Package org.apache.bsf

Examples of org.apache.bsf.BSFException

    public void exec(String file, int line, int col, Object expr) throws BSFException {
        try {
            evaler.parse(runtime, expr.toString(), file, line).run();
        } catch (Exception excptn) {
            throw new BSFException(BSFException.REASON_EXECUTION_ERROR, "Exception", excptn);
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    public Object call(Object recv, String method, Object[] args) throws BSFException {
        try {
          return JavaEmbedUtils.invokeMethod(runtime, recv, method, args, Object.class);
        } catch (Exception excptn) {
            throw new BSFException(BSFException.REASON_EXECUTION_ERROR, excptn.getMessage(), excptn);
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            // corrected the situation by aborting the loop and
            // a long stacktrace would end up on the user's console
            throw (Error) t;
        else {
            throw new BSFException(BSFException.REASON_OTHER_ERROR,
                                   "JavaScript Error: " + message,
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     * The object may be null to indicate the global namespace of the
     * interpreter.
     * @param object may be null for the global namespace.
    public Object call(Object object, String name, Object[] args) throws BSFException {
        throw new BSFException("The call method is not yet supported for SimpleMethods");
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    public Object apply(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object funcBody, Vector namesVec, Vector argsVec) throws BSFException {
        //if (namesVec.size() != argsVec.size()) throw new BSFException("number of params/names mismatch");
        //if (!(funcBody instanceof String)) throw new BSFException("apply: function body must be a string");

        throw new BSFException("The apply method is not yet supported for simple-methods");
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        throw new BSFException("The apply method is not yet supported for simple-methods");

    public Object eval(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object expr) throws BSFException {
        if (!(expr instanceof String)) throw new BSFException("simple-method expression must be a string");

        //right now only supports one method per file, so get all methods and just run the first...
        Map<String, SimpleMethod> simpleMethods = null;
        try {
            simpleMethods = SimpleMethod.getDirectSimpleMethods(source, (String) expr, "<bsf source>");
        } catch (MiniLangException e) {
            throw new BSFException("Error loading/parsing simple-method XML source: " + e.getMessage());
        Set<String> smNames = simpleMethods.keySet();
        if (smNames.size() == 0) throw new BSFException("Did not find any simple-methods in the file");

        String methodName = smNames.iterator().next();
        if (smNames.size() > 1) Debug.logWarning("Found more than one simple-method in the file, running the [" + methodName + "] method, you should remove all but one method from this file", module);

        SimpleMethod simpleMethod = simpleMethods.get(methodName);
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        // declare the bsf manager for callbacks, etc.
        try {
            interpreter.set("bsf", mgr);
        } catch (EvalError e) {
            throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString());

        for(int i=0; i<declaredBeans.size(); i++) {
            BSFDeclaredBean bean = (BSFDeclaredBean)declaredBeans.get(i);
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    public Object call(Object object, String name, Object[] args) throws BSFException {
        if (object == null) {
            try {
                object = interpreter.get("global");
            } catch (EvalError e) {
                throw new BSFException("bsh internal error: "+e.toString());

        if (object instanceof bsh.This) {
            try {
                return ((bsh.This)object).invokeMethod(name, args);
            } catch (InterpreterError e) {
                throw new BSFException("BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+e);
            } catch (TargetError e2) {
                throw new BSFException("The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget());
            } catch (EvalError e3) {
                throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: "+e3);
        } else {
            throw new BSFException("Cannot invoke method: " + name +
            ". Object: "+object +" is not a BeanShell scripted object.");
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     * arguments.
    public Object apply(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object funcBody, Vector namesVec, Vector argsVec) throws BSFException {
        if (namesVec.size() != argsVec.size()) throw new BSFException("number of params/names mismatch");
        if (!(funcBody instanceof String)) throw new BSFException("apply: function body must be a string");

        String [] names = new String [ namesVec.size() ];
        Object [] args = new String [ argsVec.size() ];

        try {
            if (!installedApplyMethod) {
                installedApplyMethod = true;

            bsh.This global = (bsh.This)interpreter.get("global");
            return global.invokeMethod("_bsfApply", new Object [] { names, args, (String)funcBody });

        } catch (InterpreterError e) {
            throw new BSFException("BeanShell interpreter internal error: " + e + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
        } catch (TargetError e2) {
            throw new BSFException("The application script threw an exception: " + e2.getTarget() + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
        } catch (EvalError e3) {
            throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: " + e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
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            throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: " + e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));

    public Object eval(String source, int lineNo, int columnNo, Object expr) throws BSFException {
        if (!(expr instanceof String)) throw new BSFException("BeanShell expression must be a string");

        try {
            //return interpreter.eval(((String) expr));

            Interpreter.ParsedScript script = null;

            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(source)) {
                script = parsedScripts.get(source);
                if (script == null) {
                    synchronized (OfbizBshBsfEngine.class) {
                        script = parsedScripts.get(source);
                        if (script == null) {
                            script = interpreter.parseScript(source, new StringReader((String) expr));
                            Debug.logVerbose("Caching BSH script at: " + source, module);
                            parsedScripts.put(source, script);
            } else {
                script = interpreter.parseScript(source, new StringReader((String) expr));

            return interpreter.evalParsedScript(script);
        } catch (InterpreterError e) {
            throw new BSFException("BeanShell interpreter internal error: "+ e + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
        } catch (TargetError e2) {
            Debug.logError(e2, "Error thrown in BeanShell script called through BSF at: " + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo), module);
            //Debug.logError(e2.getTarget(), module);
            throw new BSFException("The application script threw an exception: " + e2 + " " + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
        } catch (EvalError e3) {
            throw new BSFException("BeanShell script error: " + e3 + sourceInfo(source,lineNo,columnNo));
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Related Classes of org.apache.bsf.BSFException

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