Examples of MergeResourceResponse

Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

                resource.setName(prefix("name-" + randomLong));
                int parentResourceId = (Integer) invocation.getArguments()[1];
                Resource parentResource = resourceManager.getResource(subjectManager.getOverlord(), parentResourceId);
                Integer ownerSubjectId = (Integer) invocation.getArguments()[3];
                MergeResourceResponse response = discoveryBoss.addResource(resource, ownerSubjectId);
                return response;

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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

                + parentResource + ", since the " + resourceType + " type does not support manual add.");

        abortResourceManualAddIfExistingSingleton(parentResource, resourceType);

        MergeResourceResponse mergeResourceResponse;
        try {
            AgentClient agentClient = this.agentManager.getAgentClient(parentResource.getAgent());
            DiscoveryAgentService discoveryAgentService = agentClient.getDiscoveryAgentService();
            mergeResourceResponse = discoveryAgentService.manuallyAddResource(resourceType, parentResourceId,
                importResourceRequest.getPluginConfiguration(), subject.getId());
        } catch (CannotConnectException e) {
            throw new CannotConnectToAgentException("Error adding [" + resourceType + "] Resource to inventory as "
                + "a child of " + parentResource + " - cause: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error adding [" + resourceType + "] Resource to inventory as a child of "
                + parentResource + " - cause: " + e, e);

        Resource resource = resourceManager.getResourceById(subject, mergeResourceResponse.getResourceId());
        boolean resourceAlreadyExisted = mergeResourceResponse.resourceAlreadyExisted();

        return new ImportResourceResponse(resource, resourceAlreadyExisted);
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

        return new ImportResourceResponse(resource, resourceAlreadyExisted);

    public MergeResourceResponse addResource(Resource resource, int creatorSubjectId) {
        MergeResourceResponse mergeResourceResponse;
        try {

        } catch (InvalidInventoryReportException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Plugin Container sent an invalid Resource - " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
        if (!initResourceTypes(resource)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Plugin Container sent a Resource with an unknown type - "
                + resource.getResourceType());

        Resource existingResource = findExistingResource(resource, null);
        if (existingResource != null) {
            mergeResourceResponse = new MergeResourceResponse(existingResource.getId(), existingResource.getMtime(),
        } else {
            Subject creator = this.subjectManager.getSubjectById(creatorSubjectId);
            try {
                creator = this.subjectManager.loginUnauthenticated(creator.getName());
            } catch (LoginException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to temporarily login to provided resource creator user for resource creation", e);

            Resource parentResource = this.resourceManager.getResourceById(creator, resource.getParentResource()

            // Manually added resources are auto-committed.
            try {
                this.resourceManager.createResource(creator, resource, parentResource.getId());
            } catch (ResourceAlreadyExistsException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);

            mergeResourceResponse = new MergeResourceResponse(resource.getId(), resource.getCtime(), false);

        return mergeResourceResponse;
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

        resourceType = this.pluginManager.getMetadataManager().getType(resourceType);
        if (resourceType == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Server specified unknown Resource type: " + resourceTypeString);

        MergeResourceResponse mergeResourceResponse;
        Resource resource = null;
        boolean resourceAlreadyExisted = false;

        try {
            ResourceContainer parentResourceContainer = getResourceContainer(parentResourceId);
            ResourceComponent parentResourceComponent = parentResourceContainer.getResourceComponent();

            // Get the discovery component responsible for discovering resources of the specified resource type.
            PluginComponentFactory pluginComponentFactory = PluginContainer.getInstance().getPluginComponentFactory();
            ResourceDiscoveryComponent discoveryComponent = pluginComponentFactory.getDiscoveryComponent(resourceType,

            DiscoveredResourceDetails discoveredResourceDetails;
            if (discoveryComponent instanceof ManualAddFacet) {
                // The plugin is using the new manual add API.
                ResourceDiscoveryContext<ResourceComponent<?>> discoveryContext = new ResourceDiscoveryContext<ResourceComponent<?>>(
                    resourceType, parentResourceComponent, parentResourceContainer.getResourceContext(),
                    SystemInfoFactory.createSystemInfo(), new ArrayList<ProcessScanResult>(0),
                    new ArrayList<Configuration>(0), this.configuration.getContainerName(),

