Package org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.AppClientModule



    public void initContext(EARContext earContext, Module clientModule, ClassLoader cl) throws DeploymentException {
        AppClientModule appClientModule = ((AppClientModule) clientModule);
        for (Iterator resources = appClientModule.getResourceModules().iterator(); resources.hasNext();) {
            ConnectorModule connectorModule = (ConnectorModule);
            getConnectorModuleBuilder().initContext(appClientModule.getEarContext(), connectorModule, cl);
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    public void addGBeans(EARContext earContext, Module module, ClassLoader earClassLoader, Collection repositories) throws DeploymentException {

        AppClientModule appClientModule = (AppClientModule) module;

        ApplicationClientType appClient = (ApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getSpecDD();
        GerApplicationClientType geronimoAppClient = (GerApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getVendorDD();

        // get the app client main class
        JarFile moduleFile = module.getModuleFile();
        String mainClasss;
        try {
            Manifest manifest = moduleFile.getManifest();
            if (manifest == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("App client module jar does not contain a manifest: " + moduleFile.getName());
            mainClasss = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
            if (mainClasss == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("App client module jar does not have Main-Class defined in the manifest: " + moduleFile.getName());
            String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
            if (module.isStandAlone() && classPath != null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Manifest class path entry is not allowed in a standalone jar (J2EE 1.4 Section 8.2)");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not get manifest from app client module: " + moduleFile.getName());

        // generate the object name for the app client
        AbstractName appClientModuleName = appClientModule.getModuleName();

        // create a gbean for the app client module and add it to the ear
        GBeanData appClientModuleGBeanData = new GBeanData(appClientModuleName, J2EEAppClientModuleImpl.GBEAN_INFO);
        try {
            appClientModuleGBeanData.setReferencePattern("J2EEServer", earContext.getServerName());
            if (!module.isStandAlone()) {
                appClientModuleGBeanData.setReferencePattern("J2EEApplication", earContext.getModuleName());
            appClientModuleGBeanData.setAttribute("deploymentDescriptor", appClientModule.getOriginalSpecDD());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to initialize AppClientModule GBean", e);
        try {
        } catch (GBeanAlreadyExistsException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not add application client module gbean to configuration", e);

        EARContext appClientDeploymentContext = appClientModule.getEarContext();

        // Create a Module ID Builder defaulting to similar settings to use for any children we create
        ModuleIDBuilder idBuilder = new ModuleIDBuilder();
        try {
            try {

                //register the message destinations in the app client ear context.
                namingBuilders.initContext(appClient, geronimoAppClient, appClientDeploymentContext.getConfiguration(), earContext.getConfiguration(), appClientModule);
                // extract the client Jar file into a standalone packed jar file and add the contents to the output
                URI moduleBase = new URI(appClientModule.getTargetPath());
                try {
                    appClientDeploymentContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(moduleBase, moduleFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName());

                // add manifest class path entries to the app client context
                addManifestClassPath(appClientDeploymentContext, appClientModule.getEarFile(), moduleFile, moduleBase);

                // get the classloader
                ClassLoader appClientClassLoader = appClientDeploymentContext.getClassLoader();

                // pop in all the gbeans declared in the geronimo app client file
                if (geronimoAppClient != null) {
          , appClientDeploymentContext, appClientDeploymentContext);
                    //deploy the resource adapters specified in the geronimo-application.xml

                    for (Iterator resources = appClientModule.getResourceModules().iterator(); resources.hasNext();) {
                        ConnectorModule connectorModule = (ConnectorModule);
                        getConnectorModuleBuilder().addGBeans(appClientDeploymentContext, connectorModule, appClientClassLoader, repositories);
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        } else {
            parentId = defaultServerParentId;

        return new AppClientModule(standAlone, configId, parentId, moduleFile, targetPath, appClient, gerAppClient, specDD);
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    public String addGBeans(EARContext earContext, Module module, ClassLoader earClassLoader) throws DeploymentException {
        J2eeContext earJ2eeContext = earContext.getJ2eeContext();

        AppClientModule appClientModule = (AppClientModule) module;

        ApplicationClientType appClient = (ApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getSpecDD();
        GerApplicationClientType geronimoAppClient = (GerApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getVendorDD();

        // get the app client main class
        JarFile moduleFile = module.getModuleFile();
        String mainClasss = null;
        String classPath = null;
        try {
            Manifest manifest = moduleFile.getManifest();
            if (manifest == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("App client module jar does not contain a manifest: " + moduleFile.getName());
            mainClasss = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
            if (mainClasss == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("App client module jar does not have Main-Class defined in the manifest: " + moduleFile.getName());
            classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
            if (module.isStandAlone() && classPath != null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Manifest class path entry is not allowed in a standalone jar (J2EE 1.4 Section 8.2)");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not get manifest from app client module: " + moduleFile.getName());

