) )
                    throw new XmlPullParserException( "Duplicated tag: '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null);
                parsed.add( "name" );
                deploymentRepository.setName( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText()) );
            else if ( parser.getName().equals( "url" )  )
                if ( parsed.contains( "url" ) )
                    throw new XmlPullParserException( "Duplicated tag: '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null);
                parsed.add( "url" );
                deploymentRepository.setUrl( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText()) );
            else if ( parser.getName().equals( "layout" )  )
                if ( parsed.contains( "layout" ) )
                    throw new XmlPullParserException( "Duplicated tag: '" + parser.getName() + "'", parser, null);
                parsed.add( "layout" );
                deploymentRepository.setLayout( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText()) );
                if ( strict )
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    private MavenProject getMavenProjectStub( boolean https )
        final DistributionManagement distributionManagement = new DistributionManagement();
        DeploymentRepository repository = new DeploymentRepository();
        repository.setId( "localhost" );
        repository.setUrl( ( https ? "https" : "http" ) + "://localhost:" + port );
        distributionManagement.setRepository( repository );
        distributionManagement.setSnapshotRepository( repository );
        return new MavenProjectStub()
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            final DistributionManagement distributionManagement = model.getDistributionManagement();

            if ( distributionManagement != null ) {

                final boolean isSnapshot = pomXMLArtifact.isSnapshot();
                DeploymentRepository remoteRepository = null;
                if ( isSnapshot ) {
                    remoteRepository = distributionManagement.getSnapshotRepository();
                } else {
                    remoteRepository = distributionManagement.getRepository();
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository

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