Package nexj.core.scripting

Examples of nexj.core.scripting.Pair$PairIterator

   protected Pair getWhere(Object obj, CompositeMessagePart composite, TransferObject parent,
      CompositeMessagePart parentComposite, Pair assoc, boolean bRoot)
      if (composite.isCollection())
         Pair where = null;
         List list = getList(obj, composite);

         for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i != n; ++i)
            Pair expr = getWhere1((TransferObject)list.get(i), composite, parent, parentComposite, assoc, bRoot);

            if (expr != EMPTY && expr != null)
               where = new Pair(expr, where);

         if (where != null)
            if (where.getTail() == null)
               return (Pair)where.getHead();

            return new Pair(Symbol.OR, where);

         return EMPTY;
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      ObjectMessagePartMapping mapping = (ObjectMessagePartMapping)composite.getMapping();
      CompositeMessagePart derivedComposite = getPolymorphic(composite, tobj);
      ObjectMessagePartMapping derivedMapping = ((ObjectMessagePartMapping)derivedComposite.getMapping());
      Metaclass derivedMetaclass = derivedMapping.getMetaclass();
      Pair where = null;

      if (!bRoot)
         assoc = new Pair(mapping.getAttribute().getSymbol(), assoc);

         if (!mapping.isLocal())
            Instance instance = (Instance)m_instanceByTobjMap.get(tobj);

            if (instance == null)
               if (!m_instanceByTobjMap.contains(tobj) && !mapping.isSubKeyParent())
                  instance = findInstance1(tobj, composite, parent, parentComposite);

               if (instance == null && !mapping.isSubKeyParent())
                  return EMPTY;

            if (instance != null && !mapping.isSubKeyParent())
               return getComparison(assoc, instance);

      if (tobj == null || isInstanceRead(tobj, derivedMapping))
         return EMPTY;

      if (tobj.getOID() != null)
         where = new Pair(getComparison(assoc, tobj.getOID()), where);
         for (int i = 0, n = derivedComposite.getPartCount(); i != n; ++i)
            MessagePart part = derivedComposite.getPart(i);
            ObjectMessagePartMapping partMapping = (ObjectMessagePartMapping)part.getMapping();

            if (bRoot && partMapping.isKey() || !bRoot && partMapping.isSubKey())
               if (!tobj.hasValue(part.getName()))
                  return EMPTY;

               Object obj = tobj.getValue(part.getName());
               Pair expr = null;

               if (part instanceof CompositeMessagePart)
                  expr = getWhere(obj, (CompositeMessagePart)part, tobj, composite, assoc, false);

                  if (expr == EMPTY)
                     return EMPTY;
               else if (partMapping.getSystemAttribute() == ObjectMessagePartMapping.ATTR_OID)
                  expr = getComparison(assoc, obj);
               else if (partMapping.getAttribute() != null)
                  expr = getComparison(new Pair(partMapping.getAttribute().getSymbol(), assoc),

               if (expr != null)
                  where = new Pair(expr, where);

         if (!bRoot && derivedMetaclass != mapping.getAttribute().getType())
            where = new Pair(Pair.binary(Symbol.INSTANCE_P, getAssociation(assoc),
               derivedMetaclass.getSymbol()), where);

         if (mapping.getWhere() != Boolean.TRUE)
            where = new Pair(mapping.getWhere(), where);

      if (where != null)
         if (where.getTail() == null)
            return (Pair)where.getHead();

         where = new Pair(Symbol.AND, where);

      return where;
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    * Creates an association operator based on an association list.
    * @param assoc The reversed association symbol list.
   protected static Pair getAssociation(Pair assoc)
      Pair pair = null;

      while (assoc != null)
         pair = new Pair(assoc.getHead(), pair);
         assoc = assoc.getNext();

      return new Pair(Symbol.AT, pair);
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                     Pair cond = Pair.list(Symbol.ATAT, m_container.getMetaclass().getSymbol(),

                     if (where != null)
                        cond = cond.and(where);

                     if (nCount > 0 && m_changeMap != null)
                        for (Iterator itr = m_changeMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
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   public Pair list()

      Pair pair = null;

      for (int i = m_nCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
         pair = new Pair(m_instanceArray[i], pair);

      return pair;
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    * @return The items in the collection as a linked list.
   public Pair list()
      Pair pair = null;

      for (Iterator itr = iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         pair = new Pair(, pair);

      return Pair.nreverse(pair);
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      Context contextSaved = ThreadContextHolder.getContext();
         m_context.getMachine().invoke(m_function, new Pair(Integer.valueOf(nStatus), m_argumentPair));
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         if (m_nState == NEW && value == Undefined.VALUE && attribute.getInitializer() != Undefined.VALUE)
            return setCalcValue(attribute,
               m_context.getMachine().invoke(attribute.getInitializerFunction(), new Pair(this)));

         if (attribute.getValueFunction() != null)
            return setCalcValue(attribute,
               m_context.getMachine().invoke(attribute.getValueFunction(), new Pair(this)));

         if (attribute.isCollection() && attribute.isPersistent() &&
            (m_nState == CLEAN || m_nState == DIRTY))
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               list = new InstanceArrayList((Collection)value);
            else if (value instanceof Pair)
               Pair pair = (Pair)value;

               list = new InstanceArrayList(Pair.length(pair));

                  pair = pair.getNext();
               while (pair != null);

               return list;
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                  value != null && e == null)
                  if (((InstanceList)attribute.getEnumeration().invoke("read",
                     new Object[]{null, (type.isPrimitive()) ?
                        Pair.attribute(Metaclass.ENUMERATION_VALUE).eq(value) :
                        new Pair(Symbol.AT).eq(value), null, Primitive.createInteger(-1),
                        Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER, Boolean.FALSE})).isEmpty())
                     e = createValidationException(e);

                     ValidationException x = new ValidationException("err.validation.enumerationValue",
                        new Object[]{new StringId(attribute.getEnumeration().getCaption()),
                           new StringId(attribute.getCaption()), new StringId(m_metaclass.getCaption())});

                     e.addException(attribute.getName(), x);

               if (attribute.getValidationFunction() != null && e == null)
                  Object result = m_context.getMachine().invoke(attribute.getValidationFunction(), this, value, null);

                  if (result != null)
                     ValidationException x = null;

                     if (result instanceof Boolean)
                        if (!((Boolean)result).booleanValue())
                           x = new ValidationException("err.validation.valueRange",
                              new Object[]{new StringId(attribute.getCaption()), new StringId(m_metaclass.getCaption())});
                     else if (result instanceof String)
                        x = new ValidationException((String)result);
                     else if (result instanceof Pair)
                        x = new ValidationException((String)((Pair)result).getHead(),

                     if (x != null)
                        e = createValidationException(e);
                        e.addException(attribute.getName(), x);

            if (type.isPrimitive() && attribute.isPersistent() && adapter != null)
                  adapter.validate(persistenceMapping.getAttributeMapping(attribute), value);
               catch (ValidationException x)
                  e = createValidationException(e);
                  e.addException(attribute.getName(), x);

         if (bFull && m_metaclass.getValidationFunction() != null && e == null)
            Object result = m_context.getMachine().invoke(m_metaclass.getValidationFunction(), new Pair(this));

            if (result != null)
               if (result instanceof Boolean)
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Related Classes of nexj.core.scripting.Pair$PairIterator

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