Package javax.xml.parsers

Examples of javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException

        try {
        catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
          throw new ParserConfigurationException(
              "Unable to validate using XSD: Your JAXP provider [" + factory +
              "] does not support XML Schema. Are you running on Java 1.4 or below with " +
              "Apache Crimson? Upgrade to Apache Xerces (or Java 1.5) for full XSD support.");

    public DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder() throws ParserConfigurationException {

        // Check that configuration options are all available

        if (!isExpandEntityReferences()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser always expands entity references");
        if (isIgnoringComments()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser does not allow comments to be ignored");
        if (isIgnoringElementContentWhitespace()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser does not allow whitespace in element content to be ignored");
        if (!isNamespaceAware()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser is always namespace aware");

        DocumentBuilderImpl builder = new DocumentBuilderImpl();

    public void setFeature(String name, boolean value) throws ParserConfigurationException {
        if (name.equals(FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING) && !value) {
            // no action
        } else {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException("Unsupported feature or value: " + name);

    public boolean getFeature(String name) throws ParserConfigurationException {
        if (name.equals(FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException("Unsupported feature: " + name);

        try {
        catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
          throw new ParserConfigurationException(
              "Unable to validate using XSD: Your JAXP provider [" + factory +
              "] does not support XML Schema. Are you running on Java 1.4 or below with " +
              "Apache Crimson? Upgrade to Apache Xerces (or Java 1.5) for full XSD support." +
              "Root cause: " + ex);

    public DocumentBuilder newDocumentBuilder() throws ParserConfigurationException {

        // Check that configuration options are all available

        if (!isExpandEntityReferences()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser always expands entity references");
        if (isIgnoringComments()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser does not allow comments to be ignored");
        if (isIgnoringElementContentWhitespace()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser does not allow whitespace in element content to be ignored");
        if (!isNamespaceAware()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser is always namespace aware");
        if (isValidating()) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                "Saxon parser is non-validating");

        return new DocumentBuilderImpl();

        SAXParser saxParserImpl;
        try {
            saxParserImpl = new SAXParserImpl(this, features, fSecureProcess);
        } catch (SAXException se) {
            // Translate to ParserConfigurationException
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(se.getMessage());
        return saxParserImpl;

        } catch (SAXNotSupportedException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (SAXException se) {
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(se.getMessage());
        return saxParserImpl;

            throw new NullPointerException();
        // If this is the secure processing feature, save it then return.
        if (name.equals(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING)) {
            if (System.getSecurityManager() != null && (!value)) {
                throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                        "jaxp-secureprocessing-feature", null));
            fSecureProcess = value;

        throws ParserConfigurationException
        /** Check that if a Schema has been specified that neither of the schema properties have been set. */
        if (grammar != null && attributes != null) {
            if (attributes.containsKey(JAXPConstants.JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE)) {
                throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                        "schema-already-specified", new Object[] {JAXPConstants.JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE}));
            else if (attributes.containsKey(JAXPConstants.JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE)) {
                throw new ParserConfigurationException(
                        "schema-already-specified", new Object[] {JAXPConstants.JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE}));

        try {
            return new DocumentBuilderImpl(this, attributes, features, fSecureProcess);
        } catch (SAXException se) {
            // Handles both SAXNotSupportedException, SAXNotRecognizedException
            throw new ParserConfigurationException(se.getMessage());


Related Classes of javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException

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