
Examples of

         *     ...
         * Creates the Cancel object
        super.transitions[CancelStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( CancelStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction(
                "Init Cancel" )
                public void action( Asn1Container container )
                    CancelContainer cancelContainer = ( CancelContainer ) container;
                    Cancel cancel = new Cancel();
                    cancelContainer.setCancel( cancel );
            } );

         * Transition from cancel SEQ to cancelId
         * cancelRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
         *     cancelId   MessageID
         * }
         * Set the cancelId value into the Cancel object.   
        super.transitions[CancelStatesEnum.CANCEL_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.INTEGER.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( CancelStatesEnum.CANCEL_SEQUENCE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction( "Stores CancelId" )
                public void action( Asn1Container container ) throws DecoderException
View Full Code Here

        // Create the transitions table
        super.transitions = new GrammarTransition[ SubentriesStates.LAST_SUB_ENTRY_STATE.ordinal()][256];

        super.transitions[ SubentriesStates.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SubentriesStates.START_STATE,
                                    SubentriesStates.SUB_ENTRY_VISIBILITY_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SubentriesContainer>( "SubEntryControl visibility" )
                public void action( SubentriesContainer container ) throws DecoderException
View Full Code Here

         *     ...
         * Nothing to do
        super.transitions[ PagedResultsStates.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PagedResultsStates.START_STATE,
                                    UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue(), null );

         * Transition from PagedSearch sequence to size
         * realSearchControlValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     size  INTEGER,  -- INTEGER (0..maxInt),
         *     ...
         * Stores the size value
        super.transitions[ PagedResultsStates.PAGED_SEARCH_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.INTEGER.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PagedResultsStates.PAGED_SEARCH_SEQUENCE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<PagedResultsContainer>( "Set PagedSearchControl size" )
                public void action( PagedResultsContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                        int size = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
                        // We allow negative value to absorb a bug in some M$ client.
                        // Those negative values will be transformed to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
                        if ( size < 0 )
                            size = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "size = " + size );

                        container.getDecorator().setSize( size );
                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04050 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from size to cookie
         * realSearchControlValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     cookie   OCTET STRING
         * }
         * Stores the cookie flag
        super.transitions[ PagedResultsStates.SIZE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PagedResultsStates.SIZE_STATE,
                                    PagedResultsStates.COOKIE_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<PagedResultsContainer>( "Set PagedSearchControl cookie" )
                public void action( PagedResultsContainer container ) throws DecoderException
View Full Code Here

        // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
        //     ...
        // Initialization of the structure
        super.transitions[ EntryChangeStates.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( EntryChangeStates.START_STATE,
                                    UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue(), null );

        // ============================================================================================
        // transition from Entry Change sequence to Change Type
        // ============================================================================================
        // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
        //     changeType ENUMERATED {
        //     ...
        // Evaluates the changeType
        super.transitions[ EntryChangeStates.EC_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.ENUMERATED.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( EntryChangeStates.EC_SEQUENCE_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer>( "Set EntryChangeControl changeType" )
            public void action( EntryChangeContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    int change = IntegerDecoder.parse( value, 1, 8 );
                    switch ( ChangeType.getChangeType( change ) )
                        case ADD:
                        case DELETE:
                        case MODDN:
                        case MODIFY:
                            ChangeType changeType = ChangeType.getChangeType( change );

                            if ( IS_DEBUG )
                                LOG.debug( "changeType = " + changeType );

                            container.getEntryChangeDecorator().setChangeType( changeType );

                            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04044 );
                            LOG.error( msg );
                            throw new DecoderException( msg );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                    String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04044 );
                    LOG.error( msg, e );
                    throw new DecoderException( msg );
                catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
                    throw new DecoderException( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
        } );

        // ============================================================================================
        // Transition from Change Type to Previous Dn
        // ============================================================================================
        // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
        //     ...
        //     previousDN LDAPDN OPTIONAL,
        //     ...
        // Set the previousDN into the structure. We first check that it's a
        // valid Dn
        super.transitions[ EntryChangeStates.CHANGE_TYPE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( EntryChangeStates.CHANGE_TYPE_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer>( "Set EntryChangeControl previousDN" )
            public void action( EntryChangeContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                ChangeType changeType = container.getEntryChangeDecorator().getChangeType();

                if ( changeType != ChangeType.MODDN )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04045 ) );
                    throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04046 ));
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();
                    Dn previousDn;

