Examples of NetworkOfferingVO

Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

        boolean isDomainSpecific = false;
        Boolean subdomainAccess = cmd.getSubdomainAccess();
        Long vpcId = cmd.getVpcId();

        // Validate network offering
        NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId);
        if (ntwkOff == null || ntwkOff.isSystemOnly()) {
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network offering by specified id");
            if (ntwkOff != null) {
                ex.addProxyObject(ntwkOff, networkOfferingId, "networkOfferingId");               
                // Get the VO object's table name.
                String tablename = AnnotationHelper.getTableName(ntwkOff);
                if (tablename != null) {
                    ex.addProxyObject(tablename, networkOfferingId, "networkOfferingId");
                } else {
                    s_logger.info("\nCould not retrieve table name (annotation) from " + tablename + " VO proxy object\n");
                throw ex;
            throw ex;
        // validate physical network and zone
        // Check if physical network exists
        PhysicalNetwork pNtwk = null;
        if (physicalNetworkId != null) {
            pNtwk = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId);
            if (pNtwk == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find a physical network having the specified physical network id");

        if (zoneId == null) {
            zoneId = pNtwk.getDataCenterId();

        DataCenter zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId);
        if (zone == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified zone id was not found");
        if (Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState() && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getType())) {
            // See DataCenterVO.java
            PermissionDeniedException ex = new PermissionDeniedException("Cannot perform this operation since specified Zone is currently disabled");
            ex.addProxyObject(zone, zoneId, "zoneId");
            throw ex;           

        // Only domain and account ACL types are supported in Acton.
        ACLType aclType = null;
        if (aclTypeStr != null) {
            if (aclTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ACLType.Account.toString())) {
                aclType = ACLType.Account;
            } else if (aclTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ACLType.Domain.toString())) {
                aclType = ACLType.Domain;
            } else {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Incorrect aclType specified. Check the API documentation for supported types");
            // In 3.0 all Shared networks should have aclType == Domain, all Isolated networks aclType==Account
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) {
                if (aclType != ACLType.Account) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("AclType should be " + ACLType.Account + " for network of type " + Network.GuestType.Isolated);
            } else if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) {
                if (!(aclType == ACLType.Domain || aclType == ACLType.Account)) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("AclType should be " + ACLType.Domain + " or " +
                ACLType.Account + " for network of type " + Network.GuestType.Shared);
        } else {
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) {
                aclType = ACLType.Account;
            } else if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) {
                aclType = ACLType.Domain;

        // Only Admin can create Shared networks
        if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared && !_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getType())) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only Admins can create network with guest type " + GuestType.Shared);

        // Check if the network is domain specific
        if (aclType == ACLType.Domain) {
            // only Admin can create domain with aclType=Domain
            if (!_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getType())) {
                throw new PermissionDeniedException("Only admin can create networks with aclType=Domain");

            // only shared networks can be Domain specific
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() != GuestType.Shared) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only " + GuestType.Shared + " networks can have aclType=" + ACLType.Domain);

            if (domainId != null) {
                if (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Domain level networks are supported just for traffic type "
                + TrafficType.Guest + " and guest type " + Network.GuestType.Shared);

                DomainVO domain = _domainDao.findById(domainId);
                if (domain == null) {                   
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find domain by specified id");
                _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, domain);
            isDomainSpecific = true;

        } else if (subdomainAccess != null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Parameter subDomainAccess can be specified only with aclType=Domain");
        Account owner = null;
        if ((cmd.getAccountName() != null && domainId != null) || cmd.getProjectId() != null) {
            owner = _accountMgr.finalizeOwner(caller, cmd.getAccountName(), domainId, cmd.getProjectId());
        } else {
            owner = caller;


        // if end ip is not specified, default it to startIp
        if (startIP != null) {
            if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(startIP)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the startIp parameter");
            if (endIP == null) {
                endIP = startIP;
            } else if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(endIP)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the endIp parameter");

        if (startIP != null && endIP != null) {
            if (!(gateway != null && netmask != null)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("gateway and netmask should be defined when startIP/endIP are passed in");

