
Examples of

            next( addContext );

        PasswordPolicyConfiguration policyConfig = getPwdPolicy( entry );

        boolean isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent = addContext.hasRequestControl( PasswordPolicy.OID );

        checkPwdReset( addContext );

        if ( entry.get( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT ) != null )
            String username = null;

            BinaryValue userPassword = ( BinaryValue ) entry.get( SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT ).get();

                username = entry.getDn().getRdn().getValue().getString();
                check( username, userPassword.getValue(), policyConfig );
            catch ( PasswordPolicyException e )
                if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                    PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                        new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                        PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.get( e.getErrorCode() ) );
                    addContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                // throw exception if userPassword quality checks fail
                throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, e.getMessage(), e );

            String pwdChangedTime = DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime();

            if ( ( policyConfig.getPwdMinAge() > 0 ) || ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() > 0 ) )
                Attribute pwdChangedTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_CHANGED_TIME );
                pwdChangedTimeAt.add( pwdChangedTime );
                entry.add( pwdChangedTimeAt );

            if ( policyConfig.isPwdMustChange() && addContext.getSession().isAnAdministrator() )
                Attribute pwdResetAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_RESET );
                pwdResetAt.add( "TRUE" );
                entry.add( pwdResetAt );

            if ( policyConfig.getPwdInHistory() > 0 )
                Attribute pwdHistoryAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_HISTORY );
                byte[] pwdHistoryVal = new PasswordHistory( pwdChangedTime, userPassword.getValue() ).getHistoryValue();
                pwdHistoryAt.add( pwdHistoryVal );
                entry.add( pwdHistoryAt );
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        Dn dn = bindContext.getDn();
        Entry userEntry = bindContext.getEntry();
        PasswordPolicyConfiguration policyConfig = getPwdPolicy( userEntry );

        // load the user entry again if ppolicy is enabled, cause the authenticator might have modified the entry
        if( policyConfig != null )
            LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( adminSession, bindContext.getDn(),
                    SchemaConstants.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
            userEntry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );
        // check if the user entry is null, it will be null
        // in cases of anonymous bind
        if ( authenticated && ( userEntry == null ) && directoryService.isAllowAnonymousAccess() )

        if ( !authenticated )
            if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() )
       "Cannot bind to the server " );

            if ( ( policyConfig != null ) && ( userEntry != null ) )
                Attribute pwdFailTimeAt = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_FAILURE_TIME );

                if ( pwdFailTimeAt == null )
                    pwdFailTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_FAILURE_TIME );
                    purgeFailureTimes( policyConfig, pwdFailTimeAt );

                String failureTime = DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime();
                pwdFailTimeAt.add( failureTime );
                Modification pwdFailTimeMod = new DefaultModification( ADD_ATTRIBUTE, pwdFailTimeAt );

                List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();
                mods.add( pwdFailTimeMod );

                int numFailures = pwdFailTimeAt.size();

                if ( policyConfig.isPwdLockout() && ( numFailures >= policyConfig.getPwdMaxFailure() ) )
                    Attribute pwdAccountLockedTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_TIME );

                    // if zero, lockout permanently, only admin can unlock it
                    if ( policyConfig.getPwdLockoutDuration() == 0 )
                        pwdAccountLockedTimeAt.add( "000001010000Z" );
                        pwdAccountLockedTimeAt.add( failureTime );

                    Modification pwdAccountLockedMod = new DefaultModification( ADD_ATTRIBUTE, pwdAccountLockedTimeAt );
                    mods.add( pwdAccountLockedMod );

                    pwdRespCtrl.getResponse().setPasswordPolicyError( PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.ACCOUNT_LOCKED );
                else if ( policyConfig.getPwdMinDelay() > 0 )
                    int numDelay = numFailures * policyConfig.getPwdMinDelay();
                    int maxDelay = policyConfig.getPwdMaxDelay();
                    if ( numDelay > maxDelay )
                        numDelay = maxDelay;

                        Thread.sleep( numDelay * 1000L );
                    catch ( InterruptedException e )
                            "Interrupted while delaying to send the failed authentication response for the user {}",
                            dn, e );

                if( !mods.isEmpty() )
                    String csnVal = directoryService.getCSN().toString();
                    Modification csnMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, ENTRY_CSN_AT, csnVal );
                    mods.add( csnMod );
                    ModifyOperationContext bindModCtx = new ModifyOperationContext( adminSession );
                    bindModCtx.setDn( dn );
                    bindModCtx.setEntry( userEntry );
                    bindModCtx.setModItems( mods );
                    bindModCtx.setPushToEvtInterceptor( true );

                    directoryService.getPartitionNexus().modify( bindModCtx );

