Examples of KB

Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

    public static void main(String[] args){
        RuleAdapter ruleAdapter = new JenaAdapter();
        try {
            KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://sssw.org/2012/rules/", new FileInputStream("/Users/mac/Documents/CNR/SSSW2012/rules/exercise1"));
            System.out.println("Rules: " + kb.getRuleList().size());
            Recipe recipe = new RecipeImpl(new UriRef("http://sssw.org/2012/rules/"), "Recipe", kb.getRuleList());
            List<com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule> jenaRules = (List<com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule>) ruleAdapter.adaptTo(recipe, com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.Rule.class);
            String rules = "[ Exercise1: (http://dbpedia.org/resource/Madrid http://dbpedia.org/ontology/locationOf ?location) (?location rdf:type http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Museum) (?location http://dbpedia.org/ontology/numberOfVisitors ?visitors) greaterThan(?visitors '2000000'^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer) -> (?location rdf:type http://www.mytravels.com/Itinerary/MadridItinerary) ]";
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

                              + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                              + separator
                              + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                              + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . values(kres:age, ?x, ?age) . endsWith(?t, \"string\") . gt(?age, sum(sub(70, ?k), ?z)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeGood = new RecipeImpl(
                new UriRef("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",

        recipeString = "kres = <http://kres.iks-project.eu/ontology.owl#> . "
                       + separator
                       + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                       + separator
                       + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                       + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . same(\"Andrea\", localname(?x)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeWrong = new RecipeImpl(new UriRef(
                "http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

  static KB kb;

  public static KB parse( String namespace, String inString ) {
        kb = new KB(namespace);
        Reader reader = new StringReader( inString ) ;
    RuleParserImpl parser = new RuleParserImpl(reader);
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer() ;
        try {
                parser.start( ) ;
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

        return kb ; }

  public static KB parse( String namespace, InputStream inStream ) {

                kb = new KB(namespace);
                Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inStream);
                RuleParserImpl parser = new RuleParserImpl(reader);
                try {
                } catch (TokenMgrError e) {
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

                              + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                              + separator
                              + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                              + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . values(kres:age, ?x, ?age) . gt(?age, sum(sub(70, ?k), ?z)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeGood = new RecipeImpl(
                new UriRef("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",

        recipeString = "kres = <http://kres.iks-project.eu/ontology.owl#> . "
                       + separator
                       + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                       + separator
                       + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                       + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . same(\"Andrea\", localname(?x)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeWrong = new RecipeImpl(new UriRef(
                "http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

                              + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                              + separator
                              + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                              + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . values(kres:age, ?x, ?age) . endsWith(?t, \"string\") . gt(?age, sum(sub(70, ?k), ?z)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeGood = new RecipeImpl(
                new UriRef("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",

        recipeString = "kres = <http://kres.iks-project.eu/ontology.owl#> . "
                       + separator
                       + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                       + separator
                       + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                       + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . same(\"Andrea\", localname(?x)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeWrong = new RecipeImpl(new UriRef(
                "http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

    public static void main(String[] args){
        RuleAdapter ruleAdapter = new ClerezzaAdapter();
        try {
            KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://sssw.org/2012/rules/", new FileInputStream("/Users/mac/Documents/CNR/SSSW2012/construct/exercise3"));
            System.out.println("Rules: " + kb.getRuleList().size());
            Recipe recipe = new RecipeImpl(new UriRef("http://sssw.org/2012/rules/"), "Recipe", kb.getRuleList());
            //List<ConstructQuery> jenaRules = (List<ConstructQuery>) ruleAdapter.adaptTo(recipe, ConstructQuery.class);
            String rules = "[ Exercise1: (http://dbpedia.org/resource/Madrid http://dbpedia.org/ontology/locationOf ?location) (?location rdf:type http://dbpedia.org/ontology/Museum) (?location http://dbpedia.org/ontology/numberOfVisitors ?visitors) greaterThan(?visitors '2000000'^^http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer) -> (?location rdf:type http://www.mytravels.com/Itinerary/MadridItinerary) ]";
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB


    public void testParser() {
        try {
            KB kReSKB = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.org/stanbol/rules/test/", kReSRule);
            if (kReSKB != null) {
                RuleList kReSRuleList = kReSKB.getRuleList();
                if (kReSRuleList != null) {
                    for (Rule kReSRule : kReSRuleList) {
                        log.debug("RULE : " + kReSRule.toString());
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

                              + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                              + separator
                              + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                              + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . values(kres:age, ?x, ?age) . endsWith(?t, \"string\") . gt(?age, sum(sub(70, ?k), ?z)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeGood = new RecipeImpl(
                new UriRef("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",

        recipeString = "kres = <http://kres.iks-project.eu/ontology.owl#> . "
                       + separator
                       + "foaf = <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . "
                       + separator
                       + "rule1[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . has(kres:friend, ?x, ?y) -> is(foaf:Person, ?x) . has(foaf:knows, ?x, ?y) . is(foaf:Person, ?y)] . "
                       + "rule2[ is(kres:Person, ?x) . same(\"Andrea\", localname(?x)) -> is(kres:OldPerson, ?x)]";

        kb = RuleParserImpl.parse("http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test/",

        recipeWrong = new RecipeImpl(new UriRef(
                "http://incubator.apache.com/stanbol/rules/adapters/jena/test"), "A recipe.",
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Examples of org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.KB

        WeightedTcProvider wtcp = new SimpleTcProvider();
        TcManager tcm = new SpecialTcManager(qe, wtcp);

        String recipe = "rule[is(<http://kres.iks-project.eu/ontology.owl#Person>, ?x) -> is(<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person>, ?x)]";

        KB kb = RuleParserImpl.parse(recipe);
        RuleList ruleList = kb.getkReSRuleList();
        Recipe actualRecipe = new RecipeImpl(null, null, ruleList);

        Refactorer refactorer = new RefactorerImpl(null, new Serializer(), tcm, ruleStore,
        try {
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