Package java.awt.print

Examples of java.awt.print.Printable

    public void redrawRegion(Rectangle2D region, double scaleX, double scaleY,
                             Rectangle2D srcRect, AffineTransform xform)
            throws PrinterException {

        WPrinterJob wPrinterJob = (WPrinterJob)getPrinterJob();
        Printable painter = getPrintable();
        PageFormat pageFormat = getPageFormat();
        int pageIndex = getPageIndex();

        /* Create a buffered image big enough to hold the portion
         * of the source image being printed.
        BufferedImage deepImage = new BufferedImage(
                                        (int) region.getWidth(),
                                        (int) region.getHeight(),

        /* Get a graphics for the application to render into.
         * We initialize the buffer to white in order to
         * match the paper and then we shift the BufferedImage
         * so that it covers the area on the page where the
         * caller's Image will be drawn.
        Graphics2D g = deepImage.createGraphics();
        ProxyGraphics2D proxy = new ProxyGraphics2D(g, wPrinterJob);
        proxy.fillRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight());
        proxy.clipRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight());

        proxy.translate(-region.getX(), -region.getY());

        /* Calculate the resolution of the source image.
        float sourceResX = (float)(wPrinterJob.getXRes() / scaleX);
        float sourceResY = (float)(wPrinterJob.getYRes() / scaleY);

        /* The application expects to see user space at 72 dpi.
         * so change user space from image source resolution to
         *  72 dpi.
        proxy.scale(sourceResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES,
                    sourceResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES);

               / wPrinterJob.getXRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES,
               / wPrinterJob.getYRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES);
        proxy.transform(new AffineTransform(getPageFormat().getMatrix()));

        painter.print(proxy, pageFormat, pageIndex);


        /* Because the caller's image has been rotated
         * and sheared into our BufferedImage and because
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        if ((orientReq != null || media != null || mpa != null) &&
            isOpenBook(getPageable())) {

            Pageable pageable = getPageable();
            Printable printable = pageable.getPrintable(0);
            PageFormat pf = (PageFormat)pageable.getPageFormat(0).clone();
            Paper paper = pf.getPaper();

            if (isSupportedValue(orientReq, attributes) ||
                (!fidelity & orientReq != null)) {
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    protected int printPage(Pageable document, int pageIndex)
        throws PrinterException
        PageFormat page;
        Printable painter;
        try {
            page = document.getPageFormat(pageIndex);
            painter = document.getPrintable(pageIndex);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new PrinterException("No page or printable exists.");

        /* Get the imageable area from Paper instead of PageFormat
         * because we do not want it adjusted by the page orientation.
        Paper paper = page.getPaper();
        double xScale = getXRes() / 72.0;
        double yScale = getYRes() / 72.0;

        /* The deviceArea is the imageable area in the printer's
         * resolution.
        Rectangle2D deviceArea =
            new Rectangle2D.Double(paper.getImageableX() * xScale,
                                   paper.getImageableY() * yScale,
                                   paper.getImageableWidth() * xScale,
                                   paper.getImageableHeight() * yScale);

        /* Build and hold on to a uniform transform so that
         * we can get back to device space at the beginning
         * of each band.
        AffineTransform uniformTransform = new AffineTransform();

        /* The scale transform is used to switch from the
         * device space to the user's 72 dpi space.
        AffineTransform scaleTransform = new AffineTransform();
        scaleTransform.scale(xScale, yScale);

        /* bandwidth is multiple of 4 as the data is used in a win32 DIB and
         * some drivers behave badly if scanlines aren't multiples of 4 bytes.
        int bandWidth = (int) deviceArea.getWidth();
        if (bandWidth % 4 != 0) {
            bandWidth += (4 - (bandWidth % 4));
        if (bandWidth <= 0) {
            throw new PrinterException("Paper's imageable width is too small.");

        int deviceAreaHeight = (int)deviceArea.getHeight();
        if (deviceAreaHeight <= 0) {
            throw new PrinterException("Paper's imageable height is too small.");

        /* Figure out the number of lines that will fit into
         * our maximum band size. The hard coded 3 reflects the
         * fact that we can only create 24 bit per pixel 3 byte BGR
         * BufferedImages. FIX.
        int bandHeight = (int)(MAX_BAND_SIZE / bandWidth / 3);

        int deviceLeft = (int)Math.rint(paper.getImageableX() * xScale);
        int deviceTop  = (int)Math.rint(paper.getImageableY() * yScale);

        /* The device transform is used to move the band down
         * the page using translates. Normally this is all it
         * would do, but since, when printing, the Window's
         * DIB format wants the last line to be first (lowest) in
         * memory, the deviceTransform moves the origin to the
         * bottom of the band and flips the origin. This way the
         * app prints upside down into the band which is the DIB
         * format.
        AffineTransform deviceTransform = new AffineTransform();
        deviceTransform.translate(-deviceLeft, deviceTop);
        deviceTransform.translate(0, bandHeight);
        deviceTransform.scale(1, -1);

        /* Create a BufferedImage to hold the band. We set the clip
         * of the band to be tight around the bits so that the
         * application can use it to figure what part of the
         * page needs to be drawn. The clip is never altered in
         * this method, but we do translate the band's coordinate
         * system so that the app will see the clip moving down the
         * page though it s always around the same set of pixels.
        BufferedImage pBand = new BufferedImage(1, 1,

        /* Have the app draw into a PeekGraphics object so we can
         * learn something about the needs of the print job.

