Examples of OMAttribute

Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

    protected Mediator createSpecificMediator(OMElement elem, Properties properties) {

        ClassMediator classMediator = new ClassMediator();

        OMAttribute name = elem.getAttribute(ATT_NAME);
        if (name == null) {
            String msg = "The name of the actual mediator class is a required attribute";
            throw new SynapseException(msg);
        Class clazz = null;
        Mediator m = null;
        try {
            clazz = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(
            m = (Mediator) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Error : " + name.getAttributeValue();
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new SynapseException(msg, e);

        for (Iterator it = elem.getChildrenWithName(PROP_Q); it.hasNext();) {
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

        if (loadbalanceElement != null) {

            LoadbalanceEndpoint loadbalanceEndpoint = new LoadbalanceEndpoint();

            // set endpoint name
            OMAttribute name = epConfig.getAttribute(new QName(
                    org.apache.synapse.config.xml.XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "name"));

            if (name != null) {

            LoadbalanceAlgorithm algorithm = null;

            // set endpoints or members
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

    protected Mediator createSpecificMediator(OMElement elem, Properties properties) {

        AnnotatedCommandMediator pojoMediator = new AnnotatedCommandMediator();

        // Class name of the Command object should be present
        OMAttribute name = elem.getAttribute(ATT_NAME);
        if (name == null) {
            String msg = "The name of the actual POJO command implementation class" +
                    " is a required attribute";
            throw new SynapseException(msg);

        // load the class for the command object
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            handleException("Unable to load the class specified as the command "
                    + name.getAttributeValue(), e);

        // setting the properties to the command. these properties will be instantiated
        // at the mediation time
        for (Iterator it = elem.getChildElements(); it.hasNext();) {
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

    protected Mediator createSpecificMediator(OMElement elem, Properties properties) {

        POJOCommandMediator pojoMediator = new POJOCommandMediator();

        // Class name of the Command object should be present
        OMAttribute name = elem.getAttribute(ATT_NAME);
        if (name == null) {
            String msg = "The name of the actual POJO command implementation class" +
                    " is a required attribute";
            throw new SynapseException(msg);

        // load the class for the command object
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            handleException("Unable to load the class specified as the command "
                    + name.getAttributeValue(), e);

        // setting the properties to the command. these properties will be instantiated
        // at the mediation time
        for (Iterator it = elem.getChildElements(); it.hasNext();) {
            OMElement child = (OMElement) it.next();
            if("property".equals(child.getLocalName())) {

                OMAttribute nameAttr = child.getAttribute(ATT_NAME);
                if (nameAttr != null && nameAttr.getAttributeValue() != null
                    && !"".equals(nameAttr.getAttributeValue())) {

                    handlePropertyAction(nameAttr.getAttributeValue(), child, pojoMediator);
                } else {
                    handleException("A POJO command mediator " +
                        "property must specify the name attribute");
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

    protected Endpoint createEndpoint(OMElement epConfig, boolean anonymousEndpoint,
                                      Properties properties) {

        DefaultEndpoint defaultEndpoint = new DefaultEndpoint();
        OMAttribute name = epConfig.getAttribute(
                new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "name"));

        if (name != null) {

        OMElement defaultElement = epConfig.getFirstChildWithName(
                new QName(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "default"));
        if (defaultElement != null) {
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

    protected void extractSpecificEndpointProperties(EndpointDefinition definition,
        OMElement elem) {

        OMAttribute format
                = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "format"));
        if (format != null) {
            String forceValue = format.getAttributeValue().trim().toLowerCase();
            if (SynapseConstants.FORMAT_POX.equals(forceValue)) {

            } else if (SynapseConstants.FORMAT_GET.equals(forceValue)) {
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

        return pojoMediator;

    private void handlePropertyAction(String name, OMElement propElem, POJOCommandMediator m) {

        OMAttribute valueAttr   = propElem.getAttribute(ATT_VALUE);
        OMAttribute exprAttr    = propElem.getAttribute(ATT_EXPRN);
        OMAttribute ctxNameAttr = propElem.getAttribute(ATT_CTXNAME);
        OMAttribute actionAttr  = propElem.getAttribute(ATT_ACTION);

        SynapseXPath xpath = null;
        try {
            if (exprAttr != null) {
                xpath = SynapseXPathFactory.getSynapseXPath(propElem, ATT_EXPRN);
        } catch (JaxenException e) {
            handleException("Error in building the expression as an SynapseXPath" + e);

