Package org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal

Examples of org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.PageFlowRequestWrapper$State

        throws IOException, ServletException
        // First check to see if we're already in a forwarded fallback request.  If so, just bail.
        PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.get( request );
        if ( rw.getOriginalServletPath() != null ) return false;      
        SharedFlowController sharedFlowToTry = null;
        String uriBaseName = ServletUtils.getBaseName( uri );
        int firstDot = uriBaseName.indexOf( '.' );
        int lastDot = uriBaseName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
        if ( firstDot != -1 && firstDot != lastDot )
            String sharedFlowName = uriBaseName.substring( 0, firstDot );
                RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( request, response );
                Map defaultSharedFlows = FlowControllerFactory.get( getServletContext() ).getDefaultSharedFlows( rc );
                if ( defaultSharedFlows != null )
                    sharedFlowToTry = ( SharedFlowController ) defaultSharedFlows.get( sharedFlowName );
                    uriBaseName = uriBaseName.substring( firstDot + 1 );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                throw new ServletException( e );
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
                throw new ServletException( e );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                throw new ServletException( e );
            sharedFlowToTry = FlowControllerFactory.getGlobalApp( request, response, getServletContext() );
        // If we couldn't find an appropriate module, try raising the action on the (deprecated)
        if ( sharedFlowToTry != null )
            InternalStringBuilder sfActionURI = new InternalStringBuilder( sharedFlowToTry.getModulePath() );
            sfActionURI.append( '/' );
            sfActionURI.append( uriBaseName );
            rw.setOriginalServletPath( uri );
            ForwardRedirectHandler frh = _handlers.getForwardRedirectHandler();
            FlowControllerHandlerContext context = new FlowControllerHandlerContext( request, response, null );
            frh.forward( context, sfActionURI.toString() );
            return true;
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        // see if we've saved view state from the original page.  If so, just restore that.
        if ( request instanceof HttpServletRequest )
            httpRequest = ( HttpServletRequest ) request;
            PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.unwrap( httpRequest );

            if ( rw != null )
                PreviousPageInfo prevPageInfo = rw.getPreviousPageInfo( true );
                if ( prevPageInfo != null )
                    Object clientState = prevPageInfo.getClientState();
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        // First wrap the request with an object that contains request-scoped values that our runtime uses.  This
        // is faster than sticking everything into attributes on the request (then basically reading from a HashMap).
        PageFlowRequestWrapper requestWrapper = PageFlowRequestWrapper.wrapRequest( request );
        request = requestWrapper;
        ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
        String modulePath = PageFlowUtils.getModulePathForRelativeURI( InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request ) );
        ModuleConfig registeredApp;
        // Get the registered Struts module for the request.
        registeredApp = getModuleConfig( modulePath, request, response );
        // If we've dynamically registered a module, then we need to override the base process() behavior to select the
        // module.  Note that we don't want to synchronize the call to process().
        if ( registeredApp != null )
            // Try to select the appropriate Struts module and delegate to its RequestProcessor.
            ModuleConfig moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePath, request, servletContext );
            RequestProcessor requestProcessor = getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig );
            requestProcessor.process( request, response );
            // This is the same as the base process() behavior, but it checks for a missing module-configuration.
            ModuleConfig moduleConfig = null;
            if ( InternalUtils.getModuleConfig( RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext ), servletContext ) != null )
                String modulePrefix = RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext );
                moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePrefix, request, servletContext );
            String servletPath = InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request );
            RequestProcessor rp = moduleConfig != null ? getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig ) : null;
            if ( rp != null && moduleCanHandlePath( moduleConfig, rp, servletPath ) )
                rp.process( request, response );
                if ( processUnhandledAction( request, response, servletPath ) ) return;
                String originalServletPath = requestWrapper.getOriginalServletPath();
                if ( originalServletPath != null )
                    servletPath = originalServletPath;
                    modulePath = PageFlowUtils.getModulePathForRelativeURI( originalServletPath );
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        scopedRequest.setForwardedURI( null );
        // Now process the request.  We create a PageFlowRequestWrapper for pageflow-specific request-scoped info.
        PageFlowRequestWrapper wrappedRequest = PageFlowRequestWrapper.wrapRequest( ( HttpServletRequest ) request );
        wrappedRequest.setScopedLookup( true );
        as.doGet( wrappedRequest, scopedResponse )// this just calls process() -- same as doPost()