        String cidr = null;
        if (gateway != null && netmask != null) {
            if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(gateway)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid gateway");
            if (!NetUtils.isValidNetmask(netmask)) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid netmask");

            cidr = NetUtils.ipAndNetMaskToCidr(gateway, netmask);

        // Regular user can create Guest Isolated Source Nat enabled network only
        if (caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL
                && (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Isolated
                        && areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat))) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Regular user can create a network only from the network" +
                    " offering having traffic type " + TrafficType.Guest + " and network type "
                    + Network.GuestType.Isolated + " with a service " + Service.SourceNat.getName() + " enabled");

        // Don't allow to specify vlan if the caller is a regular user
        if (caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL && (ntwkOff.getSpecifyVlan() || vlanId != null)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Regular user is not allowed to specify vlanId");

        // For non-root admins check cidr limit - if it's allowed by global config value
        if (caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN && cidr != null) {

            String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/");
            int cidrSize = Integer.valueOf(cidrPair[1]);

            if (cidrSize < _cidrLimit) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cidr size can't be less than " + _cidrLimit);

        if (cidr != null && networkOfferingIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking(networkOfferingId)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot specify CIDR when using network offering with external devices!");

        // Vlan is created in 2 cases - works in Advance zone only:
        // 1) GuestType is Shared
        // 2) GuestType is Isolated, but SourceNat service is disabled
        boolean createVlan = (startIP != null && endIP != null && zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced
                && ((ntwkOff.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared)
                || (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated &&
                !areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat))));

        // Can add vlan range only to the network which allows it
        if (createVlan && !ntwkOff.getSpecifyIpRanges()) {
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network offering with specified id doesn't support adding multiple ip ranges");
            ex.addProxyObject(ntwkOff, ntwkOff.getId(), "networkOfferingId");
            String tablename = AnnotationHelper.getTableName(ntwkOff);
            if (tablename != null) {
                ex.addProxyObject(tablename, ntwkOff.getId(), "networkOfferingId");
            } else {
                s_logger.info("\nCould not retrieve table name (annotation) from " + tablename + " VO proxy object\n");
            throw ex;  
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO


    protected void createDefaultNetworkOfferings() {

        NetworkOfferingVO publicNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemPublicNetwork,
                TrafficType.Public, true);
        publicNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(publicNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO managementNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemManagementNetwork,
                TrafficType.Management, false);
        managementNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(managementNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO controlNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemControlNetwork,
                TrafficType.Control, false);
        controlNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(controlNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO storageNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemStorageNetwork,
                TrafficType.Storage, true);
        storageNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(storageNetworkOffering);
        NetworkOfferingVO privateGatewayNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(NetworkOfferingVO.SystemPrivateGatewayNetworkOffering, GuestType.Isolated);
        privateGatewayNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(privateGatewayNetworkOffering);

        //populate providers
        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VirtualRouter);

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> defaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingProviders = defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders;

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.SecurityGroup, Provider.SecurityGroupProvider);

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Firewall, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Gateway, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Lb, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.SourceNat, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.StaticNat, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.PortForwarding, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Vpn, Provider.VirtualRouter);

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> netscalerServiceProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VirtualRouter);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.SecurityGroup, Provider.SecurityGroupProvider);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.StaticNat, Provider.Netscaler);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.Lb, Provider.Netscaler);

        // The only one diff between 1 and 2 network offerings is that the first one has SG enabled. In Basic zone only
        // first network offering has to be enabled, in Advance zone - the second one
        Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();

        // Offering #1
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultSharedSGNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Shared Security group enabled networks",
                false, true, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Shared, true, true, false, false, false);

        defaultSharedSGNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultSharedSGNetworkOffering);

        for (Service service : defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO(defaultSharedSGNetworkOffering.getId(), service, defaultSharedSGNetworkOfferingProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

