Examples of MessageEvent

  • jetbrains.communicator.core.transport.MessageEvent
    @author kir
  • net.gleamynode.netty.channel.MessageEvent
  • net.sourceforge.processdash.msg.MessageEvent
  • org.cspoker.common.api.chat.event.MessageEvent
  • org.directwebremoting.event.MessageEvent
    An MessageEvent is fired to a set of {@link MessageListener}s by the DWR {@link Hub}. @author Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot ltd dot uk]
  • org.eclipse.ecf.internal.provider.xmpp.events.MessageEvent
  • org.groovymud.engine.event.messages.MessageEvent
  • org.gwtoolbox.sample.ioc.client.event.MessageEvent
    @author Uri Boness
  • org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent
    @author The Netty Project (netty-dev@lists.jboss.org) @author Trustin Lee (tlee@redhat.com) @version $Rev: 6 $, $Date: 2008-08-08 10:40:10 +0900 (Fri, 08 Aug 2008) $
  • org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.MessageEvent
    Represents message events relating to the delivery, display, composition and cancellation of messages.

    There are four message events currently defined in this namespace:

    1. Offline
      Indicates that the message has been stored offline by the intended recipient's server. This event is triggered only if the intended recipient's server supports offline storage, has that support enabled, and the recipient is offline when the server receives the message for delivery.
    2. Delivered
      Indicates that the message has been delivered to the recipient. This signifies that the message has reached the recipient's XMPP client, but does not necessarily mean that the message has been displayed. This event is to be raised by the XMPP client.
    3. Displayed
      Once the message has been received by the recipient's XMPP client, it may be displayed to the user. This event indicates that the message has been displayed, and is to be raised by the XMPP client. Even if a message is displayed multiple times, this event should be raised only once.
    4. Composing
      In threaded chat conversations, this indicates that the recipient is composing a reply to a message. The event is to be raised by the recipient's XMPP client. A XMPP client is allowed to raise this event multiple times in response to the same request, providing the original event is cancelled first.
    @author Gaston Dombiak
  • org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.MessageEvent
  • org.pircbotx.hooks.events.MessageEvent
  • org.rsbot.event.events.MessageEvent
    A message event.
  • robocode.MessageEvent
    A MessageEvent is sent to {@link TeamRobot#onMessageReceived(MessageEvent) onMessageReceived()} when a teammate sends a message to your robot.You can use the information contained in this event to determine what to do. @author Mathew A. Nelson (original)
  • rocks.xmpp.core.stanza.MessageEvent
    A message event is fired whenever a message is received or sent. @author Christian Schudt @see MessageListener

  • Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

            if (!(evt instanceof MessageEvent)) {

            MessageEvent e = (MessageEvent) evt;
            if (!(e.getMessage() instanceof ChannelBuffer)) {

            // Do not encrypt the first write request if this handler is
            // created with startTLS flag turned on.
            if (startTls && sentFirstMessage.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

            // Otherwise, all messages are encrypted.
            ChannelBuffer msg = (ChannelBuffer) e.getMessage();
            PendingWrite pendingWrite =
                new PendingWrite(evt.getFuture(), msg.toByteBuffer(msg.readerIndex(), msg.readableBytes()));
            synchronized (pendingUnencryptedWrites) {
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

                                future = succeededFuture(channel);
                            } else {
                                future = pendingWrite.future;

                            MessageEvent encryptedWrite = messageEvent(channel, future, msg);
                            if (Thread.holdsLock(pendingEncryptedWrites)) {
                            } else {
                                synchronized (pendingEncryptedWrites) {
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent


            synchronized (pendingEncryptedWrites) {
                MessageEvent e;
                while ((e = pendingEncryptedWrites.poll()) != null) {
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

        if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("<=<=<=<=WRite requested" + e.getMessage());
          printMessage("<=<=<=<=", e);
        MessageEvent newMessage = e;
        if(_saveTheFuture) {
          if(_future == null) {
            // save the real future - so we can fail it
            _future = e.getFuture();
            // to make sure client's Netty thread will not get the update - we substitute a fake future
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

                active = true;
             MessageEvent event = new UpstreamMessageEvent(e.getChannel(), response.getContent(), e.getRemoteAddress());
             waitingGet = false;
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

            boolean open = true;
            boolean addOpWrite = false;
            boolean removeOpWrite = false;

