Examples of MsgKeyData

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

    * Create a key data holder with the given message oid and its mime types.
   public PublishKey(Global glob, String oid, String contentMime, String contentMimeExtended) {
      this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

    * Create a key data holder with the given message oid and its mime types.
    * @param domain The cluster domain
   public PublishKey(Global glob, String oid, String contentMime, String contentMimeExtended, String domain) {
      this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

      return msgs;

   private PublishReturnQos publishSingleChunk(MsgKeyData keyData, MsgQosData chunkQosData, byte[] buf, int length, boolean isLastChunk, long count, Exception ex) throws XmlBlasterException {
      MsgKeyData chunkKeyData = keyData;
      MsgUnit msg = new MsgUnit(chunkKeyData, buf, chunkQosData);
      if (isLastChunk || ex != null)
         chunkQosData.addClientProperty(Constants.addJmsPrefix(XBConnectionMetaData.JMSX_GROUP_EOF, log), true);
      chunkQosData.addClientProperty(Constants.addJmsPrefix(XBConnectionMetaData.JMSX_GROUP_SEQ, log), count);
      if (ex != null)
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

      if (this.queue == null)
         return 0;
      List<I_Entry> list = this.queue.peek(-1, -1L);
      for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) {
         MsgQueuePublishEntry entry = (MsgQueuePublishEntry)list.get(i);
         MsgKeyData key = entry.getMsgKeyData();
         MsgQosData qos =(MsgQosData)entry.getMsgUnit().getQosData();
         byte[] cont = entry.getMsgUnit().getContent();
         String entryCbSessionId = qos.getClientProperty(ENTRY_CB_SESSION_ID, (String)null);
         final boolean isExternal = false; // we don't want to store these entries since already here
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

         if (msgUnit == null) {
            log.severe("The arguments of method publish() are invalid (null)");
            throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.USER_ILLEGALARGUMENT, ME, "The arguments of method publish() are invalid (null)");

         MsgKeyData msgKeyData = (MsgKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData();

         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering " + (publishQos.isClusterUpdate()?"cluster update message ":"") + "publish(oid='" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "', contentMime='" + msgKeyData.getContentMime() + "', contentMimeExtended='" + msgKeyData.getContentMimeExtended() + "' domain='" + msgKeyData.getDomain() + "' from client '" + sessionInfo.getId() + "' ...");
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Receiving " + (publishQos.isClusterUpdate()?"cluster update ":"") + " message in publish()\n" + msgUnit.toXml("",80, true) + "\n" + publishQos.toXml() + "\nfrom\n" + sessionInfo.toXml());

         PublishReturnQos publishReturnQos = null;

         if (! publishQos.isFromPersistenceStore()) {

            if (publishQos.getSender() == null) // In cluster routing don't overwrite the original sender

            if (!myselfLoginName.getLoginName().equals(sessionInfo.getSessionName().getLoginName())) {
               // TODO: allow for cluster internal messages?
               // TODO: what about different sessions of myselfLoginName?
               int hopCount = publishQos.count(glob.getNodeId());
               if (hopCount > 0) {
                  String text = "Warning, message oid='" + msgKeyData.getOid()
                     + "' passed my node id='" + glob.getId() + "' " + hopCount + " times before, we have a circular routing problem " +
                     " mySelf=" + myselfLoginName.getAbsoluteName() + " sessionName=" +
                  if (publishQos.isPtp() && publishQos.getDestinationArr().length > 0) {
                     text += ", does the destination cluster node '" + publishQos.getDestinationArr()[0].getDestination() + "' exist?";
                  throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CLUSTER_CIRCULARLOOP, ME, text + " Your QoS:" + publishQos.toXml(""));
               int stratum = -1; // not known yet, addRouteInfo() sets my stratum to one closer to the master,
                                 // this needs to be checked here as soon as we know which stratum we are!!!
               publishQos.addRouteInfo(new RouteInfo(glob.getNodeId(), stratum, publishQos.getRcvTimestamp()));


         if (msgKeyData.isAdministrative()) {
            if (!glob.supportAdministrative())
               throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_ADMIN_UNAVAILABLE, ME, "Sorry administrative publish() is not available, try to configure xmlBlaster.");
            return glob.getMomClientGateway().setCommand(sessionInfo, msgKeyData, msgUnit, publishQos, publishQos.isClusterUpdate());

