Package net.floodlightcontroller.devicemanager

Examples of net.floodlightcontroller.devicemanager.IDevice

        Entity entity2 = new Entity(2L, (short)2, 2, 1L, 2, new Date());
        Entity entity3 = new Entity(3L, (short)3, 3, 5L, 1, new Date());
        Entity entity4 = new Entity(4L, (short)4, 3, 5L, 2, new Date());
        Entity entity5 = new Entity(1L, (short)4, 3, 5L, 2, new Date());

        IDevice d1 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity1);
        IDevice d2 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity2);
        IDevice d3 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity3);
        IDevice d4 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity4);
        assertEquals(d1.getEntityClass(), d2.getEntityClass());
        assertEquals(d1.getEntityClass(), d3.getEntityClass());
        assertEquals(d1.getEntityClass(), d4.getEntityClass());

        IDevice d;

        Iterator<? extends IDevice> iter =
                deviceManager.queryClassDevices(d1.getEntityClass(), null,
                                                (short)1, 1, null, null);
        int count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            count += 1;
            d =;
            assertEquals(d1.getDeviceKey(), d.getDeviceKey());
        assertEquals(1, count);

        iter = deviceManager.queryClassDevices(d1.getEntityClass(), null,
                                               (short)3, 3, null, null);
        count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            count += 1;
            d =;
            assertEquals(d3.getDeviceKey(), d.getDeviceKey());

        assertEquals(1, count);

        iter = deviceManager.queryClassDevices(d1.getEntityClass(), null,
                                               (short)1, 3, null, null);
        count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            count += 1;
        assertEquals(0, count);

        IDevice d5 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity5);
        assertEquals(d1.getEntityClass(), d5.getEntityClass());
        iter = deviceManager.queryClassDevices(d1.getEntityClass(), null,
                                               (short)4, 3, null, null);
        count = 0;
        Set<Long> deviceKeysFromIterator = new HashSet<Long>();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            count += 1;
            d =;
        Set<Long> expectedDeviceKeys = new HashSet<Long>();
        assertEquals(expectedDeviceKeys, deviceKeysFromIterator);
        assertEquals(2, count);
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        Entity entity4 = new Entity(4L, (short)2, 4, 2L, 2, new Date());

        Entity entity5 = new Entity(5L, (short)1, 5, 3L, 1, new Date());

        IDevice d1 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity1);
        IDevice d2 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity2);
        IDevice d3 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity3);
        IDevice d4 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity4);
        IDevice d5 = deviceManager.learnDeviceByEntity(entity5);

        // Make sure the entity classifier worked as expected
        assertEquals(MockEntityClassifierMac.testECMac1, d1.getEntityClass());
        assertEquals(MockEntityClassifierMac.testECMac1, d2.getEntityClass());
        assertEquals(MockEntityClassifierMac.testECMac2, d3.getEntityClass());
        assertEquals(MockEntityClassifierMac.testECMac2, d4.getEntityClass());

        // Look up the device using findDevice() which uses only the primary
        // index
        assertEquals(d1, deviceManager.findDevice(entity1.getMacAddress(),
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    private IDevice getSingleDeviceFromDeviceManager(long mac) {
        Iterator<? extends IDevice> diter =
                deviceManager.queryDevices(mac, null, null, null, null);
        assertTrue("Query didn't return a device", diter.hasNext());
        IDevice d =;
        assertFalse("Query returned more than one device", diter.hasNext());
        return d;
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        storeClient.put("FooBar", versionedDsr);


        // Query for the Device1. Make sure we have the two IPs we stored.
        IDevice d = getSingleDeviceFromDeviceManager(1L);
        assertDeviceIps(new Integer[] {3, 33}, d);
        assertArrayEquals(new Short[] { Ethernet.VLAN_UNTAGGED }, d.getVlanId());
        swp = new SwitchPort(4L, 5);
        assertArrayEquals(new SwitchPort[] { swp }, d.getAttachmentPoints());

        // Query for Device2. Make sure we only have the more recent AP
        // Query for the Device1. Make sure we have the two IPs we stored.
        d = getSingleDeviceFromDeviceManager(2L);
        assertArrayEquals(new Integer[0], d.getIPv4Addresses());
        assertArrayEquals(new Short[] { Ethernet.VLAN_UNTAGGED }, d.getVlanId());
        swp = new SwitchPort(4L, 5);
        assertArrayEquals(new SwitchPort[] { swp }, d.getAttachmentPoints());

        // add another entry device to the store. since device manager is
        // already master we won't read this device and it should be
        // removed from the store by the consolidate task
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Related Classes of net.floodlightcontroller.devicemanager.IDevice

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