Package megamek.common

Examples of megamek.common.IHex

        String impossible = PunchAttackAction.toHitIsImpossible(game, ae, target, arm);
        if (impossible != null) {
            return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, impossible);

        IHex attHex = game.getBoard().getHex(ae.getPosition());
        IHex targHex = game.getBoard().getHex(target.getPosition());
        final int attackerHeight = ae.absHeight() + attHex.getElevation();
        final int targetElevation = target.getElevation()
                + targHex.getElevation();
        final int armArc = (arm == PunchAttackAction.RIGHT) ? Compute.ARC_RIGHTARM
                : Compute.ARC_LEFTARM;

        ToHitData toHit;
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        g.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height);
        for (int j = 0; j < m_board.getWidth(); j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < m_board.getHeight(); k++) {
                IHex h = m_board.getHex(j, k);
                g.setColor(terrainColor(h, j, k));
                paintCoord(g, j, k, true);

        if (!roadHexIndexes.isEmpty()) {

        if (SHOW_NO_HEIGHT != heightDisplayMode) {
            for (int j = 0; j < m_board.getWidth(); j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < m_board.getHeight(); k++) {
                    IHex h = m_board.getHex(j, k);
                    paintHeight(g, h, j, k);
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     *         given height can find shelter
    public boolean canShelter(Coords entityPosition, Coords position, int entityAbsHeight) {
        // What is the next hex in the direction of the blast?
        Coords shelteringCoords = Coords.nextHex(entityPosition, position);
        IHex shelteringHex = game.getBoard().getHex(shelteringCoords);

        // This is an error condition. It really shouldn't ever happen.
        if (shelteringHex == null) {
            return false;

        // Now figure out the height to which that hex will provide shelter.
        // It's worth noting, this assumes that any building in the hex has
        // already survived the bomb blast. In the case where a building
        // won't survive the blast but hasn't actually taken the damage
        // yet, this will be wrong.
        int shelterLevel = shelteringHex.floor();
        if (shelteringHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING)) {
            shelterLevel = shelteringHex.ceiling();

        // Get the absolute height of the unit relative to level 0.
        entityAbsHeight += game.getBoard().getHex(entityPosition).surface();

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            Enumeration<Coords> hexSet = game.getBoard().getHexesAtDistance(position, range);

            // Iterate through the hexes.
            while (hexSet.hasMoreElements()) {
                Coords myHexCoords = hexSet.nextElement();
                IHex myHex = game.getBoard().getHex(myHexCoords);
                // In each hex, first, sink the terrain if necessary.
                myHex.setElevation(myHex.getElevation() - craterDepth + (range / 2));

                // Then, remove ANY terrains here.
                // I mean ALL of them; they're all just gone.
                // No ruins, no water, no rough, no nothing.
                if (myHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {


            // Now that the hexes are dealt with, increment the distance.

            // Lastly, if the next distance is a multiple of 2...
            // The crater depth goes down one.
            if ((range > 0) && (range % 2 == 0)) {

        // This is technically part of cratering, but...
        // Now we destroy all the units inside the cratering range.
        Enumeration<Entity> entitiesInCrater = game.getEntities();

        while (entitiesInCrater.hasMoreElements()) {
            Entity entity = entitiesInCrater.nextElement();

            // loaded units and off board units don't have a position,
            // so we don't count 'em here
            if ((entity.getTransportId() != Entity.NONE) || (entity.getPosition() == null)) {

            // If it's too far away for this...
            if (position.distance(entity.getPosition()) >= range) {

            // If it's already destroyed...
            if (entity.isDestroyed()) {

            vDesc.addAll(destroyEntity(entity, "nuclear explosion proximity", false, false));
            // Kill the crew
        entitiesInCrater = null;

        // Then, do actual blast damage.
        // Use the standard blast function for this.
        Vector<Report> tmpV = new Vector<Report>();
        Vector<Integer> blastedUnitsVec = new Vector<Integer>();
        doExplosion(baseDamage, degredation, true, position, true, tmpV, blastedUnitsVec);
        Report.indentAll(tmpV, 2);

