Examples of MojoDescriptor

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

  void setupArtifact(String groupId, String artifactId, String goal, String type)
          throws DuplicateMojoDescriptorException, PluginNotFoundException, PluginResolutionException, PluginDescriptorParsingException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException {
    DefaultArtifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(groupId, artifactId, "DUMMY", "compile", type, "", null);
      MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = new MojoDescriptor();
        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = new PluginDescriptor();
    Plugin plugin = new Plugin();
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor


        List<MavenReportExecution> reports = new ArrayList<MavenReportExecution>();
        for ( GoalWithConf report : goalsWithConfiguration )
            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = pluginDescriptor.getMojo( report.getGoal() );
            if ( mojoDescriptor == null )
                throw new MojoNotFoundException( report.getGoal(), pluginDescriptor );

            MojoExecution mojoExecution = new MojoExecution( plugin, report.getGoal(), "report:" + report.getGoal() );

            mojoExecution.setMojoDescriptor( mojoDescriptor );

            mavenPluginManagerHelper.setupPluginRealm( pluginDescriptor, mavenReportExecutorRequest.getMavenSession(),
                                                       Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), IMPORTS,
                                                       EXCLUDES );

            if ( !isMavenReport( mojoExecution, pluginDescriptor ) )
                if ( userDefinedReports )
                    // reports were explicitly written in the POM
                    logger.warn( "ignoring " + mojoExecution.getPlugin().getId() + ':' + report.getGoal()
                        + " goal since it is not a report: should be removed from reporting configuration in POM" );

            mojoExecution.setConfiguration( mergeConfiguration( mojoDescriptor.getMojoConfiguration(),
                                                                mojoDescriptor.getParameterMap().keySet() ) );

            MavenReport mavenReport =
                            getConfiguredMavenReport( mojoExecution, pluginDescriptor, mavenReportExecutorRequest );

            MavenReportExecution mavenReportExecution =
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor


            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor().getRealm() );
            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = pluginDescriptor.getMojo( mojoExecution.getGoal() );

            boolean isMavenReport = MavenReport.class.isAssignableFrom( mojoClass );

            if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
                if ( mojoDescriptor != null && mojoDescriptor.getImplementationClass() != null )
                    getLog().debug( "class " + mojoDescriptor.getImplementationClass().getName() + " isMavenReport: "
                                        + isMavenReport );

                if ( !isMavenReport )
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

                             MojoExecution mojoExecution,
                             MavenSession session )
        throws ArtifactResolutionException, MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException, ArtifactNotFoundException,
        InvalidDependencyVersionException, PluginManagerException, PluginConfigurationException
        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        // NOTE: I'm putting these checks in here, since this is the central point of access for
        // anything that wants to execute a mojo.
        if ( mojoDescriptor.isProjectRequired() && !session.isUsingPOMsFromFilesystem() )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Cannot execute mojo: " + mojoDescriptor.getGoal() +
                ". It requires a project with an existing pom.xml, but the build is not using one." );

        if ( mojoDescriptor.isOnlineRequired() && session.getSettings().isOffline() )
            // TODO: Should we error out, or simply warn and skip??
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Mojo: " + mojoDescriptor.getGoal() +
                " requires online mode for execution. Maven is currently offline." );

        if ( mojoDescriptor.isDependencyResolutionRequired() != null )
            Collection projects;

            if ( mojoDescriptor.isAggregator() )
                projects = session.getSortedProjects();
                projects = Collections.singleton( project );

            for ( Iterator i = projects.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                MavenProject p = (MavenProject) i.next();

                resolveTransitiveDependencies( session, artifactResolver,
                                               mojoDescriptor.isDependencyResolutionRequired(), artifactFactory, p, mojoDescriptor.isAggregator() );

            downloadDependencies( project, session, artifactResolver );

        String goalName = mojoDescriptor.getFullGoalName();

        Mojo plugin;

        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

        String goalId = mojoDescriptor.getGoal();
        String groupId = pluginDescriptor.getGroupId();
        String artifactId = pluginDescriptor.getArtifactId();
        String executionId = mojoExecution.getExecutionId();

        Xpp3Dom dom = project.getGoalConfiguration( groupId, artifactId, executionId, goalId );
        Xpp3Dom reportDom = project.getReportConfiguration( groupId, artifactId, executionId );
        dom = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( dom, reportDom );
        if ( mojoExecution.getConfiguration() != null )
            dom = Xpp3Dom.mergeXpp3Dom( dom, mojoExecution.getConfiguration() );

        plugin = getConfiguredMojo( session, dom, project, false, mojoExecution );

