Examples of KnuthGlue

Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

                        // which forces a line break
                        if (!lastPar.containsBox()) {
                            //only a forced linefeed on this line
                            //-> compensate with an auxiliary glue
                            lastPar.add(new KnuthGlue(iLineWidth, 0, iLineWidth, null, true));
                        ElementListObserver.observe(lastPar, "line", null);
                        lastPar = null;
                        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue


        if (nLastLines != 0
            && (nConditionalOptionalLines > 0 || nConditionalEliminableLines > 0)) {
            breaker.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            breaker.add(new KnuthGlue(0, -nConditionalOptionalLines * constantLineHeight,
                                        -nConditionalEliminableLines * constantLineHeight,
                                        LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            breaker.add(new KnuthPenalty(nConditionalOptionalLines * constantLineHeight,
                                           0, false, elementPosition, false));
            breaker.add(new KnuthGlue(0, nConditionalOptionalLines * constantLineHeight,
                                        nConditionalEliminableLines * constantLineHeight,
                                        LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
        } else if (nLastLines != 0) {
            breaker.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false, elementPosition, false));

        //log.debug("first=" + nFirstLines + " inner=" + nInnerLines
        //                   + " optional=" + nOptionalLines + " eliminable=" + nEliminableLines
        //                   + " last=" + nLastLines
        //                   + " (condOpt=" + nConditionalOptionalLines + " condEl=" + nConditionalEliminableLines + ")");

        // creation of the elements:
        // first group of lines
        list.add(new KnuthBox(nFirstLines * constantLineHeight, elementPosition,
                              (nLastLines == 0
                               && nConditionalOptionalLines == 0
                               && nConditionalEliminableLines == 0 ? true : false)));
        if (nConditionalOptionalLines > 0
            || nConditionalEliminableLines > 0) {
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, nConditionalOptionalLines * constantLineHeight,
                                   nConditionalEliminableLines * constantLineHeight,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition,
                                  (nLastLines == 0 ? true : false)));

        // optional lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nOptionalLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 1 * constantLineHeight, 0,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));

        // eliminable lines
        for (int i = 0; i < nEliminableLines; i++) {
            list.add(new KnuthBox(1 * constantLineHeight, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 0, 1 * constantLineHeight,
                                   LINE_NUMBER_ADJUSTMENT, elementPosition, false));
            list.add(new KnuthBox(0, elementPosition, false));

        // inner lines
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

                p = -KnuthPenalty.INFINITE; //Overrides any keeps (see 4.8 in XSL 1.0)
            returnList.add(new BreakElement(penaltyPos, effPenaltyLen, p, breakClass, context));
            if (penaltyOrGlueLen < 0) {
                returnList.add(new KnuthGlue(-penaltyOrGlueLen, 0, 0, new Position(null), true));

            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("step=" + step + " (+" + increase + ")"
                        + " box=" + boxLen
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue


            // add auxiliary elements at the beginning of the paragraph
            if (textAlignment == EN_CENTER && textAlignmentLast != EN_JUSTIFY) {
                this.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 3 * DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                       null, false));

            // add the element representing text indentation
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

        public KnuthSequence endSequence() {
            if (this.size() > ignoreAtStart) {
                if (textAlignment == EN_CENTER
                    && textAlignmentLast != EN_JUSTIFY) {
                    this.add(new KnuthGlue(0, 3 * DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                           null, false));
                    this.add(new KnuthPenalty(lineFiller.opt, -KnuthElement.INFINITE,
                                              false, null, false));
                    ignoreAtEnd = 2;
                } else if (textAlignmentLast != EN_JUSTIFY) {
                    // add the elements representing the space
                    // at the end of the last line
                    // and the forced break
                    this.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
                                              false, null, false));
                    this.add(new KnuthGlue(0,
                            lineFiller.max - lineFiller.opt,
                            lineFiller.opt - lineFiller.min, null, false));
                    this.add(new KnuthPenalty(lineFiller.opt, -KnuthElement.INFINITE,
                                              false, null, false));
                    ignoreAtEnd = 3;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