        // generate the object name for the app client
        ObjectName appClientModuleName = null;
        try {
            appClientModuleName = NameFactory.getModuleName(null, null, null, appClientModule.getName(), NameFactory.APP_CLIENT_MODULE, earJ2eeContext);
        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not construct module name", e);

        // create a gbean for the app client module and add it to the ear
        ReadOnlyContext componentContext;
        GBeanMBean appClientModuleGBean = new GBeanMBean(J2EEAppClientModuleImpl.GBEAN_INFO, earClassLoader);
        try {
            appClientModuleGBean.setReferencePatterns("J2EEServer", Collections.singleton(earContext.getServerObjectName()));
            if (!earContext.getJ2EEApplicationName().equals("null")) {
                appClientModuleGBean.setReferencePatterns("J2EEApplication", Collections.singleton(earContext.getApplicationObjectName()));
            appClientModuleGBean.setAttribute("deploymentDescriptor", null);

            componentContext = buildComponentContext(earContext, appClientModule, appClient, geronimoAppClient, earClassLoader);
            appClientModuleGBean.setAttribute("componentContext", componentContext);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to initialize AppClientModule GBean", e);
        earContext.addGBean(appClientModuleName, appClientModuleGBean);

        // create another child configuration within the config store for the client application
        EARContext appClientDeploymentContext = null;
        File appClientConfiguration = null;
        try {
            try {
                appClientConfiguration = store.createNewConfigurationDir();

                // construct the app client deployment context... this is the same class used by the ear context
                try {

                    URI clientConfigId = URI.create(geronimoAppClient.getClientConfigId());
                    URI clientParentId;
                    if (geronimoAppClient.isSetClientParentId()) {
                        clientParentId = URI.create(geronimoAppClient.getClientParentId());
                    } else {
                        clientParentId = defaultClientParentId;
                    appClientDeploymentContext = new EARContext(appClientConfiguration,
                            RefContext.derivedClientRefContext(earContext.getRefContext(), ejbReferenceBuilder, resourceReferenceBuilder));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Could not create a deployment context for the app client", e);

                // extract the client Jar file into a standalone packed jar file and add the contents to the output
                URI moduleBase = new URI(appClientModule.getTargetPath());
                try {
                    appClientDeploymentContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(moduleBase, moduleFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName());

                // add the includes
                GerDependencyType[] includes = geronimoAppClient.getIncludeArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) {
                    GerDependencyType include = includes[i];
                    URI uri = getDependencyURI(include);
                    String name = uri.toString();
                    int idx = name.lastIndexOf('/');
                    if (idx != -1) {
                        name = name.substring(idx + 1);
                    URI path;
                    try {
                        path = new URI(name);
                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Unable to generate path for include: " + uri, e);
                    try {
                        URL url = repository.getURL(uri);
                        appClientDeploymentContext.addInclude(path, url);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Unable to add include: " + uri, e);

                // add the dependencies
                GerDependencyType[] dependencies = geronimoAppClient.getDependencyArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {

                // add manifest class path entries to the app client context
                addManifestClassPath(appClientDeploymentContext, appClientModule.getEarFile(), moduleFile, moduleBase);

                // get the classloader
                ClassLoader appClientClassLoader = appClientDeploymentContext.getClassLoader(repository);

                // pop in all the gbeans declared in the geronimo app client file
                if (geronimoAppClient != null) {
                    GerGbeanType[] gbeans = geronimoAppClient.getGbeanArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < gbeans.length; i++) {
                        GBeanHelper.addGbean(new AppClientGBeanAdapter(gbeans[i]), appClientClassLoader, appClientDeploymentContext);
                    //deploy the resource adapters specified in the geronimo-application.xml
                    Collection resourceModules = new ArrayList();
                    try {
                        GerResourceType[] resources = geronimoAppClient.getResourceArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
                            GerResourceType resource = resources[i];
                            String path;
                            JarFile connectorFile;
                            if (resource.isSetExternalRar()) {
                                path = resource.getExternalRar();
                                URI pathURI = new URI(path);
                                if (!repository.hasURI(pathURI)) {
                                    throw new DeploymentException("Missing rar in repository: " + path);
                                URL pathURL = repository.getURL(pathURI);
                                connectorFile = new JarFile(pathURL.getFile());
                            } else {
                                path = resource.getInternalRar();
                                connectorFile = new NestedJarFile(appClientModule.getEarFile(), path);
                            XmlObject connectorPlan = resource.getConnector();
                            Module connectorModule = connectorModuleBuilder.createModule(connectorPlan, connectorFile, path, null, null);
                            connectorModuleBuilder.installModule(connectorFile, appClientDeploymentContext, connectorModule);
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    public void addGBeans(EARContext earContext, Module module, ClassLoader earClassLoader, Collection repositories) throws DeploymentException {

