Package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util

Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.HTTPFileArg

    private void addFile(String path) {
        // If a table cell is being edited, we should accept the current value
        // and stop the editing before adding a new row.

        tableModel.addRow(new HTTPFileArg(path));

        // Enable DELETE (which may already be enabled, but it won't hurt)
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                if (isBinaryContent(contentType)) {
                    try {
                        File tempDir = new File(getBinaryDirectory());
                        File out = File.createTempFile(request.getMethod(), getBinaryFileSuffix(), tempDir);
                        HTTPFileArg [] files = {new HTTPFileArg(out.getPath(),"",contentType)};
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.warn("Could not create binary file: "+e);
                } else {
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     *                if an I/O exception occurs
    private String sendPostData(PostMethod post) throws IOException {
        // Buffer to hold the post body, except file content
        StringBuilder postedBody = new StringBuilder(1000);
        HTTPFileArg files[] = getHTTPFiles();
        // Check if we should do a multipart/form-data or an
        // application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
        if(getUseMultipartForPost()) {
            // If a content encoding is specified, we use that as the
            // encoding of any parameter values
            String contentEncoding = getContentEncoding();
            if(isNullOrEmptyTrimmed(contentEncoding)) {
                contentEncoding = null;

            final boolean browserCompatible = getDoBrowserCompatibleMultipart();
            // We don't know how many entries will be skipped
            ArrayList<PartBase> partlist = new ArrayList<PartBase>();
            // Create the parts
            // Add any parameters
            PropertyIterator args = getArguments().iterator();
            while (args.hasNext()) {
                HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument);
                String parameterName = arg.getName();
                if (arg.isSkippable(parameterName)){
                StringPart part = new StringPart(arg.getName(), arg.getValue(), contentEncoding);
                if (browserCompatible) {

            // Add any files
            for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
                HTTPFileArg file = files[i];
                File inputFile = new File(file.getPath());
                // We do not know the char set of the file to be uploaded, so we set it to null
                ViewableFilePart filePart = new ViewableFilePart(file.getParamName(), inputFile, file.getMimeType(), null);
                filePart.setCharSet(null); // We do not know what the char set of the file is

            // Set the multipart for the post
            int partNo = partlist.size();
            Part[] parts = partlist.toArray(new Part[partNo]);
            MultipartRequestEntity multiPart = new MultipartRequestEntity(parts, post.getParams());

            // Set the content type
            String multiPartContentType = multiPart.getContentType();
            post.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, multiPartContentType);

            // If the Multipart is repeatable, we can send it first to
            // our own stream, without the actual file content, so we can return it
            if(multiPart.isRepeatable()) {
                // For all the file multiparts, we must tell it to not include
                // the actual file content
                for(int i = 0; i < partNo; i++) {
                    if(parts[i] instanceof ViewableFilePart) {
                        ((ViewableFilePart) parts[i]).setHideFileData(true); // .sendMultipartWithoutFileContent(bos);
                // Write the request to our own stream
                ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                // We get the posted bytes using the encoding used to create it
                postedBody.append(new String(bos.toByteArray(),
                        contentEncoding == null ? "US-ASCII" // $NON-NLS-1$ this is the default used by HttpClient
                        : contentEncoding));

                // For all the file multiparts, we must revert the hiding of
                // the actual file content
                for(int i = 0; i < partNo; i++) {
                    if(parts[i] instanceof ViewableFilePart) {
                        ((ViewableFilePart) parts[i]).setHideFileData(false);
            else {
                postedBody.append("<Multipart was not repeatable, cannot view what was sent>"); // $NON-NLS-1$
        else {
            // Check if the header manager had a content type header
            // This allows the user to specify his own content-type for a POST request
            Header contentTypeHeader = post.getRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
            boolean hasContentTypeHeader = contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue() != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue().length() > 0;
            // If there are no arguments, we can send a file as the body of the request
            // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
            if(!hasArguments() && getSendFileAsPostBody()) {
                // If getSendFileAsPostBody returned true, it's sure that file is not null
                HTTPFileArg file = files[0];
                if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                    // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                    if(file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                        post.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                    else {
                        post.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);

                FileRequestEntity fileRequestEntity = new FileRequestEntity(new File(file.getPath()),null);

                // We just add placeholder text for file content
                postedBody.append("<actual file content, not shown here>");
            else {
                // In a post request which is not multipart, we only support
                // parameters, no file upload is allowed

                // If a content encoding is specified, we set it as http parameter, so that
                // the post body will be encoded in the specified content encoding
                String contentEncoding = getContentEncoding();
                boolean haveContentEncoding = false;
                if(isNullOrEmptyTrimmed(contentEncoding)) {
                } else {
                    haveContentEncoding = true;                   