                    ai = null;
                if (breakAction == LineBreakStatus.EXPLICIT_BREAK) {
                    if (lineEndBAP != 0) {
                            (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                           new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                    sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
            if ((ch == CharUtilities.SPACE
                    && foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() == Constants.EN_PRESERVE)
                    || ch == CharUtilities.NBSPACE) {
                // preserved space or non-breaking space:
                // create the AreaInfo object
                ai = new AreaInfo(iNextStart, (short) (iNextStart + 1),
                        (short) 1, (short) 0,
                        wordSpaceIPD, false, true, breakOpportunity);
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            } else if (CharUtilities.isFixedWidthSpace(ch) || CharUtilities.isZeroWidthSpace(ch)) {
                // create the AreaInfo object
                MinOptMax ipd = new MinOptMax(font.getCharWidth(ch));
                ai = new AreaInfo(iNextStart, (short) (iNextStart + 1),
                        (short) 0, (short) 0,
                        ipd, false, true, breakOpportunity);
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            } else if (ch == NEWLINE) {
                // linefeed; this can happen when linefeed-treatment="preserve"
                iThisStart = (short) (iNextStart + 1);
            inWord = !isSpace(ch) && ch != NEWLINE;
            inWhitespace = ch == CharUtilities.SPACE && foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() != Constants.EN_PRESERVE;
        } // end of while
        // Process any last elements
        if (inWord) {
            int lastIndex = iNextStart;
            if (textArray[iNextStart - 1] == CharUtilities.SOFT_HYPHEN) {
            int wordLength = lastIndex - iThisStart;
            boolean kerning = font.hasKerning();
            MinOptMax wordIPD = new MinOptMax(0);
            for (int i = iThisStart; i < lastIndex; i++) {
                char c = textArray[i];

                //character width
                int charWidth = font.getCharWidth(c);

                if (kerning) {
                    int kern = 0;
                    if (i > iThisStart) {
                        char previous = textArray[i - 1];
                        kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                    } else if (prevAi != null && !prevAi.isSpace) {
                        char previous = textArray[prevAi.iBreakIndex - 1];
                        kern = font.getKernValue(previous, c) * font.getFontSize() / 1000;
                    if (kern != 0) {
                        //log.info("Kerning between " + previous + " and " + c + ": " + kern);
                        addToLetterAdjust(i, kern);
            int iLetterSpaces = wordLength - 1;
            wordIPD.add(MinOptMax.multiply(letterSpaceIPD, iLetterSpaces));

            // create the AreaInfo object
            ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short)lastIndex, (short) 0,
                    (short) iLetterSpaces,
                    wordIPD, false, false, false);
            iTempStart = iNextStart;

            // create the elements
            sequence.addAll(createElementsForAWordFragment(alignment, ai,
                    vecAreaInfo.size() - 1, letterSpaceIPD));
            ai = null;
        } else if (inWhitespace) {
            ai = new AreaInfo(iThisStart, (short) (iNextStart),
                    (short) (iNextStart - iThisStart), (short) 0,
                    MinOptMax.multiply(wordSpaceIPD, iNextStart - iThisStart),
                    false, true, true);

            // create the elements
                (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
            ai = null;
        } else if (ai != null) {
            ai.breakOppAfter = ch == CharUtilities.ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE;
                (createElementsForASpace(alignment, ai, vecAreaInfo.size() - 1));
            ai = null;
        } else if (ch == NEWLINE) {
            if (lineEndBAP != 0) {
                    (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
            sequence = new InlineKnuthSequence();
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