        String returnURI;

        if ( ! scopedResponse.didRedirect() )
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            // If this is a navigateTo=Jpf.NavigateTo.currentPage or a navigateTo=Jpf.NavigateTo.previousPage,
            // see if we've saved view state from the original page.  If so, just restore that.
            httpRequest = ( HttpServletRequest ) request;
            PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.unwrap( httpRequest );

            if ( rw != null )
                PreviousPageInfo prevPageInfo = rw.getPreviousPageInfo( true );
                if ( prevPageInfo != null )
                    Object clientState = prevPageInfo.getClientState();
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        throws IOException, ServletException
        // First check to see if we're already in a forwarded fallback request.  If so, just bail.
        PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.get( request );
        if ( rw.getOriginalServletPath() != null ) return false;      
        SharedFlowController sharedFlowToTry = null;
        String uriBaseName = ServletUtils.getBaseName( uri );
        int firstDot = uriBaseName.indexOf( '.' );
        int lastDot = uriBaseName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
        if ( firstDot != -1 && firstDot != lastDot )
            String sharedFlowName = uriBaseName.substring( 0, firstDot );
                RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( request, response );
                Map defaultSharedFlows = FlowControllerFactory.get( getServletContext() ).getDefaultSharedFlows( rc );
                if ( defaultSharedFlows != null )
                    sharedFlowToTry = ( SharedFlowController ) defaultSharedFlows.get( sharedFlowName );
                    uriBaseName = uriBaseName.substring( firstDot + 1 );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
            sharedFlowToTry = FlowControllerFactory.getGlobalApp( request, response, getServletContext() );
        // If we couldn't find an appropriate module, try raising the action on the (deprecated)
        if ( sharedFlowToTry != null )
            InternalStringBuilder sfActionURI = new InternalStringBuilder( sharedFlowToTry.getModulePath() );
            sfActionURI.append( '/' );
            sfActionURI.append( uriBaseName );
            rw.setOriginalServletPath( uri );
            ForwardRedirectHandler frh = _handlers.getForwardRedirectHandler();
            FlowControllerHandlerContext context = new FlowControllerHandlerContext( request, response, null );
            frh.forward( context, sfActionURI.toString() );
            return true;
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        // First wrap the request with an object that contains request-scoped values that our runtime uses.  This
        // is faster than sticking everything into attributes on the request (then basically reading from a HashMap).
        PageFlowRequestWrapper requestWrapper = PageFlowRequestWrapper.wrapRequest( request );
        request = requestWrapper;
        ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
        String modulePath = PageFlowUtils.getModulePathForRelativeURI( InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request ) );
        ModuleConfig registeredApp;
        // Get the registered Struts module for the request.
        registeredApp = getModuleConfig( modulePath, request, response );
        // If we've dynamically registered a module, then we need to override the base process() behavior to select the
        // module.  Note that we don't want to synchronize the call to process().
        if ( registeredApp != null )
            // Try to select the appropriate Struts module and delegate to its RequestProcessor.
            ModuleConfig moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePath, request, servletContext );
            // If this module came from an abstract page flow controller class, send an error.
            ControllerConfig cc = moduleConfig.getControllerConfig();
            if (cc instanceof PageFlowControllerConfig && ((PageFlowControllerConfig) cc).isAbstract()) {
                InternalUtils.sendDevTimeError( "PageFlow_AbstractPageFlow", null, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND,
                                                request, response, servletContext,
                                                new Object[]{ modulePath } );
            RequestProcessor requestProcessor = getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig );
            requestProcessor.process( request, response );
            // Here, we're checking to see if this was a module that was registered externally by Struts (not by this
            // servlet).  This is the same as the base process() behavior, but it checks for a missing
            // module-configuration.
            ModuleConfig moduleConfig = null;
            if ( InternalUtils.getModuleConfig( RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext ), servletContext ) != null )
                String modulePrefix = RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext );
                moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePrefix, request, servletContext );
            String servletPath = InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request );
            RequestProcessor rp = moduleConfig != null ? getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig ) : null;
            if ( rp != null && moduleCanHandlePath( moduleConfig, rp, servletPath ) )
                rp.process( request, response );
                // Initialize the ServletContext in the request.  Often, we need access to the ServletContext when we only
                // have a ServletRequest.
                InternalUtils.setServletContext( request, getServletContext() );
                if ( processUnhandledAction( request, response, servletPath ) ) return;
                String originalServletPath = requestWrapper.getOriginalServletPath();
                if ( originalServletPath != null )
                    servletPath = originalServletPath;
                    modulePath = PageFlowUtils.getModulePathForRelativeURI( originalServletPath );
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        throws IOException, ServletException