        AppClientModule appClientModule = (AppClientModule) module;

        ApplicationClientType appClient = (ApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getSpecDD();
        GerApplicationClientType geronimoAppClient = (GerApplicationClientType) appClientModule.getVendorDD();

        // get the app client main class
        JarFile moduleFile = module.getModuleFile();
        String mainClasss;
        try {
            Manifest manifest = moduleFile.getManifest();
            if (manifest == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("App client module jar does not contain a manifest: " + moduleFile.getName());
            mainClasss = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
            if (mainClasss == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("App client module jar does not have Main-Class defined in the manifest: " + moduleFile.getName());
            String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH);
            if (module.isStandAlone() && classPath != null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Manifest class path entry is not allowed in a standalone jar (JAVAEE 5 Section 8.2)");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not get manifest from app client module: " + moduleFile.getName());

        // generate the object name for the app client
        AbstractName appClientModuleName = appClientModule.getModuleName();

        // create a gbean for the app client module and add it to the ear
        GBeanData appClientModuleGBeanData = new GBeanData(appClientModuleName, J2EEAppClientModuleImpl.GBEAN_INFO);
        try {
            appClientModuleGBeanData.setReferencePattern("J2EEServer", earContext.getServerName());
            if (!module.isStandAlone()) {
                appClientModuleGBeanData.setReferencePattern("J2EEApplication", earContext.getModuleName());
            appClientModuleGBeanData.setAttribute("deploymentDescriptor", appClientModule.getOriginalSpecDD());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to initialize AppClientModule GBean", e);
        try {
        } catch (GBeanAlreadyExistsException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not add application client module gbean to configuration", e);

        EARContext appClientDeploymentContext = appClientModule.getEarContext();

        // Create a Module ID Builder defaulting to similar settings to use for any children we create
        ModuleIDBuilder idBuilder = new ModuleIDBuilder();
        try {
            try {

                //register the message destinations in the app client ear context.
                namingBuilders.initContext(appClient, geronimoAppClient, appClientDeploymentContext.getConfiguration(), earContext.getConfiguration(), appClientModule);
                // extract the client Jar file into a standalone packed jar file and add the contents to the output
                URI moduleBase = new URI(appClientModule.getTargetPath());
                try {
                    appClientDeploymentContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(moduleBase, moduleFile);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName());

                // add manifest class path entries to the app client context
                addManifestClassPath(appClientDeploymentContext, appClientModule.getEarFile(), moduleFile, moduleBase);

                // get the classloader
                ClassLoader appClientClassLoader = appClientDeploymentContext.getClassLoader();

                // pop in all the gbeans declared in the geronimo app client file
                if (geronimoAppClient != null) {
          , appClientDeploymentContext, appClientDeploymentContext);
                    //deploy the resource adapters specified in the geronimo-application.xml

                    for (Iterator resources = appClientModule.getResourceModules().iterator(); resources.hasNext();) {
                        ConnectorModule connectorModule = (ConnectorModule);
                        getConnectorModuleBuilder().addGBeans(appClientDeploymentContext, connectorModule, appClientClassLoader, repositories);
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            XmlObject connectorPlan = resource.getConnector();
            Module connectorModule = getConnectorModuleBuilder().createModule(connectorPlan, connectorFile, path, null, clientEnvironment, null, clientBaseName, naming, idBuilder);

        return new AppClientModule(standAlone, moduleName, clientBaseName, serverEnvironment, clientEnvironment, moduleFile, targetPath, appClient, gerAppClient, specDD, resourceModules);
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        try {
            earContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(URI.create(module.getTargetPath()), moduleFile);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName());
        AppClientModule appClientModule = (AppClientModule) module;
        //create the ear context for the app client.
        Environment clientEnvironment = appClientModule.getClientEnvironment();
//        if (!appClientModule.isStandAlone() || clientEnvironment.getConfigId() == null) {
//            Artifact earConfigId = earContext.getConfigID();
//            Artifact configId = new Artifact(earConfigId.getGroupId(), earConfigId.getArtifactId() + "_" + module.getTargetPath(), earConfigId.getVersion(), "car");
//            clientEnvironment.setConfigId(configId);
//        }

