
Examples of

    public void run()
        List<IEntry> entries = getEntries();
        ISearch[] searches = getSearches();
        IEntry entryInput = getEntryInput();
        ISearch searchInput = getSearchInput();

        if ( entries.size() > 0 )
            for ( IEntry entry : entries )
                if ( entry instanceof IContinuation )
                    IContinuation continuation = ( IContinuation ) entry;
                    if ( continuation.getState() != State.RESOLVED )
            InitializeChildrenRunnable initializeChildrenRunnable = new InitializeChildrenRunnable( true, entries
                .toArray( new IEntry[0] ) );
            new StudioBrowserJob( initializeChildrenRunnable ).execute();
        if ( searches.length > 0 )
            for ( ISearch search : searches )
                search.setSearchResults( null );
                if ( search instanceof IContinuation )
                    IContinuation continuation = ( IContinuation ) search;
                    if ( continuation.getState() != State.RESOLVED )
            new StudioBrowserJob( new SearchRunnable( searches ) ).execute();

        if ( entryInput != null )
            // the entry input is usually a cloned entry, lookup the real entry from connection
            IEntry entry = entryInput.getBrowserConnection().getEntryFromCache( entryInput.getDn() );
            new StudioBrowserJob( new InitializeAttributesRunnable( entry ) ).execute();
        if ( searchInput != null )
            // the search input is usually a cloned search, lookup the real search from connection
            ISearch search = searchInput.getBrowserConnection().getSearchManager().getSearch( searchInput.getName() );
            search.setSearchResults( null );
            new StudioBrowserJob( new SearchRunnable( new ISearch[]
                { search } ) ).execute();
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    public boolean isEnabled()
        List<IEntry> entries = getEntries();
        ISearch[] searches = getSearches();
        IEntry entryInput = getEntryInput();
        ISearch searchInput = getSearchInput();

        return entries.size() > 0 || searches.length > 0 || entryInput != null || searchInput != null;
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                    for ( Iterator<?> i = searchesElement.elementIterator( SEARCH_PARAMETER_TAG ); i.hasNext(); )
                        Element searchParameterElement = ( Element );
                        SearchParameter searchParameter = readSearch( searchParameterElement, browserConnection );
                        ISearch search = new Search( browserConnection, searchParameter );
                        browserConnection.getSearchManager().addSearch( search );

                Element bookmarksElement = element.element( BOOKMARKS_TAG );
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                                    if ( object[i].length > 0 )
                                        SearchParameter[] searchParameters = ( SearchParameter[] ) object[i][1];
                                        for ( int k = 0; k < searchParameters.length; k++ )
                                            ISearch search = new Search( browserConnection, searchParameters[k] );
                                            browserConnection.getSearchManager().addSearch( search );

                                    if ( object[i].length > 1 )
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            IEntry entry = quickSearch.getBrowserConnection().getEntryFromCache( quickSearch.getSearchBase() );
            return entry;
        else if ( child instanceof ISearch )
            ISearch search = ( ( ISearch ) child );
            if ( connectionToCategoriesMap.get( search.getBrowserConnection() ) != null )
                return connectionToCategoriesMap.get( search.getBrowserConnection() )[1];
                return null;
        else if ( child instanceof ISearchResult )
            ISearch parentSearch = ( ( ISearchResult ) child ).getSearch();

            if ( parentSearch == null || parentSearch.getSearchResults().length <= preferences.getFoldingSize()
                || !preferences.isUseFolding() )
                return parentSearch;
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                return objects;
        else if ( parent instanceof ISearch )
            ISearch search = ( ISearch ) parent;
            if ( search instanceof IContinuation )
                IContinuation continuation = ( IContinuation ) search;
                if ( continuation.getState() == State.UNRESOLVED )
                if ( continuation.getState() == State.CANCELED )
                    return new Object[0];

            if ( search.getSearchResults() == null || search.getSearchContinuations() == null )
                new StudioBrowserJob( new SearchRunnable( new ISearch[]
                    { search } ) ).execute();
                return new String[]
                    { Messages.getString( "BrowserContentProvider.PerformingSearch" ) }; //$NON-NLS-1$
            else if ( search.getSearchResults().length + search.getSearchContinuations().length == 0 )
                return new String[]
                    { Messages.getString( "BrowserContentProvider.NoResults" ) }; //$NON-NLS-1$
            else if ( search.getSearchResults().length <= preferences.getFoldingSize() || !preferences.isUseFolding() )
                if ( searchToSearchResultPagesMap.containsKey( search ) )
                    searchToSearchResultPagesMap.remove( search );