        // Everything that was blasted by the explosion has to make a piloting
        // check at +6.
        for (Object i : blastedUnitsVec) {
            Entity o = game.getEntity((Integer) i);
            if (o instanceof Mech) {
                Mech bm = (Mech) o;
                // Needs a piloting check at +6 to avoid falling over.
                // Obviously not if it's already prone, though.
                if (!bm.isProne()) {
                    game.addPSR(new PilotingRollData(bm.getId(), 6, "hit by nuclear blast"));
            } else if (o instanceof VTOL) {
                // Needs a piloting check at +6 to avoid crashing.
                // Wheeeeee!
                VTOL vt = (VTOL) o;

                // Check only applies if it's in the air.
                // FIXME: is this actually correct? What about
                // buildings/bridges?
                if (vt.getElevation() > 0) {
                    game.addPSR(new PilotingRollData(vt.getId(), 6, "hit by nuclear blast"));
            } else if (o instanceof Tank) {
                // As per official answer on the rules questions board...
                // Needs a piloting check at +6 to avoid a 1-level fall...
                // But ONLY if a hover-tank.
                // FIXME

        // Just get rid of it for the balance of the function...
        tmpV = null;

        // This ISN'T part of the blast, but if there's ANYTHING in the ground
        // zero hex, destroy it.
        Building tmpB = game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(position);
        if (tmpB != null) {
            r = new Report(2415);
            tmpB.setCurrentCF(0, position);
        IHex gzHex = game.getBoard().getHex(position);
        if (gzHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER)) {

        // Next, for whatever's left, do terrain effects
        // such as clearing, roughing, and boiling off water.
        boolean damageFlag = true;
        int damageAtRange = baseDamage - (degredation * range);
        if (damageAtRange > 0) {
            for (int x = range; damageFlag; x++) {
                // Damage terrain as necessary.
                // Get all the hexes, and then iterate through them.
                Enumeration<Coords> hexSet = game.getBoard().getHexesAtDistance(position, x);

                // Iterate through the hexes.
                while (hexSet.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Coords myHexCoords = hexSet.nextElement();
                    IHex myHex = game.getBoard().getHex(myHexCoords);

                    // For each 3000 damage, water level is reduced by 1.
                    if ((damageAtRange >= 3000) && (myHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER))) {
                        int numCleared = damageAtRange / 3000;
                        int oldLevel = myHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER);
                        if (oldLevel > numCleared) {
                            myHex.addTerrain(new Terrain(Terrains.WATER, oldLevel - numCleared));

                    // ANY non-water hex that takes 200 becomes rough.
                    if ((damageAtRange >= 200) && (!myHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WATER))) {
                        myHex.addTerrain(new Terrain(Terrains.ROUGH, 1));
                    } else if ((damageAtRange >= 20) && ((myHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WOODS)) || (myHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.JUNGLE)))) {
                        // Each 20 clears woods by 1 level.
                        int numCleared = damageAtRange / 20;
                        int terrainType = (myHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.WOODS) ? Terrains.WOODS : Terrains.JUNGLE);
                        int oldLevel = myHex.terrainLevel(terrainType);
                        if (oldLevel > numCleared) {
                            myHex.addTerrain(new Terrain(terrainType, oldLevel - numCleared));

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        this(type, aaa.getTarget(game).getPosition(), game, tileManager);

