Package javax.jcr.nodetype

Examples of javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition

            // export all other properties as well
            PropertyIterator it = cn.getProperties();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Property p = it.nextProperty();
                String name = p.getName();
                PropertyDefinition def = p.getDefinition();
                if (def.isMultiple() || isDefinedByFilteredNodeType(def)) {
                    log.debug("Skip property '" + name + "': not added to webdav property set.");
                if (JcrConstants.JCR_DATA.equals(name)
                    || JcrConstants.JCR_MIMETYPE.equals(name)
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        if (verifyAncestor && !Text.isDescendant(node.getPath(), prop.getPath())) {
            log.debug("Attempt to access property outside of authorizable scope.");
            return false;

        PropertyDefinition def = prop.getDefinition();
        if (def.isProtected()) {
            return false;
        } else if (node.isSame(prop.getParent())) {
            NodeTypeImpl declaringNt = (NodeTypeImpl) prop.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType();
            return declaringNt.isNodeType(UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE);
        } else {
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            for (Name propName : names) {
                PropertyId propId =
                    new PropertyId(thisState.getNodeId(), propName);
                PropertyState propState =
                    (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(propId);
                PropertyDefinition oldDef = itemMgr.getDefinition(propState);
                // check if property has been defined by mixin type
                // (or one of its supertypes)
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT =
                    (NodeTypeImpl) oldDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entResulting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    // the resulting effective node type doesn't include the
                    // node type that declared this property
                    affectedProps.put(propId, oldDef);

            List<ChildNodeEntry> entries = thisState.getChildNodeEntries();
            for (ChildNodeEntry entry : entries) {
                NodeState nodeState =
                    (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
                NodeDefinition oldDef = itemMgr.getDefinition(nodeState);
                // check if node has been defined by mixin type
                // (or one of its supertypes)
                NodeTypeImpl declaringNT =
                    (NodeTypeImpl) oldDef.getDeclaringNodeType();
                if (!entResulting.includesNodeType(declaringNT.getQName())) {
                    // the resulting effective node type doesn't include the
                    // node type that declared this child node
                    affectedNodes.put(entry, oldDef);
        } catch (ItemStateException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(
                    "Failed to determine effect of removing mixin "
                    + context.getJCRName(mixinName), e);

        // modify the state of this node
        // set jcr:mixinTypes property

        // process affected nodes & properties:
        // 1. try to redefine item based on the resulting
        //    new effective node type (see JCR-2130)
        // 2. remove item if 1. fails
        boolean success = false;
        try {
            for (PropertyId id : affectedProps.keySet()) {
                PropertyImpl prop = (PropertyImpl) itemMgr.getItem(id);
                PropertyDefinition oldDef = affectedProps.get(id);

                if (oldDef.isProtected()) {
                    // remove 'orphaned' protected properties immediately
                // try to find new applicable definition first and
                // redefine property if possible (JCR-2130)
                try {
                    PropertyDefinitionImpl newDef =
                            id.getName(), prop.getType(),
                            oldDef.isMultiple(), false);
                    if (newDef.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                            && newDef.getRequiredType() != prop.getType()) {
                        // value conversion required
                        if (oldDef.isMultiple()) {
                            // convert value
                            Value[] values =
                            // redefine property
                            // set converted values
                        } else {
                            // convert value
                            Value value =
                            // redefine property
                            // set converted values
                    } else {
                        // redefine property
                } catch (ValueFormatException vfe) {
                    // value conversion failed, remove it
                } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                    // no suitable definition found for this property,
                    // remove it

            for (ChildNodeEntry entry : affectedNodes.keySet()) {
                NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(entry.getId());
                NodeImpl childNode = (NodeImpl) itemMgr.getItem(entry.getId());
                NodeDefinition oldDef = affectedNodes.get(entry);

                if (oldDef.isProtected()) {
                    // remove 'orphaned' protected child node immediately
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        // process properties
        for (PropInfo pi : propInfos) {
            // find applicable definition
            //TODO find better heuristics?
            PropertyDefinition def = pi.getPropertyDef(effectiveNodeTypeProvider.getEffectiveNodeType(tree));

            if (def.isProtected()) {
                // skip protected property
                log.debug("Skipping protected property " + pi.getName());