        // First check to see if we're already in a forwarded fallback request.  If so, just bail.
        PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.get( request );
        if ( rw.getOriginalServletPath() != null ) return false;      
        SharedFlowController sharedFlowToTry = null;
        String uriBaseName = ServletUtils.getBaseName( uri );
        int firstDot = uriBaseName.indexOf( '.' );
        int lastDot = uriBaseName.lastIndexOf( '.' );
        if ( firstDot != -1 && firstDot != lastDot )
            String sharedFlowName = uriBaseName.substring( 0, firstDot );
                RequestContext rc = new RequestContext( request, response );
                Map defaultSharedFlows = FlowControllerFactory.get( getServletContext() ).getDefaultSharedFlows( rc );
                if ( defaultSharedFlows != null )
                    sharedFlowToTry = ( SharedFlowController ) defaultSharedFlows.get( sharedFlowName );
                    uriBaseName = uriBaseName.substring( firstDot + 1 );
            catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
            catch ( InstantiationException e )
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
            sharedFlowToTry = FlowControllerFactory.getGlobalApp( request, response, getServletContext() );
        // If we couldn't find an appropriate module, try raising the action on the (deprecated)
        if ( sharedFlowToTry != null )
            InternalStringBuilder sfActionURI = new InternalStringBuilder( sharedFlowToTry.getModulePath() );
            sfActionURI.append( '/' );
            sfActionURI.append( uriBaseName );
            rw.setOriginalServletPath( uri );
            ForwardRedirectHandler frh = _handlers.getForwardRedirectHandler();
            FlowControllerHandlerContext context = new FlowControllerHandlerContext( request, response, null );
            frh.forward( context, sfActionURI.toString() );
            return true;
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        // First wrap the request with an object that contains request-scoped values that our runtime uses.  This
        // is faster than sticking everything into attributes on the request (then basically reading from a HashMap).
        PageFlowRequestWrapper requestWrapper = PageFlowRequestWrapper.wrapRequest( request );
        request = requestWrapper;
        ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
        String modulePath = PageFlowUtils.getModulePathForRelativeURI( InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request ) );
        ModuleConfig registeredApp;
        // Get the registered Struts module for the request.
        registeredApp = getModuleConfig( modulePath, request, response );
        // If we've dynamically registered a module, then we need to override the base process() behavior to select the
        // module.  Note that we don't want to synchronize the call to process().
        if ( registeredApp != null )
            // Try to select the appropriate Struts module and delegate to its RequestProcessor.
            ModuleConfig moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePath, request, servletContext );
            // If this module came from an abstract page flow controller class, send an error.
            ControllerConfig cc = moduleConfig.getControllerConfig();
            if (cc instanceof PageFlowControllerConfig && ((PageFlowControllerConfig) cc).isAbstract()) {
                InternalUtils.sendDevTimeError( "PageFlow_AbstractPageFlow", null, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND,
                                                request, response, servletContext,
                                                new Object[]{ modulePath } );
            RequestProcessor requestProcessor = getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig );
            requestProcessor.process( request, response );
            // Here, we're checking to see if this was a module that was registered externally by Struts (not by this
            // servlet).  This is the same as the base process() behavior, but it checks for a missing
            // module-configuration.
            ModuleConfig moduleConfig = null;
            if ( InternalUtils.getModuleConfig( RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext ), servletContext ) != null )
                String modulePrefix = RequestUtils.getModuleName( request, servletContext );
                moduleConfig = InternalUtils.selectModule( modulePrefix, request, servletContext );
            String servletPath = InternalUtils.getDecodedServletPath( request );
            RequestProcessor rp = moduleConfig != null ? getRequestProcessor( moduleConfig ) : null;
            if ( rp != null && moduleCanHandlePath( moduleConfig, rp, servletPath ) )
                rp.process( request, response );
                // Initialize the ServletContext in the request.  Often, we need access to the ServletContext when we only
                // have a ServletRequest.
                InternalUtils.setServletContext( request, getServletContext() );
                if ( processUnhandledAction( request, response, servletPath ) ) return;
                String originalServletPath = requestWrapper.getOriginalServletPath();
                if ( originalServletPath != null )
                    servletPath = originalServletPath;
                    modulePath = PageFlowUtils.getModulePathForRelativeURI( originalServletPath );
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            // If this is a navigateTo=Jpf.NavigateTo.currentPage or a navigateTo=Jpf.NavigateTo.previousPage,
            // see if we've saved view state from the original page.  If so, just restore that.
            httpRequest = ( HttpServletRequest ) request;
            PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.unwrap( httpRequest );

            if ( rw != null )
                PreviousPageInfo prevPageInfo = rw.getPreviousPageInfo( true );
                if ( prevPageInfo != null )
                    Object clientState = prevPageInfo.getClientState();
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Related Classes of org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.PageFlowRequestWrapper$State

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