                // Ask the plugin's discovery component to find the new resource, throwing exceptions if it cannot be
                // found at all.
                discoveredResourceDetails = discoverResource(discoveryComponent, pluginConfiguration, discoveryContext,
                if (discoveredResourceDetails == null) {
                    log.info("Plugin Error: During manual add, discovery component method ["
                        + discoveryComponent.getClass().getName() + ".discoverResource()] returned null "
                        + "(either the Resource type was blacklisted or the plugin developer "
                        + "did not implement support for manually discovered Resources correctly).");
                    throw new PluginContainerException("The [" + resourceType.getPlugin()
                        + "] plugin does not properly support manual addition of [" + resourceType.getName()
                        + "] Resources.");
            } else {
                // The plugin is using the old manual add API, which we must continue to support to maintain
                // backward compatibility.
                log.info("Plugin Warning: Resource type '" + resourceType.getName() + "' from '"
                    + resourceType.getPlugin() + "' is still using the deprecated manual Resource add API, "
                    + "rather than the new ManualAddFacet interface.");
                List<Configuration> pluginConfigurations = new ArrayList<Configuration>(1);
                ResourceDiscoveryContext<ResourceComponent<?>> discoveryContext = new ResourceDiscoveryContext<ResourceComponent<?>>(
                    resourceType, parentResourceComponent, parentResourceContainer.getResourceContext(),
                    SystemInfoFactory.createSystemInfo(), new ArrayList<ProcessScanResult>(0), pluginConfigurations,
                    this.configuration.getContainerName(), this.configuration.getPluginContainerDeployment());

                // Ask the plugin's discovery component to find the new resource, throwing exceptions if it cannot be
                // found at all.
                try {
                    Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = invokeDiscoveryComponent(
                        parentResourceContainer, discoveryComponent, discoveryContext);
                    if ((discoveredResources == null) || discoveredResources.isEmpty()) {
                        log.info("Plugin Error: During manual add, discovery component method ["
                            + discoveryComponent.getClass().getName() + ".discoverResources()] returned "
                            + discoveredResources + " when passed a single plugin configuration "
                            + "(either the resource type was blacklisted or the plugin developer "
                            + "did not implement support for manually discovered resources correctly).");
                        throw new PluginContainerException("The [" + resourceType.getPlugin()
                            + "] plugin does not properly support manual addition of [" + resourceType.getName()
                            + "] resources.");
                    discoveredResourceDetails = discoveredResources.iterator().next();
                } catch (DiscoverySuspendedException e) {
                    String message = "The discovery class ["
                        + discoveryComponent.getClass().getName()
                        + "]"
                        + " uses a legacy implementation of \"manual add\" functionality. Some of the child resources"
                        + " with the resource type ["
                        + resourceType
                        + "] under the parent resource ["
                        + parentResourceContainer.getResource()
                        + "]"
                        + " failed to upgrade, which makes it impossible to support the legacy manual-add implementation. Either upgrade the plugin ["
                        + resourceType.getPlugin()
                        + "] to successfully upgrade all resources or consider implementing the ManualAdd facet.";
                    throw new PluginContainerException(message, e);

            // Create the new Resource and add it to inventory if it isn't already there.
            resource = createNewResource(discoveredResourceDetails);
            Resource parentResource = getResourceContainer(parentResourceId).getResource();
            Resource existingResource = findMatchingChildResource(resource, parentResource);
            if (existingResource != null) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Manual add for resource type [" + resourceType.getName() + "] and parent resource id ["
                        + parentResourceId
                        + "] found a resource that already exists in inventory - updating existing resource ["
                        + existingResource + "]");
                resourceAlreadyExisted = true;
                resource = existingResource;
                if (resource.getInventoryStatus() != InventoryStatus.COMMITTED) {
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Adding manually discovered resource [" + resource + "] to inventory...");

            // Make sure the resource's component is activated (i.e. started).
            boolean newPluginConfig = true;
            ResourceContainer resourceContainer = getResourceContainer(resource);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Activating resource [" + resource + "]...");

            // NOTE: We don't mess with inventory status - that's the server's responsibility.

