Package org.apache.jackrabbit.spi

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name

    public boolean canAddMixin(String mixinName)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        Name ntName = session.getQName(mixinName);
        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
        NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(ntName);
        if (!mixin.isMixin()) {
            return false;

        int options = ItemValidator.CHECK_LOCK | ItemValidator.CHECK_CHECKED_OUT
                | ItemValidator.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS | ItemValidator.CHECK_HOLD;
        int permissions = Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT;
        // special handling of mix:(simple)versionable. since adding the mixin alters
        // the version storage jcr:versionManagement privilege is required
        // in addition.
        if (NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE.equals(ntName)
                || NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE.equals(ntName)) {
            permissions |= Permission.VERSION_MNGMT;
        if (!session.getValidator().canModify(this, options, permissions)) {
            return false;

        final Name primaryTypeName = data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName();

        NodeTypeImpl primaryType = ntMgr.getNodeType(primaryTypeName);
        if (primaryType.isDerivedFrom(ntName)) {
            // mixin already inherited -> addMixin is allowed but has no effect.
            return true;
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            if (stateMgr.hasNodeReferences(getNodeId())) {
                NodeReferences refs = stateMgr.getNodeReferences(getNodeId());
                // refs.getReferences() returns a list of PropertyId's
                List<PropertyId> idList = refs.getReferences();
                if (name != null) {
                    Name qName;
                    try {
                        qName = session.getQName(name);
                    } catch (NameException e) {
                        throw new RepositoryException("invalid property name: " + name, e);
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            String msg = "changing the primary type of the root node is not supported";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        Name ntName = session.getQName(nodeTypeName);
        if (ntName.equals(state.getNodeTypeName())) {
            log.debug("Node already has " + nodeTypeName + " as primary node type.");

        NodeTypeManagerImpl ntMgr = session.getNodeTypeManager();
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             * first check if relPath is just a name (in which case we don't
             * have to build & resolve absolute path)
            if (relPath.indexOf('/') == -1) {
                Name propName = session.getQName(relPath);
                // check if property entry exists
                NodeState thisState = data.getNodeState();
                if (thisState.hasPropertyName(propName)) {
                    return new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName);
                } else {
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        NodeTypeImpl mixin = ntMgr.getNodeType(mixinName);
        if (!mixin.isMixin()) {
            throw new RepositoryException(mixinName + ": not a mixin node type");

        final Name primaryTypeName = data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName();
        NodeTypeImpl primaryType = ntMgr.getNodeType(primaryTypeName);
        if (primaryType.isDerivedFrom(mixinName)) {
            // new mixin is already included in primary type
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    public boolean isNodeType(Name ntName) throws RepositoryException {
        // check state of this instance

        // first do trivial checks without using type hierarchy
        Name primary = data.getNodeState().getNodeTypeName();
        if (ntName.equals(primary)) {
            return true;
        Set<Name> mixins = data.getNodeState().getMixinTypeNames();
        if (mixins.contains(ntName)) {
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        // assert that user manager is isn't in auto-save mode
        if (userManager.isAutoSave()) {
        try {
            Name propName = protectedPropInfo.getName();
            if (UserConstants.P_PRINCIPAL_NAME.equals(propName)) {
                // minimal validation that passed definition really matches the
                // protected rep:principalName property defined by rep:Authorizable.
                if (def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                    // some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
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     * @see UserManager#findAuthorizables(String,String, int)
    public Iterator<Authorizable> findAuthorizables(String propertyName, String value, int searchType)
            throws RepositoryException {
        Name name = session.getQName(propertyName);
        Name ntName;
        switch (searchType) {
                ntName = NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE;
            case SEARCH_TYPE_GROUP:
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                if (n == null) {
                    // no user -> look for group.
                    // NOTE: JR < 2.0 always returned groupIDs that didn't contain any
                    // illegal JCR chars. Since Group.getID() now unescapes the node
                    // name additional escaping is required.
                    Name nodeName = session.getQName(Text.escapeIllegalJcrChars(id));
                    n = (NodeImpl) authResolver.findNode(nodeName, NT_REP_GROUP);
            } // else: no matching node found -> ignore exception.
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                // internal logic only
                folder = createIntermediateFolderNodes(id, escapedId, folder);

            // finally create the authorizable node
            Name nodeName = session.getQName(escapedId);
            Name ntName = (isGroup) ? NT_REP_GROUP : NT_REP_USER;
            NodeId nid = buildNodeId(id);

            // check if there exists an colliding folder child node.
            while (((NodeImpl) folder).hasNode(nodeName)) {
                NodeImpl colliding = ((NodeImpl) folder).getNode(nodeName);
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Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name

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