                        previousDn = new Dn( Strings.utf8ToString(value.getData()) );
                    catch ( LdapInvalidDnException ine )
                        LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04047, Strings.dumpBytes(value.getData()) ) );
                        throw new DecoderException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04048 ) );

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "previousDN = " + previousDn );

                    container.getEntryChangeDecorator().setPreviousDn( previousDn );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
        } );

        // Change Number action
        GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer> setChangeNumberAction = new GrammarAction<EntryChangeContainer>( "Set EntryChangeControl changeNumber" )
            public void action( EntryChangeContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    long changeNumber = LongDecoder.parse( value );

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "changeNumber = " + changeNumber );

                    container.getEntryChangeDecorator().setChangeNumber( changeNumber );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                catch ( LongDecoderException e )
                    String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04049 );
                    LOG.error( msg, e );
                    throw new DecoderException( msg );

        // ============================================================================================
        // Transition from Previous Dn to Change Number
        // ============================================================================================
        // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
        //     ...
        //     changeNumber INTEGER OPTIONAL
        // }
        // Set the changeNumber into the structure
        super.transitions[ EntryChangeStates.PREVIOUS_DN_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.INTEGER.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( EntryChangeStates.PREVIOUS_DN_STATE,
                setChangeNumberAction );

        // ============================================================================================
        // Transition from Previous Dn to Change Number
        // ============================================================================================
        // EntryChangeNotification ::= SEQUENCE {
        //     ...
        //     changeNumber INTEGER OPTIONAL
        // }
        // Set the changeNumber into the structure
        super.transitions[ EntryChangeStates.CHANGE_TYPE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.INTEGER.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( EntryChangeStates.CHANGE_TYPE_STATE,
                setChangeNumberAction );
View Full Code Here

         *     ...
         * Initialize the persistence search object
        super.transitions[ PersistentSearchStates.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PersistentSearchStates.START_STATE,
                                    UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue(), null );

         * Transition from Psearch sequence to Change types
         * PSearch ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     changeTypes  INTEGER,  -- an OR combinaison of 0, 1, 2 and 4 --
         *     ...
         * Stores the change types value
        super.transitions[ PersistentSearchStates.PSEARCH_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.INTEGER.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PersistentSearchStates.PSEARCH_SEQUENCE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<PersistentSearchContainer>( "Set PSearchControl changeTypes" )
                public void action( PersistentSearchContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                        int changeTypes = IntegerDecoder.parse( value,
                            PersistentSearch.CHANGE_TYPES_MAX );
                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "changeTypes = " + changeTypes );

                        container.getPersistentSearchDecorator().setChangeTypes( changeTypes );
                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04051 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from Change types to Changes only
         * PSearch ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     changeOnly   BOOLEAN,
         *     ...
         * Stores the change only flag
        super.transitions[ PersistentSearchStates.CHANGE_TYPES_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PersistentSearchStates.CHANGE_TYPES_STATE,
                                    PersistentSearchStates.CHANGES_ONLY_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<PersistentSearchContainer>( "Set PSearchControl changesOnly" )
                public void action( PersistentSearchContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean changesOnly = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "changesOnly = " + changesOnly );

                        container.getPersistentSearchDecorator().setChangesOnly( changesOnly );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04052 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from Change types to Changes only
         * PSearch ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     returnECs    BOOLEAN
         * }
         * Stores the return ECs flag
        super.transitions[ PersistentSearchStates.CHANGES_ONLY_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( PersistentSearchStates.CHANGES_ONLY_STATE,
                                    PersistentSearchStates.RETURN_ECS_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<PersistentSearchContainer>( "Set PSearchControl returnECs" )
                public void action( PersistentSearchContainer container ) throws DecoderException
View Full Code Here