        PeekGraphics peekGraphics = createPeekGraphics(pBand.createGraphics(),

        Rectangle2D.Double pageFormatArea =
            new Rectangle2D.Double(page.getImageableX(),
        initPrinterGraphics(peekGraphics, pageFormatArea);
        //initPrinterGraphics(peekGraphics, deviceArea);

        int pageResult = painter.print(peekGraphics, page, pageIndex);

        if (pageResult == Printable.PAGE_EXISTS) {

            startPage(page, painter, pageIndex);

            Graphics2D pathGraphics = createPathGraphics(peekGraphics, this,
                                                         painter, page,

            /* If we can convert the page directly to the
             * underlying graphics system then we do not
             * need to rasterize. We also may not need to
             * create the 'band' if all the pages can take
             * this path.
            if (pathGraphics != null) {
                // user (0,0) should be origin of page, not imageable area
                pathGraphics.translate(-getPhysicalPrintableX(paper) / xScale,
                                       -getPhysicalPrintableY(paper) / yScale);
                pathGraphics.transform(new AffineTransform(page.getMatrix()));
                initPrinterGraphics(pathGraphics, pageFormatArea);


                painter.print(pathGraphics, page, pageIndex);

                for (int i=0;i<redrawList.size();i++) {
                   GraphicsState gstate = (GraphicsState)redrawList.get(i);

            /* This is the banded-raster printing loop.
             * It should be moved into its own method.
            } else {
                BufferedImage band = cachedBand;
                if (cachedBand == null ||
                    bandWidth != cachedBandWidth ||
                    bandHeight != cachedBandHeight) {
                    band = new BufferedImage(bandWidth, bandHeight,
                    cachedBand = band;
                    cachedBandWidth = bandWidth;
                    cachedBandHeight = bandHeight;
                Graphics2D bandGraphics = band.createGraphics();

                Rectangle2D.Double clipArea =
                    new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, bandWidth, bandHeight);

                initPrinterGraphics(bandGraphics, clipArea);

                ProxyGraphics2D painterGraphics =
                    new ProxyGraphics2D(bandGraphics, this);

                Graphics2D clearGraphics = band.createGraphics();

                /* We need the actual bits of the BufferedImage to send to
                 * the native Window's code. 'data' points to the actual
                 * pixels. Right now these are in ARGB format with 8 bits
                 * per component. We need to use a monochrome BufferedImage
                 * for monochrome printers when this is supported by
                 * BufferedImage. FIX
                ByteInterleavedRaster tile = (ByteInterleavedRaster)band.getRaster();
                byte[] data = tile.getDataStorage();

                /* Loop over the page moving our band down the page,
                 * calling the app to render the band, and then send the band
                 * to the printer.
                int deviceBottom = deviceTop + deviceAreaHeight;

                /* device's printable x,y is really addressable origin
                 * we address relative to media origin so when we print a
                 * band we need to adjust for the different methods of
                 * addressing it.
                int deviceAddressableX = (int)getPhysicalPrintableX(paper);
                int deviceAddressableY = (int)getPhysicalPrintableY(paper);

                for (int bandTop = 0; bandTop <= deviceAreaHeight;
                     bandTop += bandHeight)

                    /* Put the band back into device space and
                     * erase the contents of the band.
                    clearGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, bandWidth, bandHeight);

                    /* Put the band into the correct location on the
                     * page. Once the band is moved we translate the
                     * device transform so that the band will move down
                     * the page on the next iteration of the loop.
                    deviceTransform.translate(0, -bandHeight);

                    /* Switch the band from device space to user,
                     * 72 dpi, space.
                    bandGraphics.transform(new AffineTransform(page.getMatrix()));

                    Rectangle clip = bandGraphics.getClipBounds();

                    if ((clip == null) || peekGraphics.hitsDrawingArea(clip) &&
                        (bandWidth > 0 && bandHeight > 0)) {

                        /* if the client has specified an imageable X or Y
                         * which is off than the physically addressable
                         * area of the page, then we need to adjust for that
                         * here so that we pass only non -ve band coordinates
                         * We also need to translate by the adjusted amount
                         * so that printing appears in the correct place.
                        int bandX = deviceLeft - deviceAddressableX;
                        if (bandX < 0) {
                            bandX = 0;
                        int bandY = deviceTop + bandTop - deviceAddressableY;
                        if (bandY < 0) {
                            bandY = 0;
                        /* Have the app's painter image into the band
                         * and then send the band to the printer.
                        painterGraphics.setDelegate((Graphics2D) bandGraphics.create());
                        painter.print(painterGraphics, page, pageIndex);
                        printBand(data, bandX, bandY, bandWidth, bandHeight);

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                             Rectangle2D srcRect, AffineTransform xform)

            throws PrinterException {

        PSPrinterJob psPrinterJob = (PSPrinterJob)getPrinterJob();
        Printable painter = getPrintable();
        PageFormat pageFormat = getPageFormat();
        int pageIndex = getPageIndex();

