Examples of LdapPrincipal

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal


        ACI_LOG.debug( "Adding the entry {}", addContext.getEntry() );

        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        LdapPrincipal principal = addContext.getSession().getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        Entry serverEntry = addContext.getEntry();

        Dn dn = addContext.getDn();

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            ACI_LOG.debug( "Addition done by the administartor : no check" );

            next( addContext );
            tupleCache.subentryAdded( dn, serverEntry );
            groupCache.groupAdded( dn, serverEntry );

        // perform checks below here for all non-admin users
        Entry subentry = subentryUtils.getSubentryAttributes( dn, serverEntry );

        for ( Attribute attribute : serverEntry )
            subentry.put( attribute );

        // Assemble all the information required to make an access control decision
        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();

        // Build the total collection of tuples to be considered for add rights
        // NOTE: entryACI are NOT considered in adds (it would be a security breech)
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( addContext, tuples, dn, subentry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( addContext, tuples, dn, subentry );

        // check if entry scope permission is granted
        AciContext entryAciCtx = new AciContext( schemaManager, addContext );
        entryAciCtx.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        entryAciCtx.setUserDn( principalDn );
        entryAciCtx.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        entryAciCtx.setEntryDn( dn );
        entryAciCtx.setMicroOperations( ADD_PERMS );
        entryAciCtx.setAciTuples( tuples );
        entryAciCtx.setEntry( subentry );

        engine.checkPermission( entryAciCtx );

        // now we must check if attribute type and value scope permission is granted
        for ( Attribute attribute : serverEntry )
            for ( Value<?> value : attribute )
                AciContext attrAciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, addContext );
                attrAciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
                attrAciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
                attrAciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
                attrAciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
                attrAciContext.setAttributeType( attribute.getAttributeType() );
                attrAciContext.setAttrValue( value );
                attrAciContext.setMicroOperations( ADD_PERMS );
                attrAciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

        Dn dn = compareContext.getDn();
        String oid = compareContext.getOid();

        Entry entry = compareContext.getOriginalEntry();

        LdapPrincipal principal = session.getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) || !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() )
            return next( compareContext );

        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( compareContext, tuples, dn, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( compareContext, tuples, dn, entry );

        AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, compareContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( READ_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( entry );

        engine.checkPermission( aciContext );

        AttributeType attributeType = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( oid );

        aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, compareContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
        aciContext.setAttributeType( attributeType );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( COMPARE_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( entry );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

            next( deleteContext );

        Dn dn = deleteContext.getDn();
        LdapPrincipal principal = session.getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        Entry entry = deleteContext.getEntry();

        protectCriticalEntries( deleteContext, dn );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            next( deleteContext );

            tupleCache.subentryDeleted( dn, entry );
            groupCache.groupDeleted( dn, entry );


        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( deleteContext, tuples, dn, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( deleteContext, tuples, dn, entry );

        AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, deleteContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( REMOVE_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( entry );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal


        CoreSession session = hasEntryContext.getSession();

        // TODO - eventually replace this with a check on session.isAnAdministrator()
        LdapPrincipal principal = session.getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            return answer;

        LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( session, dn,
            SchemaConstants.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
        Entry entry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );

        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( hasEntryContext, tuples, dn, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, ( ( ClonedServerEntry ) entry ).getOriginalEntry() );
        addSubentryAciTuples( hasEntryContext, tuples, dn, ( ( ClonedServerEntry ) entry ).getOriginalEntry() );

        // check that we have browse access to the entry
        AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, hasEntryContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( BROWSE_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( ( ( ClonedServerEntry ) entry ).getOriginalEntry() );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

        CoreSession session = lookupContext.getSession();

        Entry entry = next( lookupContext );

        LdapPrincipal principal = session.getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        principalDn.apply( schemaManager );

        // Bypass this interceptor if we disabled the AC subsystem or if the principal is the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) || !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() )
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

        Dn dn = modifyContext.getDn();

        // Access the principal requesting the operation, and bypass checks if it is the admin
        Entry entry = modifyContext.getEntry();

        LdapPrincipal principal = modifyContext.getSession().getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() )
            next( modifyContext );

        List<Modification> mods = modifyContext.getModItems();

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            next( modifyContext );

            Entry modifiedEntry = modifyContext.getAlteredEntry();
            tupleCache.subentryModified( dn, mods, modifiedEntry );
            groupCache.groupModified( dn, mods, entry, schemaManager );


