
Examples of

                    throw new RegistryException(e);
                register = false;

      MutablePortletApplication pa = registry.getPortletApplication(contextName);

            if (pa != null)
                if ( pa.getApplicationType() != paType )
                    throw new RegistryException("Cannot start portlet application "+contextName+": as Application Types don't match: " + pa.getApplicationType() + " != " + paType);
                DescriptorChangeMonitor changeMonitor = this.monitor;
                if (!monitored && changeMonitor != null)
//            if (register && (pa == null || checksum != pa.getChecksum()))
            if (register)
              if (pa == null)
                // new
                      pa = registerPortletApplication(paWar, pa, paType, paClassLoader);
                  catch (Exception e)
                      // don't register the pa
                      register = false;
                int status = nodeManager.checkNode(new Long(pa.getId().toString()), pa.getName());
              boolean reregister = false;
              boolean deploy = false;
              switch (status)
                case  NodeManager.NODE_NEW:
                    //only reason is that the file got somehow corrupted
                    // so we really do not know what is going on here...
                    // the best chance at this point is to reregister (which might be the absolute wrong choice)
                    log.warn("The portlet application " + pa.getName() + " is registered in the database but not locally .... we will reregister");
                    reregister = true;
                  if (checksum != pa.getChecksum())
                        log.warn("The provided portlet application " + pa.getName() + " is a different version than in the database (db-checksum=" + pa.getChecksum() + ", local-checksum=: " + checksum + ") .... we will redeploy (also to the database)");
                  deploy = true;
                case  NodeManager.NODE_SAVED:
                  if (checksum != pa.getChecksum())
                        log.warn("The provided portlet application " + pa.getName() + " is a different version than in the local node info and the database (db-checksum=" + pa.getChecksum() + ", local-checksum=: " + checksum + ") .... we will reregister AND redeploy (also to the database)");
                    //database and local node info are in synch, so we assume that this is a brand new
                    // war .... let's deploy
                    reregister = true;
                    deploy = true;
                case  NodeManager.NODE_OUTDATED:
                    //database version is older (determined by id) than the database
                  //let's deploy and reregister
                  if (checksum != pa.getChecksum())
                        log.error("The portlet application " + pa.getName() + " provided for the upgrade IS WRONG. The database checksum= " + pa.getChecksum() + ", but the local=" + checksum + "....THIS NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED");
                   reregister = true;
              if (deploy)
                      pa = registerPortletApplication(paWar, pa, paType, paClassLoader);
                if (reregister)
                  // add to search engine result
                  this.updateSearchEngine(true, pa);
                  this.updateSearchEngine(false, pa);
                  // and add to the current node info
                    nodeManager.addNode(new Long(pa.getId().toString()), pa.getName());
                  } catch (Exception e)
                    log.error("Adding node for portlet application " + pa.getName() + " caused exception" , e);
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  protected void stopPA(String contextName, int paType)
    throws RegistryException
    MutablePortletApplication pa = null;
            pa = registry.getPortletApplication(contextName);
        catch (Exception e)
            // ignore errors during portal shutdown
        if  (pa != null && pa.getApplicationType() != paType)
            throw new RegistryException("Cannot stop portlet application "+contextName+": as Application Types don't match: " + pa.getApplicationType() + " != " + paType);
        DescriptorChangeMonitor monitor = this.monitor;
        if ( monitor != null )
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    while (list.hasNext())
        MutablePortletApplication pa = (MutablePortletApplication) list
        // PortletApplicationDefinition pa =
        // (PortletApplicationDefinition);
      } catch (Exception e)
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    Iterator it = applications.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext())
      JSApplication app = (JSApplication);
      MutablePortletApplication portletApp = registry.getPortletApplication(app.getName());
      if (portletApp != null)
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        if (portlet == null)
            return null;
        // Do not display Jetspeed Layout Applications
        MutablePortletApplication pa = (MutablePortletApplication)portlet.getPortletApplicationDefinition();
        if (pa.isLayoutApplication())
            return null;
        // SECURITY filtering
        String uniqueName = pa.getName() + "::" + portlet.getName();
        if (securityAccessController.checkPortletAccess(portlet, JetspeedActions.MASK_VIEW))
            Parameter param = portlet.getInitParameterSet().get(PORTLET_ICON);
            String image;
            if (param != null)
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            String addedKeys = request.getParameter("jsAddedKeys");
            String columns = request.getParameter("Columns");
            String rows = request.getParameter("Rows");
            String cats = request.getParameter("jsCats");
            String page = request.getParameter(JSPAGE);
            MutablePortletApplication pa = registry.getPortletApplication("j2-admin");
            String portletName = this.getPortletName();
            PortletDefinitionComposite portlet = (PortletDefinitionComposite) pa.getPortletDefinitionByName(portletName);
            boolean updated = updateNumericPref("Columns", columns, 10, portlet);
            updated = updated | updateNumericPref("Rows", rows, 100, portlet);
            // process removes first
            if (!isEmpty(removes))
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        if (portletDefinition == null)
            portletDefinition = this.portletDefinition;
        MutablePortletApplication app = (MutablePortletApplication)portletDefinition.getPortletApplicationDefinition();

