
Examples of

    public void testPsearchModifyWithEC() throws Exception
        ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttributes( "description", PERSON_DESCRIPTION,
            true ) );
        waitForThreadToDie( t );
        assertNotNull( listener.result );
        assertEquals( RDN, listener.result.getName() );
        assertEquals( listener.result.control.getChangeType(), ChangeType.MODIFY );
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        ctx.destroySubcontext( "cn=Jack Black" );
        waitForThreadToDie( t );
        assertNull( listener.result );

        // thread is still waiting for notifications try a modify
        ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttributes( "description", PERSON_DESCRIPTION,
            true ) );
        waitForThreadToDie( t );

        assertNotNull( listener.result );
        assertEquals( RDN, listener.result.getName() );
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        BasicAttribute basicattribute = new BasicAttribute("objectclass");
        BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
        BasicAttribute attr;
        PropertyIterator iter = getArguments().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            Argument item = (Argument);
            attr = getBasicAttribute( item.getName(),item.getValue());
        return attrs;
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     * @return    the BasicAttributes
    private BasicAttributes getBasicAttributes()
        BasicAttributes basicattributes = new BasicAttributes();
        BasicAttribute basicattribute = new BasicAttribute("objectclass");
        String s1 = "User";
        String s3 = "Test";
        String s5 = "user";
        String s6 = "test";
        basicattributes.put(new BasicAttribute("givenname", s1));
        basicattributes.put(new BasicAttribute("sn", s3));
        basicattributes.put(new BasicAttribute("cn","TestUser"+counter));
        basicattributes.put(new BasicAttribute("uid", s5));
        basicattributes.put(new BasicAttribute("userpassword", s6));
        setProperty(new StringProperty(ADD,"cn=TestUser"+counter));
        return basicattributes;
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    public static void loadStoredProcedureClass( LdapContext ctx, Class<?> clazz ) throws NamingException
        byte[] buf = getClassFileAsStream( clazz );
        String fullClassName = clazz.getName();

        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.TOP_OC, true );
        attributes.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ).add( "storedProcUnit" );
        attributes.get( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ).add( "javaStoredProcUnit" );
        attributes.put( "storedProcLangId", "Java" );
        attributes.put( "storedProcUnitName", fullClassName );
        attributes.put( "javaByteCode", buf );

        ctx.createSubcontext( "storedProcUnitName=" + fullClassName, attributes );
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     * that the indexing is made like the other way around.
     * </p>
    public void testLdapNameListOfRdn006() throws Exception {
        try {
            BasicAttributes bas = new BasicAttributes();
            bas.put("test2", "test2");
            bas.put("test1", "test1");
            bas.put("test3", "test3");
            Rdn rdn1 = new Rdn(bas);
            LinkedList<Rdn> rdns = new LinkedList<Rdn>();
            LdapName ln = new LdapName(rdns);
            assertEquals("test1=test1+test2=test2+test3=test3", ln.getAll().nextElement());
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        DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) getWiredContext( ldapServer ).lookup( BASE );

        String newDescription = "More info on the user ...";

        // modify object classes, add two more
        Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute desc = new BasicAttribute( "description", newDescription );
        attributes.put( desc );

        DirContext person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        person.modifyAttributes( "", DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attributes );

        // Read again from directory
        person = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
        attributes = person.getAttributes( "" );
        Attribute newDesc = attributes.get( "description" );

        assertTrue( "new Description", newDesc.contains( newDescription ) );
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    public void testAddWithMissingRequiredAttributes() throws Exception
        DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) getWiredContext( ldapServer ).lookup( BASE );

        // person without sn
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute ocls = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        ocls.add( "top" );
        ocls.add( "person" );
        attrs.put( ocls );
        attrs.put( "cn", "Fiona Apple" );

            ctx.createSubcontext( "cn=Fiona Apple", attrs );
            fail( "creation of entry should fail" );
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    public void testAddWithInvalidNumberOfAttributeValues() throws Exception
        DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) getWiredContext( ldapServer ).lookup( BASE );
        // add inetOrgPerson with two displayNames
        Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute ocls = new BasicAttribute( "objectClass" );
        ocls.add( "top" );
        ocls.add( "inetOrgPerson" );
        attrs.put( ocls );
        attrs.put( "cn", "Fiona Apple" );
        attrs.put( "sn", "Apple" );
        Attribute displayName = new BasicAttribute( "displayName" );
        displayName.add( "Fiona" );
        displayName.add( "Fiona A." );
        attrs.put( displayName );

            ctx.createSubcontext( "cn=Fiona Apple", attrs );
            fail( "creation of entry should fail" );
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    public void testAddAlias() throws Exception
        DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) getWiredContext( ldapServer ).lookup( BASE );

        // Create entry
        Attributes entry = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute entryOcls = new BasicAttribute( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
        entryOcls.add( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC );
        entryOcls.add( SchemaConstants.ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_OC );
        entry.put( entryOcls );
        entry.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "favorite" );
        String entryRdn = "ou=favorite";
        ctx.createSubcontext( entryRdn, entry );

        // Create Alias
        String aliasedObjectName = entryRdn + "," + ctx.getNameInNamespace();
        Attributes alias = new BasicAttributes( true );
        Attribute aliasOcls = new BasicAttribute( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT );
        aliasOcls.add( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC );
        aliasOcls.add( SchemaConstants.EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT_OC );
        aliasOcls.add( SchemaConstants.ALIAS_OC );
        alias.put( aliasOcls );
        alias.put( SchemaConstants.OU_AT, "bestFruit" );
        alias.put( SchemaConstants.ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME_AT, aliasedObjectName );
        String rdnAlias = "ou=bestFruit";
        ctx.createSubcontext( rdnAlias, alias );

        // Remove alias and entry
        ctx.destroySubcontext( rdnAlias );
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