Examples of KnuthElement

Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

                    bPrevWasKnuthBox = false;
                // does the first element of the first paragraph add to an existing word?
                if (lastPar != null) {
                    KnuthElement thisElement;
                    thisElement = (KnuthElement) firstSeq.get(0);
                    if (thisElement.isBox() && !thisElement.isAuxiliary()
                            && bPrevWasKnuthBox) {
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

                    // create a list of the FootnoteBodyLM handling footnotes
                    // whose citations are in this line
                    LinkedList footnoteList = new LinkedList();
                    ListIterator elementIterator = seq.listIterator(startIndex);
                    while (elementIterator.nextIndex() <= endIndex) {
                        KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement) elementIterator.next();
                        if (element instanceof KnuthInlineBox
                            && ((KnuthInlineBox) element).isAnchor()) {
                            footnoteList.add(((KnuthInlineBox) element).getFootnoteBodyLM());
                        } else if (element instanceof KnuthBlockBox) {
                            footnoteList.addAll(((KnuthBlockBox) element).getFootnoteBodyLMs());
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

        // hyphenate every word
        ListIterator currParIterator
            = currPar.listIterator(currPar.ignoreAtStart);
        // list of TLM involved in hyphenation
        LinkedList updateList = new LinkedList();
        KnuthElement firstElement = null;
        KnuthElement nextElement = null;
        // current InlineLevelLayoutManager
        InlineLevelLayoutManager currLM = null;
        // number of KnuthBox elements containing word fragments
        int boxCount;
        // number of auxiliary KnuthElements between KnuthBoxes
        int auxCount;
        StringBuffer sbChars = null;

        // find all hyphenation points
        while (currParIterator.hasNext()) {
            firstElement = (KnuthElement) currParIterator.next();
            if (firstElement.getLayoutManager() != currLM) {
                currLM = (InlineLevelLayoutManager) firstElement.getLayoutManager();
                if (currLM != null) {
                    updateList.add(new Update(currLM, currParIterator.previousIndex()));
                } else {
            } else if (currLM == null) {
            //TODO Something's not right here. See block_hyphenation_linefeed_preserve.xml
            // collect word fragments, ignoring auxiliary elements;
            // each word fragment was created by a different TextLM
            if (firstElement.isBox() && !firstElement.isAuxiliary()) {
                boxCount = 1;
                auxCount = 0;
                sbChars = new StringBuffer();
                currLM.getWordChars(sbChars, firstElement.getPosition());
                // look if next elements are boxes too
                while (currParIterator.hasNext()) {
                    nextElement = (KnuthElement) currParIterator.next();
                    if (nextElement.isBox() && !nextElement.isAuxiliary()) {
                        // a non-auxiliary KnuthBox: append word chars
                        if (currLM != nextElement.getLayoutManager()) {
                            currLM = (InlineLevelLayoutManager) nextElement.getLayoutManager();
                            updateList.add(new Update(currLM, currParIterator.previousIndex()));
                        // append text to recreate the whole word
                        currLM.getWordChars(sbChars, nextElement.getPosition());
                    } else if (!nextElement.isAuxiliary()) {
                        // a non-auxiliary non-box KnuthElement: stop
                        // go back to the last box or auxiliary element
                    } else {
                        if (currLM != nextElement.getLayoutManager()) {
                            currLM = (InlineLevelLayoutManager) nextElement.getLayoutManager();
                            updateList.add(new Update(currLM, currParIterator.previousIndex()));
                        // an auxiliary KnuthElement: simply ignore it
                log.trace(" Word to hyphenate: " + sbChars.toString());
                // find hyphenation points
                HyphContext hc = getHyphenContext(sbChars);
                // ask each LM to hyphenate its word fragment
                if (hc != null) {
                    KnuthElement element = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < (boxCount + auxCount); i++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < (boxCount + auxCount); i++) {
                        element = (KnuthElement) currParIterator.next();
                        if (element.isBox() && !element.isAuxiliary()) {
                             element.getLayoutManager()).hyphenate(element.getPosition(), hc);
                        } else {
                            // nothing to do, element is an auxiliary KnuthElement
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