        /* Create a buffered image big enough to hold the portion
         * of the source image being printed.
        BufferedImage deepImage = new BufferedImage(
                                        (int) region.getWidth(),
                                        (int) region.getHeight(),

        /* Get a graphics for the application to render into.
         * We initialize the buffer to white in order to
         * match the paper and then we shift the BufferedImage
         * so that it covers the area on the page where the
         * caller's Image will be drawn.
        Graphics2D g = deepImage.createGraphics();
        ProxyGraphics2D proxy = new ProxyGraphics2D(g, psPrinterJob);
        proxy.fillRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight());
        proxy.clipRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight());

        proxy.translate(-region.getX(), -region.getY());

        /* Calculate the resolution of the source image.
        float sourceResX = (float)(psPrinterJob.getXRes() / scaleX);
        float sourceResY = (float)(psPrinterJob.getYRes() / scaleY);

        /* The application expects to see user space at 72 dpi.
         * so change user space from image source resolution to
         *  72 dpi.
        proxy.scale(sourceResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES,
                    sourceResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES);
               / psPrinterJob.getXRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES,
               / psPrinterJob.getYRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES);
        proxy.transform(new AffineTransform(getPageFormat().getMatrix()));


        painter.print(proxy, pageFormat, pageIndex);


        /* In PSPrinterJob images are printed in device space
         * and therefore we need to set a device space clip.
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        return zoom;

    public Printable getPrintable() {
        return new Printable() {

            public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
                if (pageIndex == 0) {
                    Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)graphics;
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  public Printable getPrintable() {
        return new Printable() {
            public int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat pageFormat, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException {
                int height = Math.max(m_sourceTreeComponent.getPreferredSize().height, m_targetTreeComponent.getPreferredSize().height) + 100;

                if (pageIndex*pageFormat.getImageableHeight() > height) {
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                             Shape savedClip, AffineTransform savedTransform)

            throws PrinterException {

        PSPrinterJob psPrinterJob = (PSPrinterJob)getPrinterJob();
        Printable painter = getPrintable();
        PageFormat pageFormat = getPageFormat();
        int pageIndex = getPageIndex();

        /* Create a buffered image big enough to hold the portion
         * of the source image being printed.
        BufferedImage deepImage = new BufferedImage(
                                        (int) region.getWidth(),
                                        (int) region.getHeight(),

        /* Get a graphics for the application to render into.
         * We initialize the buffer to white in order to
         * match the paper and then we shift the BufferedImage
         * so that it covers the area on the page where the
         * caller's Image will be drawn.
        Graphics2D g = deepImage.createGraphics();
        ProxyGraphics2D proxy = new ProxyGraphics2D(g, psPrinterJob);
        proxy.fillRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight());
        proxy.clipRect(0, 0, deepImage.getWidth(), deepImage.getHeight());

        proxy.translate(-region.getX(), -region.getY());

        /* Calculate the resolution of the source image.
        float sourceResX = (float)(psPrinterJob.getXRes() / scaleX);
        float sourceResY = (float)(psPrinterJob.getYRes() / scaleY);

        /* The application expects to see user space at 72 dpi.
         * so change user space from image source resolution to
         *  72 dpi.
        proxy.scale(sourceResX / DEFAULT_USER_RES,
                    sourceResY / DEFAULT_USER_RES);
               / psPrinterJob.getXRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES,
               / psPrinterJob.getYRes() * DEFAULT_USER_RES);
       /* NB User space now has to be at 72 dpi for this calc to be correct */
        proxy.transform(new AffineTransform(getPageFormat().getMatrix()));


        painter.print(proxy, pageFormat, pageIndex);


        /* In PSPrinterJob images are printed in device space
         * and therefore we need to set a device space clip.
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            final PrintRequestAttributeSet attributes,
            final boolean interactive)
            throws PrinterException {

        final PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
        final Printable printable;
        final PrintingStatus printingStatus;
        final boolean isHeadless = GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless();
        final boolean isEventDispatchThread =
        final Printable textPrintable = getPrintable(headerFormat, footerFormat);
        if (interactive && ! isHeadless) {
            printingStatus =
                PrintingStatus.createPrintingStatus(this, job);
            printable =
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        if ((orientReq != null || media != null || mpa != null) && pageable instanceof OpenBook) {

            /* We could almost(!) use PrinterJob.getPageFormat() except
             * here we need to start with the PageFormat from the OpenBook :
            Printable printable = pageable.getPrintable(0);
            PageFormat pf = (PageFormat)pageable.getPageFormat(0).clone();
            Paper paper = pf.getPaper();

            /* If there's a media but no media printable area, we can try
             * to retrieve the default value for mpa and use that.
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public class Print {
   public static void printComponenet(final Component component){
     PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
     pj.setJobName("Print Component");
     pj.setPrintable (new Printable() {    
       public int print(Graphics pg, PageFormat pf, int pageNum){
         if (pageNum > 0){
           return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
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Related Classes of java.awt.print.Printable

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