Package org.apache.camel.processor

Examples of org.apache.camel.processor.MulticastProcessor$AggregateOnTheFlyTask

            // handover completions, as we need to done this when the multicast is done
            final List<Synchronization> completions = exchange.handoverCompletions();

            // use a multicast processor to process it
            MulticastProcessor mp = endpoint.getConsumerMulticastProcessor();
            ObjectHelper.notNull(mp, "ConsumerMulticastProcessor", this);

            // and use the asynchronous routing engine to support it
            AsyncProcessorHelper.process(mp, exchange, new AsyncCallback() {
                public void done(boolean doneSync) {

            for (SedaConsumer consumer : getConsumers()) {
            // create multicast processor
            multicastStarted = false;
            consumerMulticastProcessor = new MulticastProcessor(getCamelContext(), processors, null, true, multicastExecutor, false, false, false, 0, null, false);

            assertEquals("From endpoint", "direct://a", key.getEndpointUri());

            EventDrivenConsumerRoute consumer = assertIsInstanceOf(EventDrivenConsumerRoute.class, route);
            Channel channel = unwrapChannel(consumer.getProcessor());

            MulticastProcessor multicastProcessor = assertIsInstanceOf(MulticastProcessor.class, channel.getNextProcessor());
            List<Processor> endpoints = new ArrayList<Processor>(multicastProcessor.getProcessors());
            assertEquals("Should have 2 endpoints", 2, endpoints.size());

            assertSendToProcessor(unwrapChannel(endpoints.get(0)).getNextProcessor(), "direct://tap");
            assertSendToProcessor(unwrapChannel(endpoints.get(1)).getNextProcessor(), "direct://b");

            for (SedaConsumer consumer : getConsumers()) {
            // create multicast processor
            multicastStarted = false;
            consumerMulticastProcessor = new MulticastProcessor(getCamelContext(), processors, null, true, multicastExecutor, false, false, 0, null, false);
        } else {
            // not needed
            consumerMulticastProcessor = null;

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Multicasting to {} consumers for Exchange: {}", endpoint.getConsumers().size(), exchange);
            // use a multicast processor to process it
            MulticastProcessor mp = endpoint.getConsumerMulticastProcessor();

            // and use the asynchronous routing engine to support it
            AsyncProcessorHelper.process(mp, exchange, new AsyncCallback() {
                public void done(boolean doneSync) {
                    // noop

        if (getTimeout() > 0 && !isParallelProcessing()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout is used but ParallelProcessing has not been enabled.");

        return new MulticastProcessor(routeContext.getCamelContext(), list, aggregationStrategy, isParallelProcessing(),
                                      executorService, isStreaming(), isStopOnException(), getTimeout());

            assertEquals("From endpoint", "seda://a", key.getEndpointUri());

            EventDrivenConsumerRoute consumer = assertIsInstanceOf(EventDrivenConsumerRoute.class, route);
            Channel channel = unwrapChannel(consumer.getProcessor());

            MulticastProcessor multicastProcessor = assertIsInstanceOf(MulticastProcessor.class, channel.getNextProcessor());
            List<Processor> endpoints = new ArrayList<Processor>(multicastProcessor.getProcessors());
            assertEquals("Should have 2 endpoints", 2, endpoints.size());

            assertSendToProcessor(unwrapChannel(endpoints.get(0)).getNextProcessor(), "seda://tap");
            assertSendToProcessor(unwrapChannel(endpoints.get(1)).getNextProcessor(), "seda://b");

            for (SedaConsumer consumer : getConsumers()) {
            // create multicast processor
            multicastStarted = false;
            consumerMulticastProcessor = new MulticastProcessor(getCamelContext(), processors, null, true, multicastExecutor, false, false, 0);
        } else {
            // not needed
            consumerMulticastProcessor = null;

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Multicasting to " + endpoint.getConsumers().size() + " consumers for Exchange: " + exchange);
            // use a multicast processor to process it
            MulticastProcessor mp = endpoint.getConsumerMulticastProcessor();

            // and use the asynchronous routing engine to support it
            AsyncProcessorHelper.process(mp, exchange, new AsyncCallback() {
                public void done(boolean doneSync) {
                    // noop

            for (SedaConsumer consumer : getConsumers()) {
            // create multicast processor
            multicastStarted = false;
            consumerMulticastProcessor = new MulticastProcessor(getCamelContext(), processors, null, true, multicastExecutor, false, false, 0, null, false);
        } else {
            // not needed
            consumerMulticastProcessor = null;


Related Classes of org.apache.camel.processor.MulticastProcessor$AggregateOnTheFlyTask

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