        // Offering #2
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultSharedNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Shared networks",
                false, true, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Shared, true, true, false, false, false);

        defaultSharedNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultSharedNetworkOffering);

        for (Service service : defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO(defaultSharedNetworkOffering.getId(), service, defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

        // Offering #3
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Isolated networks with Source Nat service enabled",
                false, false, null, null, true, Availability.Required,
                null, Network.GuestType.Isolated, true, false, false, false, true);

        defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOffering);

        for (Service service : defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO
                    (defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOffering.getId(), service, defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

        // Offering #4
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultIsolatedEnabledNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Isolated networks with no Source Nat service",
                false, true, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Isolated, true, true, false, false, false);

        defaultIsolatedEnabledNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultIsolatedEnabledNetworkOffering);

        for (Service service : defaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO(defaultIsolatedEnabledNetworkOffering.getId(), service, defaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

        // Offering #5
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultNetscalerNetworkOffering = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Shared networks with Elastic IP and Elastic LB capabilities",
                false, true, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Shared, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false);

        defaultNetscalerNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultNetscalerNetworkOffering);

        for (Service service : netscalerServiceProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO(defaultNetscalerNetworkOffering.getId(), service, netscalerServiceProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

        // Offering #6
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Isolated Vpc networks with Source Nat service enabled",
                false, false, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, false, false, false, true);

        defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks);

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.NetworkACL, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Gateway, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Lb, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.SourceNat, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.StaticNat, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.PortForwarding, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.put(Service.Vpn, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);

        for (Service service : defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO
                    (defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks.getId(), service, defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

        // Offering #7
        NetworkOfferingVO defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Isolated Vpc networks with Source Nat service enabled and LB service Disabled",
                false, false, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, false, false, false, false);

        defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB);

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.NetworkACL, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.Gateway, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.SourceNat, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.StaticNat, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.PortForwarding, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.put(Service.Vpn, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);

        for (Service service : defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO
                    (defaultNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB.getId(), service, defaultVpcNetworkOfferingProvidersNoLB.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);
        //offering #8 - network offering with internal lb service
        NetworkOfferingVO internalLbOff = new NetworkOfferingVO(
                "Offering for Isolated Vpc networks with Internal LB support",
                false, false, null, null, true, Availability.Optional,
                null, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, false, false, true, false);

        internalLbOff = _networkOfferingDao.persistDefaultNetworkOffering(internalLbOff);

        Map<Network.Service, Network.Provider> internalLbOffProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Network.Provider>();
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Dns, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.UserData, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.NetworkACL, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Gateway, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Lb, Provider.InternalLbVm);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.SourceNat, Provider.VPCVirtualRouter);

        for (Service service : internalLbOffProviders.keySet()) {
            NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO
                    (internalLbOff.getId(), service, internalLbOffProviders.get(service));
            s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService);

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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

        if (serviceProviderMap != null && serviceProviderMap.containsKey(Service.Lb) && !internalLb && !publicLb) {
            //if not specified, default public lb to true
            publicLb = true;

        NetworkOfferingVO offering = new NetworkOfferingVO(name, displayText, trafficType, systemOnly, specifyVlan,
                networkRate, multicastRate, isDefault, availability, tags, type, conserveMode, dedicatedLb,
                sharedSourceNat, redundantRouter, elasticIp, elasticLb, specifyIpRanges, inline, isPersistent,
                associatePublicIp, publicLb, internalLb, egressDefaultPolicy);

        if (serviceOfferingId != null) {

        // validate the details
        if (details != null) {
            validateNtwkOffDetails(details, serviceProviderMap);

        Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
        // 1) create network offering object
        s_logger.debug("Adding network offering " + offering);
        offering = _networkOfferingDao.persist(offering, details);
        // 2) populate services and providers
        if (serviceProviderMap != null) {
            for (Network.Service service : serviceProviderMap.keySet()) {
                Set<Provider> providers = serviceProviderMap.get(service);
                if (providers != null && !providers.isEmpty()) {
                    boolean vpcOff = false;
                    for (Network.Provider provider : providers) {
                        if (provider == Provider.VPCVirtualRouter) {
                            vpcOff = true;
                        NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO(offering.getId(),
                                service, provider);
                        s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService + " with provider "
                                + provider.getName());

                    if (vpcOff) {
                        List<Service> supportedSvcs = new ArrayList<Service>();
                        _vpcMgr.validateNtwkOffForVpc(offering, supportedSvcs);
                } else {
                    NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO offService = new NetworkOfferingServiceMapVO(offering.getId(), service,
                    s_logger.trace("Added service for the network offering: " + offService + " with null provider");


        UserContext.current().setEventDetails(" Id: " + offering.getId() + " Name: " + name);
        return offering;
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

    public boolean deleteNetworkOffering(DeleteNetworkOfferingCmd cmd) {
        Long offeringId = cmd.getId();
        UserContext.current().setEventDetails(" Id: " + offeringId);

        // Verify network offering id
        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(offeringId);
        if (offering == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find network offering " + offeringId);
        } else if (offering.getRemoved() != null || offering.isSystemOnly()) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find network offering " + offeringId);

        // Don't allow to delete default network offerings
        if (offering.isDefault() == true) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Default network offering can't be deleted");

        // don't allow to delete network offering if it's in use by existing
        // networks (the offering can be disabled
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

        Availability availability = null;
        String state = cmd.getState();
        UserContext.current().setEventDetails(" Id: " + id);

        // Verify input parameters
        NetworkOfferingVO offeringToUpdate = _networkOfferingDao.findById(id);
        if (offeringToUpdate == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find network offering " + id);

        // Don't allow to update system network offering
        if (offeringToUpdate.isSystemOnly()) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't update system network offerings");

        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.createForUpdate(id);

        if (name != null) {

        if (displayText != null) {

        if (sortKey != null) {

        if (state != null) {
            boolean validState = false;
            for (NetworkOffering.State st : NetworkOffering.State.values()) {
                if (st.name().equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
                    validState = true;
            if (!validState) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Incorrect state value: " + state);

        // Verify availability
        if (availabilityStr != null) {
            for (Availability avlb : Availability.values()) {
                if (avlb.name().equalsIgnoreCase(availabilityStr)) {
                    availability = avlb;
            if (availability == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid value for Availability. Supported types: "
                        + Availability.Required + ", " + Availability.Optional);
            } else {
                if (availability == NetworkOffering.Availability.Required) {
                    boolean canOffBeRequired = (offeringToUpdate.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated && _networkModel
                            .areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(offeringToUpdate.getId(), Service.SourceNat));
                    if (!canOffBeRequired) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Availability can be "
                                + NetworkOffering.Availability.Required + " only for networkOfferings of type "
                                + GuestType.Isolated + " and with " + Service.SourceNat.getName() + " enabled");

                    // only one network offering in the system can be Required
                    List<NetworkOfferingVO> offerings = _networkOfferingDao.listByAvailability(Availability.Required,
                    if (!offerings.isEmpty() && offerings.get(0).getId() != offeringToUpdate.getId()) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException("System already has network offering id="
                                + offerings.get(0).getId() + " with availability " + Availability.Required);
        if (_ntwkOffServiceMapDao.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(offering.getId(), Service.Lb)){
            if (maxconn != null) {

        if (_networkOfferingDao.update(id, offering)) {
            return _networkOfferingDao.findById(id);
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

            if(pf != null){
    } else if(usageRecord.getUsageType() == UsageTypes.NETWORK_OFFERING){
      //Network Offering Id
      NetworkOfferingVO netOff = _entityMgr.findByIdIncludingRemoved(NetworkOfferingVO.class, usageRecord.getOfferingId().toString());
      //is Default
      usageRecResponse.setDefault((usageRecord.getUsageId() == 1)? true:false);
        } else if(usageRecord.getUsageType() == UsageTypes.VPN_USERS){
            //VPN User ID
            VpnUserVO vpnUser = _entityMgr.findByIdIncludingRemoved(VpnUserVO.class, usageRecord.getUsageId().toString());
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

        defaultVPCOffProviders.put(Service.Vpn, defaultProviders);

        Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();

        NetworkOfferingVO offering = null;
        //#1 - quick cloud network offering
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.QuickCloudNoServices) == null) {
            offering =
                            "Offering for QuickCloud with no services", TrafficType.Guest, null, true,
                            Availability.Optional, null, new HashMap<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>>(), true,
                            Network.GuestType.Shared, false, null, true, null, true, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);
        //#2 - SG enabled network offering
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultSharedNetworkOfferingWithSGService) == null) {
            offering =
                            "Offering for Shared Security group enabled networks", TrafficType.Guest, null, true,
                            Availability.Optional, null, defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders, true,
                            Network.GuestType.Shared, false, null, true, null, true, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);

        //#3 - shared network offering with no SG service
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultSharedNetworkOffering) == null) {
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultSharedNetworkOffering, "Offering for Shared networks", TrafficType.Guest, null, true, Availability.Optional, null,
                    defaultSharedNetworkOfferingProviders, true, Network.GuestType.Shared, false, null, true, null, true, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);

        //#4 - default isolated offering with Source nat service
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingWithSourceNatService) == null) {
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingWithSourceNatService,
                    "Offering for Isolated networks with Source Nat service enabled", TrafficType.Guest,
                    null, false, Availability.Required, null, defaultIsolatedSourceNatEnabledNetworkOfferingProviders,
                    true, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, null, true, null, false, false, null, false, null);

            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);

        //#5 - default vpc offering with LB service
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks) == null) {
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworks,
                    "Offering for Isolated VPC networks with Source Nat service enabled", TrafficType.Guest,
                    null, false, Availability.Optional, null, defaultVPCOffProviders,
                    true, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, null, false, null, false, false, null,false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);

        //#6 - default vpc offering with no LB service
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB) == null) {
            //remove LB service
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksNoLB,
                    "Offering for Isolated VPC networks with Source Nat service enabled and LB service disabled", TrafficType.Guest,
                    null, false, Availability.Optional, null, defaultVPCOffProviders,
                    true, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, null, false, null, false, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);

        //#7 - isolated offering with source nat disabled
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOffering) == null) {
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOffering,
                    "Offering for Isolated networks with no Source Nat service", TrafficType.Guest, null, true,
                    Availability.Optional, null, defaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingProviders, true, Network.GuestType.Isolated,
                    false, null, true, null, true, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);
        //#8 - network offering with internal lb service
        Map<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>> internalLbOffProviders =
                new HashMap<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>>();
        Set<Network.Provider> defaultVpcProvider = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();
        Set<Network.Provider> defaultInternalLbProvider = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();

        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, defaultVpcProvider);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Dns, defaultVpcProvider);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.UserData, defaultVpcProvider);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.NetworkACL, defaultVpcProvider);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Gateway, defaultVpcProvider);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.Lb, defaultInternalLbProvider);
        internalLbOffProviders.put(Service.SourceNat, defaultVpcProvider);
        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB) == null) {
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingForVpcNetworksWithInternalLB,
                    "Offering for Isolated VPC networks with Internal Lb support", TrafficType.Guest,
                    null, false, Availability.Optional, null, internalLbOffProviders,
                    true, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false, null, false, null, false, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);

