Package net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf

Examples of net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParser


    private static Namespace parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws ArgumentParserException {
        String usage = "java -jar " + new JarLocation(CalculatorUser.class);
        ArgumentParser argParser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser(usage).defaultHelp(true);
        argParser.addArgument("config-file").nargs("?").help("yaml configuration file");
        return argParser.parseArgs(args);
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        args = new String[] { "--help" };
      showNonSolrCloud = Arrays.asList(args).contains(SHOW_NON_SOLR_CLOUD); // intercept it first
      ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers
        .newArgumentParser("hadoop [GenericOptions]... jar search-mr-*-job.jar " + MapReduceIndexerTool.class.getName(), false)
          "MapReduce batch job driver that takes a morphline and creates a set of Solr index shards from a set of input files " +
          "and writes the indexes into HDFS, in a flexible, scalable and fault-tolerant manner. " +
          "It also supports merging the output shards into a set of live customer facing Solr servers, " +
          "typically a SolrCloud. The program proceeds in several consecutive MapReduce based phases, as follows:" +
          "\n\n" +
          "1) Randomization phase: This (parallel) phase randomizes the list of input files in order to spread " +
          "indexing load more evenly among the mappers of the subsequent phase."
          "\n\n" +
          "2) Mapper phase: This (parallel) phase takes the input files, extracts the relevant content, transforms it " +
          "and hands SolrInputDocuments to a set of reducers. " +
          "The ETL functionality is flexible and " +
          "customizable using chains of arbitrary morphline commands that pipe records from one transformation command to another. " +
          "Commands to parse and transform a set of standard data formats such as Avro, CSV, Text, HTML, XML, " +
          "PDF, Word, Excel, etc. are provided out of the box, and additional custom commands and parsers for additional " +
          "file or data formats can be added as morphline plugins. " +
          "This is done by implementing a simple Java interface that consumes a record (e.g. a file in the form of an InputStream " +
          "plus some headers plus contextual metadata) and generates as output zero or more records. " +
          "Any kind of data format can be indexed and any Solr documents for any kind of Solr schema can be generated, " +
          "and any custom ETL logic can be registered and executed.\n" +
          "Record fields, including MIME types, can also explicitly be passed by force from the CLI to the morphline, for example: " +
          "hadoop ... -D " + MorphlineMapRunner.MORPHLINE_FIELD_PREFIX + Fields.ATTACHMENT_MIME_TYPE + "=text/csv" +
          "\n\n" +
          "3) Reducer phase: This (parallel) phase loads the mapper's SolrInputDocuments into one EmbeddedSolrServer per reducer. " +
          "Each such reducer and Solr server can be seen as a (micro) shard. The Solr servers store their " +
          "data in HDFS." +
          "\n\n" +
          "4) Mapper-only merge phase: This (parallel) phase merges the set of reducer shards into the number of solr " +
          "shards expected by the user, using a mapper-only job. This phase is omitted if the number " +
          "of shards is already equal to the number of shards expected by the user. " +
          "\n\n" +
          "5) Go-live phase: This optional (parallel) phase merges the output shards of the previous phase into a set of " +
          "live customer facing Solr servers, typically a SolrCloud. " +
          "If this phase is omitted you can explicitly point each Solr server to one of the HDFS output shard directories." +
          "\n\n" +
          "Fault Tolerance: Mapper and reducer task attempts are retried on failure per the standard MapReduce semantics. " +
          "On program startup all data in the --output-dir is deleted if that output directory already exists. " +
          "If the whole job fails you can retry simply by rerunning the program again using the same arguments."

      parser.addArgument("--help", "-help", "-h")
        .help("Show this help message and exit")
        .action(new HelpArgumentAction() {
          public void run(ArgumentParser parser, Argument arg, Map<String, Object> attrs, String flag, Object value) throws ArgumentParserException {
              "Examples: \n\n" +

