Package org.apache.catalina

Examples of org.apache.catalina.Realm

            return (false);

        // Identify the Realm we will use for checking role assignmenets
        if (context == null)
            return (false);
        Realm realm = context.getRealm();
        if (realm == null)
            return (false);

        // Check for a role alias defined in a <security-role-ref> element
        if (wrapper != null) {
            String realRole = wrapper.findSecurityReference(role);
            if ((realRole != null) &&
                realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, realRole))
                return (true);

        // Check for a role defined directly as a <security-role>
        return (realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, role));

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                    log.debug(" Failed authenticate() test ??" + requestURI );

        Realm realm = this.context.getRealm();
        // Is this request URI subject to a security constraint?
        SecurityConstraint [] constraints = realm.
                    findSecurityConstraints(hrequest, this.context);
        if ((constraints == null) /* &&
            (!Constants.FORM_METHOD.equals(config.getAuthMethod())) */ ) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug(" Not subject to any constraint");
            context.invokeNext(request, response);

        // Make sure that constrained resources are not cached by web proxies
        // or browsers as caching can provide a security hole
        HttpServletRequest hsrequest = (HttpServletRequest)hrequest.getRequest();
        if (disableProxyCaching &&
            !hsrequest.isSecure() &&
            !"POST".equalsIgnoreCase(hsrequest.getMethod())) {
            HttpServletResponse sresponse =
                (HttpServletResponse) response.getResponse();
            sresponse.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
            sresponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
            sresponse.setHeader("Expires", DATE_ONE);
  int i;
  for(i=0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    log.debug(" Subject to constraint " + constraints[i]);
      // Enforce any user data constraint for this security constraint
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
    log.debug(" Calling hasUserDataPermission()");
      if (!realm.hasUserDataPermission(hrequest, hresponse, constraints[i])) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug(" Failed hasUserDataPermission() test");
    // ASSERT: Authenticator already set the appropriate
    // HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything special
  for(i=0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
      // Authenticate based upon the specified login configuration
      if (constraints[i].getAuthConstraint()) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug(" Calling authenticate()");
    if (!authenticate(hrequest, hresponse, config)) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug(" Failed authenticate() test");
        // ASSERT: Authenticator already set the appropriate
        // HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything special

      // Perform access control based on the specified role(s)
      if (constraints[i].getAuthConstraint()) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug(" Calling accessControl()");
    if (!realm.hasResourcePermission(hrequest, hresponse, constraints[i], this.context)) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
      log.debug(" Failed accessControl() test");
        // ASSERT: AccessControl method has already set the appropriate
        // HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything special
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            return (false);

        // Yes -- Validate the specified credentials and redirect
        // to the error page if they are not correct
        Realm realm = context.getRealm();
        String username = hreq.getParameter(Constants.FORM_USERNAME);
        String password = hreq.getParameter(Constants.FORM_PASSWORD);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Authenticating username '" + username + "'");
        principal = realm.authenticate(username, password);
        if (principal == null) {
            RequestDispatcher disp =
            try {
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                logger = null;
                if ((cluster != null) && (cluster instanceof Lifecycle))
                    ((Lifecycle) cluster).start();
                Realm realm = getRealmInternal();
                if ((realm != null) && (realm instanceof Lifecycle))
                    ((Lifecycle) realm).start();
                if ((resources != null) && (resources instanceof Lifecycle))
                    ((Lifecycle) resources).start();
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            // Stop resources

            Realm realm = getRealmInternal();
            if ((realm != null) && (realm instanceof Lifecycle)) {
                ((Lifecycle) realm).stop();
            if ((cluster != null) && (cluster instanceof Lifecycle)) {
                ((Lifecycle) cluster).stop();
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        if (secHolder != null)
            securityRealmName = secHolder.getSecurityRealm();

        //Did we declare a GBean at the context level?
        if (ctx.getRealm() != null) {
            Realm realm = ctx.getRealm();