        Map<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>> netscalerServiceProviders = new HashMap<Network.Service, Set<Network.Provider>>();
        Set<Network.Provider> vrProvider = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();
        Set<Network.Provider> sgProvider = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();
        Set<Network.Provider> nsProvider = new HashSet<Network.Provider>();
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.Dhcp, vrProvider);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.Dns, vrProvider);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.UserData, vrProvider);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.SecurityGroup, sgProvider);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.StaticNat, nsProvider);
        netscalerServiceProviders.put(Service.Lb, nsProvider);

        Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> serviceCapabilityMap = new HashMap<Service, Map<Capability, String>>();
        Map<Capability, String> elb = new HashMap<Capability, String>();
        elb.put(Capability.ElasticLb, "true");
        Map<Capability, String> eip = new HashMap<Capability, String>();
        eip.put(Capability.ElasticIp, "true");
        serviceCapabilityMap.put(Service.Lb, elb);
        serviceCapabilityMap.put(Service.StaticNat, eip);

        if (_networkOfferingDao.findByUniqueName(NetworkOffering.DefaultSharedEIPandELBNetworkOffering) == null) {
            offering = _configMgr.createNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.DefaultSharedEIPandELBNetworkOffering, "Offering for Shared networks with Elastic IP and Elastic LB capabilities", TrafficType.Guest, null, true,
                    Availability.Optional, null, netscalerServiceProviders, true, Network.GuestType.Shared, false, null, true, serviceCapabilityMap, true, false, null, false, null);
            _networkOfferingDao.update(offering.getId(), offering);


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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Asking " + guru.getName() + " to implement " + network);

            NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());

            if (isSharedNetworkWithServices(network)) {
            } else {
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

                                      String cidr, String vlanId, String networkDomain, Account owner, Long domainId,
                                      PhysicalNetwork pNtwk, long zoneId, ACLType aclType, Boolean subdomainAccess, Long vpcId, String ip6Gateway, String ip6Cidr,
                                      Boolean isDisplayNetworkEnabled, String isolatedPvlan)
                    throws ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceAllocationException {

        NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId);
        // this method supports only guest network creation
        if (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest) {
            s_logger.warn("Only guest networks can be created using this method");
            return null;

        boolean updateResourceCount = resourceCountNeedsUpdate(ntwkOff, aclType);
        //check resource limits
        if (updateResourceCount) {
            _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(owner, ResourceType.network);

        // Validate network offering
        if (ntwkOff.getState() != NetworkOffering.State.Enabled) {
            // see NetworkOfferingVO
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't use specified network offering id as its stat is not " + NetworkOffering.State.Enabled);
            ex.addProxyObject(ntwkOff.getUuid(), "networkOfferingId");
            throw ex;

        // Validate physical network
        if (pNtwk.getState() != PhysicalNetwork.State.Enabled) {
            // see PhysicalNetworkVO.java
            InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified physical network id is" +
                    " in incorrect state:" + pNtwk.getState());
            ex.addProxyObject(pNtwk.getUuid(), "physicalNetworkId");
            throw ex;

        boolean ipv6 = false;
        if (ip6Gateway != null && ip6Cidr != null) {
          ipv6 = true;
        // Validate zone
        DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId);
        if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
          if (ipv6) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("IPv6 is not supported in Basic zone");
            // In Basic zone the network should have aclType=Domain, domainId=1, subdomainAccess=true
            if (aclType == null || aclType != ACLType.Domain) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only AclType=Domain can be specified for network creation in Basic zone");

            // Only one guest network is supported in Basic zone
            List<NetworkVO> guestNetworks = _networksDao.listByZoneAndTrafficType(zone.getId(), TrafficType.Guest);
            if (!guestNetworks.isEmpty()) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't have more than one Guest network in zone with network type "
                                                        + NetworkType.Basic);