              "# (Re)index an Avro based Twitter tweet file:\n" +
              "sudo -u hdfs hadoop \\\n" +
              "  --config /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.mapreduce1 \\\n" +
              "  jar target/search-mr-*-job.jar " + MapReduceIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n" +
              "  -D '' \\\n" +
//            "  -D '' \\\n" +
              "  --log4j src/test/resources/ \\\n" +
              "  --morphline-file ../search-core/src/test/resources/test-morphlines/tutorialReadAvroContainer.conf \\\n" +
              "  --solr-home-dir src/test/resources/solr/minimr \\\n" +
              "  --output-dir hdfs://$USER/test \\\n" +
              "  --shards 1 \\\n" +
              "  hdfs:///user/$USER/test-documents/sample-statuses-20120906-141433.avro\n" +
              "\n" +
              "# (Re)index all files that match all of the following conditions:\n" +
              "# 1) File is contained in dir tree hdfs:///user/$USER/solrloadtest/twitter/tweets\n" +
              "# 2) file name matches the glob pattern 'sample-statuses*.gz'\n" +
              "# 3) file was last modified less than 100000 minutes ago\n" +
              "# 4) file size is between 1 MB and 1 GB\n" +
              "# Also include extra library jar file containing JSON tweet Java parser:\n" +
              "hadoop jar target/search-mr-*-job.jar " + HdfsFindTool.class.getName() + " \\\n" +
              "  -find hdfs:///user/$USER/solrloadtest/twitter/tweets \\\n" +
              "  -type f \\\n" +
              "  -name 'sample-statuses*.gz' \\\n" +
              "  -mmin -1000000 \\\n" +
              "  -size -100000000c \\\n" +
              "  -size +1000000c \\\n" +
              "| sudo -u hdfs hadoop \\\n" +
              "  --config /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.mapreduce1 \\\n" +
              "  jar target/search-mr-*-job.jar " + MapReduceIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n" +
              "  --libjars /path/to/kite-morphlines-twitter-0.10.0.jar \\\n" +
              "  -D '' \\\n" +
//            "  -D '' \\\n" +
              "  --log4j src/test/resources/ \\\n" +
              "  --morphline-file ../search-core/src/test/resources/test-morphlines/tutorialReadJsonTestTweets.conf \\\n" +
              "  --solr-home-dir src/test/resources/solr/minimr \\\n" +
              "  --output-dir hdfs://$USER/test \\\n" +
              "  --shards 100 \\\n" +
              "  --input-list -\n" +
              "\n" +
              "# Go live by merging resulting index shards into a live Solr cluster\n" +
              "# (explicitly specify Solr URLs - for a SolrCloud cluster see next example):\n" +
              "sudo -u hdfs hadoop \\\n" +
              "  --config /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.mapreduce1 \\\n" +
              "  jar target/search-mr-*-job.jar " + MapReduceIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n" +
              "  -D '' \\\n" +
//            "  -D '' \\\n" +
              "  --log4j src/test/resources/ \\\n" +
              "  --morphline-file ../search-core/src/test/resources/test-morphlines/tutorialReadAvroContainer.conf \\\n" +
              "  --solr-home-dir src/test/resources/solr/minimr \\\n" +
              "  --output-dir hdfs://$USER/test \\\n" +
              "  --shard-url \\\n" +
              "  --shard-url \\\n" +
              "  --go-live \\\n" +
              "  hdfs:///user/foo/indir\n"
              "\n" +
              "# Go live by merging resulting index shards into a live SolrCloud cluster\n" +
              "# (discover shards and Solr URLs through ZooKeeper):\n" +
              "sudo -u hdfs hadoop \\\n" +
              "  --config /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.mapreduce1 \\\n" +
              "  jar target/search-mr-*-job.jar " + MapReduceIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n" +
              "  -D '' \\\n" +
//            "  -D '' \\\n" +
              "  --log4j src/test/resources/ \\\n" +
              "  --morphline-file ../search-core/src/test/resources/test-morphlines/tutorialReadAvroContainer.conf \\\n" +
              "  --output-dir hdfs://$USER/test \\\n" +
              "  --zk-host \\\n" +
              "  --collection collection1 \\\n" +
              "  --go-live \\\n" +
              "  hdfs:///user/foo/indir\n"
            throw new FoundHelpArgument(); // Trick to prevent processing of any remaining arguments
      ArgumentGroup requiredGroup = parser.addArgumentGroup("Required arguments");
      Argument outputDirArg = requiredGroup.addArgument("--output-dir")
        .type(new PathArgumentType(conf) {
          public Path convert(ArgumentParser parser, Argument arg, String value) throws ArgumentParserException {
            Path path = super.convert(parser, arg, value);
            if ("hdfs".equals(path.toUri().getScheme()) && path.toUri().getAuthority() == null) {
              // TODO: consider defaulting to hadoop's here or in SolrRecordWriter.createEmbeddedSolrServer()
              throw new ArgumentParserException("Missing authority in path URI: " + path, parser);
            return path;
        .help("HDFS directory to write Solr indexes to. Inside there one output directory per shard will be generated. " +
              "Example: hdfs://$USER/test");
      Argument inputListArg = parser.addArgument("--input-list")
  //      .type(new PathArgumentType(fs).verifyExists().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Local URI or HDFS URI of a UTF-8 encoded file containing a list of HDFS URIs to index, " +
              "one URI per line in the file. If '-' is specified, URIs are read from the standard input. " +
              "Multiple --input-list arguments can be specified.");
      Argument morphlineFileArg = requiredGroup.addArgument("--morphline-file")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a local config file that contains one or more morphlines. " +
              "The file must be UTF-8 encoded. Example: /path/to/morphline.conf");
      Argument morphlineIdArg = parser.addArgument("--morphline-id")
        .help("The identifier of the morphline that shall be executed within the morphline config file " +
              "specified by --morphline-file. If the --morphline-id option is ommitted the first (i.e. " +
              "top-most) morphline within the config file is used. Example: morphline1");
      Argument solrHomeDirArg = nonSolrCloud(parser.addArgument("--solr-home-dir")
        .type(new FileArgumentType() {
          public File convert(ArgumentParser parser, Argument arg, String value) throws ArgumentParserException {
            File solrHomeDir = super.convert(parser, arg, value);
            File solrConfigFile = new File(new File(solrHomeDir, "conf"), "solrconfig.xml");
            new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead().convert(
                parser, arg, solrConfigFile.getPath());
            return solrHomeDir;
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a local dir containing Solr conf/ dir and in particular " +
              "conf/solrconfig.xml and optionally also lib/ dir. This directory will be uploaded to each MR task. " +
              "Example: src/test/resources/solr/minimr"));
      Argument updateConflictResolverArg = parser.addArgument("--update-conflict-resolver")
        .help("Fully qualified class name of a Java class that implements the UpdateConflictResolver interface. " +
            "This enables deduplication and ordering of a series of document updates for the same unique document " +
            "key. For example, a MapReduce batch job might index multiple files in the same job where some of the " +
            "files contain old and new versions of the very same document, using the same unique document key.\n" +
            "Typically, implementations of this interface forbid collisions by throwing an exception, or ignore all but " +
            "the most recent document version, or, in the general case, order colliding updates ascending from least " +
            "recent to most recent (partial) update. The caller of this interface (i.e. the Hadoop Reducer) will then " +
            "apply the updates to Solr in the order returned by the orderUpdates() method.\n" +
            "The default RetainMostRecentUpdateConflictResolver implementation ignores all but the most recent document " +
            "version, based on a configurable numeric Solr field, which defaults to the file_last_modified timestamp");
      Argument mappersArg = parser.addArgument("--mappers")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) // TODO: also support X% syntax where X is an integer
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of MR mapper tasks to use. -1 indicates use all map slots " +
              "available on the cluster.");
      Argument reducersArg = parser.addArgument("--reducers")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(-2, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) // TODO: also support X% syntax where X is an integer
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the number of reducers to index into. " +
            "0 is reserved for a mapper-only feature that may ship in a future release. " +
            "-1 indicates use all reduce slots available on the cluster. " +
            "-2 indicates use one reducer per output shard, which disables the mtree merge MR algorithm. " +
            "The mtree merge MR algorithm improves scalability by spreading load " +
            "(in particular CPU load) among a number of parallel reducers that can be much larger than the number " +
            "of solr shards expected by the user. It can be seen as an extension of concurrent lucene merges " +
            "and tiered lucene merges to the clustered case. The subsequent mapper-only phase " +
            "merges the output of said large number of reducers to the number of shards expected by the user, " +
            "again by utilizing more available parallelism on the cluster.");