        WebApplicationDefinition webApplicationDefinition = app.getWebApplicationDefinition();
        if(webApplicationDefinition == null)
          throw new IllegalStateException("Portlet application "+app.getName()+ " has no associated web application.");
        String portletApplicationName = webApplicationDefinition.getContextRoot();

        // gather all required data from request and response
        ServletRequest servletRequest = ((HttpServletRequestWrapper)((HttpServletRequestWrapper)((HttpServletRequestWrapper)portletRequest).getRequest()).getRequest()).getRequest();

        ServletResponse servletResponse = ((HttpServletResponseWrapper) portletResponse).getResponse();

        ServletContext appContext = jetspeedContext.getContext(portletApplicationName);
        if (null == appContext)
            String message = "Failed to find Servlet context for Portlet Application: " + portletApplicationName;
            throw new PortletException(message);
        PortletInstance portletInstance = portletFactory.getPortletInstance(appContext, portletDefinition);
        RequestDispatcher dispatcher = appContext.getRequestDispatcher(servletMappingName);
        if (null == dispatcher)
            String message =
                "Failed to get Request Dispatcher for Portlet Application: "
                    + portletApplicationName
                    + ", servlet: "
                    + servletMappingName;
            throw new PortletException(message);

            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET, portletInstance);
            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_CONFIG, portletInstance.getConfig());
            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_REQUEST, portletRequest);
            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_RESPONSE, portletResponse);
            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.METHOD_ID, methodID);
            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_NAME, app.getName()+"::"+portletDefinition.getName());
            RequestContext requestContext = (RequestContext)servletRequest.getAttribute(PortalReservedParameters.REQUEST_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE);
            servletRequest.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTAL_CONTEXT, requestContext.getRequest().getContextPath());

            // Store same request attributes into the worker in parallel mode.
            if (isParallelMode)
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET, portletInstance);
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_CONFIG, portletInstance.getConfig());
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_REQUEST, portletRequest);
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_RESPONSE, portletResponse);
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.METHOD_ID, methodID);
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTLET_NAME, app.getName()+"::"+portletDefinition.getName());
                CurrentWorkerContext.setAttribute(ContainerConstants.PORTAL_CONTEXT, requestContext.getRequest().getContextPath());               

            PortletRequestContext.createContext(portletDefinition, portletInstance, portletRequest, portletResponse);
            dispatcher.include(servletRequest, servletResponse);
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            PortletWindow window = (PortletWindow)((Map.Entry)tmpWindows.get(i)).getValue();
            PortletDefinitionComposite pd =  (PortletDefinitionComposite)window.getPortletEntity().getPortletDefinition();
            if (pd != null)
                MutablePortletApplication windowApp = (MutablePortletApplication)pd.getPortletApplicationDefinition();           
                if (app.getName().equals(windowApp.getName()))
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        PortletEntity pe = window.getPortletEntity();
        buffer.append( "?entity=" ).append( pe.getId() );
        PortletDefinition portlet = pe.getPortletDefinition();
        MutablePortletApplication app = (MutablePortletApplication)portlet.getPortletApplicationDefinition();
        String uniqueName = app.getName() + "::" + portlet.getName();
        buffer.append( "&portlet=" ).append( uniqueName );

        return buffer.toString();
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            List list = new ArrayList();
            Iterator apps = registry.getPortletApplications().iterator();
            while (apps.hasNext())
                MutablePortletApplication pa = (MutablePortletApplication);
                PortletApplicationStatusBean bean = new PortletApplicationStatusBean(pa, portletFactory.isPortletApplicationRegistered(pa));
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