        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( modifyContext, tuples, dn, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( modifyContext, tuples, dn, entry );

        AciContext entryAciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, modifyContext );
        entryAciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        entryAciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        entryAciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        entryAciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
        entryAciContext.setMicroOperations( Collections.singleton( MicroOperation.MODIFY ) );
        entryAciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        entryAciContext.setEntry( entry );

        engine.checkPermission( entryAciContext );

        Collection<MicroOperation> perms = null;
        Entry entryView = entry.clone();

        for ( Modification mod : mods )
            Attribute attr = mod.getAttribute();

            switch ( mod.getOperation() )
                case ADD_ATTRIBUTE:
                    perms = ADD_PERMS;

                    // If the attribute is being created with an initial value ...
                    if ( entry.get( attr.getId() ) == null )
                        AciContext attrAciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, modifyContext );
                        attrAciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
                        attrAciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
                        attrAciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
                        attrAciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
                        attrAciContext.setAttributeType( attr.getAttributeType() );
                        attrAciContext.setMicroOperations( perms );
                        attrAciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
                        attrAciContext.setEntry( entry );

                        // ... we also need to check if adding the attribute is permitted
                        engine.checkPermission( attrAciContext );


                case REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE:
                    perms = REMOVE_PERMS;
                    Attribute entryAttr = entry.get( attr.getId() );

                    if ( entryAttr != null )
                        // If there is only one value remaining in the attribute ...
                        if ( entryAttr.size() == 1 )
                            // ... we also need to check if removing the attribute at all is permitted
                            AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, modifyContext );
                            aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
                            aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
                            aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
                            aciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
                            aciContext.setAttributeType( attr.getAttributeType() );
                            aciContext.setMicroOperations( perms );
                            aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
                            aciContext.setEntry( entry );

                            engine.checkPermission( aciContext );


                case REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE:
                    perms = REPLACE_PERMS;

             * Update the entry view as the current modification is applied to the original entry.
             * This is especially required for handling the MaxValueCount protected item. Number of
             * values for an attribute after a modification should be known in advance in order to
             * check permissions for MaxValueCount protected item. So during addition of the first
             * value of an attribute it can be rejected if the permission denied due the the
             * MaxValueCount protected item. This is not the perfect implementation as required by
             * the specification because the system should reject the addition exactly on the right
             * value of the attribute. However as we do not have that much granularity in our
             * implementation (we consider an Attribute Addition itself a Micro Operation,
             * not the individual Value Additions) we just handle this when the first value of an
             * attribute is being checked for relevant permissions below.
            entryView = ServerEntryUtils.getTargetEntry( mod, entryView, schemaManager );

            for ( Value<?> value : attr )
                AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, modifyContext );
                aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
                aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
                aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
                aciContext.setEntryDn( dn );
                aciContext.setAttributeType( attr.getAttributeType() );
                aciContext.setAttrValue( value );
                aciContext.setMicroOperations( perms );
                aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

        Entry entry = moveContext.getOriginalEntry();
        CoreSession session = moveContext.getSession();

        Dn newDn = moveContext.getNewDn();

        LdapPrincipal principal = session.getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() )
            next( moveContext );

        protectCriticalEntries( moveContext, oriChildName );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            next( moveContext );
            tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oriChildName, newDn );
            groupCache.groupRenamed( oriChildName, newDn );

        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( moveContext, tuples, oriChildName, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( moveContext, tuples, oriChildName, entry );

        AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, moveContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( oriChildName );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( EXPORT_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( entry );

        engine.checkPermission( aciContext );

        // Get the entry again without operational attributes
        // because access control subentry operational attributes
        // will not be valid at the new location.
        // This will certainly be fixed by the SubentryInterceptor,
        // but after this service.
        LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( session, oriChildName,
            SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
        Entry importedEntry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );

        // As the target entry does not exist yet and so
        // its subentry operational attributes are not there,
        // we need to construct an entry to represent it
        // at least with minimal requirements which are object class
        // and access control subentry operational attributes.
        Entry subentryAttrs = subentryUtils.getSubentryAttributes( newDn, importedEntry );

        for ( Attribute attribute : importedEntry )
            subentryAttrs.put( attribute );