      Argument fanoutArg = parser.addArgument("--fanout")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(2, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
      Argument maxSegmentsArg = parser.addArgument("--max-segments")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of segments to be contained on output in the index of " +
            "each reducer shard. After a reducer has built its output index it applies a merge policy to merge segments " +
            "until there are <= maxSegments lucene segments left in this index. " +
            "Merging segments involves reading and rewriting all data in all these segment files, " +
            "potentially multiple times, which is very I/O intensive and time consuming. " +
            "However, an index with fewer segments can later be merged faster, " +
            "and it can later be queried faster once deployed to a live Solr serving shard. " +
            "Set maxSegments to 1 to optimize the index for low query latency. " +
            "In a nutshell, a small maxSegments value trades indexing latency for subsequently improved query latency. " +
            "This can be a reasonable trade-off for batch indexing systems.");
      Argument fairSchedulerPoolArg = parser.addArgument("--fair-scheduler-pool")
        .help("Optional tuning knob that indicates the name of the fair scheduler pool to submit jobs to. " +
              "The Fair Scheduler is a pluggable MapReduce scheduler that provides a way to share large clusters. " +
              "Fair scheduling is a method of assigning resources to jobs such that all jobs get, on average, an " +
              "equal share of resources over time. When there is a single job running, that job uses the entire " +
              "cluster. When other jobs are submitted, tasks slots that free up are assigned to the new jobs, so " +
              "that each job gets roughly the same amount of CPU time. Unlike the default Hadoop scheduler, which " +
              "forms a queue of jobs, this lets short jobs finish in reasonable time while not starving long jobs. " +
              "It is also an easy way to share a cluster between multiple of users. Fair sharing can also work with " +
              "job priorities - the priorities are used as weights to determine the fraction of total compute time " +
              "that each job gets.");
      Argument dryRunArg = parser.addArgument("--dry-run")
        .help("Run in local mode and print documents to stdout instead of loading them into Solr. This executes " +
              "the morphline in the client process (without submitting a job to MR) for quicker turnaround during " +
              "early trial & debug sessions.");
      Argument log4jConfigFileArg = parser.addArgument("--log4j")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a config file on the local file system. This file " +
              "will be uploaded to each MR task. Example: /path/to/");
      Argument verboseArg = parser.addArgument("--verbose", "-v")
        .help("Turn on verbose output.");
        .help("Also show options for Non-SolrCloud mode as part of --help.");
      ArgumentGroup clusterInfoGroup = parser
          .addArgumentGroup("Cluster arguments")
              "Arguments that provide information about your Solr cluster. "
            + nonSolrCloud("If you are building shards for a SolrCloud cluster, pass the --zk-host argument. "
            + "If you are building shards for "
            + "a Non-SolrCloud cluster, pass the --shard-url argument one or more times. To build indexes for "
            + "a replicated Non-SolrCloud cluster with --shard-url, pass replica urls consecutively and also pass --shards. "
            + "Using --go-live requires either --zk-host or --shard-url."));