                // If none of the arguments have a name specified, we
                // just send all the values as the post body
                if(getSendParameterValuesAsPostBody()) {
                    // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                    // This is not obvious in GUI if you are not uploading any files,
                    // but just sending the content of nameless parameters
                    // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
                    if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                        HTTPFileArg file = files.length > 0? files[0] : null;
                        if(file != null && file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                            post.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                        else {
                             // TODO - is this the correct default?
                            post.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
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        // Check if the header manager had a content type header
        // This allows the user to specify his own content-type for a POST request
        Header contentTypeHeader = put.getRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
        boolean hasContentTypeHeader = contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue() != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue().length() > 0;
        HTTPFileArg files[] = getHTTPFiles();

        // If there are no arguments, we can send a file as the body of the request

        if(!hasArguments() && getSendFileAsPostBody()) {
            hasPutBody = true;

            // If getSendFileAsPostBody returned true, it's sure that file is not null
            FileRequestEntity fileRequestEntity = new FileRequestEntity(new File(files[0].getPath()),null);
        // If none of the arguments have a name specified, we
        // just send all the values as the put body
        else if(getSendParameterValuesAsPostBody()) {
            hasPutBody = true;

            // If a content encoding is specified, we set it as http parameter, so that
            // the post body will be encoded in the specified content encoding
            String contentEncoding = getContentEncoding();
            boolean haveContentEncoding = false;
            if(isNullOrEmptyTrimmed(contentEncoding)) {
                contentEncoding = null;
            } else {
                haveContentEncoding = true;

            // Just append all the parameter values, and use that as the post body
            StringBuilder putBodyContent = new StringBuilder();
            PropertyIterator args = getArguments().iterator();
            while (args.hasNext()) {
                HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument);
                String value = null;
                if (haveContentEncoding){
                    value = arg.getEncodedValue(contentEncoding);
                } else {
                    value = arg.getEncodedValue();
            String contentTypeValue = null;
            if(hasContentTypeHeader) {
                contentTypeValue = put.getRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE).getValue();
            StringRequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(putBodyContent.toString(), contentTypeValue, put.getRequestCharSet());
        // Check if we have any content to send for body
        if(hasPutBody) {
            // If the request entity is repeatable, we can send it first to
            // our own stream, so we can return it
            if(put.getRequestEntity().isRepeatable()) {
                ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                // We get the posted bytes using the charset that was used to create them
                putBody.append(new String(bos.toByteArray(),put.getRequestCharSet()));
            else {
                putBody.append("<RequestEntity was not repeatable, cannot view what was sent>");
            if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                // This is not obvious in GUI if you are not uploading any files,
                // but just sending the content of nameless parameters
                // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
                HTTPFileArg file = files.length > 0? files[0] : null;
                if(file != null && file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                    put.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
            // Set the content length
            put.setRequestHeader(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(put.getRequestEntity().getContentLength()));
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    public String sendPostData(URLConnection connection, HTTPSamplerBase sampler) throws IOException {
        // Buffer to hold the post body, except file content
        StringBuilder postedBody = new StringBuilder(1000);

        HTTPFileArg files[] = sampler.getHTTPFiles();

        String contentEncoding = sampler.getContentEncoding();
        if(contentEncoding == null || contentEncoding.length() == 0) {
            contentEncoding = ENCODING;

        // Check if we should do a multipart/form-data or an
        // application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
        if(sampler.getUseMultipartForPost()) {
            OutputStream out = connection.getOutputStream();

            // Write the form data post body, which we have constructed
            // in the setHeaders. This contains the multipart start divider
            // and any form data, i.e. arguments
            // Retrieve the formatted data using the same encoding used to create it
            postedBody.append(new String(formDataPostBody, contentEncoding));

            // Add any files
            for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
                HTTPFileArg file = files[i];
                // First write the start multipart file
                byte[] header = file.getHeader().getBytes()// TODO - charset?
                // Retrieve the formatted data using the same encoding used to create it
                postedBody.append(new String(header)); // TODO - charset?
                // Write the actual file content
                writeFileToStream(file.getPath(), out);
                // We just add placeholder text for file content
                postedBody.append("<actual file content, not shown here>"); // $NON-NLS-1$
                // Write the end of multipart file
                byte[] fileMultipartEndDivider = getFileMultipartEndDivider();
                // Retrieve the formatted data using the same encoding used to create it
                postedBody.append(new String(fileMultipartEndDivider, ENCODING));
                if(i + 1 < files.length) {
                    postedBody.append(new String(CRLF, SampleResult.DEFAULT_HTTP_ENCODING));
            // Write end of multipart
            byte[] multipartEndDivider = getMultipartEndDivider();
            postedBody.append(new String(multipartEndDivider, ENCODING));

        else {
            // If there are no arguments, we can send a file as the body of the request
            if(sampler.getArguments() != null && !sampler.hasArguments() && sampler.getSendFileAsPostBody()) {
                OutputStream out = connection.getOutputStream();
                // we're sure that there is at least one file because of
                // getSendFileAsPostBody method's return value.
                HTTPFileArg file = files[0];
                writeFileToStream(file.getPath(), out);