     * @param pos the position for which the line is generated
     * @param isLastPosition true if this is the last position of this LM
    private void addInlineArea(LayoutContext context, Position pos, boolean isLastPosition) {
            ListIterator seqIterator = null;
            KnuthElement tempElement = null;
            // the TLM which created the last KnuthElement in this line
            LayoutManager lastLM = null;
            LineBreakPosition lbp = (LineBreakPosition) pos;
            int iCurrParIndex;
            iCurrParIndex = lbp.iParIndex;
            KnuthSequence seq = (KnuthSequence) knuthParagraphs.get(iCurrParIndex);
            int iStartElement = lbp.iStartIndex;
            int iEndElement = lbp.getLeafPos();
            LineArea lineArea
              = new LineArea((lbp.getLeafPos() < seq.size() - 1
                              ? textAlignment : textAlignmentLast),
                              lbp.difference, lbp.availableStretch, lbp.availableShrink);
            if (lbp.startIndent != 0) {
                lineArea.addTrait(Trait.START_INDENT, new Integer(lbp.startIndent));
            lineArea.addTrait(Trait.SPACE_BEFORE, new Integer(lbp.spaceBefore));
            lineArea.addTrait(Trait.SPACE_AFTER, new Integer(lbp.spaceAfter));
            alignmentContext.resizeLine(lbp.lineHeight, lbp.baseline);
            if (seq instanceof Paragraph) {
                Paragraph currPar = (Paragraph) seq;
                // ignore the first elements added by the LineLayoutManager
                iStartElement += (iStartElement == 0) ? currPar.ignoreAtStart : 0;
                // if this is the last line area that for this paragraph,
                // ignore the last elements added by the LineLayoutManager and
                // subtract the last-line-end-indent from the area ipd
                if (iEndElement == (currPar.size() - 1)) {
                    iEndElement -= currPar.ignoreAtEnd;
                    lineArea.setIPD(lineArea.getIPD() - lastLineEndIndent.getValue(this));
            // Remove trailing spaces if allowed so
            if (whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_BEFORE_LINEFEED) {
                // ignore the last element in the line if it is a KnuthGlue object
                seqIterator = seq.listIterator(iEndElement);
                tempElement = (KnuthElement) seqIterator.next();
                if (tempElement.isGlue()) {
                    // this returns the same KnuthElement
                    if (seqIterator.hasPrevious()) {
                        tempElement = (KnuthElement) seqIterator.previous();
                    } else {
                        tempElement = null;
                if (tempElement != null) {
                    lastLM = tempElement.getLayoutManager();
            // Remove leading spaces if allowed so
            if (whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_SURROUNDING_LINEFEED
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE
                || whiteSpaceTreament == EN_IGNORE_IF_AFTER_LINEFEED) {
                // ignore KnuthGlue and KnuthPenalty objects
                // at the beginning of the line
                seqIterator = seq.listIterator(iStartElement);
                tempElement = (KnuthElement) seqIterator.next();
                while (!tempElement.isBox() && seqIterator.hasNext()) {
                    tempElement = (KnuthElement) seqIterator.next();
            // Add the inline areas to lineArea
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

        while (actualStart <= end && !((KnuthElement)pgu.getElements().get(actualStart)).isBox()) {
        int len = ElementListUtils.calcContentLength(
                pgu.getElements(), actualStart, end);
        KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement)pgu.getElements().get(end);
        if (el.isPenalty()) {
            len += el.getW();
        partBPD[columnIndex] = len;
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("len of part: " + len);
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

        private void goToNextLegalBreak() {
            lastPenaltyLength = 0;
            boolean breakFound = false;
            while (!breakFound && end + 1 < elementList.size()) {
                KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement)elementList.get(end);
                if (el.isPenalty()) {
                    prevIsBox = false;
                    if (el.getP() < KnuthElement.INFINITE) {
                        //First legal break point
                        lastPenaltyLength = el.getW();
                        breakFound = true;
                } else if (el.isGlue()) {
                    if (prevIsBox) {
                        //Second legal break point
                        breakFound = true;
                    } else {
                        width += el.getW();
                    prevIsBox = false;
                } else {
                    prevIsBox = true;
                    width += el.getW();
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

        private void computeRemainingLength() {
            remainingLength = totalLength - width;
            int index = end + 1;
            while (index < elementList.size()) {
                KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement)elementList.get(index);
                if (el.isBox()) {
                } else if (el.isGlue()) {
                    remainingLength -= el.getW();
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

         * @return true if the sequence contains a box
        public boolean containsBox() {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.size(); i++) {
                KnuthElement el = (KnuthElement)this.get(i);
                if (el.isBox()) {
                    return true;
            return false;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

                AlignmentContext lastAC = null;
                int maxIgnoredHeight = 0; // See spec 7.13
                for (int j = firstElementIndex;
                     j <= lastElementIndex;
                     j++) {
                    KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement) inlineIterator.next();
                    if (element instanceof KnuthInlineBox ) {
                        AlignmentContext ac = ((KnuthInlineBox) element).getAlignmentContext();
                        if (ac != null && lastAC != ac) {
                            if (!ac.usesInitialBaselineTable()
                                || ac.getAlignmentBaselineIdentifier() != EN_BEFORE_EDGE
                                   && ac.getAlignmentBaselineIdentifier() != EN_AFTER_EDGE) {
                                if (fobj.getLineHeightShiftAdjustment() == EN_CONSIDER_SHIFTS
                                    || ac.getBaselineShiftValue() == 0) {
                                    int alignmentOffset = ac.getTotalAlignmentBaselineOffset();
                                    if (alignmentOffset + ac.getAltitude() > lineLead) {
                                        lineLead = alignmentOffset + ac.getAltitude();
                                    if (ac.getDepth() - alignmentOffset > lineFollow)  {
                                        lineFollow = ac.getDepth() - alignmentOffset;
                            } else {
                                if (ac.getHeight() > maxIgnoredHeight) {
                                    maxIgnoredHeight = ac.getHeight();
                            lastAC = ac;
                        if (bZeroHeightLine
                            && (!element.isAuxiliary() || ac != null && ac.getHeight() > 0)) {
                            bZeroHeightLine = false;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.layoutmgr.KnuthElement

        ListIterator citationIterator = citationList.listIterator(citationList.size());
        while (citationIterator.hasPrevious() && lastBox == null) {
            Object obj = citationIterator.previous();
            if (obj instanceof KnuthElement) {
                // obj is an element
                KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement)obj;
                if (element instanceof KnuthInlineBox) {
                    lastBox = (KnuthInlineBox) element;
            } else {
                // obj is a sequence of elements
                KnuthSequence seq = (KnuthSequence)obj;
                ListIterator nestedIterator = seq.listIterator(seq.size());
                while (nestedIterator.hasPrevious() && lastBox == null) {
                    KnuthElement element = (KnuthElement)nestedIterator.previous();
                    if (element instanceof KnuthInlineBox && !element.isAuxiliary()
                            || element == forcedAnchor) {
                        lastBox = (KnuthInlineBox) element;
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