Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl

     * @see UserManager#getAuthorizable(Principal)
    public Authorizable getAuthorizable(Principal principal) throws RepositoryException {
        NodeImpl n = null;
        // shortcut that avoids executing a query.
        if (principal instanceof ItemBasedPrincipal) {
            String authPath = ((ItemBasedPrincipal) principal).getPath();
            if (session.itemExists(authPath)) {
                Item authItem = session.getItem(authPath);
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        if (internalGetAuthorizable(userID) != null) {
            throw new AuthorizableExistsException("User for '" + userID + "' already exists");

        try {
            NodeImpl userNode = (NodeImpl) nodeCreator.createUserNode(userID, intermediatePath);
            setPrincipal(userNode, principal);
            setProperty(userNode, P_PASSWORD, getValue(UserImpl.buildPasswordValue(password)), true);

            User user = createUser(userNode);
            if (isAutoSave()) {

            log.debug("User created: " + userID + "; " + userNode.getPath());
            return user;
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            // something went wrong -> revert changes and rethrow
            log.debug("Failed to create new User, reverting changes.");
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        if (!isValidPrincipal(principal)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create group: Principal may not be null and must have a valid name.");
        try {
            String groupID = getGroupId(principal.getName());
            NodeImpl groupNode = (NodeImpl) nodeCreator.createGroupNode(groupID, intermediatePath);
            setPrincipal(groupNode, principal);

            Group group = createGroup(groupNode);
            if (isAutoSave()) {

            log.debug("Group created: " + groupID + "; " + groupNode.getPath());
            return group;
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            log.debug("newInstance new Group failed, revert changes on parent");
            throw e;
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     * @return The authorizable with the given <code>id</code> or <code>null</code>.
     * @throws RepositoryException If an error occurs.
    private Authorizable internalGetAuthorizable(String id) throws RepositoryException {
        NodeId nodeId = buildNodeId(id);
        NodeImpl n = null;
        try {
            n = session.getNodeById(nodeId);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            if (compatibleJR16) {
                // backwards-compatibility with JR < 2.0 user/group structure that doesn't
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        private Authorizable seekNext() {
            while (authNodeIter.hasNext()) {
                NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) authNodeIter.nextNode();
                try {
                    if (!served.contains(node.getUUID())) {
                        Authorizable authr = getAuthorizable(node);
                        if (authr != null) {
                            return authr;
                } catch (RepositoryException e) {
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            Name ntName = (isGroup) ? NT_REP_GROUP : NT_REP_USER;
            NodeId nid = buildNodeId(id);

            // check if there exists an colliding folder child node.
            while (((NodeImpl) folder).hasNode(nodeName)) {
                NodeImpl colliding = ((NodeImpl) folder).getNode(nodeName);
                if (colliding.isNodeType(NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE_FOLDER)) {
                    log.warn("Existing folder node collides with user/group to be created. Expanding path: " + colliding.getPath());
                    folder = colliding;
                } else {
                    // should never get here as folder creation above already
                    // asserts that only rep:authorizable folders exist.
                    // similarly collisions with existing authorizable have been
                    // checked.
                    String msg = "Failed to create authorizable node: Detected conflicting node of unexpected nodetype '" + colliding.getPrimaryNodeType().getName() + "'.";
                    throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
            return addNode((NodeImpl) folder, nodeName, ntName, nid);
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            // under a tree of rep:AuthorizableFolder(s) starting at usersPath
            // or groupsPath, respectively. ancestors of the usersPath/groupsPath
            // may or may not be rep:AuthorizableFolder(s).
            // therefore the shortcut Session.getNode(defaultPath) is omitted.
            String[] segmts = defaultPath.split("/");
            NodeImpl folder = (NodeImpl) session.getRootNode();
            String authRoot = (isGroup) ? groupsPath : usersPath;

            for (String segment : segmts) {
                if (segment.length() < 1) {
                if (folder.hasNode(segment)) {
                    folder = (NodeImpl) folder.getNode(segment);
                    if (Text.isDescendantOrEqual(authRoot, folder.getPath()) &&
                            !folder.isNodeType(NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE_FOLDER)) {
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException("Invalid intermediate path. Must be of type rep:AuthorizableFolder.");
                } else {
                    folder = addNode(folder, session.getQName(segment), NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE_FOLDER);
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            int segmLength = defaultDepth +1;
            while (intermediateFolderNeeded(escapedId, folder)) {
                String folderName = Text.escapeIllegalJcrChars(id.substring(0, segmLength));
                if (folder.hasNode(folderName)) {
                    NodeImpl n = (NodeImpl) folder.getNode(folderName);
                    // validation check: folder must be of type rep:AuthorizableFolder
                    // and not an authorizable node.
                    if (n.isNodeType(NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE_FOLDER)) {
                        // expected nodetype -> no violation
                        folder = n;
                    } else if (n.isNodeType(NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE)){
                         an authorizable node has been created before with the
                         name of the intermediate folder to be created.
                         this may only occur if the 'autoExpandTree' option has
                         been enabled later on.
                         - abort auto-expanding and create the authorizable
                           at the current level, ignoring that max-size is reached.
                         - note, that this behavior has been preferred over tmp.
                           removing and recreating the colliding authorizable node.
                        log.warn("Auto-expanding aborted. An existing authorizable node '" + n.getName() +"'conflicts with intermediate folder to be created.");
                    } else {
                        // should never get here: some other, unexpected node type
                        String msg = "Failed to create authorizable node: Detected conflict with node of unexpected nodetype '" + n.getPrimaryNodeType().getName() + "'.";
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
                } else {
                    // folder doesn't exist nor does another colliding child node.
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        if (isAdminOrSystem(principals)) {
            return getAdminPermissions();
        } else {
            // determined the 'user' present in the given set of principals.
            ItemBasedPrincipal userPrincipal = getUserPrincipal(principals);
            NodeImpl userNode = getUserNode(userPrincipal);
            if (userNode == null) {
                // no 'user' within set of principals -> READ-only
                return getReadOnlyPermissions();
            } else {
                return new CompiledPermissionsImpl(principals, userNode.getPath());
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        // none of the principals in the set is assigned to a User.
        return null;

    private NodeImpl getUserNode(ItemBasedPrincipal principal) {
        NodeImpl userNode = null;
        if (principal != null) {
            try {
                String path = principal.getPath();
                userNode = (NodeImpl) session.getNode(path);
            } catch (RepositoryException e) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeImpl

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