         if (msgKeyData.isRemoteProperties()) { // "__sys__remoteProperties"
            // Create a remote property on connect and delete again on publish:
            // java javaclients.HelloWorldPublish -oid __sys__remoteProperties
            // -connect/qos/clientProperty[__remoteProperties] true -connect/qos/clientProperty[myProperty] 1234
            // -content clear
            String str = msgUnit.getContentStr().trim();
            // clear sessionName="" prefix=""
          String[] cmdArr = ReplaceVariable.toArray(str, " ");
          String command = (cmdArr.length > 0) ? cmdArr[0] : "";
          boolean isForOtherClusterNode = false;
            SessionName otherSessionName = publishQos.getFirstDestination();
          // __sessionName is deprecated, pls use PtP destination to name the session for remoteProperty changes
            String __sessionNameStr = publishQos.getData().getClientProperty("__sessionName", (String)null);
            if (__sessionNameStr != null) {
                otherSessionName = new SessionName(glob, __sessionNameStr);
            if (glob.useCluster() && otherSessionName != null && otherSessionName.getNodeId() != null && !glob.getNodeId().equals(otherSessionName.getNodeId())) {
               isForOtherClusterNode = true; // TODO: Create a PtP destination which routes to node
            if (!isForOtherClusterNode) {
               SessionInfo otherSessionInfo = (otherSessionName == null) ? sessionInfo : getAuthenticate().getSessionInfo(otherSessionName);
               if (otherSessionInfo == null) {
                  if ("clearLastError".equals(command) || "clearLastWarning".equals(command)) {
                     otherSessionInfo = sessionInfo; // global action, just use the login sessionInf
                  else {
                     log.warning(msgKeyData.getOid() + " failed, sessionName not known: " + (otherSessionName == null ? "" : otherSessionName.getAbsoluteName()));
                     return Constants.RET_WARN;
               if (__sessionNameStr != null) publishQos.getData().getClientProperties().remove("__sessionName");
               String prefix = publishQos.getData().getClientProperty("__prefix", (String)null);
               if (prefix != null) publishQos.getData().getClientProperties().remove("__prefix");
               if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Processing " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " command=" + str + " on session=" + otherSessionInfo.getSessionName().getRelativeName());
               if ("set".equals(command)) {
               else if ("clearLastError".equals(command)) {
               else if ("clearLastWarning".equals(command)) {
               else if ("clear".equals(command)) {
               else // "merge"
               I_RemotePropertiesListener[] arr = getRemotePropertiesListenerArr();
               for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
                  arr[i].update(otherSessionInfo, publishQos.getData().getClientProperties());
               return Constants.RET_OK;

         if (msgKeyData.isRunlevelManager()) { // __sys__RunlevelManager
            return this.glob.getRunlevelManager().publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQos);

         // Check if a publish filter is installed and if so invoke it ...
         if (getPublishPluginManager().hasPlugins() && !publishQos.isClusterUpdate()) {
            Map mimePlugins = getPublishPluginManager().findMimePlugins(msgKeyData.getContentMime(),msgKeyData.getContentMimeExtended());
            if (mimePlugins != null) {
               Iterator iterator = mimePlugins.values().iterator();
               while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                  I_PublishFilter plugin = (I_PublishFilter)iterator.next();
                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Message " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " is forwarded to publish plugin");
                  String ret = plugin.intercept(sessionInfo.getSubjectInfo(), msgUnit);
                  if (ret == null || ret.length() == 0 || ret.equals(Constants.STATE_OK))
                  else {
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Message " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " is rejected by PublishPlugin");
                     return "<qos><state id='" + ret + "'/></qos>"// Message is rejected by PublishPlugin

         // cluster support - forward pubSub message to master ...
         if (this.glob.useCluster()) {
            if (!publishQos.isClusterUpdate()) { // updates from other nodes are arriving here in publish as well
               //if (!glob.getClusterManager().isReady())
               //   glob.getClusterManager().blockUntilReady();
               if (this.glob.isClusterManagerReady()) {
                  if (publishQos.isPtp()) {  // is PtP message, see req cluster.ptp
                     Destination[] destinationArr = publishQos.getDestinationArr(); // !!! add XPath client query here !!!
                     for (int ii = 0; ii<destinationArr.length; ii++) {
                        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Working on PtP message for destination [" + destinationArr[ii].getDestination() + "]");
                        publishReturnQos = forwardPtpPublish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQos.isClusterUpdate(), destinationArr[ii]);
                        if (publishReturnQos != null) {
                           if (destinationArr.length > 1) {
                              // TODO: cluster forwarding with multiple destinations:
                              String txt = "Messages with more than one destinations in a cluster environment is not implemented, only destination '" + destinationArr[ii].toXml() + "' of '" + msgUnit.getLogId() + "' was delivered";
                              throw new XmlBlasterException(glob, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_NOTIMPLEMENTED, ME, txt);
                           I_Checkpoint cp = glob.getCheckpointPlugin();
                           if (cp != null)
                              cp.passingBy(I_Checkpoint.CP_PUBLISH_ACK, msgUnit, null, null);
                           return publishReturnQos.toXml();
                        if (publishReturnQos != null) {
                           // Message was forwarded. TODO: How to return multiple publishReturnQos from multiple destinations? !!!
                           BUGGY: We need to take a clone to not remove the destination of the sent message
                     if (publishQos.getNumDestinations() == 0) { // we are done, all messages where forwarded
                        return publishReturnQos.toXml();
                  // Publish/Subscribe mode (or if PtP had no result)
                  else { // if (publishQos.isSubscribable()) {
                     try {
                        PublishRetQosWrapper ret = glob.getClusterManager().forwardPublish(sessionInfo, msgUnit);
                        if (ret != null) { // Message was forwarded to master cluster
                            I_Checkpoint cp = glob.getCheckpointPlugin();
                            if (cp != null)
                               cp.passingBy(I_Checkpoint.CP_PUBLISH_ACK, msgUnit, null, null);
                           publishReturnQos = ret.getPublishReturnQos();
                           if (ret.getNodeMasterInfo().isDirtyRead() == false) {
                              if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Message " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " forwarded to master " + ret.getNodeMasterInfo().getId() + ", dirtyRead==false nothing more to do");
                              return publishReturnQos.toXml();
                           // else we publish it locally as well (dirty read!)
                     catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
                        if (e.getErrorCode() == ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_PLUGINFAILED) {
                        else {
                           throw e;
               else {
                  if (! publishQos.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
                     if (msgKeyData.isInternal()) {
                        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Cluster manager is not ready, handling message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' locally");
                     else {
                        log.warning("Cluster manager is not ready, handling message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' locally");