         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncRequestValue object
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                null );

         * Transition from SyncRequestValue sequence to Change types
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     mode ENUMERATED {
         *         -- 0 unused
         *         refreshOnly       (1),
         *         -- 2 reserved
         *         refreshAndPersist (3)
         *     },
         *     ...
         * Stores the mode value
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.SYNC_REQUEST_VALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.ENUMERATED.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.SYNC_REQUEST_VALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl mode" )
                public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                        int mode = IntegerDecoder.parse( value,
                            SynchronizationModeEnum.REFRESH_AND_PERSIST.getValue() );
                        SynchronizationModeEnum modeEnum = SynchronizationModeEnum.getSyncMode( mode );
                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "Mode = " + modeEnum );

                        container.getSyncRequestValueControl().setMode( modeEnum );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04028 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from mode to cookie
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     cookie     syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Stores the cookie
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE,
                                    SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl cookie" )
                public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes(cookie) );

                    container.getSyncRequestValueControl().setCookie( cookie );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from mode to reloadHint
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     reloadHint BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
         * }
         * Stores the reloadHint flag
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.MODE_STATE,
                                    SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.RELOAD_HINT_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl reloadHint flag" )
                public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean reloadHint = BooleanDecoder.parse(value);

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "reloadHint = " + reloadHint );

                        container.getSyncRequestValueControl().setReloadHint( reloadHint );

                        // We can have an END transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04029 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from cookie to reloadHint
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     reloadHint BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
         * }
         * Stores the reloadHint flag
        super.transitions[SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE,
                                    SyncRequestValueStatesEnum.RELOAD_HINT_STATE, UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue(),
                new GrammarAction<SyncRequestValueContainer>( "Set SyncRequestValueControl reloadHint flag" )
                public void action( SyncRequestValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
View Full Code Here

         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncInfoValue object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][SyncInfoValueTags.NEW_COOKIE_TAG.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "NewCookie choice for SyncInfoValueControl" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();

                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] newCookie = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "newcookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes(newCookie) );

                    control.setCookie( newCookie );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
            } );

         * Transition from initial state to SyncInfoValue refreshDelete choice
         * SyncInfoValue ::= CHOICE {
         *     ...
         *     refreshDelete [1] SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncInfoValue object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][SyncInfoValueTags.REFRESH_DELETE_TAG.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete choice for SyncInfoValueControl" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from refreshDelete state to cookie
         *     refreshDelete [1] SEQUENCE {
         *         cookie syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Load the cookie object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete cookie" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes(cookie) );

                    container.getSyncInfoValueControl().setCookie( cookie );
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from refreshDelete cookie state to refreshDone
         *     refreshDelete [1] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete refreshDone flag" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                        control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                        // the END transition for grammar
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from refreshDelete choice state to refreshDone
         *     refreshDelete [1] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_DELETE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete refreshDone flag" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                        control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                        // the END transition for grammar
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );
         * Transition from initial state to SyncInfoValue refreshPresent choice
         * SyncInfoValue ::= CHOICE {
         *     ...
         *     refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncInfoValue object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][SyncInfoValueTags.REFRESH_PRESENT_TAG.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshDelete choice for SyncInfoValueControl" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from refreshPresent state to cookie
         *     refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
         *         cookie syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Load the cookie object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshPresent cookie" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes(cookie) );

                    container.getSyncInfoValueControl().setCookie( cookie );
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from refreshPresent cookie state to refreshDone
         *     refreshPresent [2] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshPresent refreshDone flag" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                        control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                        // the END transition for grammar
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from refreshPresent choice state to refreshDone
         *     refreshPresent [1] SEQUENCE {
         *         ....
         *         refreshDone BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE
         *     }
         * Load the refreshDone flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.REFRESH_PRESENT_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "RefreshPresent refreshDone flag" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean refreshDone = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "refreshDone = {}", refreshDone );

                        control.setRefreshDone( refreshDone );

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );

                        // the END transition for grammar
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04025 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );
         * Transition from initial state to SyncInfoValue syncIdSet choice
         * SyncInfoValue ::= CHOICE {
         *     ...
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncInfoValue object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][SyncInfoValueTags.SYNC_ID_SET_TAG.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.START_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet choice for SyncInfoValueControl" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet state to cookie
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         cookie syncCookie OPTIONAL,
         *     ...
         * Load the cookie object
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet cookie" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container )
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] cookie = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "cookie = " + Strings.dumpBytes(cookie) );

                    container.getSyncInfoValueControl().setCookie( cookie );
                    container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet state to refreshDeletes
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         refreshDeletes BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
         *     ...
         * Load the refreshDeletes flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet refreshDeletes" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean refreshDeletes = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "refreshDeletes = {}", refreshDeletes );

                        control.setRefreshDeletes( refreshDeletes );

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04026 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet cookie state to refreshDeletes
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         refreshDeletes BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
         *     ...
         * Load the refreshDeletes flag
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet refreshDeletes" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        boolean refreshDeletes = BooleanDecoder.parse( value );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "refreshDeletes = {}", refreshDeletes );

                        control.setRefreshDeletes( refreshDeletes );

                        container.setSyncInfoValueControl( control );
                    catch ( BooleanDecoderException be )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04024 );
                        LOG.error( msg, be );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet state to syncUUIDs
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      *SET OF* syncUUID
         *     }
         * Initialize the UUID set : no action associated, except allowing a grammar end
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SET.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet syncUUIDs" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet cookie state to syncUUIDs
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      *SET OF* syncUUID
         *     }
         * Initialize the UUID set : no action associated
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SET.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_COOKIE_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet syncUUIDs" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet refreshDeletes state to syncUUIDs
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      *SET OF* syncUUID
         *     }
         * Initialize the UUID set : no action associated
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_REFRESH_DELETES_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SET.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_REFRESH_DELETES_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet syncUUIDs" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet syncUUIDs to syncUUID
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      SET OF *syncUUID*
         *     }
         * Add the first UUID in the UUIDs list
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_SET_OF_UUIDS_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_SET_OF_UUIDS_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet first UUID" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    SyncInfoValueDecorator control = container.getSyncInfoValueControl();
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] uuid = value.getData();
                    // UUID must be exactly 16 bytes long
                    if ( ( uuid == null ) || ( uuid.length != 16 ) )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04027 );
                        LOG.error( msg );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "UUID = " + Strings.dumpBytes(uuid) );

                    // Store the UUID in the UUIDs list
                    control.addSyncUUID( uuid );
                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );
         * Transition from syncIdSet syncUUID to syncUUID
         *     syncIdSet [3] SEQUENCE {
         *         ...
         *         syncUUIDs      SET OF *syncUUID*
         *     }
         * Add a new UUID in the UUIDs list
        super.transitions[SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_UUID_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] =
            new GrammarTransition( SyncInfoValueStatesEnum.SYNC_ID_SET_UUID_STATE,
                new GrammarAction<SyncInfoValueContainer>( "SyncIdSet UUID" )
                public void action( SyncInfoValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
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         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the syncStateValue object
        super.transitions[SyncStateValueStatesEnum.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.START_STATE, SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_STATE_VALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE,
            UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue(), null );

         * Transition from SyncStateValue sequence to state type enum
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *       state ENUMERATED {
         *            present (0),
         *            add (1),
         *            modify (2),
         *            delete (3)
         *       },
         *     ...
         * Stores the sync state type value
        super.transitions[SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_STATE_VALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.ENUMERATED.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_TYPE_STATE, UniversalTag.ENUMERATED.getValue(),
            new GrammarAction<SyncStateValueContainer>( "Set SyncStateValueControl state type" )
                public void action( SyncStateValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                        // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                        int syncStateType = IntegerDecoder.parse(value, SyncStateTypeEnum.PRESENT.getValue(),

                        SyncStateTypeEnum syncStateTypeEnum = SyncStateTypeEnum.getSyncStateType( syncStateType );

                        if ( IS_DEBUG )
                            LOG.debug( "SyncStateType = {}", syncStateTypeEnum );