                // We just add placeholder text for file content
                postedBody.append("<actual file content, not shown here>"); // $NON-NLS-1$
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        String contentEncoding = sampler.getContentEncoding();
        if(contentEncoding == null || contentEncoding.length() == 0) {
            contentEncoding = ENCODING;
        long contentLength = 0L;
        HTTPFileArg files[] = sampler.getHTTPFiles();

        // Check if we should do a multipart/form-data or an
        // application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
        if(sampler.getUseMultipartForPost()) {
            // Set the content type
                    HTTPConstants.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA + "; boundary=" + getBoundary()); // $NON-NLS-1$

            // Write the form section
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            // First the multipart start divider
            // Add any parameters
            PropertyIterator args = sampler.getArguments().iterator();
            while (args.hasNext()) {
                HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument);
                String parameterName = arg.getName();
                if (arg.isSkippable(parameterName)){
                // End the previous multipart
                // Write multipart for parameter
                writeFormMultipart(bos, parameterName, arg.getValue(), contentEncoding, sampler.getDoBrowserCompatibleMultipart());
            // If there are any files, we need to end the previous multipart
            if(files.length > 0) {
                // End the previous multipart
            // Keep the content, will be sent later
            formDataPostBody = bos.toByteArray();
            contentLength = formDataPostBody.length;

            // Now we just construct any multipart for the files
            // We only construct the file multipart start, we do not write
            // the actual file content
            for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
                HTTPFileArg file = files[i];
                // Write multipart for file
                bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                writeStartFileMultipart(bos, file.getPath(), file.getParamName(), file.getMimeType());
                String header = bos.toString(contentEncoding);// TODO is this correct?
                // If this is not the first file we can't write its header now
                // for simplicity we always save it, even if there is only one file
                contentLength += header.length();
                // Add also the length of the file content
                File uploadFile = new File(file.getPath());
                contentLength += uploadFile.length();
                // And the end of the file multipart
                contentLength += getFileMultipartEndDivider().length;
                if(i+1 < files.length) {
                    contentLength += CRLF.length;

            // Add the end of multipart
            contentLength += getMultipartEndDivider().length;

            // Set the content length
            connection.setRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(contentLength));

            // Make the connection ready for sending post data
        else {
            // Check if the header manager had a content type header
            // This allows the user to specify his own content-type for a POST request
            String contentTypeHeader = connection.getRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
            boolean hasContentTypeHeader = contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.length() > 0;

            // If there are no arguments, we can send a file as the body of the request
            if(sampler.getArguments() != null && sampler.getArguments().getArgumentCount() == 0 && sampler.getSendFileAsPostBody()) {
                // we're sure that there is one file because of
                // getSendFileAsPostBody method's return value.
                HTTPFileArg file = files[0];
                if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                    // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                    if(file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                        connection.setRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                    else {
                        connection.setRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
                // Create the content length we are going to write
                File inputFile = new File(file.getPath());
                contentLength = inputFile.length();
            else {
                // We create the post body content now, so we know the size
                ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

                // If none of the arguments have a name specified, we
                // just send all the values as the post body
                String postBody = null;
                if(!sampler.getSendParameterValuesAsPostBody()) {
                    // Set the content type
                    if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                        connection.setRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);

                    // It is a normal post request, with parameter names and values
                    postBody = sampler.getQueryString(contentEncoding);
                else {
                    // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                    // This is not obvious in GUI if you are not uploading any files,
                    // but just sending the content of nameless parameters
                    // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
                    if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                        HTTPFileArg file = files.length > 0? files[0] : null;
                        if(file != null && file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                            connection.setRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                        else {
                            // TODO: is this the correct default?
                            connection.setRequestProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
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            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we only put HTTPFileArgs in it
            Iterator<HTTPFileArg> modelData = (Iterator<HTTPFileArg>) tableModel.iterator();
            HTTPFileArg[] files = new HTTPFileArg[rows];
            int row=0;
            while (modelData.hasNext()) {
                HTTPFileArg file =;
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    private void addFile(String path) {
        // If a table cell is being edited, we should accept the current value
        // and stop the editing before adding a new row.

        tableModel.addRow(new HTTPFileArg(path));

