Examples of MemberEntry

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.xml.stringsubs.MemberEntry

                _extractedEntries.put(archive.getName(), file);
                new ArchiveEntryWrapperImpl(archive, extratFilePath, this);
            } else if (object instanceof MemberEntry) {
                MemberEntry entry = (MemberEntry)object;
                File file = new File(extratFilePath + entry.getName());
                try {
                    extractEntry(entry.getName(), file);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                _extractedEntries.put(entry.getName(), file);
                getAllArchiveMemberList().add(new ArchiveMemberHandler(file, this));
            } else {
                _logger.log(Level.WARNING, _strings.get("invalidArchiveEntry", object, _archive.getName()));
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Examples of com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.xml.stringsubs.MemberEntry

                _extractedEntries.put(archive.getName(), file);
                new ArchiveEntryWrapperImpl(archive, extratFilePath, this);
            } else if (object instanceof MemberEntry) {
                MemberEntry entry = (MemberEntry)object;
                File file = new File(extratFilePath + entry.getName());
                try {
                    extractEntry(entry.getName(), file);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                _extractedEntries.put(entry.getName(), file);
                getAllArchiveMemberList().add(new ArchiveMemberHandler(file, this));
            } else {
              _logger.log(Level.WARNING, SLogger.INVALID_ARCHIVE_ENTRY,
                  new Object[] {object, _archive.getName()});
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Examples of com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.ConstantPool.MemberEntry

                            classRef = newClass; break;
                        buf[pc++] = (byte) origBC;
                        int coding = bc_initref.getInt();
                        // Find the nth overloading of <init> in classRef.
                        MemberEntry ref = pkg.cp.getOverloadingForIndex(CONSTANT_Methodref, classRef, "<init>", coding);
                        fixupBuf.add(pc, Fixups.U2_FORMAT, ref);
                        buf[pc+0] = buf[pc+1] = 0;
                        pc += 2;
                        assert(Instruction.opLength(origBC) == (pc - curPC));
                    if (Instruction.isSelfLinkerOp(bc)) {
                        int idx = (bc - _self_linker_op);
                        boolean isSuper = (idx >= _self_linker_super_flag);
                        if (isSuperidx -= _self_linker_super_flag;
                        boolean isAload = (idx >= _self_linker_aload_flag);
                        if (isAloadidx -= _self_linker_aload_flag;
                        int origBC = _first_linker_op + idx;
                        boolean isField = Instruction.isFieldOp(origBC);
                        CPRefBand bc_which;
                        ClassEntry which_cls  = isSuper ? superClass : thisClass;
                        Index which_ix;
                        if (isField) {
                            bc_which = isSuper ? bc_superfield  : bc_thisfield;
                            which_ix = pkg.cp.getMemberIndex(CONSTANT_Fieldref, which_cls);
                        } else {
                            bc_which = isSuper ? bc_supermethod : bc_thismethod;
                            which_ix = pkg.cp.getMemberIndex(CONSTANT_Methodref, which_cls);
                        assert(bc_which == selfOpRefBand(bc));
                        MemberEntry ref = (MemberEntry) bc_which.getRef(which_ix);
                        if (isAload) {
                            buf[pc++] = (byte) _aload_0;
                            curPC = pc;
                            // Note: insnMap keeps the _aload_0 separate.
                            insnMap[numInsns++] = curPC;
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Examples of com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.ConstantPool.MemberEntry


    void writeMemberRefs(byte tag, Entry[] cpMap, CPRefBand cp_class, CPRefBand cp_desc) throws IOException {
        for (int i = 0; i < cpMap.length; i++) {
            MemberEntry e = (MemberEntry) cpMap[i];
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Examples of com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.ConstantPool.MemberEntry

    // Return an _invokeinit_op variant, if the instruction matches one,
    // else -1.
    private int initOpVariant(Instruction i, Entry newClass) {
        if (i.getBC() != _invokespecialreturn -1;
        MemberEntry ref = (MemberEntry) i.getCPRef(curCPMap);
        if ("<init>".equals(ref.descRef.nameRef.stringValue()) == false)
            return -1;
        ClassEntry refClass = ref.classRef;
        if (refClass == curClass.thisClass)
            return _invokeinit_op+_invokeinit_self_option;
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Examples of com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.ConstantPool.MemberEntry