    public ArtilleryAttackModel(int type, Coords c, IGame game, TileTextureManager tileManager) {
        IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(c);
        Vector3d tl = new Vector3d(BoardModel.getHexLocation(c, hex.surface()));
        Transform3D t = new Transform3D();
        if (type == TilesetManager.ARTILLERY_INCOMING) {
            // FIXME: nearly invisible on map view
            tl.z += BoardModel.HEX_DIAMETER;
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    public void deliverScreen(Coords coords, Vector<Report> vPhaseReport) {
        IHex h = game.getBoard().getHex(coords);
        Report r;
        r = new Report(9070, Report.PUBLIC);
        // use level to count the number of screens (since level does not matter
        // in space)
        int nscreens = h.terrainLevel(Terrains.SCREEN);
        if (nscreens > 0) {
            h.addTerrain(Terrains.getTerrainFactory().createTerrain(Terrains.SCREEN, nscreens + 1));
        } else {
            h.addTerrain(Terrains.getTerrainFactory().createTerrain(Terrains.SCREEN, 1));
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     *            the <code>Targetable</code> that is the target
     * @param missiles
     *            the <code>int</code> amount of missiles
    public Vector<Report> deliverInfernoMissiles(Entity ae, Targetable t, int missiles) {
        IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(t.getPosition());
        Report r;
        Vector<Report> vPhaseReport = new Vector<Report>();
        switch (t.getTargetType()) {
        case Targetable.TYPE_HEX_ARTILLERY:
            // used for BA inferno explosion
            for (Enumeration<Entity> entities = game.getEntities(t.getPosition()); entities.hasMoreElements();) {
                Entity e = entities.nextElement();
                if (e.getElevation() > hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV)) {
                    r = new Report(6685);
                    r.subject = e.getId();
                    vPhaseReport.addAll(deliverInfernoMissiles(ae, e, missiles));
                } else {
                    int roll = Compute.d6();
                    r = new Report(3570);
                    r.subject = e.getId();
                    if (roll >= 5) {
                        vPhaseReport.addAll(deliverInfernoMissiles(ae, e, missiles));
            if (game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(t.getPosition()) != null) {
                Vector<Report> vBuildingReport = damageBuilding(game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(t.getPosition()), 2 * missiles, t.getPosition());
                for (Report report : vBuildingReport) {
                    report.subject = ae.getId();
            // fall through
        case Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR:
        case Targetable.TYPE_HEX_IGNITE:
            vPhaseReport.addAll(tryClearHex(t.getPosition(), missiles * 4, ae.getId()));
            tryIgniteHex(t.getPosition(), ae.getId(), false, true, new TargetRoll(0, "inferno"), -1, vPhaseReport);
        case Targetable.TYPE_BLDG_IGNITE:
        case Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING:
            for (Enumeration<Entity> entities = game.getEntities(t.getPosition()); entities.hasMoreElements();) {
                Entity e = entities.nextElement();
                if (e.getElevation() > hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.BLDG_ELEV)) {
                int roll = Compute.d6();
                r = new Report(3570);
                r.subject = e.getId();
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     *            The <code>Entity</code> that is being checked
     * @param coords
     *            The <code>Coords</code> the entity is at
    void checkForWashedInfernos(Entity entity, Coords coords) {
        IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(coords);
        int waterLevel = hex.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER);
        // Mech on fire with infernos can wash them off.
        if (!(entity instanceof Mech) || !entity.infernos.isStillBurning()) {
        // Check if entering depth 2 water or prone in depth 1.
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    void washInferno(Entity entity, Coords coords) {
        game.getBoard().addInfernoTo(coords, InfernoTracker.STANDARD_ROUND, 1);

        // Start a fire in the hex?
        IHex hex = game.getBoard().getHex(coords);
        Report r = new Report(2170);
        r.subject = entity.getId();
        if (!hex.containsTerrain(Terrains.FIRE)) {
            r.messageId = 2175;
            ignite(coords, true, null);
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     *            The <code>boolean</code> value wether this fall should be
     *            able to cause an accidental fall from above
    private Vector<Report> doEntityFallsInto(Entity entity, Coords src, Coords dest, PilotingRollData roll, boolean causeAffa) {
        Vector<Report> vPhaseReport = new Vector<Report>();
        final IHex srcHex = game.getBoard().getHex(src);
        final IHex destHex = game.getBoard().getHex(dest);
        final int srcHeightAboveFloor = entity.getElevation() + srcHex.depth();
        final int fallElevation = Math.max(0, srcHex.floor() + srcHeightAboveFloor - (destHex.containsTerrain(Terrains.ICE) ? destHex.surface() : destHex.floor()));
        int direction;
        if (src.equals(dest)) {
            direction = Compute.d6() - 1;
        } else {
            direction = src.direction(dest);
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Related Classes of megamek.common.IHex

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