            String upDn = ( dn == null ? "" : dn.getName() );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_229, upDn ) );
        else if ( policyConfig != null )
            List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();

            if ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxIdle() > 0 )
                Attribute pwdLastSuccesTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_LAST_SUCCESS );
                pwdLastSuccesTimeAt.add( DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
                Modification pwdLastSuccesTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdLastSuccesTimeAt );
                mods.add( pwdLastSuccesTimeMod );

            Attribute pwdFailTimeAt = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_FAILURE_TIME );

            if ( pwdFailTimeAt != null )
                Modification pwdFailTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdFailTimeAt );
                mods.add( pwdFailTimeMod );

            Attribute pwdAccLockedTimeAt = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_TIME );

            if ( pwdAccLockedTimeAt != null )
                Modification pwdAccLockedTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdAccLockedTimeAt );
                mods.add( pwdAccLockedTimeMod );

            // checking the expiration time *after* performing authentication, do we need to care about millisecond precision?
            if ( ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() > 0 ) && ( policyConfig.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() > 0 ) )
                Attribute pwdChangeTimeAttr = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_CHANGED_TIME );

                if ( pwdChangeTimeAttr != null )
                    boolean expired = PasswordUtil.isPwdExpired( pwdChangeTimeAttr.getString(),
                        policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() );

                    if ( expired )
                        Attribute pwdGraceUseAttr = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_GRACE_USE_TIME );
                        int numGraceAuth = 0;

                        if ( pwdGraceUseAttr != null )
                            numGraceAuth = policyConfig.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() - ( pwdGraceUseAttr.size() + 1 );
                            pwdGraceUseAttr = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_GRACE_USE_TIME );
                            numGraceAuth = policyConfig.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() - 1;

                        pwdRespCtrl.getResponse().setGraceAuthNsRemaining( numGraceAuth );

                        pwdGraceUseAttr.add( DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
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            invalidateAuthenticatorCaches( modifyContext.getDn() );

        // handle the case where pwdPolicySubentry AT is about to be deleted in thid modify()
        PasswordPolicyConfiguration policyConfig = getPwdPolicy( modifyContext.getEntry() );

        boolean isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent = modifyContext.hasRequestControl( PasswordPolicy.OID );
        Dn userDn = modifyContext.getSession().getAuthenticatedPrincipal().getDn();

        PwdModDetailsHolder pwdModDetails = null;

        pwdModDetails = getPwdModDetails( modifyContext, policyConfig );

        if ( pwdModDetails.isPwdModPresent() )
            if ( pwdResetSet.contains( userDn.getNormName() ) && !pwdModDetails.isDelete() )
                if ( pwdModDetails.isOtherModExists() )
                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.CHANGE_AFTER_RESET );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                    throw new LdapNoPermissionException( "Password should be reset before making any changes to this entry" );

            if ( policyConfig.isPwdSafeModify() && !pwdModDetails.isDelete() )
                if ( pwdModDetails.isAddOrReplace() && !pwdModDetails.isDelete() )
                    String msg = "trying to update password attribute without the supplying the old password";
                    LOG.debug( msg );

                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                    throw new LdapNoPermissionException( msg );

            if ( !policyConfig.isPwdAllowUserChange() && !modifyContext.getSession().isAnAdministrator() )
                if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                    PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                        new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                        PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.PASSWORD_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED );
                    modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                throw new LdapNoPermissionException();