    // Return a _self_linker_op variant, if the instruction matches one,
    // else -1.
    private int selfOpVariant(Instruction i) {
        int bc = i.getBC();
        if (!(bc >= _first_linker_op && bc <= _last_linker_op))  return -1;
        MemberEntry ref = (MemberEntry) i.getCPRef(curCPMap);
        ClassEntry refClass = ref.classRef;
        int self_bc = _self_linker_op + (bc - _first_linker_op);
        if (refClass == curClass.thisClass)
            return self_bc;
        if (refClass == curClass.superClass)
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Examples of com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.ConstantPool.MemberEntry

                    prevAload = false//used up
                // Write special bytecode.
                MemberEntry ref = (MemberEntry) i.getCPRef(curCPMap);
                // Write operand to a separate band.
                int coding = cp.getOverloadingIndex(ref);

            int self_bc = selfOpVariant(i);
            if (self_bc >= 0) {
                boolean isField = Instruction.isFieldOp(bc);
                boolean isSuper = (self_bc >= _self_linker_op+_self_linker_super_flag);
                boolean isAload = prevAload;
                prevAload = false//used up
                if (isAload)
                    self_bc += _self_linker_aload_flag;
                // Write special bytecode.
                // Write field or method ref to a separate band.
                MemberEntry ref = (MemberEntry) i.getCPRef(curCPMap);
                CPRefBand bc_which = selfOpRefBand(self_bc);
                Index which_ix = cp.getMemberIndex(ref.tag, ref.classRef);
                bc_which.putRef(ref, which_ix);
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Examples of org.apache.roller.weblogger.webservices.adminprotocol.sdk.MemberEntry

            throw new BadRequestException("ERROR: Cannot put >1 entries per request");
        // only one entry
        // if there's zero entries, this is a nop
        MemberEntry entry = (MemberEntry)c.getEntries()[0];
        MemberURI muri = (MemberURI)getUri();
        // get handle
        // if there's no handle in the entry, set it
        // if the entry and URI handles do not match, exception
        String handle = muri.getHandle();
        if (entry.getHandle() == null) {
        } else if (!entry.getHandle().equals(handle)) {
            throw new BadRequestException("ERROR: URI and entry handle do not match");
        // get username
        // if there's no name in the entry or the URI, exception
        // if there's no name in the entry, set it
        // if the names in the entry and URI do not match, exception
        String username = muri.getUsername();
        if (entry.getName() == null) {
            if (username == null) {
                throw new BadRequestException("ERROR: No user name in URI or entry");
        } else if (username != null && !entry.getName().equals(username)) {
            throw new BadRequestException("ERROR: URI and entry user name do not match");
        c = updateMembers((MemberEntrySet)c);
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Examples of org.apache.roller.weblogger.webservices.adminprotocol.sdk.MemberEntry

        try {
            UserManager mgr = getRoller().getUserManager();
            List permissionsDatas= new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < c.getEntries().length; i++) {
                MemberEntry entry = (MemberEntry)c.getEntries()[i];
                WeblogPermission pd = toPermissionsData(entry);
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Examples of org.apache.roller.weblogger.webservices.adminprotocol.sdk.MemberEntry

    private MemberEntrySet updateMembers(MemberEntrySet c) throws HandlerException {
        List permissionsDatas= new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < c.getEntries().length; i++) {
            MemberEntry entry = (MemberEntry)c.getEntries()[i];
            WeblogPermission pd = getPermissionsData(entry);
            if (pd == null) {
                throw new NotFoundException("ERROR: Permissions do not exist for weblog handle: " + entry.getHandle() + ", user name: " + entry.getName());
            updatePermissionsData(pd, entry);
        return toMemberEntrySet((WeblogPermission[])permissionsDatas.toArray(new WeblogPermission[0]));
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