      Argument zkHostArg = clusterInfoGroup.addArgument("--zk-host")
        .help("The address of a ZooKeeper ensemble being used by a SolrCloud cluster. "
            + "This ZooKeeper ensemble will be examined to determine the number of output "
            + "shards to create as well as the Solr URLs to merge the output shards into when using the --go-live option. "
            + "Requires that you also pass the --collection to merge the shards into.\n"
            + "\n"
            + "The --zk-host option implements the same partitioning semantics as the standard SolrCloud "
            + "Near-Real-Time (NRT) API. This enables to mix batch updates from MapReduce ingestion with "
            + "updates from standard Solr NRT ingestion on the same SolrCloud cluster, "
            + "using identical unique document keys.\n"
            + "\n"
            + "Format is: a list of comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk "
            + "server. Example: ',,' If "
            + "the optional chroot suffix is used the example would look "
            + "like: ',,' "
            + "where the client would be rooted at '/solr' and all paths "
            + "would be relative to this root - i.e. getting/setting/etc... "
            + "'/foo/bar' would result in operations being run on "
            + "'/solr/foo/bar' (from the server perspective).\n"
            + nonSolrCloud("\n"
            + "If --solr-home-dir is not specified, the Solr home directory for the collection "
            + "will be downloaded from this ZooKeeper ensemble."));

      Argument shardUrlsArg = nonSolrCloud(clusterInfoGroup.addArgument("--shard-url")
        .help("Solr URL to merge resulting shard into if using --go-live. " +
              "Example: " +
              "Multiple --shard-url arguments can be specified, one for each desired shard. " +
              "If you are merging shards into a SolrCloud cluster, use --zk-host instead."));
      Argument shardsArg = nonSolrCloud(clusterInfoGroup.addArgument("--shards")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
        .help("Number of output shards to generate."));
      ArgumentGroup goLiveGroup = parser.addArgumentGroup("Go live arguments")
        .description("Arguments for merging the shards that are built into a live Solr cluster. " +
                     "Also see the Cluster arguments.");

      Argument goLiveArg = goLiveGroup.addArgument("--go-live")
        .help("Allows you to optionally merge the final index shards into a live Solr cluster after they are built. " +
              "You can pass the ZooKeeper address with --zk-host and the relevant cluster information will be auto detected. " +
              nonSolrCloud("If you are not using a SolrCloud cluster, --shard-url arguments can be used to specify each SolrCore to merge " +
              "each shard into."));

      Argument collectionArg = goLiveGroup.addArgument("--collection")
        .help("The SolrCloud collection to merge shards into when using --go-live and --zk-host. Example: collection1");
      Argument goLiveThreadsArg = goLiveGroup.addArgument("--go-live-threads")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of live merges to run in parallel at one time.");
      // trailing positional arguments
      Argument inputFilesArg = parser.addArgument("input-files")
        .type(new PathArgumentType(conf).verifyHasScheme().verifyExists().verifyCanRead())
        .help("HDFS URI of file or directory tree to index.");
      Namespace ns;
      try {
        ns = parser.parseArgs(args);
      } catch (FoundHelpArgument e) {
        return 0;
      } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
        return 1;
      opts.log4jConfigFile = (File) ns.get(log4jConfigFileArg.getDest());
      if (opts.log4jConfigFile != null) {
      LOG.debug("Parsed command line args: {}", ns);
      opts.inputLists = ns.getList(inputListArg.getDest());
      if (opts.inputLists == null) {
        opts.inputLists = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
      opts.inputFiles = ns.getList(inputFilesArg.getDest());
      opts.outputDir = (Path) ns.get(outputDirArg.getDest());
      opts.mappers = ns.getInt(mappersArg.getDest());
      opts.reducers = ns.getInt(reducersArg.getDest());
      opts.updateConflictResolver = ns.getString(updateConflictResolverArg.getDest());
      opts.fanout = ns.getInt(fanoutArg.getDest());
      opts.maxSegments = ns.getInt(maxSegmentsArg.getDest());
      opts.morphlineFile = (File) ns.get(morphlineFileArg.getDest());
      opts.morphlineId = ns.getString(morphlineIdArg.getDest());
      opts.solrHomeDir = (File) ns.get(solrHomeDirArg.getDest());
      opts.fairSchedulerPool = ns.getString(fairSchedulerPoolArg.getDest());
      opts.isDryRun = ns.getBoolean(dryRunArg.getDest());
      opts.isVerbose = ns.getBoolean(verboseArg.getDest());
      opts.zkHost = ns.getString(zkHostArg.getDest());
      opts.shards = ns.getInt(shardsArg.getDest());
      opts.shardUrls = buildShardUrls(ns.getList(shardUrlsArg.getDest()), opts.shards);
      opts.goLive = ns.getBoolean(goLiveArg.getDest());
      opts.goLiveThreads = ns.getInt(goLiveThreadsArg.getDest());
      opts.collection = ns.getString(collectionArg.getDest());