            MessageEvent evt;
            ChannelBuffer buf;
            int bufIdx;

            synchronized (channel.writeLock) {
                Queue<MessageEvent> writeBuffer = channel.writeBuffer;
                evt = channel.currentWriteEvent;
                for (;;) {
                    if (evt == null) {
                        evt = writeBuffer.poll();
                        if (evt == null) {
                            channel.currentWriteEvent = null;
                            removeOpWrite = true;
                        buf = (ChannelBuffer) evt.getMessage();
                        bufIdx = buf.readerIndex();
                    } else {
                        buf = (ChannelBuffer) evt.getMessage();
                        bufIdx = channel.currentWriteIndex;

                    try {
                        for (int i = writeSpinCount; i > 0; i --) {
                            int localWrittenBytes = buf.getBytes(
                                buf.writerIndex() - bufIdx);

                            if (localWrittenBytes != 0) {
                                bufIdx += localWrittenBytes;

                        if (bufIdx == buf.writerIndex()) {
                            // Successful write - proceed to the next message.
                            evt = null;
                        } else {
                            // Not written fully - perhaps the kernel buffer is full.
                            channel.currentWriteEvent = evt;
                            channel.currentWriteIndex = bufIdx;
                            addOpWrite = true;
                    } catch (AsynchronousCloseException e) {
                        // Doesn't need a user attention - ignore.
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        evt = null;
                        fireExceptionCaught(channel, t);
                        if (t instanceof IOException) {
                            open = false;
                            close(channel, channel.getSucceededFuture());
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

            boolean open = true;
            boolean addOpWrite = false;
            boolean removeOpWrite = false;

            MessageEvent evt;
            ChannelBuffer buf;
            int bufIdx;
            int writtenBytes = 0;

            synchronized (channel.writeLock) {
                Queue<MessageEvent> writeBuffer = channel.writeBuffer;
                evt = channel.currentWriteEvent;
                for (;;) {
                    if (evt == null) {
                        evt = writeBuffer.poll();
                        if (evt == null) {
                            channel.currentWriteEvent = null;
                            removeOpWrite = true;
                        buf = (ChannelBuffer) evt.getMessage();
                        bufIdx = buf.readerIndex();
                    } else {
                        buf = (ChannelBuffer) evt.getMessage();
                        bufIdx = channel.currentWriteIndex;

                    try {
                        for (int i = writeSpinCount; i > 0; i --) {
                            int localWrittenBytes = buf.getBytes(
                                        maxWrittenBytes - writtenBytes,
                                        buf.writerIndex() - bufIdx));

                            if (localWrittenBytes != 0) {
                                writtenBytes += localWrittenBytes;
                                bufIdx += localWrittenBytes;

                        if (bufIdx == buf.writerIndex()) {
                            // Successful write - proceed to the next message.
                            evt = null;
                        } else {
                            // Not written fully - perhaps the kernel buffer is full.
                            channel.currentWriteEvent = evt;
                            channel.currentWriteIndex = bufIdx;
                            addOpWrite = true;
                    } catch (AsynchronousCloseException e) {
                        // Doesn't need a user attention - ignore.
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        evt = null;
                        fireExceptionCaught(channel, t);
                        if (t instanceof IOException) {
                            open = false;
                            close(channel, channel.getSucceededFuture());
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

                cause = new ClosedChannelException();

            // Clean up the stale messages in the write buffer.
            synchronized (channel.writeLock) {
                MessageEvent evt = channel.currentWriteEvent;
                if (evt != null) {
                    channel.currentWriteEvent = null;
                    channel.currentWriteIndex = 0;
                    fireExceptionCaught(channel, cause);

                Queue<MessageEvent> writeBuffer = channel.writeBuffer;
                for (;;) {
                    evt = writeBuffer.poll();
                    if (evt == null) {
                    fireExceptionCaught(channel, cause);
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

                active = true;
             MessageEvent event = new UpstreamMessageEvent(e.getChannel(), response.getContent(), e.getRemoteAddress());
             waitingGet = false;
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    Examples of org.jboss.netty.channel.MessageEvent

            if (!(evt instanceof MessageEvent)) {

            MessageEvent e = (MessageEvent) evt;
            if (!(e.getMessage() instanceof ChannelBuffer)) {

            // Don't encrypt the first write request if this handler is
            // created with startTLS flag turned on.
            if (startTls && sentFirstMessage.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

            // Otherwise, all messages are encrypted.
            ChannelBuffer msg = (ChannelBuffer) e.getMessage();
            PendingWrite pendingWrite =
                new PendingWrite(evt.getFuture(), msg.toByteBuffer(msg.readerIndex(), msg.readableBytes()));
            synchronized (pendingUnencryptedWrites) {
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