Examples of OakFixture

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        OptionSpec<String> dbName = parser.accepts("db", "MongoDB database").withRequiredArg();
        OptionSpec<Integer> clusterIds = parser.accepts("clusterIds", "Cluster Ids").withOptionalArg().ofType(Integer.class).withValuesSeparatedBy(',');

        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = options.nonOptionArguments();
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);

        int cacheSize = cache.value(options);
        List<Integer> cIds = Collections.emptyList();
        if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY)) {
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryNS(cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryMK(cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemory(cacheSize * MB);
        } else if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MONGO)) {
            cIds = clusterIds.values(options);
            String db = dbName.value(options);
            if (db == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument db missing");
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoNS(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false,
                        cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoMK(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongo(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);

        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_TAR)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getTar(baseFile, 256, cacheSize, mmap.value(options));
        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_H2)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getH2MK(baseFile, cacheSize * MB);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported repository setup " + fix);

        Map<Oak, String> m;
        if (cIds.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Starting " + oakFixture.toString() + " repository -> " + uri);
            m = Collections.singletonMap(oakFixture.getOak(0), "");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Starting a clustered repository " + oakFixture.toString() + " -> " + uri);
            m = new HashMap<Oak, String>(cIds.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < cIds.size(); i++) {
                m.put(oakFixture.getOak(i), "/node" + i);
        new HttpServer(uri, m);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        OptionSpec<String> dbName = parser.accepts("db", "MongoDB database").withRequiredArg();
        OptionSpec<Integer> clusterIds = parser.accepts("clusterIds", "Cluster Ids").withOptionalArg().ofType(Integer.class).withValuesSeparatedBy(',');

        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = options.nonOptionArguments();
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);

        int cacheSize = cache.value(options);
        List<Integer> cIds = Collections.emptyList();
        if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY)) {
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryNS(cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryMK(cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemory(cacheSize * MB);
        } else if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MONGO)) {
            cIds = clusterIds.values(options);
            String db = dbName.value(options);
            if (db == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument db missing");
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoNS(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false,
                        cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoMK(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongo(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);

        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_TAR)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getTar(baseFile, 256, cacheSize, mmap.value(options));
        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_H2)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getH2MK(baseFile, cacheSize * MB);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported repository setup " + fix);

        Map<Oak, String> m;
        if (cIds.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Starting " + oakFixture.toString() + " repository -> " + uri);
            m = Collections.singletonMap(oakFixture.getOak(0), "");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Starting a clustered repository " + oakFixture.toString() + " -> " + uri);
            m = new HashMap<Oak, String>(cIds.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < cIds.size(); i++) {
                m.put(oakFixture.getOak(i), "/node" + i);
        new HttpServer(uri, m);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        OptionSpec<String> dbName = parser.accepts("db", "MongoDB database").withRequiredArg();
        OptionSpec<Integer> clusterIds = parser.accepts("clusterIds", "Cluster Ids").withOptionalArg().ofType(Integer.class).withValuesSeparatedBy(',');

        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = options.nonOptionArguments();
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);

        int cacheSize = cache.value(options);
        List<Integer> cIds = Collections.emptyList();
        if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY)) {
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryNS(cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryMK(cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemory(cacheSize * MB);
        } else if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MONGO)) {
            cIds = clusterIds.values(options);
            String db = dbName.value(options);
            if (db == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument db missing");
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoNS(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false,
                        cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoMK(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongo(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);

        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_TAR)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getTar(baseFile, 256, cacheSize, mmap.value(options));
        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_H2)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getH2MK(baseFile, cacheSize * MB);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported repository setup " + fix);

        Map<Oak, String> m;
        if (cIds.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Starting " + oakFixture.toString() + " repository -> " + uri);
            m = Collections.singletonMap(oakFixture.getOak(0), "");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Starting a clustered repository " + oakFixture.toString() + " -> " + uri);
            m = new HashMap<Oak, String>(cIds.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < cIds.size(); i++) {
                m.put(oakFixture.getOak(i), "/node" + i);
        new HttpServer(uri, m);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        OptionSpec<String> dbName = parser.accepts("db", "MongoDB database").withRequiredArg();
        OptionSpec<Integer> clusterIds = parser.accepts("clusterIds", "Cluster Ids").withOptionalArg().ofType(Integer.class).withValuesSeparatedBy(',');

        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = options.nonOptionArguments();
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);

        int cacheSize = cache.value(options);
        List<Integer> cIds = Collections.emptyList();
        if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY)) {
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryNS(cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryMK(cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemory(cacheSize * MB);
        } else if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MONGO)) {
            cIds = clusterIds.values(options);
            String db = dbName.value(options);
            if (db == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument db missing");
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoNS(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false,
                        cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoMK(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongo(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);