        // Enable DELETE (which may already be enabled, but it won't hurt)
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                if (isBinaryContent(contentType)) {
                    try {
                        File tempDir = new File(binaryDirectory);
                        File out = File.createTempFile(method, binaryFileSuffix, tempDir);
                        HTTPFileArg [] files = {new HTTPFileArg(out.getPath(),"",contentType)};
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.warn("Could not create binary file: "+e);
                } else {
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    // TODO needs cleaning up
    private String sendPostData(HttpPost postthrows IOException {
        // Buffer to hold the post body, except file content
        StringBuilder postedBody = new StringBuilder(1000);
        HTTPFileArg files[] = getHTTPFiles();
        // Check if we should do a multipart/form-data or an
        // application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
        if(getUseMultipartForPost()) {
            // If a content encoding is specified, we use that as the
            // encoding of any parameter values
            String contentEncoding = getContentEncoding();
            if(contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.length() == 0) {
                contentEncoding = null;

            // Write the request to our own stream
            MultipartEntity multiPart = new MultipartEntity(
                    getDoBrowserCompatibleMultipart() ? HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE : HttpMultipartMode.STRICT);
            // Create the parts
            // Add any parameters
            PropertyIterator args = getArguments().iterator();
            while (args.hasNext()) {
               HTTPArgument arg = (HTTPArgument);
               String parameterName = arg.getName();
               if (arg.isSkippable(parameterName)){
               FormBodyPart formPart;
               StringBody stringBody = new StringBody(arg.getValue(),
                       Charset.forName(contentEncoding == null ? "US-ASCII" : contentEncoding));
               formPart = new FormBodyPart(arg.getName(), stringBody);                  

            // Add any files
            // Cannot retrieve parts once added to the MultiPartEntity, so have to save them here.
            ViewableFileBody[] fileBodies = new ViewableFileBody[files.length];
            for (int i=0; i < files.length; i++) {
                HTTPFileArg file = files[i];
                fileBodies[i] = new ViewableFileBody(new File(file.getPath()), file.getMimeType());


            if (multiPart.isRepeatable()){
                ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                for(ViewableFileBody fileBody : fileBodies){
                    fileBody.hideFileData = true;
                for(ViewableFileBody fileBody : fileBodies){
                    fileBody.hideFileData = false;
                // We get the posted bytes using the encoding used to create it
                postedBody.append(new String(bos.toByteArray(),
                        contentEncoding == null ? "US-ASCII" // $NON-NLS-1$ this is the default used by HttpClient
                        : contentEncoding));
            } else {
                postedBody.append("<Multipart was not repeatable, cannot view what was sent>"); // $NON-NLS-1$

//            // Set the content type TODO - needed?
//            String multiPartContentType = multiPart.getContentType().getValue();
//            post.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, multiPartContentType);

        } else { // not multipart
            // Check if the header manager had a content type header
            // This allows the user to specify his own content-type for a POST request
            Header contentTypeHeader = post.getFirstHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE);
            boolean hasContentTypeHeader = contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue() != null && contentTypeHeader.getValue().length() > 0;
            // If there are no arguments, we can send a file as the body of the request
            // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
            if(!hasArguments() && getSendFileAsPostBody()) {
                // If getSendFileAsPostBody returned true, it's sure that file is not null
                HTTPFileArg file = files[0];
                if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                    // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                    if(file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                        post.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                    else {
                        post.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);

                FileEntity fileRequestEntity = new FileEntity(new File(file.getPath()),(String) null);// TODO is null correct?

                // We just add placeholder text for file content
                postedBody.append("<actual file content, not shown here>");
            } else {
                // In a post request which is not multipart, we only support
                // parameters, no file upload is allowed

                // If a content encoding is specified, we set it as http parameter, so that
                // the post body will be encoded in the specified content encoding
                String contentEncoding = getContentEncoding();
                boolean haveContentEncoding = false;
                if(contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.trim().length() > 0) {
                    post.getParams().setParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.HTTP_CONTENT_CHARSET, contentEncoding);
                    haveContentEncoding = true;
                } else if (contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.trim().length() == 0){

                // If none of the arguments have a name specified, we
                // just send all the values as the post body
                if(getSendParameterValuesAsPostBody()) {
                    // Allow the mimetype of the file to control the content type
                    // This is not obvious in GUI if you are not uploading any files,
                    // but just sending the content of nameless parameters
                    // TODO: needs a multiple file upload scenerio
                    if(!hasContentTypeHeader) {
                        HTTPFileArg file = files.length > 0? files[0] : null;
                        if(file != null && file.getMimeType() != null && file.getMimeType().length() > 0) {
                            post.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getMimeType());
                        else {
                             // TODO - is this the correct default?
                            post.setHeader(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED);
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Related Classes of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.HTTPFileArg

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