
Examples of

        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry();

        entry.add( "cn", ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 1, entry.size() );
        Attribute attributeCN = entry.get( "cn" );
        assertEquals( 1, attributeCN.size() );
        assertNotNull( attributeCN.get() );
        assertNull( attributeCN.get().getValue() );

        entry.add( "sn", "test", "test", "TEST" );
        assertEquals( 2, entry.size() );
        Attribute attributeSN = entry.get( "sn" );
        assertEquals( 2, attributeSN.size() );
        assertNotNull( attributeSN.get() );
        assertTrue( attributeSN.contains( "test" ) );
        assertTrue( attributeSN.contains( "TEST" ) );
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        Value<String> value = new StringValue( ( String ) null );

        entry.add( "cn", value );
        assertEquals( 1, entry.size() );
        Attribute attributeCN = entry.get( "cn" );
        assertEquals( 1, attributeCN.size() );
        assertNotNull( attributeCN.get() );
        assertNull( attributeCN.get().getValue() );

        Value<String> value1 = new StringValue( "test1" );
        Value<String> value2 = new StringValue( "test2" );
        Value<String> value3 = new StringValue( "test1" );

        entry.add( "sn", value1, value2, value3 );
        assertEquals( 2, entry.size() );
        Attribute attributeSN = entry.get( "sn" );
        assertEquals( 2, attributeSN.size() );
        assertNotNull( attributeSN.get() );
        assertTrue( attributeSN.contains( value1 ) );
        assertTrue( attributeSN.contains( value2 ) );

        Value<byte[]> value4 = new BinaryValue( BYTES1 );
        entry.add( "l", value1, value4 );
        assertEquals( 3, entry.size() );
        Attribute attributeL = entry.get( "l" );
        assertEquals( 2, attributeL.size() );
        assertNotNull( attributeL.get() );
        assertTrue( attributeL.contains( value1 ) );

        // The byte[] value must have been transformed to a String
        assertTrue( attributeL.contains( "ab" ) );
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    public void testContainsEntryAttributeArray() throws LdapException
        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( EXAMPLE_DN );

        Attribute attrOC = new DefaultAttribute( "objectClass", "top", "person" );
        Attribute attrCN = new DefaultAttribute( "cn", "test1", "test2" );
        Attribute attrSN = new DefaultAttribute( "sn", "Test1", "Test2" );
        Attribute attrPWD = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", BYTES1, BYTES2 );

        assertFalse( entry.contains( attrOC, attrCN ) );

        entry.add( attrOC, attrCN );
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        Entry entry = new DefaultEntry( EXAMPLE_DN );

        assertFalse( entry.containsAttribute( "objectClass" ) );

        Attribute attrPWD = new DefaultAttribute( "userPassword", BYTES1, ( byte[] ) null, BYTES2 );

        entry.add( attrPWD );

        assertTrue( entry.contains( "  userPASSWORD  ", BYTES1, BYTES2 ) );
        assertTrue( entry.contains( "  userPASSWORD  ", ( byte[] ) null ) );
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     * Test method isValid()
    public void testIsValid() throws Exception
        Attribute attr = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        // No value, this should not be valid
        assertFalse( attr.isValid( atCN ) );

        attr.add( "test", "test2", "A123\\;" );
        assertTrue( attr.isValid( atCN ) );

        // If we try to add a wrong value, it will not be added. The
        // attribute remains valid.
        assertEquals( 0, attr.add( new byte[]
            { 0x01 } ) );
        assertTrue( attr.isValid( atCN ) );

        // test a SINGLE-VALUE attribute. CountryName is SINGLE-VALUE
        attr.apply( atC );
        attr.add( "FR" );
        assertTrue( attr.isValid( atC ) );
        assertEquals( 0, attr.add( "US" ) );
        assertFalse( attr.contains( "US" ) );
        assertTrue( attr.isValid( atC ) );
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     * Test method add( Value... )
    public void testAddValueArray() throws LdapException
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        int nbAdded = attr1.add( ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr1.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr2.add( new BinaryValue( atPwd, null ) );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr2.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( NULL_BINARY_VALUE, attr2.get() );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        nbAdded = attr3.add( new StringValue( atCN, "a" ), new StringValue( atCN, "b" ) );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr3.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr3.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr3.contains( "b" ) );