        // Event monitoring.
        String event = MavenEvents.MOJO_EXECUTION;
        EventDispatcher dispatcher = session.getEventDispatcher();

        String goalExecId = goalName;

        if ( mojoExecution.getExecutionId() != null )
            goalExecId += " {execution: " + mojoExecution.getExecutionId() + "}";

        dispatcher.dispatchStart( event, goalExecId );

        ClassLoader oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

                mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getClassRealm().getClassLoader() );


            dispatcher.dispatchEnd( event, goalExecId );
        catch ( MojoExecutionException e )
            session.getEventDispatcher().dispatchError( event, goalExecId, e );

            throw e;
        catch ( MojoFailureException e )
            session.getEventDispatcher().dispatchError( event, goalExecId, e );

            throw e;
        catch ( LinkageError e )
            if ( getLogger().isFatalErrorEnabled() )
                                        plugin.getClass().getName() + "#execute() caused a linkage error ("
                                            + e.getClass().getName() + ") and may be out-of-date. Check the realms:" );

                ClassRealm pluginRealm = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor().getClassRealm();
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                sb.append( "Plugin realm = " + pluginRealm.getId() ).append( '\n' );
                for ( int i = 0; i < pluginRealm.getConstituents().length; i++ )
                    sb.append( "urls[" + i + "] = " + pluginRealm.getConstituents()[i] );
                    if ( i != ( pluginRealm.getConstituents().length - 1 ) )
                        sb.append( '\n' );
                getLogger().fatalError( sb.toString() );

                ClassRealm containerRealm = container.getContainerRealm();
                sb = new StringBuffer();
                sb.append( "Container realm = " + containerRealm.getId() ).append( '\n' );
                for ( int i = 0; i < containerRealm.getConstituents().length; i++ )
                    sb.append( "urls[" + i + "] = " + containerRealm.getConstituents()[i] );
                    if ( i != ( containerRealm.getConstituents().length - 1 ) )
                        sb.append( '\n' );
                getLogger().fatalError( sb.toString() );

            session.getEventDispatcher().dispatchError( event, goalExecId, e );

            throw e;

            Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( oldClassLoader );

                PlexusContainer pluginContainer = getPluginContainer( mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor() );

                pluginContainer.release( plugin );
            catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

                                  MojoExecution mojoExecution,
                                  MavenSession session )
        throws ArtifactNotFoundException, PluginConfigurationException, PluginManagerException,
        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();
        PluginDescriptor descriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

        Xpp3Dom dom = project.getReportConfiguration( descriptor.getGroupId(), descriptor.getArtifactId(),
                                                      mojoExecution.getExecutionId() );
        if ( mojoExecution.getConfiguration() != null )
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

                                    boolean report,
                                    MojoExecution mojoExecution )
        throws PluginConfigurationException, ArtifactNotFoundException, PluginManagerException,
        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = mojoExecution.getMojoDescriptor();

        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = mojoDescriptor.getPluginDescriptor();

        PlexusContainer pluginContainer = getPluginContainer( pluginDescriptor );

        // if this is the first time this plugin has been used, the plugin's container will only
        // contain the plugin's artifact in isolation; we need to finish resolving the plugin's
        // dependencies, and add them to the container.
        ensurePluginContainerIsComplete( pluginDescriptor, pluginContainer, project, session );

        Mojo plugin;
            plugin = (Mojo) pluginContainer.lookup( Mojo.ROLE, mojoDescriptor.getRoleHint() );
            if ( report && !( plugin instanceof MavenReport ) )
                // TODO: the mojoDescriptor should actually capture this information so we don't get this far
                return null;
        catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
            Throwable cause = e.getCause();
            while( cause != null && !(cause instanceof NoClassDefFoundError ) )
                cause = cause.getCause();
            if ( cause != null && ( cause instanceof NoClassDefFoundError ) )
                throw new PluginManagerException( "Unable to load the mojo '" + mojoDescriptor.getRoleHint()
                                                  + "' in the plugin '" + pluginDescriptor.getPluginLookupKey() + "'. A required class is missing: "
                                                  + cause.getMessage(), e );
            throw new PluginManagerException( "Unable to find the mojo '" + mojoDescriptor.getGoal() +
                "' (or one of its required components) in the plugin '" + pluginDescriptor.getPluginLookupKey() + "'", e );
        catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e )
            throw new PluginManagerException( "Unable to load the mojo '" + mojoDescriptor.getRoleHint()
                + "' in the plugin '" + pluginDescriptor.getPluginLookupKey() + "'. A required class is missing: "
                + e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( plugin instanceof ContextEnabled )
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