      try {
        if (opts.reducers == 0) {
          throw new ArgumentParserException("--reducers must not be zero", parser);
        verifyGoLiveArgs(opts, parser);
      } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
        return 1;

      if (opts.inputLists.isEmpty() && opts.inputFiles.isEmpty()) {"No input files specified - nothing to process");
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    if (args.length == 0) {
      args = new String[] { "--help" };

    final String descriptionHead = "Spark or MapReduce ETL";
    ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers
        .newArgumentParser("", false)
            descriptionHead + " batch job that pipes data from (splittable or non-splittable) HDFS files "
            + "into Apache Solr, and along the way runs the "
            + "data through a Morphline for extraction and transformation. The program is designed for "
            + "flexible, scalable and fault-tolerant batch ETL pipeline jobs. It is implemented as an Apache Crunch pipeline "
            + "and as such can run on either the Apache Hadoop MapReduce or Apache Spark execution engine.\n"
            + "\n"
            + "The program proceeds in several consecutive phases, as follows: "
            + "\n\n"
            + "1) Randomization phase: This (parallel) phase randomizes the list of HDFS input files in order to spread "
            + "ingestion load more evenly among the mapper tasks of the subsequent phase. This phase is only executed for "
            + "non-splittables files, and skipped otherwise."
            + "\n\n"
            + "2) Extraction phase: This (parallel) phase emits a series of HDFS file input streams (for non-splittable files) "
            + "or a series of input data records (for splittable files). "
            + "\n\n"
            + "3) Morphline phase: This (parallel) phase receives the items of the previous "
            + "phase, and uses a Morphline to extract the relevant content, transform it and load zero or more documents "
            + "into Solr. The ETL functionality is flexible and customizable using chains of arbitrary "
            + "morphline commands that pipe records from one transformation command to another. Commands to parse and "
            + "transform a set of standard data formats such as Avro, Parquet, CSV, Text, HTML, XML, PDF, MS-Office, etc. "
            + "are provided out of the box, and additional custom commands and parsers for additional file or data formats "
            + "can be added as custom morphline commands. Any kind of data format can be "
            + "processed and any kind output format can be generated by any custom Morphline ETL logic. Also, this phase "
            + "can be used to send data directly to a live SolrCloud cluster (via the loadSolr morphline command)."
            + "\n\n"
            + "The program is implemented as a Crunch pipeline and as such Crunch optimizes the logical phases mentioned "
            + "above into an efficient physical execution plan that runs a single mapper-only job, "
            + "or as the corresponding Spark equivalent."
            + "\n\n"
            + "Fault Tolerance: Task attempts are retried on failure per the standard MapReduce or Spark "
            + "semantics. If the whole job fails you can retry simply by rerunning the program again "
            + "using the same arguments."
    ArgumentGroup indexerArgGroup = parser.addArgumentGroup("CrunchIndexerOptions");
    // trailing positional arguments
    Argument inputFilesArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("input-files")
        .type(new PathArgumentType(conf).verifyExists().verifyCanRead())
        .help("HDFS URI of file or directory tree to ingest.");

    Argument inputFileListArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--input-file-list", "--input-list")
        .type(new PathArgumentType(conf).acceptSystemIn().verifyExists().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Local URI or HDFS URI of a UTF-8 encoded file containing a list of HDFS URIs to ingest, " +
            "one URI per line in the file. If '-' is specified, URIs are read from the standard input. " +
            "Multiple --input-file-list arguments can be specified.");

    Argument inputFormatArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--input-file-format")
        .help("The Hadoop FileInputFormat to use for extracting data from splittable HDFS files. Can be a "
            + "fully qualified Java class name or one of ['text', 'avro', 'avroParquet']. If this option "
            + "is present the extraction phase will emit a series of input data records rather than a series "
            + "of HDFS file input streams.");

    Argument inputFileProjectionSchemaArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--input-file-projection-schema")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to an Avro schema file on the local file system. This will be used "
            + "as the projection schema for Parquet input files.");

    Argument inputFileReaderSchemaArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--input-file-reader-schema")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to an Avro schema file on the local file system. This will be used "
            + "as the reader schema for Avro or Parquet input files. "
            + "Example: src/test/resources/test-documents/strings.avsc");

    Argument morphlineFileArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--morphline-file")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a local config file that contains one or more morphlines. "
            + "The file must be UTF-8 encoded. It will be uploaded to each remote task. "
            + "Example: /path/to/morphline.conf");

    Argument morphlineIdArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--morphline-id")
        .help("The identifier of the morphline that shall be executed within the morphline config file "
            + "specified by --morphline-file. If the --morphline-id option is omitted the first (i.e. "
            + "top-most) morphline within the config file is used. Example: morphline1");

    Argument pipelineTypeArg = indexerArgGroup.addArgument("--pipeline-type")
        .help("The engine to use for executing the job. Can be 'mapreduce' or 'spark'.");