            // the last character could be used as a line break
            // append new elements to oldList
            oldListIterator = oldList.listIterator(oldList.size());
            oldListIterator.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, true,
                                                 new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
            oldListIterator.add(new KnuthGlue(letterSpaceIPD.opt,
                                       letterSpaceIPD.max - letterSpaceIPD.opt,
                                       letterSpaceIPD.opt - letterSpaceIPD.min,
                                       new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
        } else if (letterSpaceIPD.min == letterSpaceIPD.max) {
            // constant letter space: replace the box
            oldListIterator.set(new KnuthInlineBox(ai.ipdArea.opt, alignmentContext, pos, false));
        } else {
            // adjustable letter space: replace the glue
            oldListIterator.next(); // this would return the penalty element
            oldListIterator.next(); // this would return the glue element
            oldListIterator.set(new KnuthGlue(ai.iLScount * letterSpaceIPD.opt,
                                              ai.iLScount * (letterSpaceIPD.max - letterSpaceIPD.opt),
                                              ai.iLScount * (letterSpaceIPD.opt - letterSpaceIPD.min),
                                              new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        return oldList;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

                // when starting a line
                spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), true));
                spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
                        false, new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt, ai.ipdArea.max - ai.ipdArea.opt,
                        ai.ipdArea.opt - ai.ipdArea.min, mainPosition, false));
            } else {
                // the space does not need to stretch or shrink, and must be
                // preserved when starting a line
                spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(ai.ipdArea.opt, null,
                        mainPosition, true));
        } else {
            if (textArray[ai.iStartIndex] != CharUtilities.SPACE
                    || foText.getWhitespaceTreatment() == Constants.EN_PRESERVE) {
                // a breaking space that needs to be preserved
                switch (alignment) {
                case EN_CENTER:
                    // centered text:
                    // if the second element is chosen as a line break these elements
                    // add a constant amount of stretch at the end of a line and at the
                    // beginning of the next one, otherwise they don't add any stretch
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP,
                            3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                            .add(new KnuthPenalty(
                                    0, false,
                                    new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(
                            - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), -6
                            * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                            notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
                            false, new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt + lineStartBAP,
                            3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            mainPosition, false));

                case EN_START: // fall through
                case EN_END:
                    // left- or right-aligned text:
                    // if the second element is chosen as a line break these elements
                    // add a constant amount of stretch at the end of a line, otherwise
                    // they don't add any stretch
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP,
                            3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(
                            - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), -3
                            * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                            notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
                            KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new LeafPosition(
                                    this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt + lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
                            mainPosition, false));

                case EN_JUSTIFY:
                    // justified text:
                    // the stretch and shrink depends on the space width
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(
                            - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), ai.ipdArea.max
                            - ai.ipdArea.opt, ai.ipdArea.opt - ai.ipdArea.min,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                            notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
                            KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new LeafPosition(
                                    this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP + ai.ipdArea.opt, 0, 0,
                            mainPosition, false));

                    // last line justified, the other lines unjustified:
                    // use only the space stretch
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(
                            - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), ai.ipdArea.max
                            - ai.ipdArea.opt, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                            notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
                            KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new LeafPosition(
                                    this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP + ai.ipdArea.opt, 0, 0,
                            mainPosition, false));
            } else {
                // a (possible block) of breaking spaces
                switch (alignment) {
                case EN_CENTER:
                    // centered text:
                    // if the second element is chosen as a line break these elements
                    // add a constant amount of stretch at the end of a line and at the
                    // beginning of the next one, otherwise they don't add any stretch
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP,
                            3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                            .add(new KnuthPenalty(
                                    0, 0, false,
                                    new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt
                            - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), -6
                            * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            mainPosition, false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                            notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE,
                            false, new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP,
                            3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));

                case EN_START: // fall through
                case EN_END:
                    // left- or right-aligned text:
                    // if the second element is chosen as a line break these elements
                    // add a constant amount of stretch at the end of a line, otherwise
                    // they don't add any stretch
                    if (lineStartBAP != 0 || lineEndBAP != 0) {
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP,
                                3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt
                                - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), -3
                                * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                mainPosition, false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
                                KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new LeafPosition(
                                        this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    } else {
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(0,
                                3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt, -3
                                * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                mainPosition, false));

                case EN_JUSTIFY:
                    // justified text:
                    // the stretch and shrink depends on the space width
                    if (lineStartBAP != 0 || lineEndBAP != 0) {
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(
                                ai.ipdArea.opt - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP),
                                ai.ipdArea.max - ai.ipdArea.opt,
                                ai.ipdArea.opt - ai.ipdArea.min,
                                mainPosition, false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
                                KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new LeafPosition(
                                        this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    } else {
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt,
                                ai.ipdArea.max - ai.ipdArea.opt,
                                ai.ipdArea.opt - ai.ipdArea.min,
                                mainPosition, false));