                        container.getSyncStateValueControl().setSyncStateType( syncStateTypeEnum );

                        // move on to the entryUUID transition
                        container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
                    catch ( IntegerDecoderException e )
                        String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_04030 );
                        LOG.error( msg, e );
                        throw new DecoderException( msg );
            } );

         * Transition from sync state tpe to entryUUID
         * SyncStateValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     entryUUID     syncUUID
         *     ...
         * Stores the entryUUID
        super.transitions[SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_TYPE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_TYPE_STATE, SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_UUID_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncStateValueContainer>( "Set SyncStateValueControl entryUUID" )
                public void action( SyncStateValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte[] entryUUID = value.getData();

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "entryUUID = {}", Strings.dumpBytes(entryUUID) );

                    container.getSyncStateValueControl().setEntryUUID( entryUUID );

                    // We can have an END transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from entryUUID to cookie
         * SyncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         *     cookie    syncCookie OPTIONAL
         * }
         * Stores the reloadHint flag
        super.transitions[SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_UUID_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncStateValueStatesEnum.SYNC_UUID_STATE, SyncStateValueStatesEnum.COOKIE_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncStateValueContainer>( "Set SyncStateValueControl cookie value" )
                public void action( SyncStateValueContainer container ) throws DecoderException
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         * SyncModifyDnControl ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     ...
         * Initialize the SyncModifyDnControl object
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.START_SYNC_MODDN.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.START_SYNC_MODDN, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.SYNC_MODDN_VALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE,
            UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue(), null );

         * Transition from SyncModifyDnControl sequence to entryDn
         * move-name ::= SEQUENCE OF {
         *     Dn        entryDN
         *     ...
         * Stores the entryDn value
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.SYNC_MODDN_VALUE_SEQUENCE_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE, UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue(),
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl entryDn value" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                    String entryDn = Strings.utf8ToString(value.getData());
                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "ModDN entryDn = {}", entryDn );
                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setEntryDn( entryDn );
                    // move on to the next transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
            } );

         * Transition to move choice
         * Operation ::= CHOICE {
         *     move-name       [0] LDAPDN
         *  }
         * Stores the newSuperiorDn value

        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE.ordinal()][SyncModifyDnTags.MOVE_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl newSuperiorDn" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setModDnType( SyncModifyDnType.MOVE );

                    // We need to read the move operation's superiorDN
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    // Check that the value is into the allowed interval
                    String newSuperiorDn = Strings.utf8ToString(value.getData());
                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "ModDN newSuperiorDn = {}", newSuperiorDn );
                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setNewSuperiorDn( newSuperiorDn );
                    // move on to the next transition
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * read the newSuperiorDn
         * move-name       [0] LDAPDN
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE.ordinal()][SyncModifyDnTags.RENAME_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "enter SyncModifyDnControl rename choice" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setModDnType( SyncModifyDnType.RENAME );
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
            } );

         * Transition from rename's RENAME state to newRdn
         * Rename SEQUENCE {
         *     new-rdn Rdn,
         * }
         * Stores the newRdn value
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_NEW_RDN_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl newRdn value" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    String newRdn = Strings.utf8ToString(value.getData());

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "newRdn = {}", newRdn );

                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setNewRdn( newRdn );

                    // terminal state
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
            } );
         * Transition from rename's RENAME newRdn to deleteOldRdn
         * Rename SEQUENCE {
         *   ....
         *   deleteOldRdn
         * }
         * Stores the deleteOldRdn value
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_NEW_RDN_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_NEW_RDN_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.RENAME_DEL_OLD_RDN_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl deleteOldRdn value" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    byte deleteOldRdn = value.getData()[0];

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "deleteOldRdn = {}", deleteOldRdn );

                    if( deleteOldRdn != 0 )
                        container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setDeleteOldRdn( true );

                    // terminal state
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( true );
            } );

         * Transition from entryDN to moveAndRename SEQUENCE
         *  MoveAndRename SEQUENCE {
         * Stores the deleteOldRdn flag
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE.ordinal()][SyncModifyDnTags.MOVEANDRENAME_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.ENTRY_DN_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "enter SyncModifyDnControl moveAndRename choice" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setModDnType( SyncModifyDnType.MOVE_AND_RENAME );
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
            } );

