Package org.apache.geronimo.gbean

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.AbstractName

        XmlObject xmlObject = XmlBeansUtil.parse(text);
        XmlCursor cursor = xmlObject.newCursor();
        xmlObject = cursor.getObject();
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1.0/car")), null, ConfigurationModuleType.SERVICE, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager(), Collections.emptySet());
        AbstractName parentName = new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1.0/car?name=parent,j2eeType=foo"));
        builder.getReferences(xmlObject, context, parentName, getClass().getClassLoader());
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        try {
            AbstractNameQuery query = new AbstractNameQuery(PersistentConfigurationList.class.getName());
            Set result = listGBeans(query);
            Iterator iter = result.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                AbstractName name = (AbstractName);
                boolean started = getBooleanAttribute(name, "kernelFullyStarted");
                if (!started) {
                    fullyStarted = false;
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        String serverInfo = null;
        try {
            Set gbeans = kernel.listGBeans((AbstractNameQuery) null);
            Map beanInfos = new HashMap(); // key = GBeanInfo, value = List (of attribute names)
            for (Iterator it = gbeans.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                AbstractName name = (AbstractName);
                if (isApplicationModule(name)) {
                    apps.add("    " + decodeModule(name.getNameProperty("j2eeType")) + ": " + name.getNameProperty("name"));
                if (isWebModule(name)) {
                    webs.add(kernel.getAttribute(name, "contextPath").toString());

                int stateValue = kernel.getGBeanState(name);
                if (stateValue != State.RUNNING_INDEX) {
                    GBeanData data = kernel.getGBeanData(name);
                    State state = State.fromInt(stateValue);
                    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                    // Since it's not unusual for a failure to be caused by a port binding failure
                    //    we'll see if there's a likely looking port attribute in the config data
                    //    for the GBean.  It's a long shot, but hey.
                    if (data != null && data.getAttributes() != null) {
                        Map map = data.getAttributes();
                        for (Iterator it2 = map.keySet().iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
                            String att = (String);
                            if (att.equals("port") || att.indexOf("Port") > -1) {
                    failed.put(name, buf.toString());

                // Check if this is ServerInfo
                GBeanInfo info = kernel.getGBeanInfo(name);
                if (info.getClassName().equals("org.apache.geronimo.system.serverinfo.ServerInfo")) {
                    serverInfo = (String) kernel.getAttribute(name, "version");

                // Look for any SocketAddress properties
                List list = (List) beanInfos.get(info);
                if (list == null) {
                    list = new ArrayList(3);
                    beanInfos.put(info, list);
                    Set atts = info.getAttributes();
                    for (Iterator it2 = atts.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) {
                        GAttributeInfo att = (GAttributeInfo);
                        if (att.getType().equals("")) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                    GAttributeInfo att = (GAttributeInfo) list.get(i);
                    try {
                        InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) kernel.getAttribute(name, att.getName());
                        if (addr == null) {
                            log.debug("No value for GBean " + name + " attribute " + att.getName());
                        } else if (addr.getAddress() == null || addr.getAddress().getHostAddress() == null) {
                            log.debug("Null address or host for GBean " + name + " " + att.getName() + ": " + addr.getAddress());
                        String attName = info.getName();
                        if (list.size() > 1) {
                            attName += " " + decamelize(att.getName());
                        } else if (info.getAttribute("name") != null) {
                            attName += " " + kernel.getAttribute(name, "name");
                        ports.add(new AddressHolder(attName, addr));
                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                        // We weren't able to load a port for this service -- that's a bummer
        } catch (Exception e) {


        // Helpful output: list of ports we listen on
        if (ports.size() > 0) {
            System.out.println("  Listening on Ports:");
            int max = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < ports.size(); i++) {
                AddressHolder holder = (AddressHolder) ports.get(i);
                if (holder.getAddress().getAddress() != null && holder.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress() != null)
                    max = Math.max(max, holder.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress().length());
            for (int i = 0; i < ports.size(); i++) {
                AddressHolder holder = (AddressHolder) ports.get(i);
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                buf.append("   ");
                if (holder.getAddress().getPort() < 10) {
                    buf.append(' ');
                if (holder.getAddress().getPort() < 100) {
                    buf.append(' ');
                if (holder.getAddress().getPort() < 1000) {
                    buf.append(' ');
                if (holder.getAddress().getPort() < 10000) {
                    buf.append(' ');
                buf.append(holder.getAddress().getPort()).append(' ');
                String address = holder.getAddress().getAddress() == null || holder.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress() == null ? "" :
                for (int j = address.length(); j <= max; j++) {
                    buf.append(' ');
        // Helpful output: list of applications started
        if (apps.size() > 0) {
            out.println("  Started Application Modules:");
            for (int i = 0; i < apps.size(); i++) {
                out.println((String) apps.get(i));
        // Helpful output: Web URLs
        if (webs.size() > 0) {
            out.println("  Web Applications:");
            for (int i = 0; i < webs.size(); i++) {
                out.println("    " + webs.get(i));

        // Helpful output: list of GBeans that did not start
        if (failed.size() > 0) {
            out.println("  WARNING: Some GBeans were not started successfully:");
            for (Iterator it = failed.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                AbstractName name = (AbstractName);
                String state = (String) failed.get(name);
                if (name.getNameProperty("name") != null) {
                    log.debug("Unable to start " + name + " " + state);
                    out.println("    " + name.getNameProperty("name") + " " + state);
                } else {
                    out.println("    " + name + " " + state);
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        ModuleList exclusions = new ModuleList();
        Map<URI, String> data = new HashMap<URI, String>();
        data.put(URI.create("lib1.jar"), "lib1.jar lib2.jar");