            Entry entry = modifyContext.getEntry();
            boolean removeFromPwdResetSet = false;
            List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();
            if( pwdModDetails.isAddOrReplace() )
                if ( isPwdTooYoung( entry, policyConfig ) )
                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                        responseControl.getResponse().setPasswordPolicyError( PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );
                    throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
                        "password is too young to update" );
                byte[] newPassword = pwdModDetails.getNewPwd();
                    String userName = entry.getDn().getRdn().getValue().getString();
                    check( userName, newPassword, policyConfig );
                catch ( PasswordPolicyException e )
                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.get( e.getErrorCode() ) );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );
                    // throw exception if userPassword quality checks fail
                    throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, e.getMessage(), e );
                int histSize = policyConfig.getPwdInHistory();
                Modification pwdRemHistMod = null;
                Modification pwdAddHistMod = null;
                String pwdChangedTime = DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime();
                if ( histSize > 0 )
                    Attribute pwdHistoryAt = entry.get( AT_PWD_HISTORY );
                    if ( pwdHistoryAt == null )
                        pwdHistoryAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_HISTORY );
                    List<PasswordHistory> pwdHistLst = new ArrayList<PasswordHistory>();
                    for ( Value<?> value : pwdHistoryAt )
                        PasswordHistory pwdh = new PasswordHistory( Strings.utf8ToString( value.getBytes() ) );
                        boolean matched = Arrays.equals( newPassword, pwdh.getPassword() );
                        if ( matched )
                            if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                                PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                                    new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                                    PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY );
                                modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );
                            throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
                                "invalid reuse of password present in password history" );
                        pwdHistLst.add( pwdh );
                    if ( pwdHistLst.size() >= histSize )
                        // see the javadoc of PasswordHistory
                        Collections.sort( pwdHistLst );
                        // remove the oldest value
                        PasswordHistory remPwdHist = ( PasswordHistory ) pwdHistLst.toArray()[histSize - 1];
                        Attribute tempAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_HISTORY );
                        tempAt.add( remPwdHist.getHistoryValue() );
                        pwdRemHistMod = new DefaultModification( REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, tempAt );
                    PasswordHistory newPwdHist = new PasswordHistory( pwdChangedTime, newPassword );
                    pwdHistoryAt.add( newPwdHist.getHistoryValue() );
                    pwdAddHistMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdHistoryAt );
                next( modifyContext );
                invalidateAuthenticatorCaches( modifyContext.getDn() );
                LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( adminSession, modifyContext.getDn(),
                    SchemaConstants.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
                entry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );
                if ( ( policyConfig.getPwdMinAge() > 0 ) || ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() > 0 ) )
                    Attribute pwdChangedTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_CHANGED_TIME );
                    pwdChangedTimeAt.add( pwdChangedTime );
                    Modification pwdChangedTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdChangedTimeAt );
                    mods.add( pwdChangedTimeMod );
                if ( pwdAddHistMod != null )
                    mods.add( pwdAddHistMod );
                if ( pwdRemHistMod != null )
                    mods.add( pwdRemHistMod );
                if ( policyConfig.isPwdMustChange() )
                    Attribute pwdMustChangeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_RESET );
                    Modification pwdMustChangeMod = null;
                    if ( modifyContext.getSession().isAnAdministrator() )
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                    PpolicyConfigContainer ppolicyContainer = new PpolicyConfigContainer();

                    for ( PasswordPolicyBean ppolicyBean : ppolicyBeans )
                        PasswordPolicyConfiguration ppolicyConfig = createPwdPolicyConfig( ppolicyBean );

                        if ( ppolicyConfig != null )
                            // the name should be strictly 'default', the default policy can't be enforced by defining a new AT
                            if ( ppolicyBean.getPwdId().equalsIgnoreCase( "default" ) )
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        if ( ( passwordPolicyBean == null ) || passwordPolicyBean.isDisabled() )
            return null;

        PasswordPolicyConfiguration passwordPolicy = new PasswordPolicyConfiguration();

        passwordPolicy.setPwdAllowUserChange( passwordPolicyBean.isPwdAllowUserChange() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdAttribute( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdAttribute() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdCheckQuality( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdCheckQuality() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdExpireWarning( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdExpireWarning() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdFailureCountInterval( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdFailureCountInterval() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdGraceAuthNLimit( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdGraceExpire( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdGraceExpire() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdInHistory( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdInHistory() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdLockout( passwordPolicyBean.isPwdLockout() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdLockoutDuration( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdLockoutDuration() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMaxAge( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMaxAge() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMaxDelay( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMaxDelay() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMaxFailure( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMaxFailure() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMaxIdle( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMaxIdle() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMaxLength( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMaxLength() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMinAge( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMinAge() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMinDelay( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMinDelay() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMinLength( passwordPolicyBean.getPwdMinLength() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdMustChange( passwordPolicyBean.isPwdMustChange() );
        passwordPolicy.setPwdSafeModify( passwordPolicyBean.isPwdSafeModify() );

        return passwordPolicy;
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    public void setPwdPolicy() throws LdapException
        policyConfig = new PasswordPolicyConfiguration();

        policyConfig.setPwdMaxAge( 110 );
        policyConfig.setPwdFailureCountInterval( 30 );
        policyConfig.setPwdMaxFailure( 2 );
        policyConfig.setPwdLockout( true );
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            next( addContext );