         * Transition from MOVE_AND_RENAME_STATE to newSuperiorDn
         * MoveAndRename SEQUENCE {
         *      superior-name   LDAPDN
         *      ....
         * Stores the newRdn value
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_NEW_SUPERIOR_DN_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl moveAndRename state's newSuperirorDN value" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    String newSuperirorDn = Strings.utf8ToString(value.getData());

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "newSuperirorDn = {}", newSuperirorDn );

                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setNewSuperiorDn( newSuperirorDn );

                    // terminal state
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
            } );

         * Transition from moveAndRename's newSuperiorDn to newRdn
         * MoveAndRename SEQUENCE {
         *      superior-name   LDAPDN
         *      ....
         * Stores the newRdn value
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_NEW_SUPERIOR_DN_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.OCTET_STRING.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl moveAndRename state's newRdn value" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
                    Value value = container.getCurrentTLV().getValue();

                    String newRdn = Strings.utf8ToString(value.getData());

                    if ( IS_DEBUG )
                        LOG.debug( "newRdn = {}", newRdn );

                    container.getSyncModifyDnControl().setNewRdn( newRdn );

                    // terminal state
                    container.setGrammarEndAllowed( false );
            } );

         * Transition from moveAndRename's newRdn to deleteOldRdn
         *  MoveAndRename SEQUENCE {
         *      ....
         *      delete-old-rdn BOOLEAN
         * Stores the deleteOldRdn flag
        super.transitions[SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_NEW_RDN_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.BOOLEAN.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_NEW_RDN_STATE, SyncModifyDnStatesEnum.MOVE_AND_RENAME_DEL_OLD_RDN_STATE,
            new GrammarAction<SyncModifyDnContainer>( "Set SyncModifyDnControl deleteOldRdn value" )
                public void action( SyncModifyDnContainer container ) throws DecoderException
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        super.transitions = new GrammarTransition[PasswordPolicyStates.END_STATE.ordinal()][256];

        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        // ...
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.START_STATE.ordinal()][UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.START_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_SEQ_STATE, UniversalTag.SEQUENCE.getValue(),
            new PPolicyInit());
        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        //              warning [0] CHOICE {
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_SEQ_STATE.ordinal()][PasswordPolicyTags.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_SEQ_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG_STATE, PasswordPolicyTags.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG.getValue(),
            new CheckNotNullLength());
        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        //              ...
        //              error   [1] ENUMERATED {
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_SEQ_STATE.ordinal()][PasswordPolicyTags.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_SEQ_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG_STATE, PasswordPolicyTags.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG.getValue(),
            new StoreError());
        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        //              warning [0] CHOICE {
        //                      timeBeforeExpiration [0] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG_STATE.ordinal()][PasswordPolicyTags.TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION_STATE, PasswordPolicyTags.TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION_TAG.getValue(),
            new StoreTimeBeforeExpiration());
        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        //              warning [0] CHOICE {
        //                      ...
        //                      graceAuthNsRemaining [1] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) } OPTIONAL,
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG_STATE.ordinal()][PasswordPolicyTags.GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_WARNING_TAG_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_STATE, PasswordPolicyTags.GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_TAG.getValue(),
            new StoreGraceAuthsRemaining());
        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        //              ...
        //              error   [1] ENUMERATED {
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION_STATE.ordinal()][PasswordPolicyTags.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_TIME_BEFORE_EXPIRATION_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG_STATE, PasswordPolicyTags.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG.getValue(),
            new StoreError());
        // PasswordPolicyResponseValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        //              ...
        //              error   [1] ENUMERATED {
        super.transitions[PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_STATE.ordinal()][PasswordPolicyTags.GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_TAG.getValue()] = new GrammarTransition(
            PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_STATE, PasswordPolicyStates.PPOLICY_ERROR_TAG_STATE, PasswordPolicyTags.GRACE_AUTHNS_REMAINING_TAG.getValue(),
            new StoreError());
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