        DeploymentContext.JarFileFactory factory = new MockJarFileFactory(data);
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1/ear")), new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1/ear?name=test")), ConfigurationModuleType.EAR, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager());
        ClassPathList classPathList = new ClassPathList();
        context.getCompleteManifestClassPath(start, start.getRelativeURI(), resolutionURI, classPathList, exclusions, factory, new ArrayList<DeploymentException>());
        assertEquals(2, classPathList.size());
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        data.put(URI.create("lib1/lib1/lib1.jar"), "../../lib2/lib2.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2/lib2.jar"), "lib2a.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2/lib2a.jar"), "../lib3.jar ../lib1/lib1/lib1.jar");

        DeploymentContext.JarFileFactory factory = new MockJarFileFactory(data);
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1/ear")), new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1/ear?name=test")), ConfigurationModuleType.EAR, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager());
        ClassPathList classPathList = new ClassPathList();
        context.getCompleteManifestClassPath(start, start.getRelativeURI(), resolutionURI, classPathList, exclusions, factory, new ArrayList<DeploymentException>());
        assertEquals(4, classPathList.size());
        assertEquals("lib1/lib1/lib1.jar", classPathList.get(0));
        assertEquals("lib2/lib2.jar", classPathList.get(1));
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        ModuleList exclusions = new ModuleList();
        Map<URI, String> data = new HashMap<URI, String>();
        data.put(URI.create("lib1.jar"), "lib1.jar lib2.jar");

        DeploymentContext.JarFileFactory factory = new MockJarFileFactory(data);
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1/ear")), new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1/ear?name=test")), ConfigurationModuleType.EAR, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager());
        ClassPathList classPathList = new ClassPathList();
        context.getCompleteManifestClassPath(start, start.getRelativeURI(), resolutionURI, classPathList, exclusions, factory, new ArrayList<DeploymentException>());
        assertEquals(2, classPathList.size());
        assertEquals("../lib1.jar", classPathList.get(0));
        assertEquals("../lib2.jar", classPathList.get(1));
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        data.put(URI.create("lib1/lib1/lib1.jar"), "../../lib2/lib2/lib2.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2/lib2/lib2.jar"), "../lib2a/lib2a.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2/lib2a/lib2a.jar"), "../../lib3/lib3/lib3.jar ../../lib1/lib1/lib1.jar");

        DeploymentContext.JarFileFactory factory = new MockJarFileFactory(data);
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1/ear")), new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1/ear?name=test")), ConfigurationModuleType.EAR, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager());
        ClassPathList classPathList = new ClassPathList();
        context.getCompleteManifestClassPath(start, start.getRelativeURI(), resolutionURI, classPathList, exclusions, factory, new ArrayList<DeploymentException>());
        assertEquals(4, classPathList.size());
        assertEquals("../../../lib1/lib1/lib1.jar", classPathList.get(0));
        assertEquals("../../../lib2/lib2/lib2.jar", classPathList.get(1));
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        data.put(URI.create("lib1/lib1/lib1.jar"), "../../lib2/lib2.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2/lib2.jar"), "lib2a.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2/lib2a.jar"), "../lib3.jar ../lib1/lib1/lib1.jar");

        DeploymentContext.JarFileFactory factory = new MockJarFileFactory(data);
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1/ear")), new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1/ear?name=test")), ConfigurationModuleType.EAR, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager());
        ClassPathList classPathList = new ClassPathList();
        context.getCompleteManifestClassPath(start, start.getRelativeURI(), resolutionURI, classPathList, exclusions, factory, new ArrayList<DeploymentException>());
        assertEquals(4, classPathList.size());
        assertEquals("../../../lib1/lib1/lib1.jar", classPathList.get(0));
        assertEquals("../../../lib2/lib2.jar", classPathList.get(1));
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        data.put(URI.create("lib1.jar"), "ejb2.jar lib2.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("lib2.jar"), "ejb2.jar lib1.jar");
        data.put(URI.create("ejb2.jar"), "lib3.jar lib4.jar");

        DeploymentContext.JarFileFactory factory = new MockJarFileFactory(data);
        DeploymentContext context = new DeploymentContext(new File("."), null, new Environment(Artifact.create("test/foo/1/ear")), new AbstractName(URI.create("test/foo/1/ear?name=test")), ConfigurationModuleType.EAR, new Jsr77Naming(), new MockConfigurationManager());
        ClassPathList classPathList = new ClassPathList();
        context.getCompleteManifestClassPath(start, start.getRelativeURI(), resolutionURI, classPathList, exclusions, factory, new ArrayList<DeploymentException>());
        assertEquals(2, classPathList.size());
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    protected int startClient(Artifact configuration, String[] args) throws Exception {
        Jsr77Naming naming = new Jsr77Naming();
        //this kinda sucks, but resource adapter modules deployed on the client insist on having a
        //J2EEApplication name component
        AbstractName baseName = naming.createRootName(configuration, configuration.toString(), "J2EEApplication");
        AbstractNameQuery baseNameQuery = new AbstractNameQuery(baseName);
        invokeMainGBean(Collections.singletonList(configuration), baseNameQuery, "main", args);
        return 0;
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Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.AbstractName

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