        File appClientDir;
        try {
            appClientDir = targetConfigurationStore.createNewConfigurationDir(clientEnvironment.getConfigId());
        } catch (ConfigurationAlreadyExistsException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e);

        // construct the app client deployment context... this is the same class used by the ear context
        EARContext appClientDeploymentContext;
        try {

            appClientDeploymentContext = new EARContext(appClientDir,
                    null, //no server name needed on client
        } catch (DeploymentException e) {
            throw e;
        for (Iterator resources = appClientModule.getResourceModules().iterator(); resources.hasNext();) {
            ConnectorModule connectorModule = (ConnectorModule);
            getConnectorModuleBuilder().installModule(connectorModule.getModuleFile(), appClientDeploymentContext, connectorModule, configurationStores, targetConfigurationStore, repositories);

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    public void initContext(EARContext earContext, Module clientModule, ClassLoader cl) throws DeploymentException {
        namingBuilders.buildEnvironment(clientModule.getSpecDD(), clientModule.getVendorDD(), ((AppClientModule)clientModule).getClientEnvironment());

        AppClientModule appClientModule = ((AppClientModule) clientModule);
        for (Iterator resources = appClientModule.getResourceModules().iterator(); resources.hasNext();) {
            ConnectorModule connectorModule = (ConnectorModule);
            getConnectorModuleBuilder().initContext(appClientModule.getEarContext(), connectorModule, cl);
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        // Create the AnnotatedApp interface for the AppClientModule
        AnnotatedApplicationClient annotatedApplicationClient = new AnnotatedApplicationClient(appClient, mainClass);

        AppClientModule module = new AppClientModule(standAlone, moduleName, clientBaseName, serverEnvironment, clientEnvironment, moduleFile, targetPath, appClient, mainClass, gerAppClient, specDD, resourceModules, annotatedApplicationClient);
        for (ModuleBuilderExtension mbe : moduleBuilderExtensions) {
            mbe.createModule(module, plan, moduleFile, targetPath, specDDUrl, clientEnvironment, null, earName, naming, idBuilder);
        if (standAlone) {
            ApplicationInfo appInfo = new ApplicationInfo(ConfigurationModuleType.CAR,
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        try {
            earContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(URI.create(module.getTargetPath()), moduleFile);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName(), e);
        AppClientModule appClientModule = (AppClientModule) module;
        //create the ear context for the app client.
        Environment clientEnvironment = appClientModule.getEnvironment();
//        if (!appClientModule.isStandAlone() || clientEnvironment.getConfigId() == null) {
//            Artifact earConfigId = earContext.getConfigID();
//            Artifact configId = new Artifact(earConfigId.getGroupId(), earConfigId.getArtifactId() + "_" + module.getTargetPath(), earConfigId.getVersion(), "car");
//            clientEnvironment.setConfigId(configId);
//        }

        File appClientDir;
        try {
            appClientDir = targetConfigurationStore.createNewConfigurationDir(clientEnvironment.getConfigId());
        } catch (ConfigurationAlreadyExistsException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to create configuration directory for " + clientEnvironment.getConfigId(), e);

        // construct the app client deployment context... this is the same class used by the ear context
        EARContext appClientDeploymentContext;
        try {

            appClientDeploymentContext = new EARContext(appClientDir,
                    null, //no server name needed on client

            try {
                appClientDeploymentContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(URI.create(module.getTargetPath()), moduleFile);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Unable to copy app client module jar into configuration: " + moduleFile.getName(), e);
            ClassPathList libClasspath = (ClassPathList) earContext.getGeneralData().get(ClassPathList.class);
            if (libClasspath != null) {
                for (String libEntryPath : libClasspath) {
                    try {
                        NestedJarFile library = new NestedJarFile(earFile, libEntryPath);
                        appClientDeploymentContext.addIncludeAsPackedJar(URI.create(libEntryPath), library);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new DeploymentException("Could not add to app client library classpath: " + libEntryPath, e);
        } catch (DeploymentException e) {
            throw e;
        for (ConnectorModule connectorModule : appClientModule.getResourceModules()) {
            getConnectorModuleBuilder().installModule(connectorModule.getModuleFile(), appClientDeploymentContext, connectorModule, configurationStores, targetConfigurationStore, repositories);

        for (ModuleBuilderExtension mbe : moduleBuilderExtensions) {
            mbe.installModule(module.getModuleFile(), appClientDeploymentContext, module, configurationStores, targetConfigurationStore, repositories);
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Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.AppClientModule

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