            //Allow for the <security-realm-name> override from the
            //geronimo-web.xml file to be used if our Realm is a JAAS type
            if (securityRealmName != null) {
                if (realm instanceof JAASRealm) {
                    ((JAASRealm) realm).setAppName(securityRealmName);
        } else {
            Realm realm = host.getRealm();
            //Check and see if we have a declared realm name and no match to a parent name
            if (securityRealmName != null) {
                String parentRealmName = null;
                if (realm instanceof JAASRealm) {
                    parentRealmName = ((JAASRealm) realm).getAppName();

                //Do we have a match to a parent?
                if (!securityRealmName.equals(parentRealmName)) {
                    //No...we need to create a default adapter

                    //Is the context requiring JACC?
                    if (secHolder.isSecurity()) {
                        realm = new TomcatGeronimoRealm();
                    } else {
                        realm = new TomcatJAASRealm();

                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("The security-realm-name '" + securityRealmName +
                            "' was specified and a parent (Engine/Host) is not named the same or no RealmGBean was configured for this context. " +
                            "Creating a default " + realm.getClass().getName() +
                            " adapter for this context.");

                    ((JAASRealm) realm).setUserClassNames("");
                    ((JAASRealm) realm).setRoleClassNames("");
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                    log.debug(" Failed authenticate() test ??" + requestURI );

        Realm realm = this.context.getRealm();
        // Is this request URI subject to a security constraint?
        SecurityConstraint [] constraints
            = realm.findSecurityConstraints(request, this.context);
        if ((constraints == null) /* &&
            (!Constants.FORM_METHOD.equals(config.getAuthMethod())) */ ) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug(" Not subject to any constraint");
            getNext().invoke(request, response);

        // Make sure that constrained resources are not cached by web proxies
        // or browsers as caching can provide a security hole
        if (disableProxyCaching &&
            // FIXME: Disabled for Mozilla FORM support over SSL
            // (improper caching issue)
            //!request.isSecure() &&
            !"POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())) {
            if (securePagesWithPragma) {
                // FIXME: These cause problems with downloading office docs
                // from IE under SSL and may not be needed for newer Mozilla
                // clients.
                response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
                response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
            } else {
                response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "private");
            response.setHeader("Expires", DATE_ONE);

        int i;
        // Enforce any user data constraint for this security constraint
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(" Calling hasUserDataPermission()");
        if (!realm.hasUserDataPermission(request, response,
                                         constraints)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(" Failed hasUserDataPermission() test");
             * ASSERT: Authenticator already set the appropriate
             * HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything special

        // Since authenticate modifies the response on failure,
        // we have to check for allow-from-all first.
        boolean authRequired = true;
        for(i=0; i < constraints.length && authRequired; i++) {
            if(!constraints[i].getAuthConstraint()) {
                authRequired = false;
        if(authRequired) { 
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(" Calling authenticate()");
            if (!authenticate(request, response, config)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(" Failed authenticate() test");
                 * ASSERT: Authenticator already set the appropriate
                 * HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything
                 * special
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug(" Calling accessControl()");
        if (!realm.hasResourcePermission(request, response,
                                         this.context)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug(" Failed accessControl() test");
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        boolean reauthenticated = false;

        Container parent = getContainer();
        if (parent != null) {
            Realm realm = parent.getRealm();
            if (realm != null) {
                reauthenticated = sso.reauthenticate(ssoId, realm, request);
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            return (false);

        // Identify the Realm we will use for checking role assignmenets
        if (context == null)
            return (false);
        Realm realm = context.getRealm();
        if (realm == null)
            return (false);

        // Check for a role alias defined in a <security-role-ref> element
        if (wrapper != null) {
            String realRole = wrapper.findSecurityReference(role);
            if ((realRole != null) &&
                realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, realRole))
                return (true);

        // Check for a role defined directly as a <security-role>
        return (realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, role));

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     * @param realm The newly associated Realm
    public synchronized void setRealm(Realm realm) {

        // Change components if necessary
        Realm oldRealm = this.realm;
        if (oldRealm == realm)
        this.realm = realm;

        // Stop the old component if necessary
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Related Classes of org.apache.catalina.Realm

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