        PasswordPolicyConfiguration policyConfig = getPwdPolicy( entry );

        boolean isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent = addContext.hasRequestControl( PasswordPolicy.OID );

        checkPwdReset( addContext );

        // Get the password depending on the configuration
        String passwordAttribute = SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT;

        if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
            passwordAttribute = policyConfig.getPwdAttribute();

        Attribute userPasswordAttribute = entry.get( passwordAttribute );

        if ( userPasswordAttribute != null )
            BinaryValue userPassword = ( BinaryValue ) userPasswordAttribute.get();

                check( addContext, entry, userPassword.getValue(), policyConfig );
            catch ( PasswordPolicyException e )
                if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                    PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                        new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                        PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.get( e.getErrorCode() ) );
                    addContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                // throw exception if userPassword quality checks fail
                throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, e.getMessage(), e );

            String pwdChangedTime = DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime();

            if ( ( policyConfig.getPwdMinAge() > 0 ) || ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() > 0 ) )
                Attribute pwdChangedTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_CHANGED_TIME );
                pwdChangedTimeAt.add( pwdChangedTime );
                entry.add( pwdChangedTimeAt );

            if ( policyConfig.isPwdMustChange() && addContext.getSession().isAnAdministrator() )
                Attribute pwdResetAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_RESET );
                pwdResetAt.add( "TRUE" );
                entry.add( pwdResetAt );

            if ( policyConfig.getPwdInHistory() > 0 )
                Attribute pwdHistoryAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_HISTORY );
                byte[] pwdHistoryVal = new PasswordHistory( pwdChangedTime, userPassword.getValue() ).getHistoryValue();
                pwdHistoryAt.add( pwdHistoryVal );
                entry.add( pwdHistoryAt );
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        Dn dn = bindContext.getDn();
        Entry userEntry = bindContext.getEntry();

        PasswordPolicyConfiguration policyConfig = getPwdPolicy( userEntry );

        // load the user entry again if ppolicy is enabled, cause the authenticator might have modified the entry
        if ( policyConfig != null )
            LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( adminSession, bindContext.getDn(),
                SchemaConstants.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
            userEntry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );

        // check if the user entry is null, it will be null
        // in cases of anonymous bind
        if ( authenticated && ( userEntry == null ) && directoryService.isAllowAnonymousAccess() )

        if ( !authenticated )
            if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() )
       "Cannot bind to the server " );

            if ( ( policyConfig != null ) && ( userEntry != null ) )
                Attribute pwdFailTimeAt = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_FAILURE_TIME );

                if ( pwdFailTimeAt == null )
                    pwdFailTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_FAILURE_TIME );
                    purgeFailureTimes( policyConfig, pwdFailTimeAt );

                String failureTime = DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime();
                pwdFailTimeAt.add( failureTime );
                Modification pwdFailTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdFailTimeAt );

                List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();
                mods.add( pwdFailTimeMod );

                int numFailures = pwdFailTimeAt.size();

                if ( policyConfig.isPwdLockout() && ( numFailures >= policyConfig.getPwdMaxFailure() ) )
                    // Checking that we're not locking the admin user of the system partition
                    // See DIRSERVER-1812 (The default admin account should never get locked forever)
                    if ( !userEntry.getDn().equals( new Dn( schemaManager, ServerDNConstants.ADMIN_SYSTEM_DN ) ) )
                        Attribute pwdAccountLockedTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_TIME );

                        // if zero, lockout permanently, only admin can unlock it
                        if ( policyConfig.getPwdLockoutDuration() == 0 )
                            pwdAccountLockedTimeAt.add( "000001010000Z" );
                            pwdAccountLockedTimeAt.add( failureTime );

                        Modification pwdAccountLockedMod = new DefaultModification( ADD_ATTRIBUTE,
                            pwdAccountLockedTimeAt );
                        mods.add( pwdAccountLockedMod );