            // Tell the server to merge the resource into its inventory.
            DiscoveryServerService discoveryServerService = this.configuration.getServerServices()
            mergeResourceResponse = discoveryServerService.addResource(resource, ownerSubjectId);

            // Sync our local resource up with the one now in server inventory. Treat this like a newlyCommittedResource
            // - set mtime (same as ctime for a new resource) to ensure this does not get picked up in an inventory sync
            //   pass, we know we're currently in sync with the server.
            Set newResources = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>();
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

            return null;

        public MergeResourceResponse addResource(Resource resource, int creatorSubjectId) {
            return new MergeResourceResponse(manualAddResourceCounter++, System.currentTimeMillis(), false);
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

                boolean exists = getResourceStore().containsKey(r.getUuid());

                r = fakePersist(r, InventoryStatus.COMMITTED, new HashSet<String>());

                return new MergeResourceResponse(r.getId(), (exists ? r.getMtime() : r.getCtime()), exists);
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        configuration.setSimpleValue(URL, "http://" + HTTP_HOST + ":" + httpPort + "/pipo/molo");
        configuration.setSimpleValue(METHOD, "GET");
        configuration.setSimpleValue(VALIDATE_RESPONSE_CODE, "true");
        configuration.setSimpleValue(VALIDATE_RESPONSE_PATTERN, "success");
        MergeResourceResponse response = getInventoryManager().manuallyAddResource(
            getPluginManager().getMetadataManager().getType(SERVICE_NAME, PLUGIN_NAME), getPlatform().getId(),
            configuration, -1);
        assertNotNull(response, "Manual add response is null");
        ResourceComponent resourceComponent = getInventoryManager().getResourceContainer(response.getResourceId())
        assertEquals(resourceComponent.getClass(), HTTPNetServiceComponent.class);
        httpNetServiceComponent = (HTTPNetServiceComponent) resourceComponent;
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

    @Test(dependsOnMethods = "testPluginLoad")
    public void testManualAdd() throws Exception {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        configuration.setSimpleValue(ConfigKeys.ADDRESS, LOOPBACK_ADDRESS.getHostAddress());
        configuration.setSimpleValue(ConfigKeys.PORT, String.valueOf(serverSocketLocalPort));
        MergeResourceResponse response = getInventoryManager().manuallyAddResource(
            getPluginManager().getMetadataManager().getType(SERVICE_NAME, PLUGIN_NAME), getPlatform().getId(),
            configuration, -1);
        assertNotNull(response, "Manual add response is null");
        ResourceComponent resourceComponent = getInventoryManager().getResourceContainer(response.getResourceId())
        assertEquals(resourceComponent.getClass(), PortNetServiceComponent.class);
        portNetServiceComponent = (PortNetServiceComponent) resourceComponent;
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

    @Test(dependsOnMethods = "testPluginLoad")
    public void testManualAdd() throws Exception {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        configuration.setSimpleValue(ConfigKeys.ADDRESS, LOOPBACK);
        MergeResourceResponse response = getInventoryManager().manuallyAddResource(
            getPluginManager().getMetadataManager().getType(SERVICE_NAME, PLUGIN_NAME), getPlatform().getId(),
            configuration, -1);
        assertNotNull(response, "Manual add response is null");
        ResourceComponent resourceComponent = getInventoryManager().getResourceContainer(response.getResourceId())
        assertEquals(resourceComponent.getClass(), PingNetServiceComponent.class);
        pingNetServiceComponent = (PingNetServiceComponent) resourceComponent;
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.discovery.MergeResourceResponse

        when(discoveryServerService.addResource(any(Resource.class), anyInt())).thenAnswer(
            new Answer<MergeResourceResponse>() {

                public MergeResourceResponse answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                    return new MergeResourceResponse(resourceIdGenerator.decrementAndGet(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
        ServerServices serverServices = new ServerServices();
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