Package javax.jms

Examples of javax.jms.Destination

            } else {

            final Destination destination = message.getJMSDestination();

            response.append("\n   Destination: ");
            response.append((destination == null ? null : destination

            response.append("\n   Expiration: ");
            response.append(new Date(message.getJMSExpiration()));

            response.append("\n   Message ID: ");

            response.append("\n   Priority: ");

            response.append("\n   Redelivered: ");

            final Destination replyTo = message.getJMSReplyTo();
            response.append("\n   Reply to: ");
            response.append((replyTo == null ? null : replyTo.toString()));

            response.append("\n   Timestamp: ");
            response.append(new Date(message.getJMSTimestamp()));

            response.append("\n   Type: ");
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        final JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = JMSFactory.createJmsTemplate(jmsConfig, null);

        Thread t = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                Destination destination = (Destination)jmsTemplate.execute(new SessionCallback() {
                    public Object doInJms(Session session) throws JMSException {
                        DestinationResolver resolv = jmsTemplate.getDestinationResolver();
                        return resolv.resolveDestinationName(session, jmsConfig.getTargetDestination(),
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        final JmsTemplate jmsTemplate = JMSFactory.createJmsTemplate(jmsConfig, null);

        Thread t = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                Destination destination = jmsTemplate.execute(new SessionCallback<Destination>() {
                    public Destination doInJms(Session session) throws JMSException {
                        DestinationResolver resolv = jmsTemplate.getDestinationResolver();
                        return resolv.resolveDestinationName(session, jmsConfig.getTargetDestination(),
                final Message message = jmsTemplate.receive(destination);
                MessageCreator messageCreator = new MessageCreator() {
                    public Message createMessage(Session session) {
                        return message;
                Destination destination2 = jmsTemplate
                    .execute(new SessionCallback<Destination>() {
                        public Destination doInJms(Session session) throws JMSException {
                            DestinationResolver resolv = jmsTemplate.getDestinationResolver();
                            return resolv.resolveDestinationName(session,
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            _asyncSession = _connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
            _syncSession = _connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

            // Create a MessageProducer for the QMF topic address used to broadcast Events & Heartbeats.
            Destination topicAddress = _syncSession.createQueue(topicBase);
            _broadcaster = _syncSession.createProducer(topicAddress);
            _broadcastAddress = "'" + topicBase + "'";

            // Create a MessageProducer for the QMF direct address, mainly used for request/response
            Destination directAddress = _syncSession.createQueue(directBase);
            _responder = _syncSession.createProducer(directAddress);

            // TODO it should be possible to bind _locateConsumer, _mainConsumer and _aliasConsumer to the
            // same queue if I can figure out the correct AddressString to use, probably not a big deal though.

            // Set up MessageListener on the Agent Locate Address
            Destination locateAddress = _asyncSession.createQueue(topicBase + "/console.request.agent_locate");
            _locateConsumer = _asyncSession.createConsumer(locateAddress);

            // Set up MessageListener on the Agent address
            Destination agentAddress = _asyncSession.createQueue(address);
            _mainConsumer = _asyncSession.createConsumer(agentAddress);

            // If the product name has been set to qpidd we create an additional consumer address of
            // "" in addition to the main address so that Consoles can talk to the
            // broker Agent without needing to do Agent discovery. This is only really needed when the Agent
            // class has been used to create the QmfManagementAgent for the Java broker QmfManagementPlugin.
            // It's important to do this as many tools (such as qpid-config) and demo code tend to use the
            // alias address rather than the discovered address when talking to the broker ManagementAgent.
            if (_product.equals("qpidd"))
                String alias = directBase + "/broker";
      "Creating address {} as an alias address for the broker Agent", alias);
                Destination aliasAddress = _asyncSession.createQueue(alias);
                _aliasConsumer = _asyncSession.createConsumer(aliasAddress);

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    private void sendNumberedMessages(final int startIndex, final int endIndex) throws JMSException, Exception
        Connection con = getConnection();
        Session session = con.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        Destination destination = session.createQueue(getTestQueueName());
        // Create queue by consumer side-effect

        final int numOfMessages = endIndex - startIndex;
        final int batchSize = 0;
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    private void confirmBrokerHasMessages(final int startIndex, final int endIndex) throws Exception
        Connection con = getConnection();
        Session session = con.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        Destination destination = session.createQueue(getTestQueueName());
        MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
        for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
            Message msg = consumer.receive(RECEIVE_TIMEOUT);
            assertNotNull("Message " + i + " not received", msg);
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            return null;
            Destination dest = _destinationCache.get(replyTo);

            if (dest == null)
                String exchange = replyTo.getExchange();
                String routingKey = replyTo.getRoutingKey();
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        return _messageProps.getContentEncoding();

    public String getReplyToString()
        Destination replyTo = getJMSReplyTo();
        if(replyTo != null)
            return ((AMQDestination)replyTo).toString();
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        String agentName = agent.getName();
        timeout = (timeout < 1) ? _replyTimeout : timeout;
        List<QmfConsoleData> results = Collections.emptyList();
            Destination destination = (replyHandle == null) ? _replyAddress : _asyncReplyAddress;
            MapMessage request = _syncSession.createMapMessage();
            request.setStringProperty("", "qmf2");
            request.setStringProperty("method", "request");
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        String agentName = agent.getName();
        timeout = (timeout < 1) ? _replyTimeout : timeout;
            Destination destination = (replyHandle == null) ? _replyAddress : _asyncReplyAddress;
            MapMessage request = _syncSession.createMapMessage();
            request.setStringProperty("", "qmf2");
            request.setStringProperty("method", "request");
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Related Classes of javax.jms.Destination

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