                    // last line justified, the other lines unjustified:
                    // use only the space stretch
                    if (lineStartBAP != 0 || lineEndBAP != 0) {
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0, 0, false,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(
                                ai.ipdArea.opt - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP),
                                ai.ipdArea.max - ai.ipdArea.opt,
                                0, mainPosition, false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthPenalty(0,
                                KnuthElement.INFINITE, false, new LeafPosition(
                                        this, -1), false));
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    } else {
                        spaceElements.add(new KnuthGlue(ai.ipdArea.opt,
                                ai.ipdArea.max - ai.ipdArea.opt, 0,
                                mainPosition, false));
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

                        notifyPos(mainPosition), false));
                (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                (new KnuthGlue(unsuppressibleLetterSpaces * letterSpaceWidth.opt,
                        unsuppressibleLetterSpaces * (letterSpaceWidth.max - letterSpaceWidth.opt),
                        unsuppressibleLetterSpaces * (letterSpaceWidth.opt - letterSpaceWidth.min),
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                (new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthGlue

                (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                               new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                (new KnuthPenalty(hyphIPD,
                        unflagged ? SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY : KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                (new KnuthGlue(-(lineEndBAP + lineStartBAP),
                        -6 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                (new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                    notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), true));
               (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                 new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                (new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP, 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                               new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
        case EN_START  : // fall through
        case EN_END    :
            // left- or right-aligned text:
                (new KnuthGlue(0, 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                (new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
                        KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, true,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                (new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
                        - 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
            if (lineStartBAP != 0 || lineEndBAP != 0) {
                    (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                    (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
                            unflagged ? SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY : KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP),
                                   -3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                   (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                     new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
            } else {
                    (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));
                    (new KnuthGlue(0, 3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
                            unflagged ? SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY : KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
                            -3 * LineLayoutManager.DEFAULT_SPACE_WIDTH, 0,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
            // justified text, or last line justified:
            // just a flagged penalty
                (new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
                        KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, true,
                        new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
            if (lineStartBAP != 0 || lineEndBAP != 0) {
                    (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), true));

                    (new KnuthGlue(lineEndBAP, 0, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
                            unflagged ? SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY : KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                // extra elements representing a letter space that is suppressed
                // if a break occurs
                if (widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min != 0
                    || widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max != 0) {
                        (new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt - (lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP),
                                widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max - widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
                                widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt - widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                } else {
                        (new KnuthGlue(-(lineStartBAP + lineEndBAP), 0, 0,
                                       new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthInlineBox(0, null,
                                        notifyPos(new LeafPosition(this, -1)), false));
                    (new KnuthPenalty(0, KnuthElement.INFINITE, false,
                                      new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                    (new KnuthGlue(lineStartBAP, 0, 0,
                                   new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
            } else {
                    (new KnuthPenalty(widthIfBreakOccurs,
                            unflagged ? SOFT_HYPHEN_PENALTY : KnuthPenalty.FLAGGED_PENALTY, !unflagged,
                            new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
                // extra elements representing a letter space that is suppressed
                // if a break occurs
                if (widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min != 0
                    || widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max != 0) {
                        (new KnuthGlue(widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
                                widthIfNoBreakOccurs.max - widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt,
                                widthIfNoBreakOccurs.opt - widthIfNoBreakOccurs.min,
                                new LeafPosition(this, -1), false));
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