Examples of LABEL_Instr

Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

            Operand  v1  = build(andNode.getFirstNode(), m);
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, BooleanLiteral.FALSE));
            m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(v1, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, l));
            Operand  v2  = build(andNode.getSecondNode(), m);
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, v2));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));
            return ret;
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

            bodies.put(elseLabel, caseNode.getElseNode());

        // now emit bodies
        for (Map.Entry<Label, Node> entry : bodies.entrySet()) {
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(entry.getKey()));
            Operand bodyValue = build(entry.getValue(), m);
            // bodyValue can be null if the body ends with a return!
            if (bodyValue != null) {
               // Local optimization of break results (followed by a copy & jump) to short-circuit the jump right away
               // rather than wait to do it during an optimization pass when a dead jump needs to be removed.
               Label tgt = endLabel;
               if (bodyValue instanceof BreakResult) {
                   BreakResult br = (BreakResult)bodyValue;
                   bodyValue = br._result;
                   tgt = br._jumpTarget;
               m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, bodyValue));
               m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(tgt));

        // close it out
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(endLabel));

        return result;
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

        Label rBeginLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rEndLabel   = ebi.end;
        List<Label> rescueLabels = new ArrayList<Label>() { };

        // Protected region code
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueLabels));
        Object v1 = protectedCode.run(protectedCodeArgs); // YIELD: Run the protected code block
        m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rEndLabel));


        // Ensure block code
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(ebi.start));
        Object v2 = ensureCode.run(ensureCodeArgs); // YIELD: Run the ensure code block
        m.addInstr(new JUMP_INDIRECT_Instr(ebi.returnAddr));

        // By moving the exception region end marker here to include the ensure block,
        // we effectively swallow those exceptions -- but we will end up trying to rerun the ensure code again!
        // SSS FIXME: Wont this get us stuck in an infinite loop?
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

        // Rescue block code
        // SSS FIXME: How do we get this to catch all exceptions, not just Ruby exceptions?
        Label dummyRescueBlockLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(dummyRescueBlockLabel));
        m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, ebi.end));
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));

        // End
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        // SSS FIXME: Is this correct?  Shoudln't we be copying v1 & v2 into an variable and returning that instead?
        return new Object[] { v1, v2 };
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

        Label rBeginLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rEndLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        List<Label> rescueLabels = new ArrayList<Label>() { };

        // Protected region code
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueLabels));
        Object v1 = protectedCode.run(protectedCodeArgs); // YIELD: Run the protected code block
        m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, (Operand)v1));
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(rEndLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

        // Rescue code
        Label rbLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rbLabel));
        Object v2 = rescueBlock.run(rescueBlockArgs); // YIELD: Run the protected code block
        if (v2 != null) m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, (Operand)v1));

        // End
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        return rv;
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

                Operand def = buildGetDefinition(node, m);
                m.addInstr(new BEQInstr(def, Nil.NIL, failLabel));
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, new StringLiteral(type)));
            m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(doneLabel));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(failLabel));
            m.addInstr(new CopyInstr(rv, Nil.NIL));
            m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(doneLabel));
            return rv;
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

        Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
        Label defLabel   = s.getNewLabel();
        s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(tmpVar, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, undefLabel));
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, new StringLiteral(definedReturnValue)));
        s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(defLabel));
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(undefLabel));
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, Nil.NIL));
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(defLabel));
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

                Instr callInstr  = new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("isMethodBound"), tmpVar, new Operand[]{mName, BooleanLiteral.FALSE});
                s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(tmpVar, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, undefLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, buildGetArgumentDefinition(((FCallNode) node).getArgsNode(), s, "method")));
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(defLabel));
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(undefLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, Nil.NIL));
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(defLabel));
                return tmpVar;
            case COLON3NODE:
            case COLON2NODE:
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

                LocalAsgnNode n = (LocalAsgnNode)optArgs.get(j);
                Variable av = s.getLocalVariable(n.getName());
                s.addInstr(new ReceiveOptionalArgumentInstr(av, argIndex));
                s.addInstr(new BNEInstr(av, Nil.NIL, l)); // if 'av' is not null, go to default
                build(n, s);
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(l));

        if (rest > -1) {
            s.addInstr(new ReceiveArgumentInstruction(s.getLocalVariable(argsNode.getRestArgNode().getName()), argIndex, true));
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

        Label rBeginLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rEndLabel   = ebi.end;
        List<Label> rescueLabels = new ArrayList<Label>() { };

        // Start of region
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rBeginLabel));
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionStartMarkerInstr(rBeginLabel, rEndLabel, rescueLabels));

        // Generate IR for Code being protected
        Operand  rv = (bodyNode instanceof RescueNode) ? buildRescueInternal(bodyNode, m, rBeginLabel) : build(bodyNode, m);

        // End of protected region
        m.addInstr(new ExceptionRegionEndMarkerInstr());

        // Jump to start of ensure block -- dont bother if we had a return in the protected body
        if (rv != U_NIL)
            m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rEndLabel));

        // Pop the current ensure block info node *BEFORE* generating the ensure code for this block itself!

        // Generate the ensure block now
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(ebi.start));

        // Two cases:
        // 1. Ensure block has no explicit return => the result of the entire ensure expression is the result of the protected body.
        // 2. Ensure block has an explicit return => the result of the protected body is ignored.
        Operand ensureRetVal = (ensureNode.getEnsureNode() == null) ? Nil.NIL : build(ensureNode.getEnsureNode(), m);
        if (ensureRetVal == null)   // null => there was a return from within the ensure block!
            rv = null;

        m.addInstr(new JUMP_INDIRECT_Instr(ebi.returnAddr));

        // Now build the dummy rescue block that:
        // * catches all exceptions thrown by the body
        // * jumps to the ensure block code
        // * returns back (via set_retaddr instr)
        // * rethrows the caught exception
        Label dummyRescueBlockLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Label rethrowExcLabel = m.getNewLabel();
        Variable exc = m.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(dummyRescueBlockLabel));
        m.addInstr(new RECV_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));
        m.addInstr(new SET_RETADDR_Instr(ebi.returnAddr, rethrowExcLabel));
        m.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rethrowExcLabel));
        m.addInstr(new THROW_EXCEPTION_Instr(exc));

        // End label for the exception region
        m.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(rEndLabel));

        return rv;
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Examples of org.jruby.compiler.ir.instructions.LABEL_Instr

            s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, Nil.NIL));
            s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(doneLabel));

        // Build the else part of the if-statement
        s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(falseLabel));
        if (ifNode.getElseBody() != null) {
            Operand elseResult = build(ifNode.getElseBody(), s);
            // elseResult can be U_NIL if then-body ended with a return!
            if (elseResult != U_NIL) {
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, elseResult));
            else {
                elseUnil = true;
        else {
            elseNull = true;
            s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(result, Nil.NIL));

        if (thenNull && elseNull) {
            return Nil.NIL;
        else if (thenUnil && elseUnil) {
            return U_NIL;
        else {
            s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(doneLabel));
            return result;
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