                ISearchResult[] results = search.getSearchResults();
                SearchContinuation[] scs = search.getSearchContinuations();
                List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<Object>();

                if ( search.getTopSearchRunnable() != null )
                    objects.add( search.getTopSearchRunnable() );

                objects.addAll( Arrays.asList( results ) );

                if ( scs != null )
                    objects.addAll( Arrays.asList( scs ) );

                if ( search.getNextSearchRunnable() != null )
                    objects.add( search.getNextSearchRunnable() );

                return objects.toArray();
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                referralsHandlingMethod = ReferralHandlingMethod.MANAGE;
            Control[] controls = null;
            // get children,
            ISearch search = new Search( null, parent.getBrowserConnection(), parent.getDn(), parent
                .getChildrenFilter(), ISearch.NO_ATTRIBUTES, scope, parent.getBrowserConnection().getCountLimit(),
                parent.getBrowserConnection().getTimeLimit(), aliasesDereferencingMethod, referralsHandlingMethod,
                    BrowserCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_CHECK_FOR_CHILDREN ), controls );
            SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( parent.getBrowserConnection(), search, monitor );
            ISearchResult[] srs = search.getSearchResults();
            monitor.reportProgress( BrowserCoreMessages.bind( BrowserCoreMessages.jobs__init_entries_progress_subcount,
                new String[]
                    { srs == null ? Integer.toString( 0 ) : Integer.toString( srs.length ), parent.getDn().getUpName() } ) );

            // fill children in search result
            if ( srs != null && srs.length > 0 )
                // clearing old children before filling new children is
                // necessary to handle aliases and referrals.
                IEntry[] connChildren = parent.getChildren();
                for ( int i = 0; connChildren != null && i < connChildren.length; i++ )
                    if ( connChildren[i] != null )
                        parent.deleteChild( connChildren[i] );
                parent.setChildrenInitialized( false );

                for ( int i = 0; srs != null && i < srs.length; i++ )
                    if ( parent.isAlias() && !( srs[i].getEntry() instanceof AliasBaseEntry ) )
                        AliasBaseEntry aliasBaseEntry = new AliasBaseEntry( srs[i].getEntry().getBrowserConnection(), srs[i]
                            .getEntry().getDn() );
                        parent.addChild( aliasBaseEntry );
                        parent.addChild( srs[i].getEntry() );
                parent.setHasChildrenHint( false );

            // get sub-entries
            ISearch subSearch = new Search( null, parent.getBrowserConnection(), parent.getDn(), parent
                .getChildrenFilter() != null ? parent.getChildrenFilter() : ISearch.FILTER_SUBENTRY,
                ISearch.NO_ATTRIBUTES, scope, parent.getBrowserConnection().getCountLimit(), parent
                    .getBrowserConnection().getTimeLimit(), aliasesDereferencingMethod, referralsHandlingMethod, BrowserCorePlugin
                    .getBoolean( BrowserCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_CHECK_FOR_CHILDREN ), new Control[]
                    { Control.SUBENTRIES_CONTROL } );
            if ( BrowserCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(
                BrowserCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_FETCH_SUBENTRIES ) )
                SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( parent.getBrowserConnection(), subSearch, monitor );
                ISearchResult[] subSrs = subSearch.getSearchResults();
                monitor.reportProgress( BrowserCoreMessages.bind( BrowserCoreMessages.jobs__init_entries_progress_subcount,
                    new String[]
                        { subSrs == null ? Integer.toString( 0 ) : Integer.toString( subSrs.length ),
                            parent.getDn().getUpName() } ) );

                // fill children in search result
                if ( subSrs != null && subSrs.length > 0 )

                    for ( int i = 0; subSrs != null && i < subSrs.length; i++ )
                        parent.addChild( subSrs[i].getEntry() );

            // check exceeded limits / canceled
            parent.setHasMoreChildren( search.isCountLimitExceeded() || subSearch.isCountLimitExceeded()
                || monitor.isCanceled() );
            // set initialized state
            parent.setChildrenInitialized( true );
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                referralsHandlingMethod = ReferralHandlingMethod.MANAGE;
            // search
            ISearch search = new Search( null, entry.getBrowserConnection(), entry.getDn(),
                entry.isSubentry() ? ISearch.FILTER_SUBENTRY : ISearch.FILTER_TRUE, attributes, SearchScope.OBJECT, 0,
                0, aliasesDereferencingMethod, referralsHandlingMethod, false, null );
            SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( entry.getBrowserConnection(), search, monitor );