        // if there is a value attribute there is no action (action is implied as read value)
        if (valueAttr != null) {
            String value = valueAttr.getAttributeValue();
            // all other three attributes can not co-exists
            if (exprAttr != null && ctxNameAttr != null) {
                handleException("Command properties can not contain all three 'value', " +
                    "'expression' and 'context-name' attributes. Only one or " +
                    "combination of two can be there.");
            } else {
                m.addStaticSetterProperty(name, value);
                if (exprAttr != null) {
                    // action ==> ReadValueAndUpdateMesssage
                    m.addMessageGetterProperty(name, xpath);
                } else if (ctxNameAttr != null) {
                    // action ==> ReadValueAndUpdateContext
                    m.addContextGetterProperty(name, ctxNameAttr.getAttributeValue());
                } // else the action ==> ReadValue
        } else if (propElem.getFirstElement() != null) {
            // all other two attributes can not co-exists
            if (exprAttr != null && ctxNameAttr != null) {
                handleException("Command properties can not contain all the " +
                    "'expression' and 'context-name' attributes with a child. Only one " +
                    "attribute of those can co-exists with a child");
            } else {
                m.addStaticSetterProperty(name, propElem.getFirstElement());
                if (exprAttr != null) {
                    // action ==> ReadValueAndUpdateMesssage
                    m.addMessageGetterProperty(name, xpath);
                } else if (ctxNameAttr != null) {
                    // action ==> ReadValueAndUpdateContext
                    m.addContextGetterProperty(name, ctxNameAttr.getAttributeValue());
                } // else the action ==> ReadValue
        } else {
            // if both context-name and expression is there
            if (exprAttr != null && ctxNameAttr != null) {
                if (actionAttr != null && actionAttr.getAttributeValue() != null) {
                    String action = actionAttr.getAttributeValue();
                    if (RM_ACTION.equals(action) || UC_ACTION.equals(action)) {
                        // action ==> ReadMessageAndUpdateContext
                        m.addMessageSetterProperty(name, xpath);
                        m.addContextGetterProperty(name, ctxNameAttr.getAttributeValue());
                    } else if (RC_ACTION.equals(action) || UM_ACTION.equals(action)) {
                        // action ==> ReadContextAndUpdateMessage
                        m.addContextSetterProperty(name, ctxNameAttr.getAttributeValue());
                        m.addMessageGetterProperty(name, xpath);
                    } else {
                        handleException("Invalid action for " +
                            "the command property with the name " + name);
                } else {
                    handleException("Action attribute " +
                        "is required for the command property with name " + name);
            } else {
                // only one of expression or context-name is present
                if (actionAttr != null && actionAttr.getAttributeValue() != null) {
                    String action = actionAttr.getAttributeValue();
                    if (exprAttr != null) {
                        if (RM_ACTION.equals(action)) {
                            // action ==> ReadMessage
                            m.addMessageSetterProperty(name, xpath);
                        } else if (UM_ACTION.equals(action)) {
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

        if (name == null || "".equals(name)) {
            name = SynapseConstants.ANONYMOUS_ENDPOINT;
        AspectConfiguration aspectConfiguration = new AspectConfiguration(name);
        OMAttribute statistics = epOmElement.getAttribute(
                new QName(XMLConfigConstants.STATISTICS_ATTRIB_NAME));
        if (statistics != null) {
            String statisticsValue = statistics.getAttributeValue();
            if (statisticsValue != null) {
                if (XMLConfigConstants.STATISTICS_ENABLE.equals(statisticsValue)) {
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

        ThrottleMediator throttleMediator = new ThrottleMediator();
        OMElement policy = elem.getFirstChildWithName(
                new QName(XMLConfigConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "policy"));
        if (policy != null) {
            OMAttribute key = policy.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "key"));
            if (key != null) {
                String keyValue = key.getAttributeValue();
                if (keyValue != null && !"".equals(keyValue)) {
                } else {
                    handleException("key attribute should have a value ");
            } else {
                OMElement inLine = policy.getFirstElement();
                if (inLine != null) {
        // after successfully creating the mediator
        // set its common attributes such as tracing etc

        String id = elem.getAttributeValue(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, "id"));
        if (id != null && !"".equals(id)) {
        } else {
           handleException("Idy attribute must have defined ");

        SequenceMediatorFactory mediatorFactory = new SequenceMediatorFactory();
        OMAttribute onReject = elem.getAttribute(
                new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, XMLConfigConstants.ONREJECT));
        if (onReject != null) {
            String onRejectValue = onReject.getAttributeValue();
            if (onRejectValue != null) {
        } else {
            OMElement onRejectMediatorElement = elem.getFirstChildWithName(
                    new QName(XMLConfigConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, XMLConfigConstants.ONREJECT));
            if (onRejectMediatorElement != null) {
                        onRejectMediatorElement, properties));
        OMAttribute onAccept = elem.getAttribute(
                new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE, XMLConfigConstants.ONACCEPT));
        if (onAccept != null) {
            String onAcceptValue = onAccept.getAttributeValue();
            if (onAcceptValue != null) {
        } else {
            OMElement onAcceptMediatorElement = elem.getFirstChildWithName(
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Examples of org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute

            = new QName(XMLConfigConstants.SYNAPSE_NAMESPACE, "include");

    protected Mediator createSpecificMediator(OMElement elem, Properties properties) {

        ScriptMediator mediator;
        OMAttribute keyAtt = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE,
        OMAttribute langAtt = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE,
        OMAttribute functionAtt = elem.getAttribute(new QName(XMLConfigConstants.NULL_NAMESPACE,

        if (langAtt == null) {
            throw new SynapseException("The 'language' attribute is required for" +
                    " a script mediator");
            // TODO: couldn't this be determined from the key in some scenarios?
        if (keyAtt == null && functionAtt != null) {
            throw new SynapseException("Cannot use 'function' attribute without 'key' " +
                    "attribute for a script mediator");

        Map<String, Object> includeKeysMap = getIncludeKeysMap(elem);

        if (keyAtt != null) {
            String functionName = (functionAtt == null ? null : functionAtt.getAttributeValue());
            mediator = new ScriptMediator(langAtt.getAttributeValue(),
                    includeKeysMap, keyAtt.getAttributeValue(), functionName);
        } else {
            mediator = new ScriptMediator(langAtt.getAttributeValue(), elem.getText());
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