         // Handle local message

         if (!msgKeyData.getOid().equals(msgUnit.getKeyOid())) {
            log.severe("Unexpected change of keyOid " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " and msgUnit " + msgUnit.toXml());

         // Find or create the topic
         TopicHandler topicHandler = null;
         synchronized(this.topicHandlerMap) {
            if (!msgKeyData.getOid().equals(msgUnit.getKeyOid())) {
               log.severe("Unexpected change of keyOid " + msgKeyData.getOid() + " and msgUnit " + msgUnit.toXml());
            Object obj = topicHandlerMap.get(msgUnit.getKeyOid());
            if (obj == null) {
               topicHandler = new TopicHandler(this, sessionInfo, msgUnit.getKeyOid()); // adds itself to topicHandlerMap
            else {
               topicHandler = (TopicHandler)obj;

         TopicHandler topicHandler = null;
         try {
            topicHandler = this.glob.getTopicAccessor().findOrCreate(sessionInfo, msgUnit.getKeyOid());
            // Process the message
            publishReturnQos = topicHandler.publish(sessionInfo, msgUnit, publishQos);
         finally {

         if (publishReturnQos == null) {  // assert only
            StatusQosData qos = new StatusQosData(glob, MethodName.PUBLISH);
            publishReturnQos = new PublishReturnQos(glob, qos);
            log.severe("Internal: did not excpect to build a PublishReturnQos, but message '" + msgKeyData.getOid() + "' is processed correctly");

         if (!publishQos.isFromPersistenceStore()) {
            I_Checkpoint cp = glob.getCheckpointPlugin();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

            String qos = (String)obj[0];
            String key = (String)obj[1];
            byte[] content = (byte[])obj[2];
            MsgQosData msgQosData = glob.getMsgQosFactory().readObject(qos);
            MsgKeyData msgKeyData = glob.getMsgKeyFactory().readObject(key);
            MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(msgKeyData, content, msgQosData);
            return new MsgQueuePublishEntry(glob, methodName, PriorityEnum.toPriorityEnum(priority), storageId,
                                            new Timestamp(timestamp), sizeInBytes, msgUnit);
         else if (methodName == MethodName.SUBSCRIBE) {
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

         // MethodName.UPDATE_ONEWAY
         // MethodName.EXCEPTION
         if (methodName == MethodName.PUBLISH_ONEWAY || methodName == MethodName.PUBLISH
               || methodName == MethodName.PUBLISH_ARR) {
            MsgQosData msgQosData = glob.getMsgQosFactory().readObject(qos);
            MsgKeyData msgKeyData = glob.getMsgKeyFactory().readObject(key);
            MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(msgKeyData, content, msgQosData);
            return new MsgQueuePublishEntry(glob, methodName, PriorityEnum.toPriorityEnum(priority), storageId,
                                            new Timestamp(timestamp), sizeInBytes, msgUnit);
         else if (methodName == MethodName.SUBSCRIBE) {
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData

    * Used in the message consumer receive method.
   public static XBMessage convertFromMsgUnit(XBSession session, String sender, MsgUnit msgUnit) throws JMSException, XmlBlasterException, IOException {
      MsgQosData qosData = (MsgQosData)msgUnit.getQosData();
      MsgKeyData keyData = (MsgKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData();
      byte[] content = msgUnit.getContent();
      return convertFromMsgUnit(session, sender, keyData, content, qosData);
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