            // set initialized state
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        browserConnection.getRootDSE().setChildrenInitialized( false );

        // load all user attributes
        ISearch search = new Search( null, browserConnection, LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN, ISearch.FILTER_TRUE, new String[]
            { ISearch.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES }, SearchScope.OBJECT, 0, 0, Connection.AliasDereferencingMethod.NEVER,
            Connection.ReferralHandlingMethod.IGNORE, false, null );
        SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( browserConnection, search, monitor );

        // load well-known Root DSE attributes and operational attributes
        search = new Search( null, browserConnection, LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN, ISearch.FILTER_TRUE, ROOT_DSE_ATTRIBUTES,
            SearchScope.OBJECT, 0, 0, Connection.AliasDereferencingMethod.NEVER,
            Connection.ReferralHandlingMethod.IGNORE, false, null );
        SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( browserConnection, search, monitor );

        // the list of entries under the Root DSE
        Map<LdapDN, IEntry> rootDseEntries = new HashMap<LdapDN, IEntry>();

        // 1st: add base DNs, either the specified or from the namingContexts attribute
        if ( !browserConnection.isFetchBaseDNs() && browserConnection.getBaseDN() != null
            && !"".equals( browserConnection.getBaseDN().toString() ) )
            // only add the specified base DN
                LdapDN dn = browserConnection.getBaseDN();
                IEntry entry = browserConnection.getEntryFromCache( dn );
                if ( entry == null )
                    entry = new BaseDNEntry( new LdapDN( dn ), browserConnection );
                    browserConnection.cacheEntry( entry );
                rootDseEntries.put( dn, entry );
            catch ( InvalidNameException e )
                monitor.reportError( BrowserCoreMessages.model__error_setting_base_dn, e );
            // get base DNs from namingContexts attribute
            Set<String> namingContextSet = new HashSet<String>();
            IAttribute attribute = browserConnection.getRootDSE().getAttribute(
            if ( attribute != null )
                String[] values = attribute.getStringValues();
                for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ )
                    namingContextSet.add( values[i] );
            for ( String namingContext : namingContextSet )
                if ( !"".equals( namingContext ) ) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        LdapDN dn = new LdapDN( namingContext );
                        IEntry entry = browserConnection.getEntryFromCache( dn );
                        if ( entry == null )
                            entry = new BaseDNEntry( new LdapDN( dn ), browserConnection );
                            browserConnection.cacheEntry( entry );
                        rootDseEntries.put( dn, entry );
                    catch ( InvalidNameException e )
                        monitor.reportError( BrowserCoreMessages.model__error_setting_base_dn, e );
                    // special handling of empty namingContext (Novell eDirectory):
                    // perform a one-level search and add all result DNs to the set
                    search = new Search( null, browserConnection, LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN, ISearch.FILTER_TRUE,
                        ISearch.NO_ATTRIBUTES, SearchScope.ONELEVEL, 0, 0, Connection.AliasDereferencingMethod.NEVER,
                        Connection.ReferralHandlingMethod.IGNORE, false, null );
                    SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( browserConnection, search, monitor );
                    ISearchResult[] results = search.getSearchResults();
                    for ( ISearchResult searchResult : results )
                        IEntry entry = searchResult.getEntry();
                        rootDseEntries.put( entry.getDn(), entry );
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    private static void initBaseEntry( IBrowserConnection browserConnection, LdapDN dn, StudioProgressMonitor monitor )
        ISearch search;
        IEntry entry;
        // search the entry
        AliasDereferencingMethod derefAliasMethod = browserConnection.getAliasesDereferencingMethod();
        ReferralHandlingMethod handleReferralsMethod = browserConnection.getReferralsHandlingMethod();
        search = new Search( null, browserConnection, dn, ISearch.FILTER_TRUE, ISearch.NO_ATTRIBUTES,
            SearchScope.OBJECT, 1, 0, derefAliasMethod, handleReferralsMethod, true, null );
        SearchJob.searchAndUpdateModel( browserConnection, search, monitor );

        // add entry to Root DSE
        ISearchResult[] results = search.getSearchResults();
        if ( results != null && results.length == 1 )
            ISearchResult result = results[0];
            entry = result.getEntry();
            browserConnection.getRootDSE().addChild( entry );
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