                        pwdRespCtrl.getResponse().setPasswordPolicyError( PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.ACCOUNT_LOCKED );
                else if ( policyConfig.getPwdMinDelay() > 0 )
                    int numDelay = numFailures * policyConfig.getPwdMinDelay();
                    int maxDelay = policyConfig.getPwdMaxDelay();

                    if ( numDelay > maxDelay )
                        numDelay = maxDelay;

                        Thread.sleep( numDelay * 1000L );
                    catch ( InterruptedException e )
                            "Interrupted while delaying to send the failed authentication response for the user {}",
                            dn, e );

                if ( !mods.isEmpty() )
                    String csnVal = directoryService.getCSN().toString();
                    Modification csnMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, ENTRY_CSN_AT, csnVal );
                    mods.add( csnMod );

                    ModifyOperationContext bindModCtx = new ModifyOperationContext( adminSession );
                    bindModCtx.setDn( dn );
                    bindModCtx.setEntry( userEntry );
                    bindModCtx.setModItems( mods );
                    bindModCtx.setPushToEvtInterceptor( true );

                    directoryService.getPartitionNexus().modify( bindModCtx );

            String upDn = ( dn == null ? "" : dn.getName() );
            throw new LdapAuthenticationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_229, upDn ) );
        else if ( policyConfig != null )
            List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();

            if ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxIdle() > 0 )
                Attribute pwdLastSuccesTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_LAST_SUCCESS );
                pwdLastSuccesTimeAt.add( DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
                Modification pwdLastSuccesTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdLastSuccesTimeAt );
                mods.add( pwdLastSuccesTimeMod );

            Attribute pwdFailTimeAt = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_FAILURE_TIME );

            if ( pwdFailTimeAt != null )
                Modification pwdFailTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdFailTimeAt );
                mods.add( pwdFailTimeMod );

            Attribute pwdAccLockedTimeAt = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_TIME );

            if ( pwdAccLockedTimeAt != null )
                Modification pwdAccLockedTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdAccLockedTimeAt );
                mods.add( pwdAccLockedTimeMod );

            // checking the expiration time *after* performing authentication, do we need to care about millisecond precision?
            if ( ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() > 0 ) && ( policyConfig.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() > 0 ) )
                Attribute pwdChangeTimeAttr = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_CHANGED_TIME );

                if ( pwdChangeTimeAttr != null )
                    boolean expired = PasswordUtil.isPwdExpired( pwdChangeTimeAttr.getString(),
                        policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() );

                    if ( expired )
                        Attribute pwdGraceUseAttr = userEntry.get( AT_PWD_GRACE_USE_TIME );
                        int numGraceAuth = 0;

                        if ( pwdGraceUseAttr != null )
                            numGraceAuth = policyConfig.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() - ( pwdGraceUseAttr.size() + 1 );
                            pwdGraceUseAttr = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_GRACE_USE_TIME );
                            numGraceAuth = policyConfig.getPwdGraceAuthNLimit() - 1;

                        pwdRespCtrl.getResponse().setGraceAuthNRemaining( numGraceAuth );

                        pwdGraceUseAttr.add( DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime() );
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    public void setPwdPolicy() throws LdapException
        policyConfig = new PasswordPolicyConfiguration();

        policyConfig.setPwdMaxAge( 110 );
        policyConfig.setPwdFailureCountInterval( 30 );
        policyConfig.setPwdMaxFailure( 2 );
        policyConfig.setPwdLockout( true );
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        // handle the case where pwdPolicySubentry AT is about to be deleted in thid modify()
        PasswordPolicyConfiguration policyConfig = getPwdPolicy( modifyContext.getEntry() );

        boolean isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent = modifyContext.hasRequestControl( PasswordPolicy.OID );
        Dn userDn = modifyContext.getSession().getAuthenticatedPrincipal().getDn();

        PwdModDetailsHolder pwdModDetails = null;

        pwdModDetails = getPwdModDetails( modifyContext, policyConfig );

        if ( pwdModDetails.isPwdModPresent() )
            if ( pwdResetSet.contains( userDn.getNormName() ) && !pwdModDetails.isDelete() )
                if ( pwdModDetails.isOtherModExists() )
                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.CHANGE_AFTER_RESET );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                    throw new LdapNoPermissionException(
                        "Password should be reset before making any changes to this entry" );

            if ( policyConfig.isPwdSafeModify() && !pwdModDetails.isDelete() )
                if ( pwdModDetails.isAddOrReplace() && !pwdModDetails.isDelete() )
                    String msg = "trying to update password attribute without the supplying the old password";
                    LOG.debug( msg );