            // if zone is basic, only Shared network offerings w/o source nat service are allowed
            if (!(ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared &&
                    !_networkModel.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat))) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("For zone of type " + NetworkType.Basic + " only offerings of " +
                        "guestType " + GuestType.Shared + " with disabled " + Service.SourceNat.getName()
                        + " service are allowed");

            if (domainId == null || domainId != Domain.ROOT_DOMAIN) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Guest network in Basic zone should be dedicated to ROOT domain");

            if (subdomainAccess == null) {
                subdomainAccess = true;
            } else if (!subdomainAccess) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Subdomain access should be set to true for the" +
                        " guest network in the Basic zone");

            if (vlanId == null) {
                vlanId = Vlan.UNTAGGED;
            } else {
                if (!vlanId.equalsIgnoreCase(Vlan.UNTAGGED)) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only vlan " + Vlan.UNTAGGED + " can be created in " +
                            "the zone of type " + NetworkType.Basic);

        } else if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) {
            if (zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled()) {
              if (ipv6) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("IPv6 is not supported with security group!");
              if (isolatedPvlan != null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Isolated Private VLAN is not supported with security group!");
                // Only Account specific Isolated network with sourceNat service disabled are allowed in security group
                // enabled zone
                if ( ntwkOff.getGuestType() != GuestType.Shared ){
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only shared guest network can be created in security group enabled zone");
                if ( _networkModel.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat)) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Service SourceNat is not allowed in security group enabled zone");
                if (!( _networkModel.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SecurityGroup))) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("network must have SecurityGroup provider in security group enabled zone");

            //don't allow eip/elb networks in Advance zone
            if (ntwkOff.getElasticIp() || ntwkOff.getElasticLb()) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Elastic IP and Elastic LB services are supported in zone of type " + NetworkType.Basic);

        // VlanId can be specified only when network offering supports it
        boolean vlanSpecified = (vlanId != null);
        if (vlanSpecified != ntwkOff.getSpecifyVlan()) {
            if (vlanSpecified) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't specify vlan; corresponding offering says specifyVlan=false");
            } else {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vlan has to be specified; corresponding offering says specifyVlan=true");

        if (vlanSpecified) {
            //don't allow to specify vlan tag used by physical network for dynamic vlan allocation
            if (_dcDao.findVnet(zoneId, pNtwk.getId(), vlanId).size() > 0) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The VLAN tag " + vlanId
                        + " is already being used for dynamic vlan allocation for the guest network in zone " + zone.getName());
            String uri = "vlan://" + vlanId;
            // For Isolated networks, don't allow to create network with vlan that already exists in the zone
            if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) {
                if (_networksDao.countByZoneAndUri(zoneId, uri) > 0) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network with vlan " + vlanId + " already exists in zone " + zoneId);
                } else {
                    List<DataCenterVnetVO> dcVnets = _datacenterVnetDao.findVnet(zoneId, vlanId.toString());
                    //for the network that is created as part of private gateway,
                    //the vnet is not coming from the data center vnet table, so the list can be empty
                    if (!dcVnets.isEmpty()) {
                        DataCenterVnetVO dcVnet = dcVnets.get(0);
                        // Fail network creation if specified vlan is dedicated to a different account
                        if (dcVnet.getAccountGuestVlanMapId() != null) {
                            Long accountGuestVlanMapId = dcVnet.getAccountGuestVlanMapId();
                            AccountGuestVlanMapVO map = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.findById(accountGuestVlanMapId);
                            if (map.getAccountId() != owner.getAccountId()) {
                                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vlan " + vlanId + " is dedicated to a different account");
                        // Fail network creation if owner has a dedicated range of vlans but the specified vlan belongs to the system pool
                        } else {
                            List<AccountGuestVlanMapVO> maps = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.listAccountGuestVlanMapsByAccount(owner.getAccountId());
                            if (maps != null && !maps.isEmpty()) {
                                int vnetsAllocatedToAccount = _datacenterVnetDao.countVnetsAllocatedToAccount(zoneId, owner.getAccountId());
                                int vnetsDedicatedToAccount = _datacenterVnetDao.countVnetsDedicatedToAccount(zoneId, owner.getAccountId());
                                if (vnetsAllocatedToAccount < vnetsDedicatedToAccount) {
                                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified vlan " + vlanId + " doesn't belong" +
                                            " to the vlan range dedicated to the owner "+ owner.getAccountName());
            } else {
                // don't allow to creating shared network with given Vlan ID, if there already exists a isolated network or
                // shared network with same Vlan ID in the zone
                if (_networksDao.countByZoneUriAndGuestType(zoneId, uri, GuestType.Isolated) > 0 ||
                        _networksDao.countByZoneUriAndGuestType(zoneId, uri, GuestType.Shared) > 0) {
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("There is a isolated/shared network with vlan id: " +
                            vlanId + " already exists " + "in zone " + zoneId);