                // notify the ProtectedPropertyImporter.
                for (ProtectedItemImporter ppi : pItemImporters) {
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        if (verifyAncestor && !Text.isDescendant(node.getPath(), prop.getPath())) {
            log.debug("Attempt to access property outside of authorizable scope.");
            return false;

        PropertyDefinition def = prop.getDefinition();
        if (def.isProtected()) {
            return false;
        } else if (node.isSame(prop.getParent())) {
            NodeTypeImpl declaringNt = (NodeTypeImpl) prop.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType();
            return declaringNt.isNodeType(UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE);
        } else {
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    PropertyImpl createPropertyInstance(PropertyState state)
            throws RepositoryException {
        // 1. get definition for the specified property
        PropertyDefinition def = getDefinition(state);
        // 2. create instance
        return createPropertyInstance(state, def);
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            Property property = (Property)item;
            int propertyType = property.getValue().getType();
            if (propertyType != (PropertyType.BINARY))
               PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition = (PropertyDefinition)itemDefinition;
               if (propertyDefinition.isMultiple() == false)
                  output += "property value:" + property.getValue().getString() + "\n";
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        NodeTypeIterator types = manager.getAllNodeTypes();
        while (types.hasNext()) {
            NodeType type = types.nextNodeType();

            PropertyDefinition declaredDefs[] = type.getDeclaredPropertyDefinitions();
            PropertyDefinition defs[] = type.getPropertyDefinitions();

            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < declaredDefs.length; i++) {
                    boolean exists = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < defs.length; j++) {
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        // find a primary node type but not "nt:base"
        NodeTypeIterator types = manager.getPrimaryNodeTypes();
        while (types.hasNext()) {
            NodeType type = types.nextNodeType();
            PropertyDefinition defs[] = type.getPropertyDefinitions();
            boolean hasJCRPrimaryType = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) {
                if (defs[i].getName().equals(jcrPrimaryType)) {
                    hasJCRPrimaryType = true;
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     * returns true if value and its type are convertible to DoubleValue.
    public void testConversions()
            throws NotExecutableException, RepositoryException {

        PropertyDefinition propDef =
                NodeTypeUtil.locatePropertyDef(session, PropertyType.DOUBLE, false, false, false, false);

        if (propDef == null) {
            throw new NotExecutableException("No double property def that meets the " +
                    "requirements of the test has been found");

        NodeType nodeType = propDef.getDeclaringNodeType();

        Value anyStringValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.STRING);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and value is a StringValue " +
                "that is not convertible to a DoubleValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), anyStringValue));

        Value doubleStringValue =
                superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.DOUBLE).getString());
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Double and value is a StringValue " +
                "that is convertible to a DoubleValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), doubleStringValue));

        Value anyBinaryValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.BINARY);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and value is a UTF-8 " +
                "BinaryValue that is not convertible to a DoubleValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), anyBinaryValue));

        Value doubleBinaryValue =
                superuser.getValueFactory().createValue(NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.DOUBLE).getString(), PropertyType.BINARY);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Double and value is a UTF-8 " +
                "BinaryValue that is convertible to a DoubleValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), doubleBinaryValue));

        Value dateValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.DATE);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Double and value is a DateValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), dateValue));

        Value doubleValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.DOUBLE);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Double and value is a DoubleValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), doubleValue));

        Value longValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.LONG);
        assertTrue("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "true if the property is of type Double and value is a LongValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), longValue));

        Value booleanValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.BOOLEAN);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and value is a BooleanValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), booleanValue));

        Value nameValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.NAME);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and value is a NameValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), nameValue));

        Value pathValue = NodeTypeUtil.getValueOfType(session, PropertyType.PATH);
        assertFalse("canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) must return " +
                "false if the property is of type Double and value is a PathValue",
                nodeType.canSetProperty(propDef.getName(), pathValue));
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Related Classes of javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition

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