        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_TAR)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getTar(baseFile, 256, cacheSize, mmap.value(options));
        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_H2)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getH2MK(baseFile, cacheSize * MB);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported repository setup " + fix);

        Map<Oak, String> m;
        if (cIds.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Starting " + oakFixture.toString() + " repository -> " + uri);
            m = Collections.singletonMap(oakFixture.getOak(0), "");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Starting a clustered repository " + oakFixture.toString() + " -> " + uri);
            m = new HashMap<Oak, String>(cIds.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < cIds.size(); i++) {
                m.put(oakFixture.getOak(i), "/node" + i);
        new HttpServer(uri, m);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        OptionSpec<String> dbName = parser.accepts("db", "MongoDB database").withRequiredArg();
        OptionSpec<Integer> clusterIds = parser.accepts("clusterIds", "Cluster Ids").withOptionalArg().ofType(Integer.class).withValuesSeparatedBy(',');

        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = options.nonOptionArguments();
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);

        int cacheSize = cache.value(options);
        List<Integer> cIds = Collections.emptyList();
        if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY)) {
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryNS(cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryMK(cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemory(cacheSize * MB);
        } else if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MONGO)) {
            cIds = clusterIds.values(options);
            String db = dbName.value(options);
            if (db == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument db missing");
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoNS(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false,
                        cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoMK(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongo(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);

        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_TAR)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getTar(baseFile, 256, cacheSize, mmap.value(options));
        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_H2)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getH2MK(baseFile, cacheSize * MB);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported repository setup " + fix);

        Map<Oak, String> m;
        if (cIds.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Starting " + oakFixture.toString() + " repository -> " + uri);
            m = Collections.singletonMap(oakFixture.getOak(0), "");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Starting a clustered repository " + oakFixture.toString() + " -> " + uri);
            m = new HashMap<Oak, String>(cIds.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < cIds.size(); i++) {
                m.put(oakFixture.getOak(i), "/node" + i);
        new HttpServer(uri, m);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        OptionSpec<String> dbName = parser.accepts("db", "MongoDB database").withRequiredArg();
        OptionSpec<Integer> clusterIds = parser.accepts("clusterIds", "Cluster Ids").withOptionalArg().ofType(Integer.class).withValuesSeparatedBy(',');

        OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = options.nonOptionArguments();
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);

        int cacheSize = cache.value(options);
        List<Integer> cIds = Collections.emptyList();
        if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY)) {
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryNS(cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemoryMK(cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMemory(cacheSize * MB);
        } else if (fix.startsWith(OakFixture.OAK_MONGO)) {
            cIds = clusterIds.values(options);
            String db = dbName.value(options);
            if (db == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument db missing");
            if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_NS.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoNS(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false,
                        cacheSize * MB);
            } else if (OakFixture.OAK_MONGO_MK.equals(fix)) {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongoMK(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);
            } else {
                oakFixture = OakFixture.getMongo(
                        host.value(options), port.value(options),
                        db, false, cacheSize * MB);

        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_TAR)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getTar(baseFile, 256, cacheSize, mmap.value(options));
        } else if (fix.equals(OakFixture.OAK_H2)) {
            File baseFile = base.value(options);
            if (baseFile == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Required argument base missing.");
            oakFixture = OakFixture.getH2MK(baseFile, cacheSize * MB);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported repository setup " + fix);

        Map<Oak, String> m;
        if (cIds.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("Starting " + oakFixture.toString() + " repository -> " + uri);
            m = Collections.singletonMap(oakFixture.getOak(0), "");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Starting a clustered repository " + oakFixture.toString() + " -> " + uri);
            m = new HashMap<Oak, String>(cIds.size());

            for (int i = 0; i < cIds.size(); i++) {
                m.put(oakFixture.getOak(i), "/node" + i);
        new HttpServer(uri, m);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture

        if (options.has(help)) {

        OakFixture oakFixture;

        List<String> arglist = nonOption.values(options);
        String uri = (arglist.isEmpty()) ? defaultUri : arglist.get(0);
        String fix = (arglist.size() <= 1) ? OakFixture.OAK_MEMORY : arglist.get(1);
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Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.fixture.OakFixture


    protected void tearDown(RepositoryFixture fixture) throws IOException {
        if (fixture instanceof OakRepositoryFixture) {
            OakFixture oakFixture = ((OakRepositoryFixture) fixture).getOakFixture();
            if(oakFixture instanceof SegmentFixture){
                SegmentFixture sf = (SegmentFixture) oakFixture;
                long size = sf.getStores()[0].size();

                if(sf.getBlobStoreFixtures().length > 0) {
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