        Collection<ACITuple> destTuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        // Import permission is only valid for prescriptive ACIs
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( moveContext, destTuples, newDn, subentryAttrs );

        // Evaluate the target context to see whether it
        // allows an entry named newName to be imported as a subordinate.
        aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, moveContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( newDn );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( IMPORT_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( destTuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( subentryAttrs );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

        Dn oldDn = moveAndRenameContext.getDn();
        CoreSession session = moveAndRenameContext.getSession();

        Entry entry = moveAndRenameContext.getOriginalEntry();

        LdapPrincipal principal = session.getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();
        Dn newDn = moveAndRenameContext.getNewDn();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() )
            next( moveAndRenameContext );


        protectCriticalEntries( moveAndRenameContext, oldDn );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            next( moveAndRenameContext );
            tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oldDn, newDn );
            groupCache.groupRenamed( oldDn, newDn );


        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( moveAndRenameContext, tuples, oldDn, entry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, entry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( moveAndRenameContext, tuples, oldDn, entry );

        AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, moveAndRenameContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( oldDn );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( MOVERENAME_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( entry );

        engine.checkPermission( aciContext );

        // Get the entry again without operational attributes
        // because access control subentry operational attributes
        // will not be valid at the new location.
        // This will certainly be fixed by the SubentryInterceptor,
        // but after this service.

        LookupOperationContext lookupContext = new LookupOperationContext( session, oldDn,
            SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES_ARRAY );
        Entry importedEntry = directoryService.getPartitionNexus().lookup( lookupContext );

        // As the target entry does not exist yet and so
        // its subentry operational attributes are not there,
        // we need to construct an entry to represent it
        // at least with minimal requirements which are object class
        // and access control subentry operational attributes.
        Entry subentryAttrs = subentryUtils.getSubentryAttributes( newDn, importedEntry );

        for ( Attribute attribute : importedEntry )
            subentryAttrs.put( attribute );

        Collection<ACITuple> destTuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        // Import permission is only valid for prescriptive ACIs
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( moveAndRenameContext, destTuples, newDn, subentryAttrs );

        // Evaluate the target context to see whether it
        // allows an entry named newName to be imported as a subordinate.
        aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, moveAndRenameContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( newDn );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( IMPORT_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( destTuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( subentryAttrs );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

        if ( renameContext.getEntry() != null )
            originalEntry = ( ( ClonedServerEntry ) renameContext.getEntry() ).getOriginalEntry();

        LdapPrincipal principal = renameContext.getSession().getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = principal.getDn();
        Dn newName = renameContext.getNewDn();

        // bypass authz code if we are disabled
        if ( !directoryService.isAccessControlEnabled() )
            next( renameContext );

        protectCriticalEntries( renameContext, oldName );

        // bypass authz code but manage caches if operation is performed by the admin
        if ( isPrincipalAnAdministrator( principalDn ) )
            next( renameContext );
            tupleCache.subentryRenamed( oldName, newName );

            // TODO : this method returns a boolean : what should we do with the result ?
            groupCache.groupRenamed( oldName, newName );


        Set<Dn> userGroups = groupCache.getGroups( principalDn.getNormName() );
        Collection<ACITuple> tuples = new HashSet<ACITuple>();
        addPerscriptiveAciTuples( renameContext, tuples, oldName, originalEntry );
        addEntryAciTuples( tuples, originalEntry );
        addSubentryAciTuples( renameContext, tuples, oldName, originalEntry );

        AciContext aciContext = new AciContext( schemaManager, renameContext );
        aciContext.setUserGroupNames( userGroups );
        aciContext.setUserDn( principalDn );
        aciContext.setAuthenticationLevel( principal.getAuthenticationLevel() );
        aciContext.setEntryDn( oldName );
        aciContext.setMicroOperations( RENAME_PERMS );
        aciContext.setAciTuples( tuples );
        aciContext.setEntry( originalEntry );
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Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.LdapPrincipal

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public EntryFilteringCursor search( SearchOperationContext searchContext ) throws LdapException
        LdapPrincipal user = searchContext.getSession().getEffectivePrincipal();
        Dn principalDn = user.getDn();
        EntryFilteringCursor cursor = next( searchContext );

        boolean isSubschemaSubentryLookup = subschemaSubentryDn.equals( searchContext.getDn().getNormName() );

        boolean isRootDseLookup = ( searchContext.getDn().size() == 0 )
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