    public void testGenerator()
        throws Exception

        MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = new MojoDescriptor();
        mojoDescriptor.setGoal( "testGoal" );
        mojoDescriptor.setImplementation( "org.apache.maven.tools.plugin.generator.TestMojo" );
        mojoDescriptor.setDependencyResolutionRequired( "compile" );

        List<Parameter> params = new ArrayList<Parameter>();

        Parameter param = new Parameter();
        param.setExpression( "${project.build.directory}" );
        param.setDefaultValue( "</markup-must-be-escaped>" );
        param.setName( "dir" );
        param.setRequired( true );
        param.setType( "java.lang.String" );
        param.setDescription( "Test parameter description" );

        params.add( param );

        mojoDescriptor.setParameters( params );

        PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = new PluginDescriptor();
        mojoDescriptor.setPluginDescriptor( pluginDescriptor );

        pluginDescriptor.addMojo( mojoDescriptor );

        pluginDescriptor.setArtifactId( "maven-unitTesting-plugin" );
        pluginDescriptor.setGoalPrefix( "test" );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

            paragraph( getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.goals.intro" ) );

            boolean hasMavenReport = false;
            for ( Iterator<MojoDescriptor> i = pluginDescriptor.getMojos().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                MojoDescriptor mojo = i.next();

                if ( GeneratorUtils.isMavenReport( mojo.getImplementation(), project ) )
                    hasMavenReport = true;


            String goalColumnName = getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.goals.column.goal" );
            String isMavenReport = getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.goals.column.isMavenReport" );
            String descriptionColumnName = getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.goals.column.description" );
            if ( hasMavenReport )
                tableHeader( new String[]{ goalColumnName, isMavenReport, descriptionColumnName } );
                tableHeader( new String[]{ goalColumnName, descriptionColumnName } );

            List<MojoDescriptor> mojos = new ArrayList<MojoDescriptor>();
            mojos.addAll( pluginDescriptor.getMojos() );
            PluginUtils.sortMojos( mojos );
            for ( MojoDescriptor mojo : mojos )
                String goalName = mojo.getFullGoalName();

                 * Added ./ to define a relative path
                 * @see AbstractMavenReportRenderer#getValidHref(java.lang.String)
                String goalDocumentationLink = "./" + mojo.getGoal() + "-mojo.html";

                String description;
                if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( mojo.getDeprecated() ) )
                    description =
                        "<strong>" + getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.goal.deprecated" ) + "</strong> "
                            + GeneratorUtils.makeHtmlValid( mojo.getDeprecated() );
                else if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( mojo.getDescription() ) )
                    description = GeneratorUtils.makeHtmlValid( mojo.getDescription() );
                    description = getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.goal.nodescription" );

                tableCell( createLinkPatternedText( goalName, goalDocumentationLink ) );
                if ( hasMavenReport )
                    if ( GeneratorUtils.isMavenReport( mojo.getImplementation(), project ) )
                        sink.text( getBundle( locale ).getString( "report.plugin.isReport" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

    private PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator getEvaluator()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        if ( evaluator == null )
            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor =
                HelpUtil.getMojoDescriptor( "help:evaluate", session, project, "help:evaluate", true, false );
            MojoExecution mojoExecution = new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor );
            evaluator =
                new PluginParameterExpressionEvaluator( session, mojoExecution, pathTranslator,
                                                        loggerRetriever.getLogger(), project,
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Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.MojoDescriptor

                                                                new Class[] { String.class, MavenSession.class,
                                                                    MavenProject.class, String.class,
                                                                    Boolean.TYPE, Boolean.TYPE } );
            m.setAccessible( true );
            MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor =
                (MojoDescriptor) m.invoke( lifecycleExecutor, new Object[] { task, session, project, invokedVia,
                    Boolean.valueOf( canUsePrefix ), Boolean.valueOf( isOptionalMojo ) } );

            if ( mojoDescriptor == null )
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