    ArgumentGroup miscArgGroup = indexerArgGroup; //parser.addArgumentGroup("Misc arguments");

    miscArgGroup.addArgument("--xhelp", "--help", "-help")
        .help("Show this help message and exit")
        .action(new HelpArgumentAction() {
          public void run(ArgumentParser parser, Argument arg, Map<String, Object> attrs, String flag, Object value) throws ArgumentParserException {
            StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter();
            parser.printHelp(new PrintWriter(strWriter, true));
            String help = strWriter.toString();
            int i = help.indexOf(descriptionHead);
            String description = help.substring(i).trim();
            String usage = help.substring("usage: ".length(), i).trim();
                      "MapReduceUsage: export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$myDependencyJarPaths; hadoop jar $myDriverJar \n" + CrunchIndexerTool.class.getName()
                    + " --libjars $myDependencyJarFiles [MapReduceGenericOptions]...\n"
                    + "        " + usage + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "SparkUsage: spark-submit [SparkGenericOptions]... "
                    + "--master local|yarn --deploy-mode client|cluster\n"
                    + "--jars $myDependencyJarFiles --class " + CrunchIndexerTool.class.getName() + " $myDriverJar\n"
                    + "        " + usage + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + description + "\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "SparkGenericOptions:     To print all options run 'spark-submit --help'\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "MapReduceGenericOptions: " + ToolRunnerHelpFormatter.getGenericCommandUsage()
                      "Examples: \n\n"
                    + "# Prepare - Copy input files into HDFS:\n"
                    + "hadoop fs -copyFromLocal src/test/resources/test-documents/hello1.txt hdfs:/user/systest/input/\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Prepare variables for convenient reuse:\n"
                    + "export myDriverJarDir=target # for build from git\n"
                    + "export myDriverJarDir=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/contrib/crunch # for CDH with parcels\n"
                    + "export myDriverJarDir=/usr/lib/solr/contrib/crunch # for CDH with packages\n"
                    + "export myDependencyJarDir=target/lib # for build from git\n"
                    + "export myDependencyJarDir=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/search/lib/search-crunch # for CDH with parcels\n"
                    + "export myDependencyJarDir=/usr/lib/search/lib/search-crunch # for CDH with packages\n"
                    + "export myDriverJar=$(find $myDriverJarDir -maxdepth 1 -name '*.jar' ! -name '*-job.jar' ! -name '*-sources.jar')\n"
                    + "export myDependencyJarFiles=$(find $myDependencyJarDir -name '*.jar' | sort | tr '\\n' ',' | head -c -1)\n"
                    + "export myDependencyJarPaths=$(find $myDependencyJarDir -name '*.jar' | sort | tr '\\n' ':' | head -c -1)\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# MapReduce on Yarn - Ingest text file line by line into Solr:\n"
                    + "export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$myDependencyJarPaths; hadoop \\\n"
                    + "  --config /etc/hadoop/conf.cloudera.YARN-1 \\\n"
                    + "  jar $myDriverJar " + CrunchIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n"
                    + "  --libjars $myDependencyJarFiles \\\n"
                    + "  -D '' \\\n"
                    + "  -D morphlineVariable.ZK_HOST=$(hostname):2181/solr \\\n"
                    + "  --files src/test/resources/test-documents/string.avsc \\\n"
                    + "  --morphline-file src/test/resources/test-morphlines/loadSolrLine.conf \\\n"
                    + "  --pipeline-type mapreduce \\\n"
                    + "  --chatty \\\n"
                    + "  --log4j src/test/resources/ \\\n"
                    + "  /user/systest/input/hello1.txt\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Spark in Local Mode (for rapid prototyping) - Ingest into Solr:\n"
                    + "spark-submit \\\n"
                    + "  --master local \\\n"
                    + "  --deploy-mode client \\\n"
                    + "  --jars $myDependencyJarFiles \\\n"
                    + "  --executor-memory 500M \\\n"
                    + "  # --driver-library-path /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hadoop/lib/native # for Snappy on CDH with parcels\\\n"
                    + "  # --driver-library-path /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native # for Snappy on CDH with packages \\\n"
                    + "  --class " + CrunchIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n"
                    + "  $myDriverJar \\\n"
                    + "  -D morphlineVariable.ZK_HOST=$(hostname):2181/solr \\\n"
                    + "  --morphline-file src/test/resources/test-morphlines/loadSolrLine.conf \\\n"
                    + "  --pipeline-type spark \\\n"
                    + "  --chatty \\\n"
                    + "  --log4j src/test/resources/ \\\n"
                    + "  /user/systest/input/hello1.txt\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Spark on Yarn in Client Mode (for testing) - Ingest into Solr:\n"
                    + "Same as above, except replace '--master local' with '--master yarn'\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# View the yarn executor log files (there is no GUI yet):\n"
                    + "yarn logs --applicationId $application_XYZ\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Spark on Yarn in Cluster Mode (for production) - Ingest into Solr:\n"
                    + "spark-submit \\\n"
                    + "  --master yarn \\\n"
                    + "  --deploy-mode cluster \\\n"
                    + "  --jars $myDependencyJarFiles \\\n"
                    + "  --executor-memory 500M \\\n"
                    + "  --class " + CrunchIndexerTool.class.getName() + " \\\n"
                    + "  --files src/test/resources/,src/test/resources/test-morphlines/loadSolrLine.conf \\\n"
                    + "  $myDriverJar \\\n"
                    + "  -D hadoop.tmp.dir=/tmp \\\n"
                    + "  -D morphlineVariable.ZK_HOST=$(hostname):2181/solr \\\n"
                    + "  --morphline-file loadSolrLine.conf \\\n"
                    + "  --pipeline-type spark \\\n"
                    + "  --chatty \\\n"
                    + "  --log4j \\\n"
                    + "  /user/systest/input/hello1.txt\n"
            throw new FoundHelpArgument(); // Trick to prevent processing of any remaining arguments