        // If networkDomain is not specified, take it from the global configuration
        if (_networkModel.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, Service.Dns)) {
            Map<Network.Capability, String> dnsCapabilities = _networkModel.getNetworkOfferingServiceCapabilities
                    (_configMgr.getNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId), Service.Dns);
            String isUpdateDnsSupported = dnsCapabilities.get(Capability.AllowDnsSuffixModification);
            if (isUpdateDnsSupported == null || !Boolean.valueOf(isUpdateDnsSupported)) {
                if (networkDomain != null) {
                    // TBD: NetworkOfferingId and zoneId. Send uuids instead.
                    throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Domain name change is not supported by network offering id="
                            + networkOfferingId + " in zone id=" + zoneId);
            } else {
                if (networkDomain == null) {
                    // 1) Get networkDomain from the corresponding account/domain/zone
                    if (aclType == ACLType.Domain) {
                        networkDomain = _networkModel.getDomainNetworkDomain(domainId, zoneId);
                    } else if (aclType == ACLType.Account) {
                        networkDomain = _networkModel.getAccountNetworkDomain(owner.getId(), zoneId);

                    // 2) If null, generate networkDomain using domain suffix from the global config variables
                    if (networkDomain == null) {
                        networkDomain = "cs" + Long.toHexString(owner.getId()) + _configServer.getConfigValue(Config.GuestDomainSuffix.key(), Config.ConfigurationParameterScope.zone.toString(), zoneId);

                } else {
                    // validate network domain
                    if (!NetUtils.verifyDomainName(networkDomain)) {
                        throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                                "Invalid network domain. Total length shouldn't exceed 190 chars. Each domain " +
                                "label must be between 1 and 63 characters long, can contain ASCII letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', "
                                        + "and the hyphen ('-'); can't start or end with \"-\"");
        // In Advance zone Cidr for Shared networks and Isolated networks w/o source nat service can't be NULL - 2.2.x
        // limitation, remove after we introduce support for multiple ip ranges
        // with different Cidrs for the same Shared network
        boolean cidrRequired = zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced && ntwkOff.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest
                && (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared || (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated
                && !_networkModel.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat)));
        if (cidr == null && ip6Cidr == null  && cidrRequired) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("StartIp/endIp/gateway/netmask are required when create network of" +
                    " type " + Network.GuestType.Shared + " and network of type " + GuestType.Isolated + " with service "
                    + Service.SourceNat.getName() + " disabled");

        // No cidr can be specified in Basic zone
        if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic && cidr != null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("StartIp/endIp/gateway/netmask can't be specified for zone of type " + NetworkType.Basic);

        // Check if cidr is RFC1918 compliant if the network is Guest Isolated for IPv4
        if (cidr != null && ntwkOff.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Isolated && ntwkOff.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest) {
          if (!NetUtils.validateGuestCidr(cidr)) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Virtual Guest Cidr " + cidr + " is not RFC1918 compliant");
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Examples of com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO

        // implement the network elements and rules again
        DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(_dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()), null, null, null);

        s_logger.debug("Implementing the network " + network + " elements and resources as a part of network restart");
        NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId());

        try {
            implementNetworkElementsAndResources(dest, context, network, offering);
            setRestartRequired(network, true);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
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