Package org.apache.lucene.index

Examples of org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo

    try {
      SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
      assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NUMFIELDS);
      final int size = Integer.parseInt(readString(NUMFIELDS.length, scratch));
      FieldInfo infos[] = new FieldInfo[size];

      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NAME);
        String name = readString(NAME.length, scratch);
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NUMBER);
        int fieldNumber = Integer.parseInt(readString(NUMBER.length, scratch));

        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, ISINDEXED);
        boolean isIndexed = Boolean.parseBoolean(readString(ISINDEXED.length, scratch));
        final IndexOptions indexOptions;
        if (isIndexed) {
          SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
          assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, INDEXOPTIONS);
          indexOptions = IndexOptions.valueOf(readString(INDEXOPTIONS.length, scratch));         
        } else {
          indexOptions = null;
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, STORETV);
        boolean storeTermVector = Boolean.parseBoolean(readString(STORETV.length, scratch));
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, PAYLOADS);
        boolean storePayloads = Boolean.parseBoolean(readString(PAYLOADS.length, scratch));
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NORMS);
        boolean omitNorms = !Boolean.parseBoolean(readString(NORMS.length, scratch));
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NORMS_TYPE);
        String nrmType = readString(NORMS_TYPE.length, scratch);
        final DocValuesType normsType = docValuesType(nrmType);
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, DOCVALUES);
        String dvType = readString(DOCVALUES.length, scratch);
        final DocValuesType docValuesType = docValuesType(dvType);
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, DOCVALUES_GEN);
        final long dvGen = Long.parseLong(readString(DOCVALUES_GEN.length, scratch));
        SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
        assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NUM_ATTS);
        int numAtts = Integer.parseInt(readString(NUM_ATTS.length, scratch));
        Map<String,String> atts = new HashMap<String,String>();

        for (int j = 0; j < numAtts; j++) {
          SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
          assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, ATT_KEY);
          String key = readString(ATT_KEY.length, scratch);
          SimpleTextUtil.readLine(input, scratch);
          assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, ATT_VALUE);
          String value = readString(ATT_VALUE.length, scratch);
          atts.put(key, value);

        infos[i] = new FieldInfo(name, isIndexed, fieldNumber, storeTermVector,
          omitNorms, storePayloads, indexOptions, docValuesType, normsType, Collections.unmodifiableMap(atts));

      if (input.getFilePointer() != input.length()) {
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    for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
      assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, FIELD);
      int fieldNumber = parseIntAt(FIELD.length);
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber);
      assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, NAME);
      assert StringHelper.startsWith(scratch, TYPE);
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      for(int i=0;i<numFields;i++) {
        final int field = in.readVInt();
        final long numTerms = in.readVLong();
        assert numTerms >= 0;
        final long termsStartPointer = in.readVLong();
        final FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
        final long sumTotalTermFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY ? -1 : in.readVLong();
        final long sumDocFreq = in.readVLong();
        final int docCount = in.readVInt();
        final int longsSize = version >= BlockTermsWriter.VERSION_META_ARRAY ? in.readVInt() : 0;
        if (docCount < 0 || docCount > info.getDocCount()) { // #docs with field must be <= #docs
          throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid docCount: " + docCount + " maxDoc: " + info.getDocCount() + " (resource=" + in + ")");
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        terms = new BytesRefHash(byteBlockPool, BytesRefHash.DEFAULT_CAPACITY, sliceArray);

      if (!fieldInfos.containsKey(fieldName)) {
            new FieldInfo(fieldName, true, fieldInfos.size(), false, false, false, this.storeOffsets ? IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS : IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS , null, null, null));
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termAtt = stream.getAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      PositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAttribute = stream.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
      OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = stream.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
      BytesRef ref = termAtt.getBytesRef();
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    public Terms terms(String field) throws IOException {
      final FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
      if (fieldInfo == null) {
        // No such field
        return null;
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        assert numTerms >= 0;
        final int numBytes = in.readVInt();
        final BytesRef rootCode = new BytesRef(new byte[numBytes]);
        in.readBytes(rootCode.bytes, 0, numBytes);
        rootCode.length = numBytes;
        final FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field);
        assert fieldInfo != null: "field=" + field;
        final long sumTotalTermFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY ? -1 : in.readVLong();
        final long sumDocFreq = in.readVLong();
        final int docCount = in.readVInt();
        final int longsSize = version >= BlockTreeTermsWriter.TERMS_VERSION_META_ARRAY ? in.readVInt() : 0;
        if (docCount < 0 || docCount > info.getDocCount()) { // #docs with field must be <= #docs
          throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid docCount: " + docCount + " maxDoc: " + info.getDocCount() + " (resource=" + in + ")");
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    private String cachedFieldName;
    private Similarity cachedSimilarity;
    public NumericDocValues getNormValues(String field) {
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.get(field);
      if (fieldInfo == null || fieldInfo.omitsNorms())
        return null;
      NumericDocValues norms = cachedNormValues;
      Similarity sim = getSimilarity();
      if (!field.equals(cachedFieldName) || sim != cachedSimilarity) { // not cached?
        Info info = getInfo(field);
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    final int numFields = fieldsStream.readVInt();
    for (int fieldIDX = 0; fieldIDX < numFields; fieldIDX++) {
      int fieldNumber = fieldsStream.readVInt();
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber);
      int bits = fieldsStream.readByte() & 0xFF;
      assert bits <= (FIELD_IS_NUMERIC_MASK | FIELD_IS_BINARY): "bits=" + Integer.toHexString(bits);

      switch(visitor.needsField(fieldInfo)) {
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      final FieldInfos fieldInfos = state.fieldInfos;
      final int numFields = blockIn.readVInt();
      for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
        FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(blockIn.readVInt());
        boolean hasFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() != IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY;
        long numTerms = blockIn.readVLong();
        long sumTotalTermFreq = hasFreq ? blockIn.readVLong() : -1;
        long sumDocFreq = blockIn.readVLong();
        int docCount = blockIn.readVInt();
        int longsSize = blockIn.readVInt();
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      final FieldInfos fieldInfos = state.fieldInfos;
      final int numFields = in.readVInt();
      for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
        int fieldNumber = in.readVInt();
        FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber);
        long numTerms = in.readVLong();
        long sumTotalTermFreq = fieldInfo.getIndexOptions() == IndexOptions.DOCS_ONLY ? -1 : in.readVLong();
        long sumDocFreq = in.readVLong();
        int docCount = in.readVInt();
        int longsSize = in.readVInt();
        TermsReader current = new TermsReader(fieldInfo, numTerms, sumTotalTermFreq, sumDocFreq, docCount, longsSize);
        TermsReader previous = fields.put(, current);
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Related Classes of org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo

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