                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                    throw new LdapNoPermissionException( msg );

            if ( !policyConfig.isPwdAllowUserChange() && !modifyContext.getSession().isAnAdministrator() )
                if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                    PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                        new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                        PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.PASSWORD_MOD_NOT_ALLOWED );
                    modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                throw new LdapNoPermissionException();

            Entry entry = modifyContext.getEntry();

            boolean removeFromPwdResetSet = false;

            List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();

            if ( pwdModDetails.isAddOrReplace() )
                if ( isPwdTooYoung( modifyContext, entry, policyConfig ) )
                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                    throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
                        "password is too young to update" );

                byte[] newPassword = pwdModDetails.getNewPwd();

                    check( modifyContext, entry, newPassword, policyConfig );
                catch ( PasswordPolicyException e )
                    if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                        PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                            new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                            PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.get( e.getErrorCode() ) );
                        modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                    // throw exception if userPassword quality checks fail
                    throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, e.getMessage(), e );

                int histSize = policyConfig.getPwdInHistory();
                Modification pwdRemHistMod = null;
                Modification pwdAddHistMod = null;
                String pwdChangedTime = DateUtils.getGeneralizedTime();

                if ( histSize > 0 )
                    Attribute pwdHistoryAt = entry.get( AT_PWD_HISTORY );

                    if ( pwdHistoryAt == null )
                        pwdHistoryAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_HISTORY );

                    List<PasswordHistory> pwdHistLst = new ArrayList<PasswordHistory>();

                    for ( Value<?> value : pwdHistoryAt )
                        PasswordHistory pwdh = new PasswordHistory( Strings.utf8ToString( value.getBytes() ) );

                        boolean matched = Arrays.equals( newPassword, pwdh.getPassword() );

                        if ( matched )
                            if ( isPPolicyReqCtrlPresent )
                                PasswordPolicyDecorator responseControl =
                                    new PasswordPolicyDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService(), true );
                                    PasswordPolicyErrorEnum.PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY );
                                modifyContext.addResponseControl( responseControl );

                            throw new LdapOperationException( ResultCodeEnum.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION,
                                "invalid reuse of password present in password history" );

                        pwdHistLst.add( pwdh );

                    if ( pwdHistLst.size() >= histSize )
                        // see the javadoc of PasswordHistory
                        Collections.sort( pwdHistLst );

                        // remove the oldest value
                        PasswordHistory remPwdHist = ( PasswordHistory ) pwdHistLst.toArray()[histSize - 1];
                        Attribute tempAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_HISTORY );
                        tempAt.add( remPwdHist.getHistoryValue() );
                        pwdRemHistMod = new DefaultModification( REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, tempAt );

                    PasswordHistory newPwdHist = new PasswordHistory( pwdChangedTime, newPassword );
                    pwdHistoryAt.add( newPwdHist.getHistoryValue() );
                    pwdAddHistMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdHistoryAt );

                next( modifyContext );

                invalidateAuthenticatorCaches( modifyContext.getDn() );

                LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( adminSession, modifyContext.getDn(),
                    SchemaConstants.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
                entry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );

                if ( ( policyConfig.getPwdMinAge() > 0 ) || ( policyConfig.getPwdMaxAge() > 0 ) )
                    Attribute pwdChangedTimeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_CHANGED_TIME );
                    pwdChangedTimeAt.add( pwdChangedTime );
                    Modification pwdChangedTimeMod = new DefaultModification( REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, pwdChangedTimeAt );
                    mods.add( pwdChangedTimeMod );

                if ( pwdAddHistMod != null )
                    mods.add( pwdAddHistMod );

                if ( pwdRemHistMod != null )
                    mods.add( pwdRemHistMod );

                if ( policyConfig.isPwdMustChange() )
                    Attribute pwdMustChangeAt = new DefaultAttribute( AT_PWD_RESET );
                    Modification pwdMustChangeMod = null;

                    if ( modifyContext.getSession().isAnAdministrator() )
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