    Argument mappersArg = miscArgGroup.addArgument("--mappers")
        .choices(new RangeArgumentChoice(-1, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) // TODO: also support X% syntax where X is an integer
        .help("Tuning knob that indicates the maximum number of MR mapper tasks to use. -1 indicates use all map slots " +
            "available on the cluster. This parameter only applies to non-splittable input files");

    Argument dryRunArg = miscArgGroup.addArgument("--dry-run")
        .help("Run the pipeline but print documents to stdout instead of loading them into Solr. " +
              "This can be used for quicker turnaround during early trial & debug sessions.");

    Argument log4jConfigFileArg = miscArgGroup.addArgument("--log4j")
        .type(new FileArgumentType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead())
        .help("Relative or absolute path to a config file on the local file system. This file " +
            "will be uploaded to each remote task. Example: /path/to/");

    Argument verboseArg = miscArgGroup.addArgument("--chatty")
        .help("Turn on verbose output.");

    Namespace ns;
    try {
      ns = parser.parseArgs(args);
    } catch (FoundHelpArgument e) {
      return 0;
    } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
      return 1;

    opts.log4jConfigFile = (File) ns.get(log4jConfigFileArg.getDest());
    if (opts.log4jConfigFile != null) {
    LOG.debug("Parsed command line args: {}", ns);

    opts.inputFileLists = getList(ns, inputFileListArg);
    opts.inputFiles = ns.get(inputFilesArg.getDest());
    opts.mappers = (Integer) ns.get(mappersArg.getDest());
    opts.morphlineFile = ns.get(morphlineFileArg.getDest());
    opts.morphlineId = ns.get(morphlineIdArg.getDest());
    opts.pipelineType = ns.get(pipelineTypeArg.getDest());
    opts.isDryRun = (Boolean) ns.get(dryRunArg.getDest());
    opts.isVerbose = (Boolean) ns.get(verboseArg.getDest());

    try {
      opts.inputFileReaderSchema = parseSchema((File)ns.get(inputFileReaderSchemaArg.getDest()), parser);
      opts.inputFileProjectionSchema = parseSchema((File)ns.get(inputFileProjectionSchemaArg.getDest()), parser);
      opts.inputFileFormat = getClass(inputFormatArg, ns, FileInputFormat.class, parser, INPUT_FORMAT_SUBSTITUTIONS);
      String sparkMaster = System.getProperty("spark.master");
      if (opts.pipelineType == PipelineType.spark) {
        if (sparkMaster == null) {
          throw new ArgumentParserException("--pipeline-type=" + PipelineType.spark + " must not run as a MapReduce job", parser);
      } else if (opts.pipelineType == PipelineType.mapreduce) {
        if (sparkMaster != null) {
          throw new ArgumentParserException("--pipeline-type=" + PipelineType.mapreduce + " must not run as a Spark job", parser);
    } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
      return 1;

    return null;
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    private static Namespace parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws ArgumentParserException {
        String usage = "java -jar " + new JarLocation(DictionaryUser.class);
        ArgumentParser argParser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser(usage).defaultHelp(true);
        argParser.addArgument("config-file").nargs("?").help("yaml configuration file");
        argParser.addArgument("word-file").nargs("+").help("one or more files containing words");
        return argParser.parseArgs(args);
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     * @param args the arguments from the command line input
     * @return true if two inputs were read with no differences, false if differences were found or an error was encountered
    protected static boolean runDiffy( String[] args ) {
        ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser( "diffy" )
                .description( "Jolt CLI Diffy Tool. This tool will ingest two JSON inputs (from files or standard input) and " +
                        "perform the Jolt Diffy operation to detect any differences. The program will return and exit code of " +
                        "0 if no differences are found or a 1 if a difference is found or an error is encountered." )
                .defaultHelp( true );

        File nullFile = null;
        parser.addArgument( "filePath1" ).help( "File path to feed to Input #1 for the Diffy operation. " +
                "This file should contain properly formatted JSON." )
                .type( Arguments.fileType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead() );
        parser.addArgument( "filePath2" ).help( "File path to feed to Input #2 for the Diffy operation. " +
                "This file should contain properly formatted JSON. " +
                "This argument is mutually exclusive with -i; one or the other should be specified." )
                .type( Arguments.fileType().verifyExists().verifyIsFile().verifyCanRead() )
                .nargs( "?" ).setDefault( nullFile );   // these last two method calls make filePath2 optional

        parser.addArgument( "-s" ).help( "Diffy will suppress output and run silently." )
                .action( Arguments.storeTrue() );
        parser.addArgument( "-a" ).help( "Diffy will not consider array order when detecting differences" )
                .action( Arguments.storeTrue() );
        parser.addArgument( "-i" ).help( "Diffy will use standard in as input for Input #2 rather than the filePath2 argument. " +
                "Standard in should contain properly formatted JSON." )
                .action( Arguments.storeTrue() );