        Attribute attr4 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( new BinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ), new BinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES2 ) );
        assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( BYTES1 ) );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( BYTES2 ) );

        Attribute attr5 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        nbAdded = attr5.add( new StringValue( atCN, "c" ), new BinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ) );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr5.isHumanReadable() );
        assertFalse( attr5.contains( "ab" ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "c" ) );

        Attribute attr6 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr6.add( new BinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ), new StringValue( atCN, "c" ) );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr6.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr6.contains( BYTES1 ) );
        assertFalse( attr6.contains( BYTES3 ) );

        Attribute attr7 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr7.add( new BinaryValue( atPwd, null ), new StringValue( atCN, "c" ) );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr7.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr7.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
        assertFalse( attr7.contains( BYTES3 ) );

        Attribute attr8 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        nbAdded = attr8.add( new StringValue( atDC, null ), new BinaryValue( atPwd, BYTES1 ) );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr8.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr8.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
        assertFalse( attr8.contains( "ab" ) );

        Attribute attr9 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        nbAdded = attr9.add( new StringValue( ( String ) null ), new StringValue( "ab" ) );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr9.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr9.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
        assertTrue( attr9.contains( "ab" ) );

        Attribute attr10 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr10.add( new BinaryValue( ( byte[] ) null ), new BinaryValue( BYTES1 ) );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr10.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr10.contains( NULL_BINARY_VALUE ) );
        assertTrue( attr10.contains( BYTES1 ) );
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     * Test method add( String... )
    public void testAddStringArray() throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException
        Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        int nbAdded = attr1.add( ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr1.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( NULL_STRING_VALUE, attr1.get() );

        Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC );

        nbAdded = attr2.add( "" );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr2.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "", attr2.getString() );

        Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        nbAdded = attr3.add( "t" );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr3.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "t", attr3.getString() );

        Attribute attr4 = new DefaultAttribute( atCN );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( "a", "b", "c", "d" );
        assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( "e" );
        assertEquals( 1, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "e" ) );

        nbAdded = attr4.add( BYTES1 );
        assertEquals( 0, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr4.isHumanReadable() );
        assertEquals( "a", attr4.getString() );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "b" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "c" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "d" ) );
        assertTrue( attr4.contains( "e" ) );
        assertFalse( attr4.contains( "ab" ) );

        Attribute attr5 = new DefaultAttribute( atEMail );

        nbAdded = attr5.add( "a", "b", ( String ) null, "d" );
        assertEquals( 4, nbAdded );
        assertTrue( attr5.isHumanReadable() );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "a" ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "b" ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( NULL_STRING_VALUE ) );
        assertTrue( attr5.contains( "d" ) );

        Attribute attr6 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd );

        nbAdded = attr6.add( "a", ( String ) null );
        assertEquals( 2, nbAdded );
        assertFalse( attr6.isHumanReadable() );
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        assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() );

        assertEquals( "cn=app1,ou=applications,ou=conf,dc=apache,dc=org", entry.getDn().getName() );

        Attribute attr = entry.get( "displayname" );
        assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) );
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     * not a valid OID, ...)
    private String getOid( Entry entry, String objectType ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException
        // The OID
        Attribute mOid = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT );

        if ( mOid == null )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_10005, objectType, MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT );
            LOG.warn( msg );
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg );

        String oid = mOid.getString();

        if ( !Oid.isOid( oid ) )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_10006, oid );
            LOG.warn( msg );
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        if ( entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DEPENDENCIES_AT ) != null )
            Set<String> depsSet = new HashSet<String>();
            Attribute depsAttr = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_DEPENDENCIES_AT );

            for ( Value<?> value : depsAttr )
                depsSet.add( value.getString() );
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