        Namespace ns;
        try {
            ns = parser.parseArgs( args );
        } catch ( ArgumentParserException e ) {
            parser.handleError( e );
            return false;

        boolean suppressOutput = ns.getBoolean( "s" );

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     * @param args the arguments from the command line input
     * @return true if two inputs were read with no differences, false if differences were found or an error was encountered
    protected static boolean runJolt( String[] args ) {
        ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser( "jolt" );
        Subparsers subparsers = parser.addSubparsers().help( "transform: given a Jolt transform spec, runs the specified transforms on the input data.\n" +
                "diffy: diff two JSON documents.\n" +
                "sort: sort a JSON document alphabetically for human readability." );

        for ( Map.Entry<String, JoltCliProcessor> entry : JOLT_CLI_PROCESSOR_MAP.entrySet() ) {
            entry.getValue().intializeSubCommand( subparsers );

        Namespace ns;
        try {
            ns = parser.parseArgs( args );
        } catch ( ArgumentParserException e ) {
            parser.handleError( e );
            return false;

        JoltCliProcessor joltToolProcessor = JOLT_CLI_PROCESSOR_MAP.get( args[0] );
        if ( joltToolProcessor != null ) {
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        Closeables.close(curator, true);

    private static Namespace parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws ArgumentParserException {
        String usage = "java -jar " + new JarLocation(CalculatorProxyUser.class);
        ArgumentParser argParser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser(usage).defaultHelp(true);
        argParser.addArgument("config-file").nargs("?").help("yaml configuration file");
        return argParser.parseArgs(args);
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        Closeables.close(curator, true);

    private static Namespace parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws ArgumentParserException {
        String usage = "java -jar " + new JarLocation(CalculatorUser.class);
        ArgumentParser argParser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser(usage).defaultHelp(true);
        argParser.addArgument("config-file").nargs("?").help("yaml configuration file");
        return argParser.parseArgs(args);
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        Closeables.close(curator, true);

    private static Namespace parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws ArgumentParserException {
        String usage = "java -jar " + new JarLocation(DictionaryUser.class);
        ArgumentParser argParser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser(usage).defaultHelp(true);
        argParser.addArgument("config-file").nargs("?").help("yaml configuration file");
        argParser.addArgument("word-file").nargs("+").help("one or more files containing words");
        return argParser.parseArgs(args);
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  private final Argument noLogSetupArg;

  public ServiceParser(final String programName, final String description, final String... args)
      throws ArgumentParserException {

    final ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParsers.newArgumentParser(programName)

    nameArg = parser.addArgument("--name")
        .help("hostname to register as");

    domainArg = parser.addArgument("--domain")
        .help("Service registration domain.");

    serviceRegistryArg = parser.addArgument("--service-registry")
        .help("Service registry address. Overrides domain.");

    serviceRegistrarPluginArg = parser.addArgument("--service-registrar-plugin")
        .help("Service registration plugin.");

    zooKeeperConnectStringArg = parser.addArgument("--zk")
        .help("zookeeper connection string");

    zooKeeperSessiontimeoutArg = parser.addArgument("--zk-session-timeout")
        .setDefault((int) SECONDS.toMillis(60))
        .help("zookeeper session timeout");

    zooKeeperConnectiontimeoutArg = parser.addArgument("--zk-connection-timeout")
        .setDefault((int) SECONDS.toMillis(15))
        .help("zookeeper connection timeout");

    zooKeeperNamespace = parser.addArgument("--zk-namespace")
        .setDefault((String) null)
        .help("Prefix for helios zookeeper namespace");

    zooKeeperClusterId = parser.addArgument("--zk-cluster-id")
        .setDefault((String) null)
        .help("Optional cluster ID to ensure we are connected to the right cluster");

    noMetricsArg = parser.addArgument("--no-metrics")
        .help("Turn off all collection and reporting of metrics");

    statsdHostPortArg = parser.addArgument("--statsd-host-port")
        .setDefault((String) null)
        .help("host:port of where to send statsd metrics "
              + "(to be useful, --no-metrics must *NOT* be specified)");

    riemannHostPortArg = parser.addArgument("--riemann-host-port")
        .setDefault((String) null)
        .help("host:port of where to send riemann events and metrics "
              + "(to be useful, --no-metrics must *NOT* be specified)");

    verboseArg = parser.addArgument("-v", "--verbose")

    syslogArg = parser.addArgument("--syslog")
        .help("Log to syslog.")

    logconfigArg = parser.addArgument("--logconfig")
        .help("Logback configuration file.");

    noLogSetupArg = parser.addArgument("--no-log-setup")

    sentryDsnArg = parser.addArgument("--sentry-dsn")
        .setDefault((String) null)
        .help("The sentry data source name");


    try {
      this.options = parser.parseArgs(args);
    } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
      throw e;
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Related Classes of net.sourceforge.argparse4j.inf.ArgumentParser

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